311 resultados para Nitrogen losses


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A modeling study is conducted to investigate the effect of hydrogen content in propellants on the plasma flow, heat transfer and energy conversion characteristics of low-power (kW class) arc-heated hydrogen/nitrogen thrusters (arcjets). 1:0 (pure hydrogen), 3:1 (to simulate decomposed ammonia), 2:1 (to simulate decomposed hydrazine) and 0:1 (pure nitrogen) hydrogen/nitrogen mixtures are chosen as the propellants. Both the gas flow region inside the thruster nozzle and the anode-nozzle wall are included in the computational domain in order to better treat the conjugate heat transfer between the gas flow region and the solid wall region. The axial variations of the enthalpy flux, kinetic energy flux, directed kinetic-energy flux, and momentum flux, all normalized to the mass flow rate of the propellant, are used to investigate the energy conversion process inside the thruster nozzle. The modeling results show that the values of the arc voltage, the gas axial-velocity at the thruster exit, and the specific impulse of the arcjet thruster all increase with increasing hydrogen content in the propellant, but the gas temperature at the nitrogen thruster exit is significantly higher than that for other three propellants. The flow, heat transfer, and energy conversion processes taking place in the thruster nozzle have some common features for all the four propellants. The propellant is heated mainly in the near-cathode and constrictor region, accompanied with a rapid increase of the enthalpy flux, and after achieving its maximum value, the enthalpy flux decreases appreciably due to the conversion of gas internal energy into its kinetic energy in the divergent segment of the thruster nozzle. The kinetic energy flux, directed kinetic energy flux and momentum flux also increase at first due to the arc heating and the thermodynamic expansion, assume their maximum inside the nozzle and then decrease gradually as the propellant flows toward the thruster exit. It is found that a large energy loss (31-52%) occurs in the thruster nozzle due to the heat transfer to the nozzle wall and too long nozzle is not necessary. Modeling results for the NASA 1-kW class arcjet thruster with hydrogen or decomposed hydrazine as the propellant are found to compare favorably with available experimental data.


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A modelling study is performed to compare the plasma °ow and heat transfer char- acteristics of low-power arc-heated thrusters (arcjets) for three di®erent propellants: hydrogen, nitrogen and argon. The all-speed SIMPLE algorithm is employed to solve the governing equa- tions, which take into account the e®ects of compressibility, Lorentz force and Joule heating, as well as the temperature- and pressure-dependence of the gas properties. The temperature, veloc- ity and Mach number distributions calculated within the thruster nozzle obtained with di®erent propellant gases are compared for the same thruster structure, dimensions, inlet-gas stagnant pressure and arc currents. The temperature distributions in the solid region of the anode-nozzle wall are also given. It is found that the °ow and energy conversion processes in the thruster nozzle show many similar features for all three propellants. For example, the propellant is heated mainly in the near-cathode and constrictor region, with the highest plasma temperature appear- ing near the cathode tip; the °ow transition from the subsonic to supersonic regime occurs within the constrictor region; the highest axial velocity appears inside the nozzle; and most of the input propellant °ows towards the thruster exit through the cooler gas region near the anode-nozzle wall. However, since the properties of hydrogen, nitrogen and argon, especially their molecular weights, speci¯c enthalpies and thermal conductivities, are di®erent, there are appreciable di®er- ences in arcjet performance. For example, compared to the other two propellants, the hydrogen arcjet thruster shows a higher plasma temperature in the arc region, and higher axial velocity but lower temperature at the thruster exit. Correspondingly, the hydrogen arcjet thruster has the highest speci¯c impulse and arc voltage for the same inlet stagnant pressure and arc current. The predictions of the modelling are compared favourably with available experimental results.


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Arc root behavior affects the energy transfer and nozzle erosion in an arcjet thruster. To investigate the development of arc root attachment in 1 kW class N2 and H2-N2 arcjet thrusters from the time of ignition to the stably working condition, a kinetic series of end-on view images of the nozzle obtained by a high-speed video camera was analyzed. The addition of hydrogen leads to higher arc voltage levels and the determining factor for the mode of arc root attachment was found to be the nozzle temperature. At lower nozzle temperatures, constricted type attachment with unstable motions of the arc root was observed, while a fully diffused and stable arc root was observed at elevated nozzle temperatures.


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A 2-kW-class chemical oxygen-iodine laser (COIL) using nitrogen buffer gas has been developed and tested since industrial applications of COIL devices will require the use of nitrogen as the buffer gas. The laser, with a gain length of 11.7 cm, is energized by a square pipe-array jet-type singlet oxygen generator (SPJSOG) and employs a nozzle bank with a designed Mach number of 2.5. The SPJSOG has advantages over the traditional plate-type JSOG in that it has less requirements on basic hydrogen peroxide (BHP) pump, and more important, it has much better operational stability. The SPJSOG without a cold trap and a gas-liquid separator could provide reliable operations for a total gas flow rate up to 450 mmol/s and with a low liquid driving pressure of around 0.7 atm or even lower. The nozzle bank was specially designed for a COIL using nitrogen as the buffer gas. The cavity was designed for a Mach number of 2.5, in order to provide a gas speed and static temperature in the cavity similar to that for a traditional COIL with helium buffer gas and a Mach 2 nozzle. An output power of 2.6 kW was obtained for a chlorine flow rate of 140 mmol/s, corresponding to a chemical efficiency of 20.4%. When the chlorine flow rate was reduced to 115 mmol/s, a higher chemical efficiency of 22.7% was attained. Measurements showed that the SPJSOG during normal operation could provide a singlet oxygen yield Y greater than or equal to 55%, a chlorine utilization U greater than or equal to 85%, and a relative water vapor concentration w = [H2O]/([O-2] + [Cl-2]) less than or equal to 0.1.


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人工模拟放水冲刷试验研究结果表明 ,随放水冲刷强度的增大 ,不同土壤硝态氮、铵态氮、有机质和全氮流失加剧 ,泥沙全氮和有机质富集程度减少 ;当给不同土壤施等量的硝酸铵时 ,发现随径流流失化肥的铵态氮和硝态氮分别占施入量的 0 .9%~ 3 .5 %和 8.2 %~ 19.7% ,硝酸铵主要随径流流失 ,以泥沙颗粒流失量甚微 ;土壤侵蚀、有机质和全氮流失量与 >2 0 μm团聚体相关系数分别为 -0 .893 5、-0 .792 8和 -0 .815 1,2 0 μm直径的团聚体是区分土壤有机质和全氮流失的标准


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大田试验研究结果表明 :增施N、P均能增加作物的产量和减少水土流失 ;当N、P用量分别达到 5 5 .2kgN/hm2 和 90kgP2 O5/hm2 时 ,泥沙有机质和全氮流失最少 ,流失量分别为 2 0 89和 1 75kg/km2 ;当N、P用量分别为 5 5 .2kgN/hm2 和 4 5kgP2 O5/hm2 时 ,土壤矿质氮流失最小 ,其流失量仅为 2 7.9kg/km2 ;作物对土壤氮素的吸收 ,可减少土壤氮素的流失 .


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National Key Research and Development Program [2010CB833502]; National Natural Science Foundation of China [30600071, 40601097, 30590381]; Chinese Academy of Sciences [KZCX2-YW-432, O7V70080SZ, LENOM07LS-01]; GUCAS [O85101PM03]


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National Key Research and Development Program [2010CB833500]; Natural Science Foundation of China [30590381]; Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences [KZCX2-YW-432]


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High levels of available nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) have the potential to increase soil N and C mineralization We hypothesized that with an external labile C or N supply alpine meadow soil will have a significantly higher C mineralization potential and that temperature sensitivity of C mineralization will increase To test the hypotheses an incubation experiment was conducted with two doses of N or C supply at temperature of 5 15 and 25 C Results showed external N supply had no significant effect on CO2 emission However external C supply increased CO2 emission Temperature coefficient (Q(10)) ranged from 113 to 1 29 Significantly higher values were measured with C than with N addition and control treatment Temperature dependence of C mineralization was well-represented by exponential functions Under the control CO2 efflux rate was 425 g CO2-Cm-2 year(-1) comparable to the in situ measurement of 422 g CO2-Cm-2 year(-1) We demonstrated if N is disregarded microbial decomposition is primarily limited by lack of labile C It is predicted that labile C supply would further increase CO2 efflux from the alpine meadow soil (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS All rights reserved


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Soil net nitrogen mineralization (NNM) of four grasslands across the elevation and precipitation gradients was studied in situ in the upper 0-10 cm soil layer using the resin-core technique in Xilin River basin, Inner Mongolia, China during the growing season of 2006. The primary objectives were to examine variations of NNM among grassland types and the main influencing factors. These grasslands included Stipa baicalensis (SB), Aneulolepidum Chinense (AC), Stipa grandis (SG), and Stipa krylovii (SK) grassland. The results showed that the seasonal variation patterns of NNM were similar among the four grasslands, the rates of NNM and nitrification were highest from June to August, and lowest in September and October during the growing season. The rates of NNM and nitrification were affected significantly by the incubation time, and they were positively correlated with soil organic carbon content, total soil nitrogen (TN) content, soil temperature, and soil water content, but the rates of NNM and nitrification were negatively correlated with available N, and weakly correlated with soil pH and C:N ratio. The sequences of the daily mean rates of NNM and nitrification in the four grasslands during the growing season were AC > SG > SB > SK, and TN content maybe the main affecting factors which can be attributed to the land use type.


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Radiation-use efficiency (RUE, g/MJ) and the harvest index (HI, unitless) are two helpful characteristics in interpreting crop response to environmental and climatic changes. They are also increasingly important for accurate crop yield simulation, but they are affected by various environmental factors. In this study, the RUE and HI of winter wheat and their relationships to canopy spectral reflectance were investigated based on the massive field measurements of five nitrogen (N) treatments. Crop production can be separated into light interception and RUE. The results indicated that during a long period of slow growth from emergence to regreening, the effect of N on crop production mainly showed up in an increased light interception by the canopy. During the period of rapid growth from regreening to maturity, it was present in both light interception and RUE. The temporal variations of RUEAPAR (aboveground biomass produced per unit of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the canopy) during the period from regreening to maturity had different patterns corresponding to the N deficiency, N adequacy and N-excess conditions. Moreover, significant relationships were found between the RUEAPAR and the accumulative normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) in the integrated season (R-2 = 0.68), between the HI and the accumulative NDVI after anthesis (R-2 = 0.89), and between the RUEgrain (ratio of grain yield to the total amount of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the canopy) and the accumulative NDVI of the whole season (R-2 = 0.89) and that after anthesis (R-2 = 0.94). It suggested that canopy spectral reflectance has the potential to reveal the spatial information of the RUEAPAR, HI and RUEgrain. It is hoped that this information will be useful in improving the accuracy of crop yield simulation in large areas.