368 resultados para Nd:YLF
通过1 3 0 Te(1 6O ,5nγ) 1 4 1 Nd反应布居了1 4 1 Nd的高自旋态能级 .对反应产生的在束γ射线进行了γ射线单谱和γ -γ符合测量 .建立了激发能达 76 1 4 .5keV的1 4 1 Nd能级纲图 ,新发现了 1 2条γ射线和 1 5个能级 .基于实验测量的γ跃迁各向异性 ,建议了1 4 1 Nd部分能级的自旋值 .用一个h1 1 2 价中子空穴与1 4 2 Nd核芯晕态的耦合可以定性地解释1 4 1 Nd的能级结构
利用能量为170MeV左右的36Ar重离子束轰击96Ru和106Cd浓缩同位素靶,分别生成缺中子同位素130Nd和140Tb.借助氦喷嘴带传输系统,用 X-γ和 γ-γ符合方法,分离鉴别了这两种核素,并进一步测定了它们的衰变性质.得到130 Nd的半衰期为(13± 3)s,首次建议了它的EC/β+衰变纲图,推测了其子核130Pr的基态和低位能级的自旋宇称.修订了140Tb的原有极简单的EC/β+衰变纲图并指认140Tb的基态自旋宇称为7+.
利用能量为 80MeV的18O束流 ,通过130 Te( 18O ,5n)反应研究了143Nd的高自旋态能级结构 .基于γ γ延迟符合、γ射线的角分布及线性极化测量 ,首次发现了143Nd的一个半寿命为 ( 35± 8)ns,自旋和宇称为 4 9/ 2 + 的同质异能态 .用形变独立粒子模型探讨了此同质异能态的形成机制
The newly developed multi-quasiparticle triaxial projected shell model approach is employed to study the high-spin band structures in neutron-deficient even-even Ce- and Nd-isotopes. It is observed that gamma-bands are built on each intrinsic configuration of the triaxial mean-field deformation. Due to the fact that a triaxial configuration is a superposition of several K-states, the projection from these states results in several low-lying bands originating from the same intrinsic configuration. This generalizes the well-known concept of the surface gamma-oscillation in deformed nuclei based on the ground-state to gamma-bands built on multi-quasiparticle configurations. This new feature provides an alternative explanation on the observation of two I = 10 aligning states in Ce-134 and both exhibiting a neutron character. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nd-129 was produced by irradiation of an enriched target of Ru-96 with a Ar-36 beam and studied by using a helium-jet fast tape transport system in combination with X-gamma and gamma-gamma coincidence measurements. A 2.6s isomer of Nd-129 was observed for the first time and tentatively proposed to be the configuration of 1/2[411].
Motivated by recent spectroscopy data from fission experiments, we apply the projected shell model to study systematically the structure of strongly deformed, neutron-rich, even-even Nd and Sm isotopes with neutron number from 94 to 100. We perform calculations for rotational bands up to spin I = 20 and analyze the band structure of low-lying states with quasiparticle excitations, with emphasis given to rotational bands based on various negative-parity two-quasiparticle (2-qp) isomers. Experimentally known isomers in these isotopes are described well. The calculations further predict proton 2-qp bands based on a 5(-) and a 7(-) isomer and neutron 2-qp bands based on a 4(-) and an 8(-) isomer. The properties for the yrast line are discussed, and quantities to test the predictions are suggested for future experiment.