582 resultados para INAS QUANTUM DOTS


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We have studied the current-voltage properties of a double quantum dot (DQD) connected by leads in arrangements that vary from series to symmetrical parallel configurations, in the presence of strong intradot Coulomb interaction. The influences of the connecting configurations and the difference between dot levels on the magnitude and symmetry of the total current are examined. We find that the connecting configurations of the dots can determine the number of the current paths and in turn determine the magnitude of the current, while the coupling strengths between the dots and the leads together with the difference of dot levels determine the current-voltage symmetry. The negative differential conductance observed in serial DQD can be explained in terms of the reduction of the current paths. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Self-assembled semiconductor quantum dot is a new type of artificially designed and grown function material which exhibits quantum size effect, quantum interference effect, surface effect, quantum tunneling-Coulumb-blockade effect and nonlinear optical effect. Due to its advantages of less crystal defects and relatively simpler fabrication technology, this material may be of important value in the research of future nanoelectronic device. In the order of vertical transport, lateral transport and charge storage, recent advances in the electronic properties of this material are brefly introduced, and the problems and perspectives are analyzed.


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The electronic structures in the hierarchical self-assembly of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots are investigated theoretically in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The electron and hole energy levels and optical transition energies are calculated. In our calculation, the effect of finite offset, valence-band mixing, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in different regions, and the real quantum dot structures are all taken into account. The results show that (1) electronic energy levels decrease monotonically, and the energy difference between the energy levels increases as the GaAs quantum dot (QD) height increases; (2) strong state mixing is found between the different energy levels as the GaAs QD width changes; (3) the hole energy levels decrease more quickly than those of the electrons as the GaAs QD size increases; (4) in excited states, the hole energy levels are closer to each other than the electron ones; (5) the first heavy- and light-hole transition energies are very close. Our theoretical results agree well with the available experimental data. Our calculated results are useful for the application of the hierarchical self-assembly of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum dots to photoelectric devices.


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InAs quantum wires (QWRs) have been fabricated on the InP(001), which has been evidenced by TEM and polarized photoluminescence measurements (PPL). The monlayer-splitting peaks (MSPs) in the PL spectrum of InAs QWRs can be clearly observed at low temperature measurements. Supposing a peak-shift of MSP identical to that of bulk material, we obtain the thermal activation energies of up to 5 MSPs. The smaller thermal activation energies for the MSPs of higher energy lead to the fast red-shift of PL peak as a whole.


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InGaN/GaN quantum dots were grown on the sapphire (0 0 0 1) substrate in a metalorganic chemical vapor deposition system. The morphologies of QDs deposited on different modified underlayer (GaN) surfaces, including naturally as grown, Ga-mediated, In-mediated, and air-passivated ones, were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Photo luminescence (PL) method is used to evaluate optical properties. It is shown that InGaN QDs can form directly on the natural GaN layer. However, both the size and distribution show obvious inhomogeneities. Such a heavy fluctuation in size leads to double peaks for QDs with short growth time, and broad peaks for QDs with long growth time in their low-temperature PL spectra. QDs grown on the Ga-mediated GaN underlayer tends to coalesce. Distinct transform takes place from 3D to 2D growth on the In-mediated ones, and thus the formation of QDs is prohibited. Those results clarify Ga and In's surfactant behavior. When the GaN underlayer is passivated in the air, and together with an additional low-temperature-grown seeding layer, however, the island growth mode is enhanced. Subsequently, grown InGaN QDs are characterized by a relatively high density and an improved Gaussian-like distribution in size. Short surface diffusion length at low growth temperature accounts for that result. It is concluded that reduced temperature favors QD's 3D growth and surface passivation can provide another promising way to obtain high-density QDs that especially suits MOCVD system. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, we report comparative luminescence properties of multi-layer InGaN quantum dots grown on C- and R-plane sapphire substrates by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). High-density InGaN quantum dots (QDs) are formed on GaN templates by decreasing the growth temperature and increasing the adatom hopping-barrier through surface passivation. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been employed to estimate the size and height of these dots. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra recorded from (1120) InGaN QDs/(1102) sapphire show much stronger emission intensity compared to spectra recorded from (0001) InGaN QDs/(0001) sapphire. Due to the absence of strong spontaneous polarization and piezoelectric field, such (1150) InGaN QDs in the active layers would lead to high efficiency light emitting devices. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the electronic structure of vertically assembled quantum discs in a magnetic field with varying orientation using the effective mass approximation. We calculate the four energy levels of single-electron quantum discs and the two lowest energy levels of two-electron quantum discs in a magnetic field with varying orientation. The change of the magnetic field as an effective potential strongly modifies the electronic structure, leading to splittings of the levels and anticrossings between the levels. The calculated results also demonstrate the switching between the ground states with the total spin S = 0 and 1. The switching induces a qubit controlled by varying the orientation of the magnetic field.


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The electronic structure, Zeeman splitting, and Stark shift of In1-yMnyAs1-xNx oblate quantum dots are studied using the ten-band k center dot p model including the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ion. The Zeeman splitting of the electron ground states is almost isotropic. The Zeeman splitting of the hole ground states is highly anisotropic, with an anisotropy factor of 918 at B=0.1 T. The Zeeman splittings of some of the electron and hole excited states are also highly anisotropic. It is because of the spin-orbit coupling which couples the spin states with the anisotropic space-wave functions due to the anisotropic shape. It is found that when the magnetic quantum number of total orbital angular momentum is nearly zero, the spin states couple with the space-wave functions very little, and the Zeeman splitting is isotropic. Conversely, if the magnetic quantum number of total orbital angular momentum is not zero, the space-wave functions in the degenerate states are different, and the Zeeman splitting is highly anisotropic. The electron and hole Stark shifts of oblate quantum dots are also highly anisotropic. The decrease of band gap with increasing nitrogen composition is much more obvious in the smaller radius case because the lowest conduction level is increased by the quantum confinement effect and is closer to the nitrogen level. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper focuses on the study of carrier channels of multimodal-sized quantum dots formed on patterned substrate by a rate-equation-based model. Surface-mediated indium adatom migration is revealed by a direct comparison between quantum dot wetting layer, which acts as carrier channel, formed on a flat substrate and on a patterned substrate. For the assessment of suitability, the carrier channel of the dot-in-well structure has also been studied by the present model, and the transition energies of the carrier channel (e.g., InGaAs quantum well) obtained from theoretical simulation agree fairly well with those obtained from the reflectance measurements.


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The ground states and degree of entanglement of double hydrogenic impurities in a pair of vertically stacked InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots are studied with a proposed diagonalization technique. It is found that at short barrier widths, the entanglement is small due to the coupling between the intra- and interdot orbitals. At large barrier widths, large entanglement occurs.


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The electronic structure and Zeeman splittings of wurtzite Cd1-xMnxSe quantum spheres are studied using the k center dot p method and mean-field model. It is interesting to find that the Zeeman splittings of some hole states in quantum spheres are highly anisotropic due to the spin-orbit coupling and wurtzite crystal structure. The anisotropy of the Zeeman splittings of hole ground states in large dots is large, while that in small dot is small because the hole ground states vary with radius. An external electrical field can change the Zeeman splitting significantly, and tune the g factor from nearly 0 to about 100.


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The influence of InAs deposition thickness on the structural and optical properties of InAs/InAlAs quantum wires (QWR) superlattices (SLS) was studied. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results show that with increasing the InAs deposited thickness, the size uniformity and spatial ordering of InAs QWR SLS was greatly improved, but threading dislocations initiated from InAs nanowires for the sample with 6 monolayers (MLs) InAs deposition. In addition, the zig-zag features along the extending direction and lateral interlink of InAs nanowires were also observed. The InAs nanowires, especially for the first period, were laterally compact. These structural features may result in easy tunneling and coupling of charge carriers between InAs nanowires and will hamper their device applications to some extent. Some suggestions are put forward for further improving the uniformity of the stacked InAs QWRs, and for suppressing the formation of the threading dislocations in InAs QWR SLS.


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Using first-principles methods, we have systematically calculated the defect formation energies and transition energy levels of group-III and group-V impurities doped in H passivated Si quantum dots (QDs) as functions of the QD size. The general chemical trends found in the QDs are similar to that found in bulk Si. We show that defect formation energy and transition energy level increase when the size of the QD decreases; thus, doping in small Si QDs becomes more difficult. B-Si has the lowest acceptor transition energy level, and it is more stable near the surface than at the center of the H passivated Si QD. On the other hand, P-Si has the smallest donor ionization energy, and it prefers to stay at the interior of the H passivated Si QD. We explained the general chemical trends and the dependence on the QD size in terms of the atomic chemical potentials and quantum confinement effects.


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The ground state binding energy and the average interparticle distances for a hydrogenic impurity in double quantum dots with Gaussian confinement potential are studied by the variational method. The probability density of the electron is calculated, too. The dependence of the binding energy on the impurity position is investigated for GaAs quantum dots. The result shows that the binding energy has a minimum as a function of the distance between the two quantum dots when the impurity is located at the center of one quantum dot or at the center of the edge of one quantum dot. When the impurity is located at the center of the two dots, the binding energy decreases monotonically. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The three-dimensional morphology of In(Ga)As nanostructures embedded in a GaAs matrix is investigated by combining atomic force microscopy and removal of the GaAs cap layer by selective wet etching. This method is used to investigate how the morphology of In(Ga)As quantum dots changes upon GaAs capping and subsequent in situ etching with AsBr3. A wave function calculation based on the experimentally determined morphologies suggests that quantum dots transform into quantum rings during in situ etching. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.