415 resultados para GC-ECD
Based on the isospin-dependent Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck transport model and the scaling model according to nucleon effective mass, effects of elastic and inelastic NN scattering cross sections on pi(-)/pi(+) in the neutron-rich reaction of Ca-48 + Ca-48 at a beam energy of 400 MeV/nucleon are studied. It is found that cross-section effects of both NN elastic and inelastic scatterings affect Delta(1232), pi(-) and pi(+) production, as well as the value of pi(-)/pi(+).
In the framework of an isospin-dependent Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck (IBUU) transport model, for the central Au-197 + Au-197 reaction at an incident beam energy of 400 MeV/nucleon, the effect of nuclear symmetry potential at supra-saturation densities on the preequilibrium clusters emission is studied. It is found that for the positive symmetry potential at supra-saturation densities the neutron-to-proton ratio of lighter clusters with mass number A less than or similar to 3 [(n/p)(A less than or similar to 3)] is larger than that of the heavier clusters with mass number A > 3 [(n/p)(A>3)], whereas for the negative symmetry potential at supra-saturation densities the (n/p)(A less than or similar to 3) is smaller than the (n/p)(A>3). This may be considered as a probe of the negative symmetry potential at supra-saturation densities.
Based on the isospin-dependent transport model IBUU and on the scaling model according to nucleon effective mass, effects of elastic and inelastic NN scattering cross-sections on pi(-)/pi(+) in the neutron-rich reaction Ca-48 + Ca-48 at a beam energy of 400MeV/nucleon are studied. It is found that cross-section effects of both NN elastic and inelastic scatterings affect Delta(1232), pi(-) and pi(+) productions as well as the value of pi(-)/pi(+).
Using a transport model coupled with a phase-space coalescence after-burner we study the triton-He-3 relative and differential transverse flows in semi-central Sn-132 + Sn-124 reactions at a beam energy of 400 MeV/nucleon. We find that the triton-He-3 pairs carry interesting information about the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy. The t-He-3 relative flow can be used as a particularly powerful probe of the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.
本文简要介绍了生物膜的组成、结构和一些基本性质,详细描述了支撑类脂双层膜、非支撑类脂双层膜的成膜方法和各种制备方法的特点。概要总结了仿生膜的各个领域的研究情况,着重评述了仿生膜在电化学、生物传感器、膜片钳领域的发展过程及研究现状,展望仿生膜在电化学的发展前景。采用电化学方法对磷脂浇铸膜(Cast lipid film)、支撑双层磷脂膜(s-BLM)、杂化双磷脂膜(HBM)等不同的模拟生物膜体系进行了研究。主要结果如下:1、通过浇铸二茂铁和DMPC 氯仿溶液的办法,在玻碳(GC)电极表面制备了磷脂浇铸膜。固定在此仿生膜内的二茂铁有一对不可逆的循环伏安峰,阳极峰的电位是+340mV(Ag/AgCl)。在扫速150mV/以下,阳极峰电流与发速的平方根成线性关系,说明二茂铁在浇铸膜内的扩散进程是控制步骤。此电极对抗击环血酸具有很好的身体催化活性,我们研究了溶液pH值对催化效果的影响,发现在pH6.64时催化效果最好。与此同时我们也研究了浇铸膜 厚度和尿酸的干扰。在等摩尔尿酸存在的条件下,此电极仍然可以测定抗坏血酸。在1 * 10~(-4)至5 * 10~(-3)的范围内,抗坏血酸深度与催化电流成正比。2、我们在玻碳电极表面上浇铸(DPPC)磷脂多层膜,二茂铁稳定地固定资产在膜内并以多巴胺显示出良好的催化氧化能力,其阳极电流得到显著增加,并且使多巴胺氧化过电位降低了约80mV。二茂铁在膜内体现了受扩散控制的行为。我们发现溶液的pH值显著地影响催化效果,较高pH对催化有利。与此同明我们还研究磷脂极性基团所带电荷对催化的影响,发现带负电荷的磷脂有利于此电化学催化,而带正电的磷脂对多巴胺的催化不利。造反适当的条件可以分别测定多巴胺和抗坏血酸,在抗坏务酸存在的情况下,我们用此电极测定多巴胺,测定范围是1 * 10~(-4)至3 * 10~(-3) mol/L。3、在铂电极表面制备了卵磷脂和胆固醇支撑双层膜 ,采用循环伏安和交流阻抗方法,研究了支撑双层膜与杂多酸K_7Fe~(3+)P_2V_(17)O_(62)H_2之间的相互作用。发现该种杂多酸能够在双层膜 上产生一些“通道”,探针Ru(NH_3)_6~(3-)和Fe(CN)_6~(3-/4-)可经过这些通道达到电极表面,与此同时通道降低了膜 电阻,增加了膜电容。我们研究了杂多酸浓度和时间对孔洞形成的影响。我们推测K_7Fe~(3+)P_2V_(17)O_(62)H_2与卵磷脂的极度性关作用,减小卵磷脂之间、卵磷脂与胆固醇之间的作用使得双层膜 结构松散形成孔洞。4、利用涂抹-冷冻法制备了硫醇-磷脂杂化双层膜,采用循环伏安和交流阻抗方法,研究了硫醇-磷脂杂化双层膜 与杂多酸K_7Fe~(3+)P_2V_(17)O_(62)H_2作用前后通透性的变化。发现该种杂多酸能够诱导硫醇-磷脂杂化双层膜产生一些孔洞,降低了膜电阻,增加了膜电容,也啬了探针Fe(CN)63-/4-与电极的电子传递。同时对产生该现象的机理进行了初步的探讨。
本文是从超低能(110KeV)、低能(1-20MeV/u)重离子注入生物材料引起突变效应及其机理研究中产生的新生长点,从辐射化学角度通过对脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)、蛋白质以及组成DNA和蛋白质的基本单元的辐照损伤的调研,从物理角度对带电粒子(包括质子和重离子)高低传能线密度(LET)辐射与X射线、γ射线等低LET辐射加以比较,提出了采用带电粒子注入生物分子改性研究的新思路;并在此基础上,开展了一些实验工作。 在用质子束注入的甘氨酸水溶液的辐照产物的分析实验中,用气相色谱和质谱(GC-MS)联用技术的分析,得到了不同于X射线、γ-射线辐照甘氨酸水溶液的辐照产物——甘氨酰甘氨酸(甘甘二肽),并根据有关文献提出了产生这种产物的可能机理。从而从辐射化学方面为带电粒子对生物分子的辐照损伤反应提供了进一步的认识,也为从辐射生物学角度解释带电粒子对蛋白质这样大分子的作用机制提供了新的依据。
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with electron ionization and positive-ion chemical ionization and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC x GC-TOF-MS) were applied for the characterization of the chemical composition of complex hydrocarbons in the non-polar neutral fraction of cigarette smoke condensates. Automated data processing by TOF-MS software combined with structured chromatograms and manual review of library hits were used to assign the components from GC x GC-TOF-MS analysis. The distributions of aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatics were also investigated. Over 100 isoprenoid hydrocarbons were detected, including carotene degradation products, phytadiene isomers and carbocyclic diterpenoids. A total of 1800 hydrocarbons were tentatively identified, including aliphatic hydrocarbons, aromatics, and isoprenoid hydrocarbons. The identified hydrocarbons by GC x GC-TOF-MS were far more than those by GC-MS. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper reports an analytical method for separating, identifying, and quantifying sulfur-containing compounds in crude oil fraction (IBP-360degreesC) samples based on comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled with a sulfur chemiluminescence detector. Various sulfur-containing compounds and their groups were analyzed with one direct injection. 3620 peaks were detected including 1722 thiols/thioethers/ disulfides/1-ring thiophenes, 953 benzothiophenes, 704 dibenzothiophenes, and 241 benzonaphthothiophenes. The target sulfur compounds and their groups were identified based on the group separation feature and structured retention of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography as well as standard substances. The quantitative analysis of major sulfur-containing compounds and total sulfur was based on the linear response of the sulfur chemiluminescence detector using the internal standard method. The sulfur contents of target sulfur compounds and their groups in 4 crude oil fractions were also determined. The recoveries for standard sulfur-containing compounds were in the range of 90-102%. The quantitative result of total sulfur in the Oman crude oil fraction sample was compared with those from ASTM D 4294 standard method (total S by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry), the relative deviation (RD%) was 4.2% and the precision of the method satisfactory.
Methacrylate-based monolithic columns with electroosmotic flow (EOF) or very weak EOF are prepared by in situ copolymerization in the presence of a porogen in fused-silica capillaries pretreated with a bifunctional reagent. Satisfactory separations of acidic and basic compounds on the column with EOF at either low or high pH are achieved, respectively. With sulfonic groups as dissociation functionalities, sufficient EOF mobility still remains as high as 1.74 x 10(-4) cm(2) s(-1) V-1 at low pH. Under this condition, seven acidic compounds are readily separated within 5.7 min. Moreover, at high pH, the peak shape of basic compounds is satisfactory without addition of any masking amines into running mobile phase since the secondary interaction between the basic compounds and the monolithic stationary phase are minimized at high pH. Reversed-phase mechanism for both acidic and basic compounds is observed under investigated separation conditions. In addition, possibilities of acidic and basic compound separations on a monolithic column with extremely low EOF are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A method involving self-concentration, on-column enrichment and field-amplified sample stacking for on-line concentration in capillary electrochromatography with a polymer monolithic column is presented. Since monolithic columns eliminate the frit fabrication and the problems associated with frits, the experimental conditions could be more flexibly adjusted to obtain higher concentration factor in comparison with conventional particulate packed columns. With self-concentration effect, the detection sensitivity of benzene and hexylbenzene is improved by a factor of 4 and 8, respectively. With on-column enrichment and ultralong injection, improvement as high as 22 000 times in detection sensitivity of benzoin is achieved. Furthermore, a combination of the three above-mentioned methods yields up to a 24000-fold improvement in detection sensitivity for caffeine, a charged compound. Parameters affecting the efficiency of on-line concentration are investigated systematically. In addition, equations describing on-line concentration process are deduced.
A sol-gel coating method for the preparation of extractive phase on bars used in sorptive microextraction is described. The extraction phase of poly(dimethylsiloxane) is partially crosslinked with the sol-gel network, and the most part is physically incorporated in the network. Three aging steps at different temperatures are applied to complete the crosslinking process. Thirty-micrometer-thick coating layer is obtained by one coating process. The improved coating shows good thermal stability up to 300degreesC. Spiked aqueous samples containing n-alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organophosphorus pesticides were analyzed by using the sorptive bars and GC. The results demonstrate that it is suitable for both aploar and polar analytes. The detection limit for chrysene is 7.44 ng/L, 0.74 ng/L for C-19 and 0.9 ng/L for phorate. The extraction equilibration can be reached in less than 15 min by supersonic extraction with the bars of 30 mum coating layer. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
以稠油为唯一碳源,对细菌B0501、B0505和B0510的降解特性进行了分析,结果表明3株菌对稠油的不同组分具有不同程度的降解能力,其中B0505对烷烃、B0510对芳香烃以及B0501对胶质和沥青质的去除率较高,分别为42.26%、35.30%和40.76%;混合菌协同作用强化了稠油组分的降解,3株菌株组合对烷烃、芳香烃以及胶质沥青质的降解率分别达到44.23%、38.56%和62.12%;微生物对稠油降解过程符合一级动力学方程,其中3株菌株组合对稠油降解的速率最快,半衰期(t1/2)为5.36 d。将微生物应用于稠油废水处理实践,结果表明外源微生物的投加强化了废水中COD的去除率;GC-MS图谱及降解前后有机成分分析进一步佐证了微生物对稠油废水中有机成分的降解能力。
Monolithic columns of capillary electrochromatography (CEC) with weak electroosmotic flow (EOF) have been prepared by in situ polymerization of butyl methacrylate and ethylene dimethacrylate, without any charged groups in the reaction mixture. The reproducibility of such columns has been proved good no matter whether they are prepared in the same batch or in different batches. In the case of BMA-EDMA monoliths, besides the traditional ternary mixture - 1-propanol, 1,4-butanediol, and water, binary porogenic solvents with only alcohols have also been adopted. Compared with ternary porogenic solvents, the design with binary ones allows for fine control of the pore diameter and the formation of the specific surface of the monolithic polymers. The composition of porogenic reagents has also been shown to have an effect on EOF in the column systems. In addition, the Joule heat effect in such columns has been studied by varying the inner diameter of columns. Through the separation of acidic compounds, monolithic columns with low EOF have shown potential in the analysis of charged samples.
为了了解气候变化对东亚地区植被生产力的影响,该文利用气象数据和卫星遥感数据(NOVA/AVHRR NDVI,8 km×8 km),采用改进参数的CASA模型研究了东亚地区植被净第一性生产力的时空变化.结果表明:18年来研究区净第一性生产力在波动中呈现增加趋势;净第一性生产力介于8~300 gC/(m2.a)的植被主要分布于气候干旱或气候严寒、冬季漫长的高纬度地区,因而植被生产力较低;净第一性生产力介于300~700 gC/(m2.a)的植被主要分布于10°~35°N低纬度地区以及50°~60°N中高纬度地区;净第一性生产力平均介于700~2 000 gC/(m2.a)的植被主要分布于缅甸、泰国、越南的热带雨林,这些区域的植被生产力最高;各种植被类型中常绿阔叶林的净第一性生产力平均值最大,约为1 229.97 gC/(m2.a).13种植被按其净第一性生产力对气候变化响应的相似性,可以分为4种类型.
A theoretical study on the velocity of electroosmotic flow (EOF) and the retention times of neutral solutes under multiple-step gradient of capillary electrochromatography (CEC) was carried out, focusing on that with three kinds of mobile phases. Through the model computations, the detaining time of the second kind of mobile phase in the column was proved to play an important role in affecting EOF. The variation speed of EOF was shown to be determined by the differences among dead times in different steps. In addition, the prediction of the retention times of 13 aromatic compounds under gradient mode was performed with the deduced equations. A relative error below 3.3% between the calculated and experimental values was obtained, which demonstrated the rationality of the theoretical deduction. Our study could not only improve the comprehension of stepwise gradient elution, but also be of significance for the further optimization of separation conditions in the analysis of complex samples.