275 resultados para path dependence


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The rate/temperature dependence of yield stress, tensile modulus and crack opening displacement of phenolphthalein poly(ether ketone) (PEK-C) has been investigated. The rate/temperature dependence of crack opening displacement and the correlation establis


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The glass transition temperature (T(g)) of cyclic polystyrene was measured by differential scanning calorimetry. There was a marked difference in the glass transition behaviour between cyclic and linear polystyrene. In the low molecular weight region (M(n) < 5 x 10(3)), the T(g) of the cyclic polystyrene increased with decreasing M(n), contrary to that of linear polystyrene. With M(n) higher than 5 x 10(3), the T(g) of cyclic polystyrene increased with increasing M(n). The T(g) of cyclic and linear polystyrene approached the same constant value when the M(n) was high enough (M(n) > 10(5)). Combining the results of specific volume, it is believed that the variation of T(g) with molecular weight does not depend only on free volume effects but that configurational entropy is also an important factor.


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The adsorption of cationic surfactant cetylpyridinium bromide (CPB) on a glassy carbon (GC) electrode surface has been studied by spectroelectrochemistry with a long optical path length thin-layer cell (LOPTLC) for the first time. A fine adsorption isotherm of CPB molecules from an aqueous solution containing 0.10 M KBr has been obtained over the range of (1.00-8.00) x 10(-5) M. From theoretical calculation and experimental data, adsorption of CPB on the GC electrode surface shows four distinct orientations and three large orientation transitions. Compared with the ordinary isotherm, the differential isotherm is more characteristic and would be suitable for the study of orientation transitions of organic compounds. With a theoretical treatment of the adsorption isotherm, four orientations of adsorbed CPB on a GC electrode surface coincide with the Frumkin-Langmuir type. From adsorption parameters the Frumkin-Langmuir equations, the adsorption free energy and, therefore, the equilibrium constants of orientation transitions of the CPB molecule can be obtained.


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In this paper, the electric dichroism of cetylpyridinium bromide (CPB) has been found and studied by spectroelectrochemistry with a long optical path length thin-layer cell (LOPTLC) for the first time. The CPB molecule with a long carbon chain and a polar pyridinium ring is anisotropic in molecular configuration or in polarizability. In the electric field of a thin-layer cell, the CPB molecule reorientates along the direction of the electric field and exhibits electric dichroism, which results in the increase of absorbance of CPB in the UV-vis range. By use of in situ measurement of spectroelectrochemistry, the order parameters of long molecular axis (S = 0.845) and short molecular axis (D = 0.155) and the angle between the long axis direction of the CPB molecule and the direction normal to the electrode surface (theta = 18-degrees 44') have been determined. These data were used to describe the state of arrangement of the molecules in the solution. The reorientation of CPB molecules is the result of the interaction between the anisotropic molecules and electric field. The effects of the concentration of CPB and of the applied electric field on the electric dichroism have been investigated.


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Based on the hypothesis of self-optimization, we derive four models of biomass spectra and abundance spectra in communities with size-dependent metabolic rates. In Models 1 and 2, the maximum diversity of population abundance in different size classes subject to the constraints of constant mean body mass and constant mean respiration rate is assumed to be the strategy for ecosystems to organize their size structure. In Models 3 and 4, the organizing strategy is defined as the maximum diversity of biomass in different size classes without constraints on mean body mass and subject to the constant mean specific respiration rate of all individuals, i.e. the average specific respiration rate over all individuals of a community or group, which characterizes the mean rate of energy consumption in a community. Models 1 and 2 generate peaked distributions of biomass spectral density whereas Model 3 generates a fiat distribution. In Model 4, the distributions of biomass spectral density and of abundance spectral density depend on the Lagrangian multipler (lambda (2)). When lambda (2) tends to zero or equals zero, the distributions of biomass spectral density and of abundance spectral density correspond to those from Model 3. When lambda (2) has a large negative value, the biomass spectrum is similar to the empirical fiat biomass spectrum organized in logarithmic size intervals. When lambda (2) > 0, the biomass spectral density increases with body mass and the distribution of abundance spectral density is an unimodal curve. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We examined the CO2 exchange of a Kobresia meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau using a chamber system. CO2 efflux from the ecosystem was strongly dependence on soil surface temperature. The COZ efflux-temperature relationship was identical under both light and dark conditions, indicating that no photosynthesis could be detected under light conditions during the measurement period. The temperature sensitivity (Q(10)) of the COZ efflux showed a marked transition around -1.0 degrees C; Q(10) was 2.14 at soil surface temperatures above and equal to -1.0 degrees C but was 15.3 at temperatures below -1.0 degrees C. Our findings suggest that soil surface temperature was the major factor controlling winter COZ flux for the alpine meadow ecosystem and that freeze-thaw cycles at the soil surface layer play an important role in the temperature dependence of winter CO2 flux. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The space currents definitely take effects on electromagnetic environment and also are scientific highlight in the space research. Space currents as a momentum and energy provider to Geospace Storm, disturb the varied part of geomagnetic field, distort magnetospheric configuration and furthermore take control of the coupling between magnetosphere and ionosphere. Due to both academic and commercial objectives above, we carry on geomagnetic inverse and theoretical studies about the space currents by using geomagnetic data from INTERMAGNET. At first, we apply a method of Natural Orthogonal Components (NOC) to decomposition the solar daily variation, especially for (solar quiet variation). NOC is just one of eign mode analysis, the most advantage of this method is that the basic functions (BFs) were not previously designated, but naturally came from the original data so that there are several BFs usually corresponding to the process really happened and have more physical meaning than the traditional spectrum analysis with the fixed BFs like Fourier trigonometric functions. The first two eign modes are corresponding to the and daily variation and their amplitudes both have the seasonal and day-to-day trend, that will be useful for evaluating geomagnetic activity indices. Because of the too strict constraints of orthogonality, we try to extend orthogonal contraints to the non-orthogonal ones in order to give more suitable and appropriate decomposition of the real processes when the most components did not satisfy orthogonality. We introduce a mapping matrix which can transform the real physical space to a new mathematical space, after that process, the modified components which associated with the physical processes have satisfied the orthogonality in the new mathematical space, furthermore, we can continue to use the NOC decomposition in the new mathematical space, and then all the components inversely transform back to original physical space, so that we would have finished the non-orthogonal decomposition which more generally in the real world. Secondly, geomagnetic inverse of the ring current’s topology is conducted. Configurational changes of the ring current in the magnetosphere lead to different patterns of disturbed ground field, so that the global configuration of ring current can be inferred from its geomagnetic perturbations. We took advantages of worldwide geomagnetic observatories network to investigate the disturbed geomagnetic field which produced by ring current. It was found that the ring current was not always centered at geomagnetic equator, and significantly deviated off the equator during several intense magnetic storms. The deviation owing to the tilting and latitudinal shifting of the ring current with respect to the earth’s dipole can be estimated from global geomagnetic survey. Furthermore those two configurational factors which gave a quantitative description of the ring current configuration, will be helpful to improve the Dst calibration and understand the dependence of ring current’s configuration on the plasma sheet location relative to the equator when magnetotail field warped. Thirdly, the energization and physical acceleration process of ring current during magnetic storm has been proposed. When IMF Bz component increase, the enhanced convection electric field drive the plasma injection into the inner magnetosphere. During the transport process, a dynamic heating is happened which make the particles more ‘hot’ when the injection is more deeply inward. The energy gradient along the injection path is equivalent to a kind of force, which resist the plasma more earthward injection, as a diamagnetic effect of the magnetosphere anti and repellent action to the exotically injected plasma. The acceleration efficiency has a power law form. We use analytical way to quantitatively describe the dynamical process by introducing a physical parameter: energization index, which will be useful to understand how the particle is heated. At the end, we give a scheme of how to get the from storm time geomagnetic data. During intense magnetic storms, the lognormal trend of geomagnetic Dst decreases depend on the heating dynamic of magnetosphere controlling ring current. The descending pattern of main phase is governed by the magnetospheric configuration, which can be describled by the energization index. The amplitude of Dst correlated with convection electric field or south component of the solar wind. Finally, the Dst index is predicted by upstream solar wind parameter. As we known space weather have posed many chanllenges and impacts on techinal system, the geomagnetic index for evaluating the activity space weather. We review the most popular Dst prediction method and repeat the Dst forecasting model works. A concise and convnient Key Points model of the polar region is also introduced to space weather. In summary, this paper contains some new quantitative and physical description of the space currents with special focus on the ring current. Whatever we do is just to gain a better understanding of the natural world, particularly the space environment around Earth through analytical deduction, algorithm designing and physical analysis, to quantitative interpretation. Applications of theoretical physics in conjunction with data analysis help us to understand the basic physical process govering the universe.


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Surface wave propagation in the anisotropic media and S-wave splitting in China mainland are focused in this M.S. dissertation. We firstly introduced Anderson parameters in the research of surface wave propagation in the anisotropic media were deduced, respectively. By applying the given initial model to the forward calculation of Love wave, we compared dispersion curves of Love wave in the anisotropic media with the one in the isotropic media. the results show that, although the two kind of results are similar with each other, the effect of anisotropy can not be neglected. Furthermore, the variation of anisotropy factors will result in the variation of dispersion curves, especially for high-mode one. The method of grid dispersion inversion was then described for further tectonic inversion. We also deduced inversion equation on the condition that the layered media is anisotropic, and calculated the phase-velocity partial derivatives with respect to the model parameters, P- and S-wave velocities, density, anisotropic parameters for Rayleigh wave and Love wave. Having analyzed the results of phase-velocity partial derivatives, we concluded that the derivatives within each period decreased with the depth increasing, the phase-velocity of surface wave is sensitive to the S-wave velocities and anisotropic factors and is not sensitive to the densities of layers. Dispersion data of Love wave from the events occurred during the period from 1991 to 1998 around the Qinghai and Tibet Plateau, which magnitudes are more than 5.5, have been used in the grid dispersion inversion. Those data have been preprocessed and analyzed in the F-T domain. Then the results of 1°*1° grid dispersion inversion, the pure path dispersion data, in the area of Qianghai and Tibet Plateau were obtained. As an example, dispersion data have been input for the tectonic inversion in the anisotropic media, and the results of anisotropic factors under the region of Qianghai and Tibet Plateau were initially discussed. As for the other part of this dissertation. We first introduced the phenomena of S-wave splitting and the methods for calculation the splitting parameters. Then, We applied Butterworth band-pass filter to S-wave data recorded at 8 stations in China mainland, and analyzed S-wave splitting at different frequency bands. The results show the delay time and the fast polarization directions of S-wave splitting depend upon the frequency bands. There is an absence of S-wave splitting at the station of Wulumuqi (WMQ) for the band of 0.1-0.2Hz. With the frequency band broaden, the delay time of S-wave splitting decreases at the stations of Beijing (BJI), Enshi (ENH), Kunming (KMI) and Mudanjiang (MDJ); the fast polarization direction at Enshi (ENH) changes from westward to eastward, and eastward to westward at Hailaer (HIA). The variations of delay time with bands at Lanzhou (LZH) and qiongzhong (QIZ) are similar, and there is a coherent trend of fast polarization directions at BJI, KMI and MDJ respectively. Initial interpretations to the results of frequency band-dependence of S-wave splitting were also presented.


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The micro-pore configurations on the matrix surface were studied by SEM. The matrix of molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) performance was also improved by the better coordination between the reasonable radius of the micro-pores and the higher porosity of the cell matrix. The many and complicated micro-pore configurations in the cell matrix promoted the volatilization of the organic additives and the burn of polyvinyl butyral (PVB). The smooth volatilization of the organic additives and the complete burn of PVB were the significant factors for the improved MCFC performance. Oxygen diffusion controlled-burn mechanism of PVB in the cell matrix was proposed. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.