267 resultados para 7140-240


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It has been long known that intense multiple Mesozoic-Cenozoic intracontinental deformations have controlled the grand scale basin-range structural evolution of the Tianshan and its adjacent basins. So it is important to study the sedimentary records of the piedmont basins along the two sides of the Tianshan synthetically for the continental geodynamic research.We carried out a magnetostratigraphy study on Cretaceous- Tertiary succession and U-Pb dating analysis of detrital zircons from the representative sandstone samples of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits in Kuqa Subbasin, northern Tarim Basin, combining our previous results of multiple depositional records from different profiles including paleocurrent data, conglomerate clast, sandstone framswork grains, detrital heavy minerals and geochemistry analysis, so the multiple intracontinental tectonic processes of Tianshan and their depositional response in the Kuqa Subbasin can be revealed. The results show that the tectonic evolution of the Tianshan Orogen and the sedimentary processes of the Kuqa Subbasin can be divided into four periods: early Triassic(active period), from middle Triassic to late Jurassic(placid period), from early Cretaceous to Tertiary Paleocene(active period) and from Neogene to present (intensely active period). Simultaneously,the depositional records reveal the provenance types and tectonic attributes in different periods. As follows, the lower Triassic with a dominant age ranging from 250 to 290Ma of the Zircons, which were principally derived from alkali feldspar granites and alkaline intrusion obviously, relative to the magma activity in Permian. In middle Triassic-late Jurassic, the two samples collected from the Taliqike formation and the Qiakemake formation respectively show the age peak at 350~450Ma, which was relative to the subduction of the Tarim Block to Yili-Central Tianshan Plate. In this period the provenance of the Kuqa deposits was the Central Tianshan arc orogenic belts distantly with little height predominance.During early Cretaceous-Paleogene, two major zircons age spectra at 240~330Ma and 370~480Ma have been acquired, with some other not dominant age ranges, indicating complicated provenance types. In Neogene, the detrital zircons age dating ranges from 460 to 390 Ma primarily. What’s more, the newer chronology of the stratigraphy and the older source age, indicating that Tianshan was uplifted and exhumated further strongly. Further study on the heavy mineral and the detrital zircons age dating of the Mesozoic-Paleogene representative profiles in southern Junggar Basin, combined with the published results of the sandstone framework grains, we consider that it occurred obvious sedimentary and tectonic changes occurred in the inside of Jurassic, from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous and form early Cretaceous to late Cretaceous. On this faces, there are remarkable changes of the steady minerals and unstable minerals, the sandstone maturity and the age spectra of the detrital zircons. Compared the sedimentary records from the two sides of the Tianshan, We find that they are different obviously since Middle Jurassic. It can be concluded that Tianshan have uplifted highly enough to influence the paleo-climatic. According to the current strata division, the structural activity apparently showed a migration from north to south. That is to say, the South Tianshan uplift later than the north, especially from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous , but it was uplifted and exhumated more strongly. Furthermore, correlating the depositional records and tectonic styles in the Kuqa-South Tianshan basin-range conjugation site in the east with the west, the obvious differentiation between the west and the east from the Cretaceous especially in Tertiary along the Tianshan-Kuqa belt was revealed, probably showing earlier uplifting in the east while greater exhumation depth and sediment rates in the west. In addition, the contacting style of Kuqa subbasin to the Tianshan Orogenic belts and the basement structure are also inconsistent at different basin-range conjugation sites. It is probably controlled by a series of N-S strike adjusting belts within the Kuqa subbasin, or probably correlated with the material difference at the complicated basin-range boundary. The research on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic-depositional response in the piedmont basins along the two sides of the Tianshan shows that the basin-filling process was controlled by the intracontinental multicyclic basin-range interactions, especially affected by the intense tectonic differentiations of basin-range system, which can’t be illuminated using a single evolutionary model.


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A continuous long (224m) and high-resolution core TY2 was recovered from paleo-maar-lake Tianyang, tropical South China. Based on the diatom records of the upper 130-m core, this paper focuses on exploring climate change and the lake evolution history in tropical South China during the past 240ka. The most typical and unique characteristics of the diatom assemblages is that, Aulacoseira granulata was dominant or absolutely dominant species (80-90%) during most parts of the 130-m core, while Cyclotella stelligera var. tenuis and Fragilaria construens var. venter were subdominant species in only limited parts of the lower and upper core, respectively. Time scale is always the biggest problem for the study of TY2 core, so although diatom is seldom used for establishing time scale, here we attempt this by correlating the diatom-reconstructed temperature sequence with the time scale of ODP core 806B from Equatorial Western Pacific. Verified by the few most reliable ages from TY2 core and the parallel core TYl, a rather reasonable and reliable time scale was established. 01S 7/6 falls at the depth of 100m (ca. 194kaBP), OIS 6/5 at 75m (ca. 132kaBP), OIS 5/4 at 46m (ca. 75kaBP), OIS 4-3 at 35m (ca. 60kaBP). Qualitative and quantitative environmental reconstructions are made on the basis of diatom assemblage ecotype and EDDI dataset. Correlation of diatom-reconstructed temperature and moisture changes of Core TY2 with pollen-reconstructed temperature and rainfall sequence of Core TYl proves that the results are quite consistent in most periods. Thus the reconstruction results from diatom are quite reliable, and probably have a much higher resolution than pollen results. Combined with lithological and magnetic susceptibility variations, the diatom analysis reveals that, the general climate in tropical South China during the past 240ka was warm and wet. On the time scale of glacial-interglacial, warm and wet, cool and dry are not always synchronous. It was relatively warm-wet during the penultimate interglacial, cool-dry during the penultimate glacial, warm-dry during the last interglacial, and cooler-drier during the last glacial. In contrast, on the time scale of subglacial-subinterglacial scales, warm and dry, cool and wet corresponds very obviously, showing very clear 21-23 ka precession cycle. Analysis also shows that, the water of Tianyang paleo-maar-lake was generally warm, turbulent, turbid, meso-trophic, slightly alkaline, low conductivity and fresh during the past 240 kaBP, with small variations in some parts. Tianyang paleolake experienced shallow to semi-deep lake in OIS7d, open shallow lake in OIS7c-OIS5b, shallow coastal lake in OIS5a-OIS4c, swamp in OIS4b, and then completely dried up in OIS3c. The lake evolution was mainly controlled by temperature and precipitation changes in tropical China. While temperature and precipitation changes were probably controlled by the migrations of monsoon rainband and the evaporation rate, which was in turn controlled by the evolution of East Asian monsoon. Therefore, when the summer monsoon was strongest the climate was warm-dry, when stronger the climate was warm-wet; when the winter monsoon was strongest the climate was cool-dry, stronger cool-wet. This mechanism caused the warm-dry sub interglacial and cool-wet subglacial climate in the tropical South China.


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锂的两个稳定同位素(6Li 和7Li) 相对质量差较大,因此易产生明显的同位素分馏。业已查明,自然界中δ7Li值的变化在240 ‰和+ 50 ‰之间。其中较小的δ7Li 值见于海相生物碳酸盐样品,较大的δ7Li 值见于某些盐湖卤水以及有孔虫的样品。由于明显的同位素分馏和不同地质体中截然不同的δ7Li 值,锂同位素应用十分广泛,且在壳2幔演化、陆壳风化、卤水和污染水体示踪等研究领域取得显著成效。


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使用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪,对东海及冲绳海槽沉积物、南海及邻近海域以及西北太平洋表层水中240 Pu/ 239 Pu 同位素比值进行了测定,以确定中国领海核爆散落核素钚的主要来源及迁移途径。结果显示: 东海及冲绳海槽沉积物中240 Pu/ 239 Pu 比值分布于0. 24~0. 31 之间,南海及邻近海域以及西北太平洋表层水240 Pu/ 239 Pu 比值也处于0. 22~0. 24 之间,都明显高于全球大气理论沉降值0. 18 。根据240 Pu/ 239 Pu 比值及其在沉积物芯中的分布特征分析,二十世纪50 年代早期美国在北太平洋马绍尔群岛进行的核爆实验,被认为是中国领海及其邻近海域除全球大气沉降外的另一重要的钚的来源。模式计算显示,东海及冲绳沉积物中约55 %、中国南海及其邻近海域表层水中约40 %、西北太平洋表层水中约20 %的钚,来自北太平洋核爆基地。北太平洋赤道环流及其在西北太平洋的分支洋流是钚自核爆地向中国领海迁移的主要通道。


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上芒岗金矿由下部原生卡林型和上部 红色粘土型金矿体所组成,赋矿地层为侏罗系勐戛组砂泥质岩、白云质灰岩和二叠系沙子坡组泥硅质灰岩、白云岩。北东向上芒岗断裂构造与不整合面和岩溶的复合控制了矿床和矿体。围岩蚀变以硅化(似碧玉岩化)、黄铁矿化、碳酸盐化和粘土化为主,并具有水平与垂向分带性。地球化学研究表明,蚀变与矿化岩石的稀土含量与未蚀变泥质灰岩基本一致,成矿溶液为富CI^-型和富SO4^2-型,爆裂温度为183-378℃,δ^34S=6.471‰-21.965‰,δ^18O=9.3‰-11.6‰,δD=-70‰--77‰,^206Pb/^204Pb=19.551-20.05,^207Pb/^204Pb=15.690-16.240,^208Pb/^204Pb=38.710=40.137。红色粘土型矿石的红土化作用只达到粘土阶段。


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北欧和北美的研究发现水库是典型的汞敏感生态系统,新建水库而引起的鱼体甲基汞污染问题已受到科学家的高度重视,而我国在这方面的研究比较薄弱。本论文选择乌江流域的6个水库作为研究对象,并根据年龄把这些水库划分为3个演化阶段,洪家渡、引子渡、索风营水库为初级演化阶段,普定、东风水库为中级演化阶段,乌江渡水库为高级演化阶段。对这6个水库总汞和甲基汞的输入和输出通量进行了研究,探讨了不同演化阶段的水库对总汞和甲基汞的“源/汇”作用,主要研究内容有以下三个方面:(1)各水库入出库河流中汞的分布特征;(2)大气降水中汞浓度及沉降通量的分布;(3)乌江流域不同水库汞的输入输出通量。通过本论文的研究,得出以下主要结论: 1. 乌江流域河流中总汞、颗粒态汞、溶解态汞、活性汞、总甲基汞、溶解态甲基汞的年均浓度分别为3.41±1.98、2.05±1.73、1.36±0.44、0.24±0.11、0.15±0.06、0.08±0.03 ng•L-1。与国内外其它河流的比较发现,总汞的浓度明显低于国外受污染的河流,略高于国外未受污染的河流。溶解态汞、活性汞、甲基汞的浓度略低于受污染的河流,与未受污染的河流基本相当。与同处在贵州喀斯特地区的阿哈湖、红枫湖、百花湖的入出库河流相比,总汞、溶解态汞、活性汞、甲基汞、溶解态甲基汞的浓度均明显偏低。 2. 水库的修建显著降低了出库河流中总汞、颗粒态汞的浓度,使总甲基汞和溶解态甲基汞的浓度升高,而且增加了出库河流中溶解态汞、活性汞、总甲基汞占总汞的比例。不同形态汞的沿程分布显示,梯级水库的修建改变了河流原有的汞的生物地球化学过程,使乌江多个河段的甲基汞升高,并且随着水库生态系统的不断演化,水库输出的甲基汞将增加,下游河流水体中甲基汞有继续升高的趋势。 3. 大气降雨中总汞、溶解态汞、颗粒态汞、活性汞、总甲基汞的浓度分别为7.49~149 ng•L-1、1.23~10.0 ng•L-1、5.76~142 ng•L-1、0.56~2.94 ng•L-1、0.08~0.82 ng•L-1,且以颗粒态汞为主,约占总汞比例的87%。总汞、溶解态汞、颗粒态汞、甲基汞的浓度有明显的季节变化趋势,冬春季高于夏秋季,而空间分布特征不明显。2006年总汞、甲基汞的年湿沉降通量为34.7±5.80 µg•m-2•yr-1、0.18±0.03 µg•m-2•yr-1,且主要受降雨量的影响。乌江流域降雨中总汞的浓度及其湿沉降通量远高于北美和日本,低于中国的一些城市地区(如长春和北京),而甲基汞的浓度和通量与其它地区相当。 4. 在乌江流域的不同水库中,降雨输入总汞和甲基汞的通量主要受降雨量和水库面积的影响,而与降雨的汞浓度间没有相关性。河流向水库输入总汞的量主要受河流流量的控制,而输入甲基汞和颗粒物的量受河流流量和浓度的影响。下泄水输出总汞、甲基汞、颗粒物的通量受浓度和流量的影响。由于流域面积/水面面积的比值较大,水库水量、总汞、甲基汞、颗粒物的输入以河流为主,分别占总输入的87%、80%、85%、86%。输出以下泄输出为主,下泄水输出的水量、总汞、甲基汞、颗粒物分别占总输出的80%、77%、86%、79%。 5. 从输入-输出通量的结果发现,各水库均表现为河流颗粒物输送的“汇”;除乌江渡水库外,其它水库均表现为总汞的“汇”;对甲基汞而言,引子渡、洪家渡、索风营水库表现为“汇”,而普定、东风、乌江渡水库则表现为“源”。 6. 普定和洪家渡水库中总汞的贮存率为56%和57%,明显高于其它水库,说明在上游有水库存在的情况下,水库对总汞“汇”的作用将降低。普定、东风、乌江渡水库中甲基汞的净通量分别为+69.4 g•yr-1、+368 g•yr-1、+857 g•yr-1,转化率为13%、73%、84%,说明甲基汞的净通量和转化率与水库的演化阶段有关,随着水库演化阶段的升高而增加,并且随着水库的不断演化,甲基汞将从“汇”变成“源”。


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笔者在大量的文献调研基础上,试图利用 ~(210)Pb、~(228)Th 等短半衰期的铀系子体确定某些湖泊沉积物的沉积速率及年代,结合 239,240 pu 在我国内陆湖泊的分布规律,以全球 pu 随时间的分布规律探索其测年的可能性,以多核素方法探讨测年结果的可靠性,建立沉积的时间尺度。同时,利用这些核素作示踪研究沉积物表层的生物扰动所造成的混合效应。通过对沉积物垂直方向上物质成份。矿物成份和元素分析,研究沉积环境的演化及近百年工业污染的历史。根据所选湖泊的纬度差别,研究湖泊沉积环境和沉积物类型对所研究的核素方法的影响。本论文是首次利用多核素方法研究我国一些内陆湖泊的环境问题,对在我国继续开展这方面研究具有重要意义。