289 resultados para 10-PHENANTHROLINE-5
本文介绍了小波变换理论 ,讨论了基本小波函数的选取准则和小波变换算法 ,分析了小波变换与人工智能等其它方法的结合方式和特点 .通过介绍小波变换在信号瞬态分析、图像边沿检测、图像去噪、模式识别、数据压缩、分形信号分析等方面的应用实例 ,讨论了小波变换在处理非平稳信号和复杂图像时的优势 .最后 ,对小波变换理论的发展及其应用前景作了描述 .
In northern China, the loess-soil sequence of the last 2.6 Ma, the Hipparion Red-Earth of eolian origin and recently reported Pliocene-Miocene loess-soil sequence provide a near continuous continental eolian record of climatic history for the past 22.0 Ma. This work aims to investigate the composition and structure of clay minerals contained in deposits, and to explore their implications for environmental evolutions over the last 22.0 Ma. Clay minerals, which were extracted from eolian samples collected at Xifeng (0-6.2 MaBP) and Qinan (6.2-22.0 MaBP) sections, were analyzed qualitatively and semi-quantitatively by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and chemical analysis. The main conclusions are as follows: Over the last 22.0 Ma, the clay mineral assemblage among Quaternary loess-soils, Hipparion Red-Earth, and Miocene loess-soils shows similar components, mainly consisting of illite (55-80%), kaolinite (7-20%), chlorite (4-13%), smectite (2-23%) as results calculated by comparing major peak areas. There are no obvious differences in both types and amounts of clay minerals between loess and interbedded soils, suggesting that overwhelming part of the clay minerals is derived from the source. According to the components of clay minerals, the whole sequence of eolian deposits in the Loess Plateau can be divided into ten clay mineral assemblage zones over the last 22.0 Ma, whose corresponding ages are: 22.0-21.0 MaBP, 21.0-18.0 MaBP, 18-16.2 MaBP, 16.2-13.0 MaBP, 13.0-10.0 MaBP, 10.0-5.5 MaBP, 5.5-4.4 MaBP, 4.4-2.8 MaBP, 2.8-1.0 MaBP, 1.0-0 MaBP, respectively. This may imply that dust supply changed at least nine times over the past 22.0 Ma. The loess illite has a better crystaliinity, higher value of the FWHM and IC, than the interbedd soils. Previous studies indicated that irregular mixed layer minerals could form under relatively warm and humid conditions (Han, 1982). According to the general distribution of clay minerals of zonal soil (Chamley, 1989), the clay mineral assemblage of eolian deposits in Xifeng and Qinan sections is typical of temperature-humid and warm-subarid environment. Therefore, our results indicate climatic environment in Loess Plateau did not change remarkably since 22.0 Ma, and fluctuated between temperature-humid and warm-subarid climate. 4. The illite generally presents poorer crystaliinity during the period of 22.0 to 2.8 MaBP than in the last 2.8 Ma BP, especially at the intervals of 3.5-4.5 Ma BP, 14.0-17.0 MaBP and 20.0-22.0 Ma BP, which indicates that the weathering intensity was stronger in Neogene than in Quaternary. 5. The relatively low ice volume and high global temperature may be responsible for the strange weathering intensity during the interval of the 3.5-4.5 Ma BP, 14.0-17.0 Ma BP and 20.0-22.0 Ma BP.
腐殖化度作为气候代用指标首次用于我国泥炭的古气候研究,较好的记录了红原地区全新世的气候变化。对红原泥炭14 C 测年和腐殖化度分析,获得了距今12 000 年较高分辨率红原地区气候变化记录:11. 815~10. 9 kaB. P. ,气候干冷;10. 9~5. 6 kaB. P. ,气候湿暖;5. 6~3. 9 kaB. P. ,气候干冷;3. 9~1. 7 kaB. P. ,气候干冷、湿暖波动;1. 7~0 kaB. P. ,气候干冷。总体而言,大约5. 6 kaB. P. 是红原地区由早中全新世的湿暖气候向晚全新世干冷气候变化的转折点。同时,红原泥炭记录的降温事件在北半球具有普遍性,反映了青藏高原对全球气候变化的响应。
云南省大红山铁铜矿床位于康滇地轴南端西缘,介于红河深断裂与绿汁江深断裂所夹持的滇中台坳内,赋存于中元古代大红山群海相火山喷流-沉积岩系中,是我国典型的火山岩型块状硫化物(VHMS)矿床之一。该矿床包括一系列与火山喷发-岩浆侵入活动相关但成因有一定差别的矿床,被统称为“大红山式”铁铜矿床。该矿床经济价值巨大,铁、铜储量均达超大型矿床规模,但其研究程度较低,多停留在矿区地质特征层面上,地球化学研究较为薄弱。本次工作系统地研究了大红山层状铜矿床中各类岩石的岩相学特征,对特征矿物做了电子探针定性和定量分析,挑选火山质岩石中锆石做定年分析,系统分析了岩石的主量元素和微量元素,测定了硫化物的硫和铅同位素,并选取了与富集型硫化物相关的石英脉矿物和碳酸盐矿物分别做流体包裹体和碳、氧同位素研究。论文取得的主要认识如下: 1.红山群曼岗河组火山喷流-沉积年代约为1687±8Ma,即形成于早-中元古代,因此不可能遭受如前人所说的吕梁运动改造作用。在700 ~ 800Ma左右,即晋宁运动期本区遭受了强烈的变质变形以及流体蚀变改造作用。 2.层状铜矿中岩石类型主要为黑云母片岩、白云石钠长石岩和白云石大理岩。黑云母片岩中主要矿物为黑云母、钠长石、铁白云石和石榴子石;白云石钠长石岩中主要矿物为钠长石、铁白云石、石榴子石及少量的黑云母;白云石大理岩中主要矿物为铁白云石,含少量的钠长石和黑云母。岩石原岩恢复表明,三类岩石原岩为火山物质、泥质沉积物和喷流热水沉积混合组成,其中黑云母片岩以泥质为主,包含火山质物质和喷流热水沉积物质;白云石钠长石岩以火山物质和喷流热水为主,含少量的泥质;白云石大理岩以热水喷流沉积为主。 3.本区至少遭受过三期变质作用:区域高温变质作用、流体蚀变改造作用和变形变质作用。区域高温变质作用变质温度最高可达可达660℃,主要集中在600 ~ 630℃之间,形成压力约为4.9 ~ 5.0Kbar。三期变质改造使原岩发生了绿帘-角闪岩相的变质作用,变质过程中,稀土元素(特别是轻稀土元素)和部分高场强元素发生了迁移;流体蚀变改造富集了早期的贫铜矿胚,使之形成工业矿床。 4.硫化物硫同位素研究显示,其δ34S值为-0.6 ~ +10.9‰,主要集中在+5.0 ~ +10.9‰之间。这一组成表明富集型硫化物大体继承了早期硫化物硫源特征,并在改造过程中富集重硫。早期硫化物硫源主要来自岩浆硫和海水无机还原硫。硫化物铅同位素范围为:206Pb/204Pb= 18.985 ~ 23.318,均值为21.222;207Pb/204Pb=15.581 ~ 15.904,均值为15.747;208Pb/204Pb=39.803 ~ 45.652,均值为42.540。显然,本区硫化物具有极高含量的放射性成因铅,部分放射性成因铅含量稍低的样品与前人所圈定的改造型矿床的硫化物铅同位素范围较为吻合。分析认为,本区硫化物铅同位素代表了两种不同铅源的混合,即早期硫化物的普通铅和围岩中的放射性成因铅。硫铅同位素示踪以及矿相学研究表明,本区早期铜质来源于海底火山喷流-沉积,而晚期富集型铜矿铜质继承了早期铜质,同时也不排除晚期流体中所带来的铜质。 5.流体包裹体研究表明,本区改造型流体中包括三种流体体系:①中-低盐度H2O-NaCl±KCl±FeCl3 ±CaCl2流体,盐度范围为0.53 ~ 24.59 % NaCl equiv.,密度为0.80 ~ 1.16 g/cm3;②高盐度高密度H2O-NaCl±CaCl2流体,盐度为31.2 ~ >59.76% NaCl equiv,密度为1.14 ~ 1.45 g/cm3;③纯液相CO2流体,流体密度为0.77 ~ 1.09 g/cm3。流体包裹体均一温度在100 ~ 456℃之间,主要集中在150 ~ 260℃和260 ~ 456℃两个温度区间。方解石碳、氧同位素范围分别为-5.6 ~ -3.1‰和12.4 ~ 15.5‰。综合分析表明,流体主要来自海底下伏岩浆房的出溶或喷流的高温高盐度流体,部分与海水混合。流体在热液改造过程中活化富集了早期硫化物,经过短距搬运而沉积形成了晚期富集型硫化物。 6.本次研究确定该矿床的成矿机制为:早-中元古代,本区的陆内裂谷作用为火山喷发提供了构造条件,海底火山喷流-沉积形成了早期的贫铜矿胚。元古代末期,本区遭受了强烈的区域变质、变形和流体蚀变改造作用,使原先的贫铜矿胚得到活化富集,形成了工业矿床。
生物有机酸是大气对流层中重要的微量挥发性有机碳组分,它广泛存在于对流层大气中,对气候、环境、生态系统以及人类健康产生了重要影响。探索有机酸碳同位素(δ13C值)的分析测试方法,能够为大气有机酸生物地球化学循环研究开辟一片新的天地,从而使该领域研究向前推进一步。本研究初步建立了以甲酸、乙酸为代表的大气中低分子有机酸的碳同位素测试分析方法,为研究“已知有机酸来源中,不同来源对大气有机酸含量的贡献大小问题”、“人类污染对大气中有机酸的贡献比例问题”以及“是否存在尚未认知的有机酸来源问题”等奠定了方法学基础。 研究工作围绕如下五个方面内容而展开:首先是回顾和总结大气中低分子有机酸的研究沿革,详细摘录了国内外不同站点不同形式的大气样品中有机酸含量水平及其分布情况;其次是回顾和总结了大气中低分子有机酸的含量分析方法,并从中获取适宜于气相色谱/燃烧炉/同位素比值质谱(GC/C/IRMS)接口的样品富集、分离技术;第三是对水溶液中低分子有机酸的固相微萃取研究;第四是对实际大气样品中微量甲酸、乙酸的固相微萃取研究及其碳同位素分析结果的初步分析;第五是对其它天然产物或人为活动排放源所释放的甲酸、乙酸碳同位素进行研究。研究内容的重点是:应用目前对水溶液中痕量有机酸而言最恰当的针阱捕集固相微萃取技术建立有机酸分子碳同位素组成分析方法。在方法建立过程中主要获得了如下成果: 1. 建立了以甲酸、乙酸为代表的液态挥发性有机化合物标准样品的碳同位素组成分析测试方法。 法兰静密封技术与石英管的连接技术可以有效地获得较高真空度的石英管,这使得向低CO2污染的石英管内无损耗地注入挥发性有机物的标准样品成为可能。进一步使用炬枪密闭-石英管燃烧法制备挥发性有机化合物标准同位素样品,可有效避免制备过程中因挥发所导致的同位素分馏和环境CO2对测定值的影响。以市售高纯度的甲酸、乙酸为标准同位素样品,重复制备它们的同位素分析样各5次,并在Finnigan MAT-252气体同位素比值质谱仪上测定其δ13C值。结果显示此法具有极高的重现性,所测δ13C值相对标准偏差仅为0.07%(甲酸,n=5)、0.04%(乙酸,n=5)。与之对比,另一套同位素测定系统GC/C/IRMS对同一标准物质的同位素测定结果并无显著差别,但在精度上却明显不及前者。由于避免了样品制备过程中可能因挥发而导致的同位素分馏以及可能因环境中CO2造成污染等问题,使得该方法可推广应用于其它挥发性有机化合物标准的δ13C标定,为准确测定实际样品中对应挥发性有机化合物δ13C值的准确测定提供基础条件,也为同类物质标准的碳同位素测定提供了准确、廉价、方便的分析手段。 2. 确立了甲酸、乙酸在线分离的气相色谱条件以及同位素分析所需的同位素比值质谱条件。 为了能对非衍生化处理的甲酸、乙酸进行有效分离,我们选取了低吸附性、高样品容量,可直接分析未衍生化游离酸的Stabilwax-DA色谱柱作为分离甲酸、乙酸的分析柱。气相色谱分离过程中He载气均处于恒流模式,进样口施行不分流进样,并进样口温度设置为200℃,采用两阶段程序升温,在此条件下乙酸、甲酸的出峰时间先后相隔了0.79分钟,且多次测定甲、乙酸出峰时间的相对标准偏差不大于0.05分钟,据此可认为甲、乙酸获得了良好的分离。 气相色谱分离出的甲酸、乙酸通过串联接口与燃烧炉 (串联接口与燃烧炉都是加热装置,温度分别设置成350 C和 850C)相接,随后有机物在燃烧炉中被高温焚烧转变为CO2和H2O,再经Nafion半透膜祛除H2O,从而获取纯化干燥的CO2以适宜于同位素比值质谱分析。 3. 确立了水相中甲酸、乙酸的微萃取条件,设计制作了与萃取工作配套固相微萃取装置。 NeedlEx针阱捕集的固相微萃取技术可解决水溶液中低分子有机酸的分离萃取问题,并能与气相色谱接口的兼容,还有集采样、富集、保存、分析为一体的优点。因此探索利用脂肪酸型NeedlEx完成对水溶液相中有机酸的萃取是本文研究的关键所在。为了提高分析效率,降低环境污染,我们设计了一整套吹扫-捕集的动态固相微萃取装置,并对甲酸、乙酸的水溶液实施了萃取研究。 由于实验装置是在吹扫捕集原理的基础上建立起来的,因此随着吹扫捕集气体体积的增加有机酸在萃取针上的对富集量也呈现出一定增长趋势,尤其是在最初的几次循环中,有机酸在萃取针中的总量得到迅速的增加,在萃取气体体积达到400mL后,萃取针中的有机酸含量增加趋于缓慢。为了获得更多物质量的有机酸,实验中我们分别尝试了1000和2000mL的气体吹扫体积,分别对有机酸在色谱上的响应值以及同位素分析结果的统计显示这两种萃取体积并无显著差异,为兼顾工作量我们拟定1000mL吹扫气体体积作为实验条。 由于离子态的有机酸具极强的亲水性,因而很难挥发至顶空或吹扫气体中,只有自由的分子态有机酸方可被萃取针中疏水的固定相所富集。为使的解离反应方向朝着有利于分子态有机酸形成方向发展,我们评估了不同酸化条件对萃取效果的影响。实验中我们普遍采用了500μL 4mol/L的磷酸溶液对样品进行了酸化,结果表明,酸化对提高待测物质的分析量十分有利,以10μg/mL的甲酸、乙酸标准溶液为例,酸化后甲酸萃取率提高了30.12%,乙酸的萃取效率也提高了14.46%。酸化、不酸化处理以及不同浓度有机酸溶液所测定的甲、乙酸碳同位素值在总体上不具备显著性的差异。但是,由于有机酸碳同位素测定精度与待测物物质量具有一定正相关关系,因此酸化后样品中有机酸同位素的分析精度要优于未经酸化样品的同位素的分析精度。 温度的增加可以适量地提高部分有机酸的萃取效率,但温度增加导致水汽进入萃取针,中从阻碍了有机酸的有效萃取,因此本文建议在25℃室温的下进行萃取。此外,在传统的固相微萃取过程,搅动样品溶液常常是作为缩短萃取时间,提高的萃取效率的重要措施。原则上搅拌速度越快越好,但为了不使溅起水花影响到萃取针头,因而选择2000r/min搅拌速度比较适宜。 基于上述实验条件,本文考察了浓度为10~300μg/mL的甲酸、乙酸标准溶液的色谱响应值及其同位素分析结果。结果显示对不低于浓度为10μg/mL标准溶液,其中甲酸、乙酸的δ13C值都可被检测出。只不过浓度过低则响应值信号弱,不能准确计算出各质荷比信号峰面积是低浓度条件下同位素测不准的主要原因。要想使得甲、乙酸同位素测定值的相对标准偏差控制在1以内,则对应有机酸浓度则需达到85μg/mL以上。 4. 克服了实际水相样品中有机酸浓度低,不能直接对其实施NeedlEx萃取的难题,初步实现了对降水中甲酸、乙酸的碳同位素分析。 除了某些有机酸含量水平较高的降雨可以直接运用动态针阱捕集固相微萃取与GC/C/IRMS联用技术直接进行甲酸、乙酸碳同位素的分析外,普通含量水平的有机酸碳同位素测定尚具有一定的难度。研究中我们使用了阴离子交换型固相萃取小柱LC-SAX(规格:500mg/3mL;交换容量:0.2meq/g)对1L浓度为50~2000μg/L甲酸、乙酸标准混合溶液进行了萃取,并对所属浓度条件下δ13C测定值与理论值之间的差异性进行了T检验统计分析,结果表明绝大多数情况(200μg/L乙酸同位素测定值除外)下甲、乙酸的相伴概率分别伴概率大于了显著性水平0.05,表现出有机酸碳同位素测定的均值与离线法测定的甲酸同位素理论值无显著差异。 然而,降水中普遍具有有机酸含量低,其它阴离子含量高,组分复杂特点,严重影响阴离子交换型萃取小柱对有机酸的萃取。为此我们先用离子色谱对降水中阴离子组成及其含量进行分析,了解降水中主要的阴离子构成及其含量,再根据所测定结果再安排对应交换容量萃取小柱实施萃取,而后再进行针阱捕集的萃取及其碳同位素分析。 5. 对以甲酸、乙酸为代表的大气中低分子有机酸碳同位素分析结果的初步研究。 以贵阳为代表的西南城市地区大气中有机酸浓度较高,这为使用本方法研究该地区有机酸的碳同位素分析创造了有利条件。经离子色谱测定,2008年8月下旬至2008年10月中旬贵阳地区6次降水中甲、乙酸浓度范围分别为5.75~22.43μmol/L和5.43~13.09μmol/L。与之对应,六次降水中甲酸δ13C值的范围为-25.72‰至-29.08‰之间,乙酸δ13C值的最大值则为-26.23‰,最小值则为-30.40‰。6次降水中甲酸、乙酸的δ13C值将它们的来源指向了直接或间接的陆源特征。结合离子色谱对降水中甲酸、乙酸浓度分析,利用亨利系数判定法可知,六次降水中间接来源是大气中低分子有机酸的主要来源,通过δ13C值的初步判断,可以看出这些二次来源应该主要由生物质燃烧,C3植物以及人类活动向大气释放的不饱和有机物经二次氧化而形成。 以往甲酸、乙酸同源的依据皆以降水中甲、乙酸浓度具有显著线性相关做为判断指标,本研究中6次降中的甲酸、乙酸浓度亦然呈现出良好的相关性(R2=0.87)而降水中甲、乙酸具有相似的δ13C值,这充分说明降水中甲、乙酸的同源特征。 针阱捕集萃取方式还适宜于对大气中自由有机酸的直接富集。利用这一特性,我们分别对贵阳市市郊森林公园、城市居民区以及交通要塞等三个不同地方大气中的自由有机酸进行了同位素分析,结果发现贵阳市大气中乙酸δ13C值介于-31.03‰至-26.37‰之间,乙酸δ13C值的总体均值等于-28.74‰,与之对应,甲酸的δ13C值范围为-29.42‰至-22.97‰,均值为-27.12‰。贵阳市大气中自由甲酸、乙酸的同位素值与降水中的甲、乙酸同位素值具有类似的变化范围,这表明大气气相中自由有机酸与降水中的甲、乙酸具有大致相同的来源构成。 我们还利用此法对汽车尾气以及蚁酸蚁所释放的甲酸、乙酸δ13C值进行了分析,其中汽车尾气中所含甲酸δ13C值等于-23.25±1.25‰,乙酸δ13C值为-24.55±0.85‰,而蚁酸蚁所释放的甲酸δ13C值则为-22.43±0.43‰。由于汽车尾气以及乙酸蚁释放有机酸的δ13C值要低于大气样品对应有机酸的δ13C值,据此认为汽车尾气和蚁酸蚁不是大气有机酸的主要来源。 6. 有机酸碳同位素分析技术在检验食品参假行为时的扩展应用研究。 由于C3和C4循环会导致植物及其产品的δ13C值不同,因此碳同位素技术在食品控制方面发挥了特别作用,能够解决一些常规分析解决不了的问题。经分析发现,食醋中醋酸的δ13C值与其原材料密切相关,如以麦麸、大米为原材料所生食醋醋酸δ13C值在-27‰左右。而以高粱、大麦、黄豆为生产原料的食醋醋酸δ13C值在-19‰左右,明显高于了以大米、麦麸等为原料所生产的食醋醋酸δ13C值。此外,单纯以大米发酵生产的食醋醋酸δ13C值为-29‰左右。食醋中醋酸δ13C值与生产工艺、原材料高度相关的特征为质检部门更好的识别食醋参假行为提供了良好的解决办法。
泥炭是第四纪,特别是全新世以来的产物。它的形成和积累主要受控于气候,其次是地质、地貌、水文等因素。因此,泥炭形成过程中包含了大量的古气候、古环境演化信息。腐殖化度在国外早已用于古气候研究,国外学者将它作为湿度代用指标,用以恢复古湿度变迁。本文首次将之引入我国泥炭古气候研究,同时结合青藏高原的气候特点,及泥炭形成过程中温度、湿度对它的影响,赋予了泥炭腐殖化度新的气候内涵。即泥炭的腐殖化度高,指示气候温暖湿润;泥炭的腐殖化度低,指示气候干燥寒冷。本文通过对青藏高原东北部红原泥炭的腐殖化度研究,并与其它研究成果对比,得出如下结论:(1)红原泥炭腐殖化度记录了过去12000年以来当地气候干湿冷暖的变化。其气候变化大致可分为3个阶段:11.8-11.2 kaBP,气候干燥寒冷;11.2-5.5 ka BP,气候温暖湿润;5.5-0 ka BP,当地气候由早中全新世温暖湿润的气候向干燥寒冷的气候波动。红原泥炭腐殖化度记录的气候变化与高原青海湖沉积物、松西错沉积物、敦德冰芯、古里雅冰芯记录的气候变化相似,表明青藏高原12000年以来可能受同一气候系统影响,其气候变化的共同特点为干冷与暖湿交替。(2)泥炭腐殖化度记录了12000年以来印度西南季风在高原的强弱演化。新仙女木期(11.8-11.2kaBP),季风强度最弱;从11.2kaBP到10.8kaBP季风强度快速增强;在10.8ka即到5.5 ka BP,季风强度一直处于强势阶段;从5.5 ka BP开始,印度西南季风强度逐渐减弱,这期间腐殖化度同时记录了百年一千年尺度印度西南季风增强事件,但总体减弱的趋势不变。(3)泥炭腐殖化度记录的百年一千年气候突然变化事件与北大西洋浮冰事件存在遥相关。对应8次浮冰事件,红原地区气候同时变得干冷,而印度西南季风强度也减弱,这表明不但末次冰期印度西南季风与北大西洋气候密切相关,而且在全新世,这种相关性同样存在。(4)泥炭腐殖化度距平值较好的反映了西太平洋副热带高压近5000年来的活动变化。腐殖化度代用指标能很好地记录较长时间西太平洋副热带高压的变化,而对西太平洋副热带高压数十年到百年的频繁波动,则记录不明显。(5)泥炭腐殖化度时间序列的功率谱分析表明,太阳活动对红原地区气.候演化有重要影响,同时太阳活动通过影响全球水循环,进而驱动温盐环流的变化,进一步影响全球气候变化。(6)泥炭腐殖化度能同时记录温度、湿度的变化,并且测定方法简便、快捷,值得进一步研究。
IQ Structure, Psycholinguistic and Visual-motor Abilities Study on Children Learning Disability TONG Fang Directed by professor Zhu Liqi (Developmental and educational psychology) ABSTRACT Objective To comprehensive analyze the IQ structures, and relationships among IQ, psychometric characteristics and visual-motor integration on children disability. At same time, to probe into the family factors that influenced IQ, psycholinguistic abilities and behavior of LD children. Method (1) Downloading the papers on children learning disability from www.cqvip.com and www.wanfangdata.com, in which, the articles were collected by key words from 1985 to 2005. To conduct meta-analysis on IQ construction, compare the case group and the control group, including full IQ, verbal and practice IQ. (2) Designed with model compared and self-compared, 59 diagnosed learning disability children, tested themes with WISC, ITPA and Berry’s VMI. WISC included 10 items, 5 of which subtotal to verbal and practice IQ respectively. IPTA included 10 items, too, 5 process of which subtotal to auditory and visual perception. The first 3 items shared representation level, the other 2 of that shared automatic level.VMI had one score. Analyzed factors and levels with description and Pearson Correlation. To probe to linguistic internal alternately functions of LD children, and compare the scores of groups in different IQ. (3) Analyzed the perspective questionnaire filled by parents. Early development facts compared with model groups. Factors relationships analyzed with Kendall correlation, KOM and Bartlett’s test of sphericity, Promax Rotation. Results: (1) There have been 319 papers related with LD, in which 36 with IQ and 14 valid reports have been analyzed by Meta. FIQ’s 95%CI (confidence interval) is 2.418 ~ 0.172, VIQ between the difficulty and non- difficulty group. C-WISC-R reports were 10 papers, of which, 95%CI of FIQ is 2.424 ~ 0.676, of VIQ is 2.314 ~ 1.196, of PIQ is 2.176 ~ 0.176. The VIQ comparing the PIQ, 95%CI is 1.1 ~ -0.07 in difficulty group and 0.5 ~ -0.0046 in non-difficult group. Nevertheless, in the other 4 tests, FIQ’s 95%CI is 2.00 ~ -0.818 between LD and NLD. (2) Children psycholinguistic abilities had strong relation with Berry’s VMI test excluding auditory reception, and with perceptive factor of intelligence excluding verbal expression. Auditory reception and visual closure had strong relation with FIQ and PIQ. Grammatic closure, visual association and manual expression had strong relation with concept factor. The representational and automatic levels are depended on integration of auditory and visual procession. Lower verbal expression (VE) let to lower expression process and low scores on representational level. Lower visual sequential memory (VSM) let to lower memory process and influenced automatic level. Groups compared by IQ 90 show that LD children with under IQ 90 had lower scores on items of IPTA than with up IQ 90 excluded verbal expression. It was proved that IQ administrated the linguistic ability. Nevertheless, general abilities deficiency didn’t show influencing on the types of the perceptive delay. There was mutual function among linguistic ability on LD children. Auditory and visual level are overlapped each other. Not only show higher Decoding and lower Encoding on Auditory perception, lower Decoding and higher Encoding on Visual perception, in representation, but also higher Sequential remember, lower Closure on Audition, and lower Sequential member, higher Closure on Vision, in Automation. Nevertheless, there was no different between Representational and Automatic level, which may be the relationship of parallel or evolution. (3) Major family factors were father’s education, occupation. Lower auditory perception related to unconcerned, lower visual perception related to premature delivery and written slowly. Threatened–abortion, childbirth-suffocated were known as influencing children’s IQ and later linguistic abilities. It wasn’t shown that dosage relationship with the types of perceptive delay. Conclusion: (1) The FIQ, VIQ and PIQ of Children with LD is lower than that of NLD group. There is no significantly different between VIQ and PIQ in LD and NLD groups. (2) The objectives of ITPA and WISC tests are differently. The psycholinguistic abilities had strong relation with perceptive factor and VMI. Some facts of IPTA related with FIQ. IQ had strong administration on linguistic abilities. There was mutual function among linguistic internal abilities. (3) Family facts on IQ and psycholinguistic abilities were Father’s education, abnormal pregnant and abortion. It would be pre-show development delay in early period.
An Approach to the Rehabilitation of Prelingually Deaf Children After Cochlear Implantation Zheng Xiujin(Medical Psychology) Directed by Professor Yin WenGang Abstract Objective: To sum up the acquirement rule of speech and language capability which is for the prelingually deaf children after cochlear implantation by listening and language rehabilitation training and to investigate the factors that affect rehabilitation speed. Method: Sixty-four children received a cochlear implant at the age of 2 to 5 years from 2001 to 2005. They begin to be trained under group pattern after switch on 1 month. The whole training program lasted more than 7 months; after that, according to the teacher’s plan the training program was to be continued at home. Result: The period is 108±7.7 days that they can pronounce correctly 50 percent of all of simple-finals and compound-finals, the period is 115.0±7.8 days that they begin auditory repeating, the period is 135.3±10.9 days that they can speech the first specific word independently and the period is 200.3±13.9 days that they can speak 70 words and come into tri-gamut-word and two-word sentence period. The patient that is the group at the age of 2-3 years can take part in normal kindergarten after switch on about 10 months. There are no significant differences in various grades of speech-language development with different age groups and so do with different sex groups. There are significant differences in various grade of speech-language development with various IQ group (P<0.01) and so do with using and not using hearing aids before implantation. Conclusion: From the research we find that the speech and language development sequence is the same level between the prelingually deaf children of 2 to 5 years who received cochlear implant after speech training and normal children and which are stages of uncomplicated sound production, continuous syllabic (babbling), speech sprout, single-word utterances and two-word utterances in proper order. The time is short significantly and the reason is that cognition capability is enhanced along with the increase of age. The intelligence is main factor that affect rehabilitation speed and the speed in the group of high IQ is faster than common IQ. It is not because of the dominance cognition of the senior group that makes the increasing of the rehabilitation, it even makes slowly. The reason of which is that the senior group are exposed the language environment too late to achieve speech and language development. So we should perform an operation and training early. The effectiveness of rehabilitation after cochlear implantation is improved by using hearing aids before implantation. The reason is auditory stimulate can be benefit of to deaf children. The rehabilitation speeds in the children at the age of 2 to 5 years have nothing to do with sex. Key words: cochlear implant; speech therapy; paediatric rehabilitation
To explore the presence of depression, anxiety and cardiac events after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) prospectively and comparably. To analysis influential factors of depression and anxiety ( peri-operation and 1 year after operation ), and the effection on cardiac events in the year after operation. We followed the patients who underwent scheduled consecutive CABG. We interviewed patients to assess depression, anxiety symptoms using self-rating depression scale( SDS) and self-rating anxiety scale(SAS)before operation , before discharge and 1 year after operation. And cardiac events were also identified. All patients were divided into the group with depression and/or anxiety symptoms or the other group without depression and/or anxiety symptoms 3 times according to depression and anxiety symptoms before operation , before discharge and 1 year after operation. 69 patients completed the follow-up.24 patients (34.8%) had depression and/or anxiety symptoms before CABG, 31 patients (44.9%) had depression and/or anxiety symptoms before discharge, and 10 patients (14.5%) had depression and/or anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation. 6 patients(8.7%) had cardiac events, and 5 patients were re-admitted. Arhythmia before and after operation, the quantity of blood vessel grafted, length of stay , depression and anxiety symptoms before operation, cardiac events may lead to depression and anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation. The use of cardiopulmonary bypass grafting (CPB), Arhythmia after operation, the prolonged length of stay are influential factors of cardiac events. Though the incidence of depression and/or anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation is lower than before operation and before discharge, it is high still. Arhythmia before and after operation, the more blood vessels grafted, the prolonged length of stay , depression and anxiety symptoms before operation and cardiac events could be risk factors of depression and anxiety symptoms 1 year after operation. Much attention must be paid to this phenomenon. Heavy patient's condition, complicated surgery are risk factors of cardiac events, and bad emotion before operation and before discharge are independent to cardiac events. Key words: perspective research; depression;anxiety; coronary artery bypass grafting; follow up