258 resultados para East China Sea and Yellow Sea


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近十年,国内外学者从不同的角度对浪流相互作用进行了研究,但由于问题本身的复杂性,仍然存在很大的探讨空间。特别是在我国,这一领域的研究并不多见,且现有的研究成果多是单向耦合。本文从风应力、底摩擦应力、波致辐射应力三方面入手尝试研究浪流相互作用。利用海浪模式SWAN和海流模式POM构建的浪-流耦合模式,对1994年8月上中旬渤海、黄海、东海区域两次台风过程下的部分海洋要素进行了对比模拟实验。经过初步的研究,得到了一些有价值的认识。结果表明: (1)在台风中心外围的大风区,Donelan公式的计算结果要高于POM原有的计算结果,最大增幅可达30%,拖曳系数高值区的范围也明显增大。 (2)Signell方案给出的底摩擦系数计算结果随时间有明显变化的区域集中在水深50米以浅的海域。 (3)三项应力共同给浪流耦合模式带来的水位变化与三项应力中的任意两项组合带来的水位变化有相似的空间分布型。福州沿岸最大增幅0.25m以上,温州沿岸最大增幅0.3m,长江入海口处最大增幅0.25m左右,仁川沿岸最大增幅则达到0.4m。 (4)耦合后的结果与岸边站点实测水位的对比结果显示,基隆、坎门站的水位在台风经过前后时段更接近于观测值,特别是极值水位处。 (5)流的存在显著的影响有效波高的计算结果。在黄渤海区域,潮流对有效波高的增减在极值处可达0.2m。在台湾岛东北海域黑潮流系附近,流对有效波高的增加最大可达1.8m。 上述结果对近岸风暴潮和海浪的预报具有指示意义。


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波候研究对于解释全球气候变化的内在物理机制,理解全球气候变化后人们的生产、生活环境由此而产生的相关变化都具有重要的现实意义。 本文利用了欧洲中尺度气象中心(ECMWF)所提供的最新的近45年(1957-2002)全球同化资料集,该资料集提供每天4次天气尺度的环境要素信息。本研究从中提取海面矢量风场信息,并以此来驱动第三代海洋波浪模式WAVEWATCH-III v2.22,从而构建了历时45年的西北太平洋地区的波候资料。 使用日本气象厅(Japan Meteorological Agency)所提供的B22001号浮标的实地观测资料,以及美国的TOPEX/POSEIDON 卫星高度计资料对本研究通过数值模拟所获取的波候资料进行验证,发现通过这一方法所重建的历史波候资料完全满足对东中国海波候状况进行分析的精度要求。通过参考前人的研究成果,本研究所获取的波候时间序列满足对气候问题进行评估时所必需的数据序列一致性的基本要求,可以用于长时间序列的分析。 运用经验正交函数(empirical orthogonal function,EOF)分析方法,本研究提取了东中国海地区的极值波高的分布特征。根据分析结果,本研究将时间序列分成“1977年前”和“1977年后”两段,并据此比较两段的变化特征。研究发现,东中国海北部地区(黄海)的极值波高在最近45年内存在缓慢的衰减现象,导致这一现象的原因主要是由于该地区的东亚夏季风正在慢慢减弱。而东中国海南部的极值波高在最近45年内则存在增强的现象,这主要是由于活跃在西北太平洋上的热带气旋正在慢慢加强,由于这些热带气旋所产生的涌浪对东中国近海的影响也在慢慢加深。 通过将本研究的研究成果和前人的成果进行对比,我们不难发现:西北太平洋地区热带气旋活动的增强已经是一个比较普遍接受的事实,而这一变化对东中国近海所能构成的影响范围足以影响到整个东中国海的中南部地区。而东亚季风减弱对东中国海波候所造成的影响,也从另一个角度提示我们,从能量的角度重新审视全球气候变化的内在物理机制或许是非常必要的。


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基于东海PN断面近五十年的历史水文数据,本文应用一种斜压流函数空间投影的方法分析冲绳海槽北部黑潮水团的水文结构及其季节性和年代际变异。通过将历史数据投影到一个斜压流函数空间中,GEM方法能很好地消除黑潮中尺度变异引起的噪音。诊断生成的东海黑潮温度和盐度GEM场以压力和斜压流函数为参数,能反映黑潮基本的温盐结构。通过分析1987年之后黑潮季节平均的温盐GEM场,结果显示黑潮中层水的盐度在夏季相对较低, 在春季达到最高。通过比较1987年之后温盐深仪(CTD)数据生成的GEM场与1987年之前南森瓶(Bottle)数据生成的GEM场,我们证实黑潮的年代际变化特征,即黑潮表层水近二十年来温度升高而盐度减小,同时发现黑潮中层水具有盐度减小而黑潮热带水具有盐度增加的趋势。进一步通过对PN断面上黑潮水团来源的分析讨论,得出中层水盐度最小值靠近黑潮左侧的现象是由于冲绳岛-宫古岛之间入侵的北太平洋中层水受黑潮主轴的平流作用所致。


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Ulvacean green seaweeds are common worldwide; they formed massive green tides in the Yellow Sea in recent years, which caused marine ecological problems as well as a social issue. We investigated two major genera of the Ulvaceae, Ulva and Enteromorpha, and collected the plastid rbcL and nuclear ITS sequences of specimens of the genera in two sides of the Yellow Sea and analyzed them. Phylogenetic trees of rbcL data show the occurrence of five species of Enteromorpha (E. compressa, E. flexuosa, E. intestinalis, E. linza and E. prolifera) and three species of Ulva (U. pertusa, U. rigida and U. ohnoi). However, we found U. ohnoi, which is known as a subtropical to tropical species, at two sites on Jeju Island, Korea. Four ribotypes in partial sequences of 5.8S rDNA and ITS2 from E. compressa were also found. Ribotype network analysis revealed that the common ribotype, occurring in China, Korea and Europe, is connected with ribotypes from Europe and China/Japan. Although samples of the same species were collected from both sides of the Yellow Sea, intraspecific genetic polymorphism of each species was low among samples collected worldwide.


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Two well-defined deltaic sequences in the Bohai Sea and in the South Yellow Sea represent post-glacial accumulation of Yellow River-derived sediments. Another prominent depocenter on this epicontinental shelf, a pronounced clinoform in the North Yellow Sea, wraps around the northeastern and southeastern end of the Shandong Peninsula, extending into the South Yellow Sea. This Shandong mud wedge is 20 to 40 m thick and contains an estimated 300 km(3) of sediment. Radiocarbon dating, shallow seismic profiles, and regional sea-level history suggest that the mud wedge formed when the rate of post-glacial sea-level rise slackened and the summer monsoon intensified, at about 11 ka. Geomorphic configuration and mineralogical data indicate that present-day sediment deposited on the Shandong mud wedge comes not only from the Yellow River but also from coastal erosion and local rivers. Basin-wide circulation in the North Yellow Sea may transport and redistribute fine sediments into and out of the mud wedge.


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Based on the data analysis, this study further explores the characteristics of East Asian winter monsoon (hereafter, EAWM, for brevity) as well as the related air-sea-land system, and illustrates how and to what degree anomalous signals of the subsequent Asian summer monsoon are rooted in the preceding EAWM activity. We identified an important air-sea coupled mode, i.e., the EAWM mode illustrated in Section 3. In cold seasons, strong EAWM-related air-sea two-way interaction is responsible for the development and persistence of the SSTA pattern of EAWM mode. As a consequence, the key regions, i.e., the western Pacific and South China Sea (hereafter, SCS, for brevity), are dominated by such an SSTA pattern from the winter to the following summer. In the strong EAWM years, the deficient snow cover dominates eastern Tibetan Plateau in winter, and in spring, this anomaly pattern is further strengthened and extended to the northwestern side of Tibetan Plateau. Thus, the combined effect of strong EAWM-related SSTA and Tibetan snow cover constitutes an important factor in modulating the Asian monsoon circulation. The active role of the EAWM activity as well as the related air-sea-land interaction would, in the subsequent seasons, lead to: 1) the enhancement of SCS monsoon and related stronger rainfall; 2) the northward displacement of subtropical high during Meiyu period and the related deficient rainfall over Meiyu rainband; 3) above-normal precipitation over the regions from northern Japan to northeastern China in summer; 4) more rainfall over the Arabian Sea and Northeast India, while less rainfall over southwest India and the Bay of Bengal. The strong EAWM-related air-sea interaction shows, to some degree, precursory signals to the following Asian summer monsoon. However, the mechanism for the variability of Indian summer monsoon subsequent to the strong EAWM years remains uncertain.


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The relationship between monthly sea-level data measured at stations located along the Chinese coast and concurrent large-scale atmospheric forcing in the period 1960-1990 is examined. It is found that sea-level varies quite coherently along the whole coast, despite the geographical extension of the station set. A canonical correlation analysis between sea-level and sea-level pressure (SLP) indicates that a great part of the sea-level variability can be explained by the action of the wind stress on the ocean surface. The relationship between sea-level and sea-level pressure is analyzed separately for the summer and winter half-years. In winter, one factor affecting sea-level variability at all stations is the SLP contrast between the continent and the Pacific Ocean, hence the intensity of the winter Monsoon circulation. Another factor that affects coherently all stations is the intensity of the zonal circulation at mid-latitudes. In the summer half year, on the other hand, the influence of SLP on sea-level is spatially less coherent: the stations in the Yellow Sea are affected by a more localized circulation anomaly pattern, whereas the rest of the stations is more directly connected to the intensity of the zonal circulation. Based on this analysis, statistical models (different for summer and winter) to hindcast coastal sealevel anomalies from the large-scale SLP field are formulated. These models have been tested by fitting their internal parameters in a test period and reproducing reasonably the sea-level evolution in an independent period. These statistical models are also used to estimate the contribution of the changes of the atmospheric circulation on sea-level along the Chinese coast in an altered climate. For this purpose the ouput of 150 year-long experiment with the coupled ocean-atmosphere model ECHAM1-LSG has been analyzed, in which the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases was continuously increased from 1940 until 2090, according to the Scenario A projection of the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change. In this experiment the meridional (zonal) circulation relevant for sea-level tends to become weaker (stronger) in the winter half year and stronger (weaker) in summer. The estimated contribution of this atmospheric circulation changes to coastal sea-level is of the order of a few centimeters at the end of the integration, being in winter negative in the Yellow Sea and positive in the China Sea with opposite signs in the summer half-year.


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Acute peristome edema disease (APED) is a new disease that broke out in cultured sea cucumber along the Shangdong and Liaoning province coasts in China, PR, and has caused a great deal of death in Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) since 2004. Here we report virus-like particles found in intestine epithelium of sea cucumbers reared in North China. It is the first time that sea cucumbers are reported to be infected by virus. Histological examinations showed that the viral inclusion bodies existed in intestine epithelium cells. Electron microscopic examinations show that the virions were spherical, 80-100 nm in diameter, and composed of a helical nucleocapsid within an envelope with surface projections. Detailed studies on the morphogenesis of these viruses found many characteristics previously described for coronaviruses. Virus particles always congregated, and formed a virus vesicle with an encircling membrane. The most obvious cellular pathologic feature is large granular areas of cytoplasm, relatively devoid of organelles. Tubular structures within virus-containing vesicles, nucleocapsid inclusions, and double-membrane vesicles are also found in the cytopathic cells. No rickettsia, chlamydia, bacteria, or other parasitic organisms were found. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and somatolactin (SL) were purified simultaneously under alkaline condition (pH 9.0) from pituitary glands of sea perch (Lateolabrax japonicas) by a two-step procedure involving gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (rpHPLC). At each step of purification, fractions were monitored by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and by immunoblotting with chum salmon GH. PRL and SL antisera. The yields of sea perch GH, PRL and SL were 4.2, 1.0 and 0.28 mg/g wet tissue, respectively. The molecular weights of 19,200 and 20,370 Da were estimated by SDS-PAGE for sea perch GH and PRL, respectively. Two forms of sea perch SL were found: one (28,400 Da) is probably glycosylated, while the other one (23,200 Da) is believed to be deglycosylated. GH bioactivity was examined by an in vivo assay. Intraperitoneal injection of sea perch GH at a dose of 0.01 and 0.1 mug/g body weight at 7-day intervals resulted in a significant increase in body weight and length of juvenile rainbow trout. The complete sea-perch GH amino acid sequence of 187 residues was determined by sequencing fragments cleaved by chemicals and enzymes. Alignment of sea-perch GH with those of other fish GHs revealed that sea-perch GH is most similar to advanced marine fish, such as tuna, gilthead sea bream, yellowfin porgy, red sea bream, bonito and yellow tail with 98.4, 96.2%, 95.7%, 95.2%, 94.1% and 91% sequence identity, respectively. Sea-perch GH has low identity to Atlantic cod (76.5%), hardtail (73.3%), flounder (68.4%), chum salmon (66.3%), carp (54%) and blue shark (38%). Partial amino-acid sequences of 127 of sea-perch PRL and the N-terminal of 16 amino-acid sequence of sea-perch SL have been determined. The data show that sea-perch PRL has a slightly higher sequence identity with tilapia PRL( 73.2%) than with chum salmon PRL(70%) in this 127 amino-acid sequence. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The population genetic structure of the crimson snapper Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia was examined with a 427-bp hypervariable portion of the mtDNA control region. A total of 262 samples were collected and 75 haplotypes were obtained. Neutrality tests (Tajima's and Fu's) suggested that Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia had experienced a bottleneck followed by population expansion since the late Pleistocene. Despite the low phylogeographic structures in mtDNA haplotypes, a hierarchical examination of populations in 11 localities from four geographical regions using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated significant genetic differentiation among regions (Phi(CT) = 0.08564, p < 0.01). Limited gene flow between the eastern region (including a locality in the western Pacific Ocean and two localities in the East Sea) and three geographic regions of the South China Sea largely contributed to the genetic subdivision. However, comparisons among three geographic regions of the South China Sea showed little to no genetic difference. Populations of Lutjanus erythropterus in East Asia are inferred to be divided into two major groups: an eastern group, including populations of the western Pacific Ocean and the East Sea, and a South China Sea group, consisting of populations from northern Malaysia to South China. The results suggest that fishery management should reflect the genetic differentiation and diversity in East Asia. (c) 2006 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.