268 resultados para Foam-mat


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A mesostructured cellular foam (MCF) with three-dimensional (313) disordered strutlike structure is prepared by using triblock copolymer (poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene), SBS, M-W = 140K) as template under strong acid conditions. It is the first report to use triblock copolymer with both hydrophobic head and tail groups instead of hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail copolymers to synthesize siliceous mesostructured cellular foams. The resulted materials have high pore volume (0.92 cm(3)/g) and relatively narrow pore size distributions with a large pore size of 7.9 nm, which will allow for the fixation of large active complexes, reduce diffusional restriction of reactants and enable reactions involving bulky molecules to take place, especially.


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The surface morphology evolution of three thin polystyrene (PS)/polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) blend films (<70 nm) on SiOx substrates upon annealing were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and some interesting phenomena were observed. All the spin-coated PS/PMMA blend films were not in thermodynamic equilibrium. For the 67.1 and the 27.2 nm PS/PMMA blend films, owing to the low mobility of the PMMA-rich phase layer at substrate surfaces and interfacial stabilization caused by long-range van der Waals forces of the substrates, the long-lived metastable surface morphologies (the foam-like and the bicontinuous morphologies) were first observed. For the two-dimensional ultrathin PS/PMMA blend film (16.3 nm), the discrete domains of the PS-rich phases upon the PMMA-rich phase layer formed and the secondary phase separation occurred after a longer annealing time.


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Electrospun poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanofibers mat was collected on indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate. Heat crosslinked nanofibers mat became water-insoluble and firmly fixed on ITO substrate even in water. Oppositely charged poly (allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and Dawson-type polyoxometalate (POM), Na6P2Mo18O62 (P2Mo18), were alternately assembled on PVA nanofibers-coated ITO substrate to construct multilayer film through an electrostatic layer-by-layer (LBL) technique. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed that P2Mo18 multilayer film was selectively deposited on PVA nanofibers while the unoccupied space by nanofibers on bare ITO was acted as substrate at the same time because the electrospun nanofibers have larger surface area and surface energy than the flat substrate. The cyclic voltammograms current responses of the P2Mo18 multilayer film on PVA/ITO electrode showed three well-defined redox couples of P2Mo18, but very small because P2Mo18 multilayer film was selectively deposited on PVA nanofibers with poor conductivity. In addition, the photochromic behavior of P2Mo18 multilayer film on PVA/ITO was investigated through UV-vis spectra and electron spin resonance (ESR). Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) proved that the charge-transfer complex was formed between PAH and P2Mo18 after UV irradiation.


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The resin transfer molding has gained popularity in the preparation of fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites because of its high efficiency and low pollution. The non-uniform inter-tow and intra-tow flows are regarded as the reason of void formation in RTM. According to the process characteristics, the axisymmetric model was developed to study the interaction between the flow in the inter-tow space and that in the intra-tow space. The flow behavior inside the fiber tows was formulated using Brinkman's equation, while that in the open space around the fiber tows was formulated by Stokes' equation. The volume of fluid (VOF) method was applied to track the flow front, and the effects of filling velocity, resin viscosity, inter-tow dimension and intra-tow permeability on fluid pressure and flow front were analyzed. The results show that the flow front difference between the inter-tow and intra-tow becomes larger with the decrease of intra-tow permeability, as well as the increase of filling velocity and inter-tow dimension.


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甲状腺素脱碘酶是能够催化甲状腺激素不同降解反应的一簇含硒酶 [1,2 ] ,由于其含量低 ,分离纯化困难等[3] ,严重阻碍了其生物化学性质和应用研究 .自 Lerner[4 ] 和 Schultz等 [5] 分别制备出了具有催化作用的抗体酶以来 ,抗体酶在天然酶的模拟研究中已展示了巨大潜力 ,有些抗体酶已达到或超过了天然酶的活力 [6 ] .我们曾用抗体酶技术制得具有脱碘酶活性的抗体酶 [7] .为进一步提高脱碘抗体酶活力 ,本文以疏水腔修饰法 [8] 为指导 ,用铜离子络合保护法设计合成了 3种甲状腺素衍生物半抗原和全抗原 ,并制备出了一种半抗原的单克隆抗体 .试剂和仪器 :五水甲状腺素钠 ( T4 )为 SIGMA产品 ;牛血清白蛋白 ( BSA )和卵清白蛋白( Ovalbumin) ,SIGMA分装 ;戊二醛 ,硫酸二甲酯 ,溴化苄 ,对硝基溴苄和其它试剂均为国产分析纯 .Finni- gan mat LCQ电喷雾多极串联质谱仪 ;KONTRON公司 92 2型紫外可见分光光度仪 ;德国Elementar Anallysensysteme Gmb H Vario EL元素分析仪 ;美国 Varian...


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With the effective medium approximation theory of composites, a remedial model is proposed for estimating the microwave emissivity of sea surface under wave breaking driven by strong wind on the basis of an empirical model given by Pandey and Kakar. In our model, the effects of the shapes of seawater droplets and the thickness of whitecap layer (i.e. a composite layer of air and sea water droplets) over the sea surface on the microwave emissivity are investigated by calculating the effective dielectric constant of whitecaps layer. The wind speed is included in our model, and the responses of water droplets shapes, such as sphere and ellipsoid, to the emissivity are also discussed at different microwave frequencies. The model is in good agreement with the experimental data of microwave emissivity of sea surface at microwave frequencies of 6.6, 10.7 and 37GHz.


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Based on the effective medium approximation theory of composites, the empirical model proposed by Pandey and Kakar is remedied to investigate the microwave emissivity of sea surface under wave breaking driven by strong wind. In the improved model, the effects of seawater bubbles, droplets and difference in temperature of air and sea interface (DTAS) on the emissivity of sea surface covered by whitecaps are discussed. The model results indicate that the effective emissivity of sea surface increases with DTAS increasing, and the impacts of bubble structures and thickness of whitecaps layer on the emissivity are included in the model by introducing the effective dielectric constant of whitecaps layer. Moreover, a good agreement is obtained by comparing the model results with the Rose's experimental data.


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大洋硅藻席沉积是硅藻大规模“勃发”的产物,且其样品采集具有很大的偶然性,本文利用在低纬度西太平洋136°~140°E,15°~21°N区域内首次发现的硅藻席沉积岩芯为研究对象,确定了成席硅藻的种类,探讨了硅藻席的时空分布,并对WPD03和WPD12两个岩芯的硅藻进行分析鉴定,通过对深海沉积硅藻组合的变化探讨低纬度西太平洋硅藻席形成时期的环境变化状况,进一步分析了该区域硅藻席沉积的形成机制。 通过研究,得出如下主要结论:1)出现于这一低纬西太平洋的硅藻席的成席藻类为“树荫种”硅藻Ethmodiscus rex(Wallich)Hendey;2)硅藻席发现站位成带状分布,大致呈北西-南东向展布,且大部分散布在17° N~20° N之间水深在CCD以下4837-6150m较平坦海底的深水区;3)经AMS14C测年结果显示,富含硅藻席的沉积物发生于16.0 ~ 28.6 ka B.P. 14C年期间,即“勃发”发生于末次冰期最盛期;4)在WPD 03和WPD 12两个岩芯共155个样品中共鉴定硅藻40属101种(含变种),且Thalassionema frauenfeldii的相对百分含量最高,Thalassionema nitzschioides、Azpeitia nodulifera、Nitzschia marina、Hemidiscus cuneiformis等次之,这五种硅藻占整个硅藻物种相对百分含量的85%左右,说明在该海域表层水体硅藻席沉积过程中,这五种硅藻最容易与成席硅藻在同时期的环境中生存,形成勃发;5)MIS3期的晚期,该区域表层海水盐度降低,这有助于该区水体的成层化,从而使“树荫种”硅藻开始勃发,导致“秋季倾泻”;6)末次冰期由于南极中层水(AAIW)北扩,南大洋中层水将富含硅酸盐的海水带入了研究区,即南大洋的“硅溢漏”作用,使该区域硅藻得以勃发,同时,铁输入的增多,可能也是造成硅藻勃发的主要原因之一。


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Gaochentou region is located in the southwest direction of Gaochentou village in Huanghua city of Hebei province. In regionally structural position, It lies in Qikou sag In the middle part of Huanghua depression, which belongs to the east part of the south Dagang structure zone in the middle part of Huanghua depression. Its' very beneficial at regional structure in Gaochentou , and It becomes the advantage area for oil and gas gathered and preserved, Sandstone reservoir of Dongying Formation is main bearing bed .Dongying Formation in Gaochentou region of Huanghua depression is consisted of set of mudstone and sandstone interbeds by deposited delta fades . Dongying Formation can be divided into 3 members from above to below: the first member of Dongying Formation (FMDF), the second member of Dongying Formation (SMDF), and third member of Dongying Formation (TMDF). The lithology of the upper part of FMDF was consisted of mostly middle-grained and fine-grained sandstone, and it is small for the oil-bearing area of the sand bodies .The lithology of the lower part is coarse-grained sandstone bodies which are well connected between sandstone bodies of wells, and the lower part was main bed of oil production in Dongying Formation; SMDF and TMDF are consisted of larger scale set of mudstone, in which the sandbodies are lenticular and pinch out quickly, and the lithology was mostly fine sandstone and silt stone, in which there are little oil and gas .Because the reservoirs in this area are largely influenced by the factors such as lithology, fault and others, and the reservoirs have the strong,heterogeneity , there exists the problem of oil-down and water-up for vertical distribution of oil and gas bearing. It is not very clearly for the three dimension distribution of sandstone , and the geology researchs is not enough. So, it can't satisfy the need of further development and production for Gaochentou oilfield.Having the key problem of oil-down and water-up and the mechanism of the reservoir for Gaochentou area, There are as follow study works, the first, is study of the high-resolution correlation of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary microfacies. Dongying Formation was divided into three parasequence sets and each parasequence set was divided into different amount of parasequences. FMDF, as the main oil and gas producing bed, can be divided into seven parasequences. Oil and gas are discovered in six parasequences except the seventh. On the basis of study of sedimentary microfacies, the sediments of Dongying Formation are considered deposited mainly in delta front subfacies. The microfacies types of Dongying Formation are sub-water distirbutary channel, sub-water natural bank, inter distributary channel bay, distributary channel mouth dam, and delta front mat sand.Seismic facies analysis and logging-constrained inversion technique were applied by Author for transverse prediction of sandstone reservoir. Having 4 modes of interwell single sandbodies correlation technique, Author have described distribution characteristics of sandbodies, and established geological reservoir model of Gaochentou reservoir.Author presented that the reservoirs characteristic have very strong heterogeneity ,and In the section of sandstone interlayed with mudstone,the folium sandstone interlayed with each other, and the wedge shaped sandbodies pinched out in the mudstone. So the pinch-out up sandstone trap and lenticular sandstone trap are easily formed. They are most small scale overlying pinches out in the place of slope. This article applies the concept of deep basin oil to resolve reasonably the problem of which the oil is below the water in Gaochentou area. Combined with the study of sedimentary facies, reservoir and other aspects, the mechanism and patterns of deep basin oil are studied on the basis of characteristics in Gaochentou area.On the basis of the above study, the mechanism of the oil and gas' migration and accumulation in isotropic sandstone and heterogeneous sandstone are thoroughly analyzed through experiments on physical modeling. Experiments on physical modeling show that the discrepancy between sand layers with different permeability and thickness has important influence on the direction, path, and injection layer of oil's migration. At the beginning of the injection of oil and gas in high permeability sand layer, the pressure is low, the migration resistance is small, and the oil and gas are more easily displacing the water in sand. So it can act as good transformation layer or reservoir. But at the beginning of the injection of oil and gas in sand layer with low permeability, the pressure is high, the migration resistance is big, and the oil and gas are more difficultly displacing the water in sand. So it can only act as bad or worse transformation layer or reservoir. Even if it cannot act as transformation layer or reservoir, it can act as water layer or dry layer. The discrepancy between sand layers on permeability and thickness can make discrepancy in injection of oil and gas between different layers. Consequently it leads to small amount of oil and gas injection in sand layers with low permeability. Ultimately it affects the oil's accumulation and distribution in different sand layers.At Last, combining analysis of the structure and pool forming condition, The thesis has established models of reservoir formation to predict the advantage distribution of oil and gas bearing , and put forward the prospective target It is not only of theoretical signification for explosion and importance, but also has realistic value in guiding the progressive petroleum exploration and exploitation.


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生物有机酸是大气对流层中重要的微量挥发性有机碳组分,它广泛存在于对流层大气中,对气候、环境、生态系统以及人类健康产生了重要影响。探索有机酸碳同位素(δ13C值)的分析测试方法,能够为大气有机酸生物地球化学循环研究开辟一片新的天地,从而使该领域研究向前推进一步。本研究初步建立了以甲酸、乙酸为代表的大气中低分子有机酸的碳同位素测试分析方法,为研究“已知有机酸来源中,不同来源对大气有机酸含量的贡献大小问题”、“人类污染对大气中有机酸的贡献比例问题”以及“是否存在尚未认知的有机酸来源问题”等奠定了方法学基础。 研究工作围绕如下五个方面内容而展开:首先是回顾和总结大气中低分子有机酸的研究沿革,详细摘录了国内外不同站点不同形式的大气样品中有机酸含量水平及其分布情况;其次是回顾和总结了大气中低分子有机酸的含量分析方法,并从中获取适宜于气相色谱/燃烧炉/同位素比值质谱(GC/C/IRMS)接口的样品富集、分离技术;第三是对水溶液中低分子有机酸的固相微萃取研究;第四是对实际大气样品中微量甲酸、乙酸的固相微萃取研究及其碳同位素分析结果的初步分析;第五是对其它天然产物或人为活动排放源所释放的甲酸、乙酸碳同位素进行研究。研究内容的重点是:应用目前对水溶液中痕量有机酸而言最恰当的针阱捕集固相微萃取技术建立有机酸分子碳同位素组成分析方法。在方法建立过程中主要获得了如下成果: 1. 建立了以甲酸、乙酸为代表的液态挥发性有机化合物标准样品的碳同位素组成分析测试方法。 法兰静密封技术与石英管的连接技术可以有效地获得较高真空度的石英管,这使得向低CO2污染的石英管内无损耗地注入挥发性有机物的标准样品成为可能。进一步使用炬枪密闭-石英管燃烧法制备挥发性有机化合物标准同位素样品,可有效避免制备过程中因挥发所导致的同位素分馏和环境CO2对测定值的影响。以市售高纯度的甲酸、乙酸为标准同位素样品,重复制备它们的同位素分析样各5次,并在Finnigan MAT-252气体同位素比值质谱仪上测定其δ13C值。结果显示此法具有极高的重现性,所测δ13C值相对标准偏差仅为0.07%(甲酸,n=5)、0.04%(乙酸,n=5)。与之对比,另一套同位素测定系统GC/C/IRMS对同一标准物质的同位素测定结果并无显著差别,但在精度上却明显不及前者。由于避免了样品制备过程中可能因挥发而导致的同位素分馏以及可能因环境中CO2造成污染等问题,使得该方法可推广应用于其它挥发性有机化合物标准的δ13C标定,为准确测定实际样品中对应挥发性有机化合物δ13C值的准确测定提供基础条件,也为同类物质标准的碳同位素测定提供了准确、廉价、方便的分析手段。 2. 确立了甲酸、乙酸在线分离的气相色谱条件以及同位素分析所需的同位素比值质谱条件。 为了能对非衍生化处理的甲酸、乙酸进行有效分离,我们选取了低吸附性、高样品容量,可直接分析未衍生化游离酸的Stabilwax-DA色谱柱作为分离甲酸、乙酸的分析柱。气相色谱分离过程中He载气均处于恒流模式,进样口施行不分流进样,并进样口温度设置为200℃,采用两阶段程序升温,在此条件下乙酸、甲酸的出峰时间先后相隔了0.79分钟,且多次测定甲、乙酸出峰时间的相对标准偏差不大于0.05分钟,据此可认为甲、乙酸获得了良好的分离。 气相色谱分离出的甲酸、乙酸通过串联接口与燃烧炉 (串联接口与燃烧炉都是加热装置,温度分别设置成350 C和 850C)相接,随后有机物在燃烧炉中被高温焚烧转变为CO2和H2O,再经Nafion半透膜祛除H2O,从而获取纯化干燥的CO2以适宜于同位素比值质谱分析。 3. 确立了水相中甲酸、乙酸的微萃取条件,设计制作了与萃取工作配套固相微萃取装置。 NeedlEx针阱捕集的固相微萃取技术可解决水溶液中低分子有机酸的分离萃取问题,并能与气相色谱接口的兼容,还有集采样、富集、保存、分析为一体的优点。因此探索利用脂肪酸型NeedlEx完成对水溶液相中有机酸的萃取是本文研究的关键所在。为了提高分析效率,降低环境污染,我们设计了一整套吹扫-捕集的动态固相微萃取装置,并对甲酸、乙酸的水溶液实施了萃取研究。 由于实验装置是在吹扫捕集原理的基础上建立起来的,因此随着吹扫捕集气体体积的增加有机酸在萃取针上的对富集量也呈现出一定增长趋势,尤其是在最初的几次循环中,有机酸在萃取针中的总量得到迅速的增加,在萃取气体体积达到400mL后,萃取针中的有机酸含量增加趋于缓慢。为了获得更多物质量的有机酸,实验中我们分别尝试了1000和2000mL的气体吹扫体积,分别对有机酸在色谱上的响应值以及同位素分析结果的统计显示这两种萃取体积并无显著差异,为兼顾工作量我们拟定1000mL吹扫气体体积作为实验条。 由于离子态的有机酸具极强的亲水性,因而很难挥发至顶空或吹扫气体中,只有自由的分子态有机酸方可被萃取针中疏水的固定相所富集。为使的解离反应方向朝着有利于分子态有机酸形成方向发展,我们评估了不同酸化条件对萃取效果的影响。实验中我们普遍采用了500μL 4mol/L的磷酸溶液对样品进行了酸化,结果表明,酸化对提高待测物质的分析量十分有利,以10μg/mL的甲酸、乙酸标准溶液为例,酸化后甲酸萃取率提高了30.12%,乙酸的萃取效率也提高了14.46%。酸化、不酸化处理以及不同浓度有机酸溶液所测定的甲、乙酸碳同位素值在总体上不具备显著性的差异。但是,由于有机酸碳同位素测定精度与待测物物质量具有一定正相关关系,因此酸化后样品中有机酸同位素的分析精度要优于未经酸化样品的同位素的分析精度。 温度的增加可以适量地提高部分有机酸的萃取效率,但温度增加导致水汽进入萃取针,中从阻碍了有机酸的有效萃取,因此本文建议在25℃室温的下进行萃取。此外,在传统的固相微萃取过程,搅动样品溶液常常是作为缩短萃取时间,提高的萃取效率的重要措施。原则上搅拌速度越快越好,但为了不使溅起水花影响到萃取针头,因而选择2000r/min搅拌速度比较适宜。 基于上述实验条件,本文考察了浓度为10~300μg/mL的甲酸、乙酸标准溶液的色谱响应值及其同位素分析结果。结果显示对不低于浓度为10μg/mL标准溶液,其中甲酸、乙酸的δ13C值都可被检测出。只不过浓度过低则响应值信号弱,不能准确计算出各质荷比信号峰面积是低浓度条件下同位素测不准的主要原因。要想使得甲、乙酸同位素测定值的相对标准偏差控制在1以内,则对应有机酸浓度则需达到85μg/mL以上。 4. 克服了实际水相样品中有机酸浓度低,不能直接对其实施NeedlEx萃取的难题,初步实现了对降水中甲酸、乙酸的碳同位素分析。 除了某些有机酸含量水平较高的降雨可以直接运用动态针阱捕集固相微萃取与GC/C/IRMS联用技术直接进行甲酸、乙酸碳同位素的分析外,普通含量水平的有机酸碳同位素测定尚具有一定的难度。研究中我们使用了阴离子交换型固相萃取小柱LC-SAX(规格:500mg/3mL;交换容量:0.2meq/g)对1L浓度为50~2000μg/L甲酸、乙酸标准混合溶液进行了萃取,并对所属浓度条件下δ13C测定值与理论值之间的差异性进行了T检验统计分析,结果表明绝大多数情况(200μg/L乙酸同位素测定值除外)下甲、乙酸的相伴概率分别伴概率大于了显著性水平0.05,表现出有机酸碳同位素测定的均值与离线法测定的甲酸同位素理论值无显著差异。 然而,降水中普遍具有有机酸含量低,其它阴离子含量高,组分复杂特点,严重影响阴离子交换型萃取小柱对有机酸的萃取。为此我们先用离子色谱对降水中阴离子组成及其含量进行分析,了解降水中主要的阴离子构成及其含量,再根据所测定结果再安排对应交换容量萃取小柱实施萃取,而后再进行针阱捕集的萃取及其碳同位素分析。 5. 对以甲酸、乙酸为代表的大气中低分子有机酸碳同位素分析结果的初步研究。 以贵阳为代表的西南城市地区大气中有机酸浓度较高,这为使用本方法研究该地区有机酸的碳同位素分析创造了有利条件。经离子色谱测定,2008年8月下旬至2008年10月中旬贵阳地区6次降水中甲、乙酸浓度范围分别为5.75~22.43μmol/L和5.43~13.09μmol/L。与之对应,六次降水中甲酸δ13C值的范围为-25.72‰至-29.08‰之间,乙酸δ13C值的最大值则为-26.23‰,最小值则为-30.40‰。6次降水中甲酸、乙酸的δ13C值将它们的来源指向了直接或间接的陆源特征。结合离子色谱对降水中甲酸、乙酸浓度分析,利用亨利系数判定法可知,六次降水中间接来源是大气中低分子有机酸的主要来源,通过δ13C值的初步判断,可以看出这些二次来源应该主要由生物质燃烧,C3植物以及人类活动向大气释放的不饱和有机物经二次氧化而形成。 以往甲酸、乙酸同源的依据皆以降水中甲、乙酸浓度具有显著线性相关做为判断指标,本研究中6次降中的甲酸、乙酸浓度亦然呈现出良好的相关性(R2=0.87)而降水中甲、乙酸具有相似的δ13C值,这充分说明降水中甲、乙酸的同源特征。 针阱捕集萃取方式还适宜于对大气中自由有机酸的直接富集。利用这一特性,我们分别对贵阳市市郊森林公园、城市居民区以及交通要塞等三个不同地方大气中的自由有机酸进行了同位素分析,结果发现贵阳市大气中乙酸δ13C值介于-31.03‰至-26.37‰之间,乙酸δ13C值的总体均值等于-28.74‰,与之对应,甲酸的δ13C值范围为-29.42‰至-22.97‰,均值为-27.12‰。贵阳市大气中自由甲酸、乙酸的同位素值与降水中的甲、乙酸同位素值具有类似的变化范围,这表明大气气相中自由有机酸与降水中的甲、乙酸具有大致相同的来源构成。 我们还利用此法对汽车尾气以及蚁酸蚁所释放的甲酸、乙酸δ13C值进行了分析,其中汽车尾气中所含甲酸δ13C值等于-23.25±1.25‰,乙酸δ13C值为-24.55±0.85‰,而蚁酸蚁所释放的甲酸δ13C值则为-22.43±0.43‰。由于汽车尾气以及乙酸蚁释放有机酸的δ13C值要低于大气样品对应有机酸的δ13C值,据此认为汽车尾气和蚁酸蚁不是大气有机酸的主要来源。 6. 有机酸碳同位素分析技术在检验食品参假行为时的扩展应用研究。 由于C3和C4循环会导致植物及其产品的δ13C值不同,因此碳同位素技术在食品控制方面发挥了特别作用,能够解决一些常规分析解决不了的问题。经分析发现,食醋中醋酸的δ13C值与其原材料密切相关,如以麦麸、大米为原材料所生食醋醋酸δ13C值在-27‰左右。而以高粱、大麦、黄豆为生产原料的食醋醋酸δ13C值在-19‰左右,明显高于了以大米、麦麸等为原料所生产的食醋醋酸δ13C值。此外,单纯以大米发酵生产的食醋醋酸δ13C值为-29‰左右。食醋中醋酸δ13C值与生产工艺、原材料高度相关的特征为质检部门更好的识别食醋参假行为提供了良好的解决办法。