232 resultados para Absorption spectra.


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VUV-UV and Eu-L-3 edge XANES spectra were measured for europium-doped strontium tetraborate prepared by solid state reaction at high temperature in air. The VUV-UV spectra show that the host absorption band of (SrBO7)-O-4 appears below 170 nm. The charge transfer band of Eu3+ doped in SrB4O7 is peaked at 272 nm. The 4f-5d transitions of Eu2+ consist of a band peaked at 310 nm with a shoulder at 280 nm and also include the bands peaked at 238 (weak) and 203 (strong) nm. The result of XANES spectrum at Eu-L3 edge of the synthesized sample indicates that Eu3+ and Eu2+ coexist in SrB4O7:Eu prepared in air, which is consistent with the results of the VUV-UV spectra.


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The (Y, Gd) BO3 : Eu phosphor was synthesized by solid-state reaction, The UV spectra showed that in a certain range of Gd3+ concentration, more Gd3+ absorbed energy and transferred it to Eu3+ with its increasing concentration. From the spectra in VUV region, it was observed that both the doping and the concentrations of Gd3+, Eu3+ greatly affected the absorption of the host lattice. The absorbances at 147 nm and 170 nm increased when the Gd3+ was doped which can be explained as that Gd3+ transferred energy to BO4. The optical properties of (Y, Gd)BO3 : Eu were the best when the concentration of Eu3+ was about 0.04.


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The infrared spectra of BaLnB(9)O(16):Re, along with the VUV excitation spectra, have been measured. The spectra were tentatively interpreted in terms of the data on absorptions of the borate groups and band structure. It was observed that there are absorption due to BO3 and BO4 groups, indicating that there are BO3 and BO4 groups in BaLnB(9)O(16). It is found that absorption of the borate groups is located in the range from 120 to 170 mn. This result reveals that there is an energy transfer from host to the rare earth ions. It also observed that the energy of charge transfer band, the host absorption, the total crystal field splitting of d-levels of Tb3+ increase with the decrease in the Ln(3+) radius. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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TiO2 gel doped with fluorescein was prepared by a sol-gel method, and the fluorescence of fluorescein and its effect on formation of the: gel were investigated with absorption, fluorescence, IR spectroscopies and TG-DTA analysis. The results indicated that FL incorporated into TiO2 gel had exhibited big changes compared to that in ethanol solution both in the absorption and the emission spectra, and the formation of TiO2 gel was influenced greatly by FL.


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The infrared spectra of the crystalline solid samples of rare earth(III) dimethylphosphates Ln(DMP)3 (Ln = La, Ce, Nd) in the range 4000-100 cm-1 are discussed. It is shown that the spectra may be treated by dividing Ln(DMP)3 into two parts, an OP(OCH3)2O bridge and a LnO6 distortion octahedron. The absorption bands above 500 cm-1 may be clearly assigned. However, vibrational assignments in the far-infrared region are tentative.


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The title complex has beep synthesized by the reaction of CaCl2, with trimethyl phosphate. Its Infrared spectra from 4000 to 100 cm(-1) measured. The assignment of acme absorption bands was discussed. It is found that the stretching vibrations of bridge groups O-P-O are divided into two groups according to their bond length. The crystal structure of the complex boa been determined from single crystal K-ray diffraction data. The crystals belong to monoclinic system, space group P2(1)/c with cell parameteras, a = 1,0704(4), b = 0.5093(2), c = 1.9737(6)nm, beta = 96.23(3)degrees, V = 1.0696(6)nm(2), Z = 4, final R = 0.044. Copper ion is coordinated to five Rimester oxygen atoms to form a distorted square pyramid. The adjacent copper ions are connected by symmetric and non-symmetric bridge groups of O-P-O, forming an infinite one-dimensional chain coordination polymer.


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The titanium species in four kinds of titanium-containing MFI zeolites have been studied by ultraviolet (UV)-Raman and ultraviolet visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectroscopies and by the epoxidation of propylene with diluted H2O2 solution (30%). UV-Raman spectroscopy is proved to be a suitable means to estimate qualitatively the framework titanium in TS-l zeolites. Based on the comparison of the relative intensity ratio I-1125/I-380 of UV-Raman spectra, the TS-1(conv.) sample synthesized hydrothermally by the conventional procedure shows the highest amount of framework titanium. UV-Vis spectroscopy reveals that besides minor anatase. titanium species are mainly tetrahydrally coordinated into the framework for TS-l(conv.) or the Ti-ZSM-5 sample prepared by gas-solid reaction between deboronated B-ZSM-5 and TiCl4 vapor at elevated temperatures. For the TS-1(org.) and TS-1(inorg.) samples synthesized hydrothermally using tetrapropylammonium bromide (TPABr) as template and tetrabutylorthotitanite (TBOT) and TiCl3 as titanium source, respectively, the presence of mononuclear and isolated TiOx species which are proposed to bond to the zeolite extraframework is observed. In addition to the framework titanium species, these isolated TiOx species are assumed to be also active for propylene epoxidation.