259 resultados para 331.8


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128 samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea were analyzed for grain size, clay minerals, biogenic opal content and quartz in order to reconstruct changes in East Asian monsoon climate since 8.5 Ma. An abrupt change of terrigenous mass accumulation rate (MAR), clay mineral assemblage, median grain size and biogenic opal MAR about 5.2 Ma suggests that between 8.5-5.2 Ma the source of terrigenous sediment was mainly in the region of surface uplift and basaltic volcanism in southern Vietnam. A simple model of East Asian summer monsoon evolution was based on the clay/feldspar ratio, kaolinite/chlorite ratio and biogenic opal MAR. The summer monsoon has two periods of maximum strength at 8.5-7.6 Ma and 7.1-6.2 Ma. Subsequently, there was a relatively stable period at 6.2-3.5 Ma, continued intensification about 3.5-2.5 Ma, and gradually weakening after 2.5 Ma. Since I Ma the monsoon has intensified, with remarkable high-frequency and amplitude variability. Simultaneous increase in sedimentation rates at ODP Sites 1143, 1146 and 1148, as well as in MAR of terrigenous materials, quartz, feldspar and clay minerals at ODP Site 1143 at 3.5-2.5 Ma, may be the erosional response to both global climatic deterioration and the strengthening of the East Asian summer monsoon after about 3-4 Ma. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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优良的种质是产业发展的重要保证,品种更新和养殖技术的发展已经给世界农业带来了令人瞩目的成就,然而我国水产生物的育种工作刚处于起步阶段,而育种技术的研究则更是滞后。借鉴陆生生物中发展起来的相对成熟的研究方法,可以帮助加快海洋生物遗传育种相关研究的进度。本研究以我国北方海区重要的海洋经济动物-皱纹盘鲍为研究对象,从表型遗传、数量性状遗传等2个方面开展了皱纹盘鲍的遗传育种研究,同时从幼鲍培育密度与分选效应等方面研究了皱纹盘鲍的中间培育技术。 主要结果如下: 1. 皱纹盘鲍的贝壳颜色遗传、食物对贝壳颜色表现型的影响,贝壳颜色与生长速度间的关系 将贝壳颜色为橘红色(O表型)的突变型皱纹盘鲍与贝壳颜色为绿色(G表型)的野生型皱纹盘鲍进行了连续2代的交配实验。结果表明:皱纹盘鲍橘红色的贝壳颜色相对于绿色的贝壳颜色为隐性性状,皱纹盘鲍的贝壳颜色表型受单位点、2个等位基因遗传控制,其中基因型为oo的个体,贝壳颜色的表现型为橘红色(O表型),而基因型为GG或Go的个体,贝壳颜色的表现型为野生型(G表型)。 为探讨食物类型对不同基因型皱纹盘鲍贝壳颜色表现型的影响,对不同贝壳颜色表型的个体投喂不同种类的食物,结果表明,除遗传因素外,皱纹盘鲍的贝壳颜色表现型显著地受食物类型的调控。其中oo基因型的个体,在摄食底栖硅藻(Navicula sp.)和红藻时,贝壳颜色的表型为橘红色;而在摄食褐藻、绿藻和以海带粉为唯一海藻源的人工配合饵料时,贝壳颜色的表型为黄色。GG和Go基因型的个体,在摄食底栖硅藻、红藻时,贝壳颜色的表型为褐红色;在摄食褐藻、绿藻和以海带粉为唯一海藻源的人工配合饵料时,贝壳颜色的表型为绿色。该结果表明,相同基因型的皱纹盘鲍在摄食不同类型的食物时,贝壳表现型不同,即不同类型的食物可以导致2种基因型皱纹盘鲍的贝壳颜色表现型在一定范围内发生转换:oo基因型的个体,贝壳的颜色可以表现为橘红色或者黄色,不会出现野生型皱纹盘鲍的褐红色或绿色;而GG与Go基因型的个体,相应的贝壳颜色表型只能是褐红色或者绿色,不会出现oo基因型可能表现的橘红色或黄色。特定基因型的皱纹盘鲍,在摄食特定类型的食物时贝壳的相应部位可表现出特定的颜色。皱纹盘鲍的这种“食物-贝壳颜色”的相关性可作为一种形态标记,用于标识皱纹盘鲍的个体和群体,该标记技术可用于皱纹盘鲍的养殖技术和遗传学研究。 此外,选用了贝壳颜色遗传学实验中建立的贝壳颜色发生分离的家系为实验材料,以壳长为指标,分析比较了来自相同家系的O表型与G表型个体之间的生长速度。结果表明,在幼鲍发育至412天止的3-5个统计时段内,没有在同一家系来源的2种贝壳颜色表型个体之间检验到生长速度的显著差异。 2. 皱纹盘鲍不同选育群体及杂交群体的贝壳形态参数分析 在皱纹盘鲍的7个群体中(包括已经对生长速度为指标进行了多代人工选育的群体4个、野生群体之间直接杂交繁育的杂交F1群体3个),测量了4-6龄成体样本的壳长(L)、壳宽(W)、壳高(H)和壳重(Sw),并计算了L/(L+W+H)、W/(L+W+H)、H/(L+W+H)和Sw/(L×W×H)等4个壳形态学参数。用方差分析方法(MANOVA、ANOVA)统计并比较了这些壳形态参数在皱纹盘鲍群体间的遗传变异。结果表明,4个壳形态参数在不同群体间变异系数分别为0.34、0.74、2.62和6.54,其中,H/(L+W+H)与Sw/(L×W×H)在各供试群体间均具有较高的多态性且差异达显著水平,表明这2个参数在不同群体间存在较高的遗传变异。由于在活体情况下无法测量壳重(Sw)性状,建议以参数H/(L+W+H)为指标对皱纹盘鲍贝壳形态(如壳型)等进行人工选择。 3. 皱纹盘鲍成体阶段生长性状的遗传参数估计 采用巢式设计,分析了成体阶段不同发育期皱纹盘鲍的壳长与生长速率的遗传力、不同发育期的壳长性状之间的遗传相关、以及不同发育期的生长速率之间的遗传相关,结果表明:(1)壳长遗传力在受精后第70 、130、320、320、380、490与550天的雄性组分估计值分别为0.161 ± 0.075、0.312 ± 0.131、0.326 ± 0.331、0.135 ± 0.228、0.153 ± 0.185和0.180 ± 0.106;雌亲组分估计分别为0.312 ± 0.172、0.699 ± 0.168、0.695 ± 0.168、0.977 ± 0.407、0.427 ± 0.195和0.449 ± 0.027。(2)生长速率遗传力在受精后第320~380天、490 ~ 550天,雄、雌组分估计值分别为0.080 ± 0.120(雄)、 0.210 ± 0.191(雌)以及0.299 ± 0.146(雄)、0.306± 0.148(雌)。雌亲组分的壳长遗传力和生长速率遗传力估计值较大且均达显著水平,表明皱纹盘鲍在成体阶段依然受母性效应的影响。成体阶段生长性状遗传力水平的估计对制定科学的皱纹盘鲍育种方案有指导意义。(3)雄亲组分估计的不同发育期(第390 ~ 550天)壳长间遗传相关为0.597 ~ 1.000,雌亲组分估计为0.589 ~ 1.177。由雄亲、雌亲组分估计,受精后第320~380天与第490 ~ 550天两个发育阶段生长速率间遗传相关均接近于0。雌亲组分估计不同发育期壳长间遗传相关均达显著水平(t0.05, d.f.=13 = 4.33 ~ 11.69,P<0.01),表明壳长性状早期选择有效,即在皱纹盘鲍早期阶段依据壳长性状对个体进行择优或去劣可在后期阶段获得壳长较大的个体。由于使用的雄亲数目少(8个父系半同胞),实验中以雄亲组分估计的遗传参数误差较大。 4. 皱纹盘鲍选育系间的群体杂交 进行了皱纹盘鲍4个人工选育系之间的完全双列杂交实验,以群体交配的方式共建立了16个组合;此外,以大连“98”选群与汕头“S”选群为亲本,以群体交配的方式建立了4个交配组合。对不同方向的杂交组合进行了中亲杂种优势、超亲杂种优势以及配合力等方面的评价。 (1)测量了4个选育群体(R、97、S和J)及其各杂交组合在受精后第9、20和30天时的壳长,统计分析了不同选育系间壳长性状的差异、评价了不同方向杂交组合的中亲与超亲杂种优势、以及配合力。结果如下: 选育系群体内交配繁育的4个组合,在受精后第9、20和30天的壳长均有显著差异,其中,97  97组合在早期发育各阶段均为最小,分别为0.462 ± 0.023mm、0.698 ± 0.057mm和1.476 ± 0.234mm;S  S组合的3次测量值均为最大,分别为0.522 ± 0.023mm、0.824 ± 0.084mm和1.798 ± 0.229mm。 两个方向杂交组合与选育系亲本群体内交配组合的平均值和高亲值比较,得到如下结果:(A)受精后第9天壳长表现正向中亲杂种优势的组合有6个、表现负向中亲杂种优势的组合6个,其中J  97组合的中亲优势率最高,为9.05%;R  S组合最低,为-6.61%。正向高亲杂种优势组合有4个、负向高亲杂种优势组合有8个,其中S  J组合的高亲优势率最高,为5.77%;R  S组合最低,为-7.96%。(B)受精后第20天壳长表现正向中亲杂种优势的组合有7个、表现负向中亲杂种优势的组合5个,其中J  97组合的中亲优势率最高,为12.60%;J  R组合最低,为-8.72%。正向高亲杂种优势组合有3个、负向高亲杂种优势组合有11个,其中J  97组合的高亲优势率最高,为12.20%;J  R组合最低,为-12.67%。(C)受精后第30天壳长表现正向中亲杂种优势的组合有7个、负向中亲杂种优势的组合5个,其中97  S组合的中亲优势率最高,为24.08%;S  97组合最低,为-12.69%。正向高亲杂种优势组合有6个、负向高亲杂种优势组合有6个,其中97  S组合的高亲优势率最高,为15.95%;S  J组合最低,为-19.44%。上述结果表明,皱纹盘鲍不同选育系之间的交配组合,杂种优势率差异很大,因此,通过组配实验,将杂种优势率高的交配组合选择出来应用于生产,可望显著提高目标性状的产量。 对早期发育阶段各生长期壳长性状,亲本一般配合力(GCA)、各杂交组合间特殊配合力(SCA)以及正反交(REC)效应值进行方差分析,结果表明:各亲本GCA差异显著,说明各选育群体存在显著的遗传差异,其中汕头选群“S”在测量的各个生长期均为正值且显著大于其它各亲本;特殊配合力(SCA)以及正反交(REC)效应值较大在各杂交组合间存在显著差异,说明在早期生长发育阶段非加性遗传效应(显性和上位效应)占主导地位。综合各个生长期亲本GCA和杂交组特殊配合力(SCA)以及正反交(REC)效应值,杂交组合97×S在早期生长阶段不仅有较高SCA值而且两个亲本也具有较大的GCA值,表明选育系97和S较适宜作为杂交亲本使用。 (2)大连“98”选群与汕头“S”选群进行2×2因子设计的群体杂交实验,比较了各交配组合早期存活相关性状如受精率、孵化率、变态率以及壳长性状,评价了两个方向杂交组合平均以及不同方向杂交组合的中亲杂种优势率。结果表明早期发育阶段各组合间的受精率无显著差异,而孵化率、变态率等两个杂交方向平均的中亲杂种优势率为5.49%与12.53%,高于壳长性状的优势率(0.936-1.534%)。方差分析结果表明不同方向的杂交组合在早期发育阶段存活相关性状以及壳长性状存在显著差异。孵化率、变态率性状,S×98的中亲杂种优势率分别为13.21%与21.10%,均高于98×S的-3.84%与3.85%;而第10和25d壳长性状,S×98的中亲杂种优势率为1.14%与-2.52%,低于98×S的1.93%与4.41%。 为进一步评价“98”选群与“S”选群不同交配组合在不同温度条件下的生长,进行了基因型与环境的互作研究。从“98”选群与“S”选群的4个交配组合中分别取5月龄幼鲍100头,各组合随机分成3组,每组1个重复,分别于12°C、16°C和 22°C温度条件下进行培育,比较各交配组合基因型与温度对幼鲍生长的影响。不同温度条件下,各组合壳长生长的方差分析结果表明,基因型和温度都能够对幼鲍生长以及最终壳长产生极显著的影响(P < 0. 01),它们的交互作用也达到显著水平(P < 0.05)。杂交子代的幼鲍壳长在12°C、16°C和 22°C温度条件下均表现出杂种优势,双向杂交的中亲杂种优势率分别为5.32%、5.55%和0.03%,表明低温条件(12°C),比高温条件(22°C)下有更强的杂种优势。汕头“S”选群的早期孵化率、变态率、生长性状以及低温条件下幼鲍生长性状的单亲杂种优势率分别为16.64%、42.49%、3.42~5.79%和5.73~9.15%,单亲杂种优势率较大,表明可通过杂交手段,显著地改良汕头“S”选群在早期发育阶段的生长速度、存活率以及幼鲍期的生长性状。本研究的结果支持了Lerner(1954)杂种优势的基因与环境互作学说。 5. 皱纹盘鲍幼鲍的中间培育技术研究 (1)对南方越冬方式的评价 目前,每年的11月前后,将6-7月龄幼鲍运往南方的闽东、闽中、闽南沿海越冬,翌年4月至6月再运回到北方(大连、山东半岛)的养殖模式已经普遍应用于皱纹盘鲍的实际生产,为评价南方越冬的幼鲍培育方式,本研究分别以不同幼鲍材料在闽东三都海湾进行了越冬培育实验。 选择生产上壳长分别为18.37 ± 1.28 mm、15.89 ± 1.10 mm、14.55 ± 1.10 mm与10.59 ± 0.84 mm的幼鲍进行了为期6.5个月的越冬培育,实验结束时,存活率分别为95.56 ± 2.21%、90.55 ± 1.96%、83.97 ± 1.63%与63.30 ± 2.79%。回归分析表明,供试幼鲍在实验起始时的壳长与越冬阶段的存活率成正相关(P = 0.018 < 0.05)。该结果表明,提高幼鲍的规格可显著提高皱纹盘鲍的越冬成活率,因此对于实际生产而言,采取适当措施提高皱纹盘鲍越冬苗种的规格将大幅增加生产的收益,而采用生长速率快的品种、品系或提早采苗均可实现该目标。综合各规格组幼鲍,幼鲍在南方开放性水域进行越冬培育的平均存活率较高,可达到91.38±0.01%,从幼鲍南方越冬的存活曲线可以看出,幼鲍的死亡主要集中在从大连运至福建某地后的15天内,出现死亡高峰的原因可能是由于运输过程的胁迫。此外,2月及4月中下旬水温出现显著降低或回升时也有较明显的死亡出现。该部分结果,对皱纹盘鲍幼鲍的养成管理有指导意义,可以通过合理安排越冬时间、避开死亡的敏感期等措施减少苗种越冬阶段的死亡量。 以中国大连野生群体繁育的子一代为亲本(10♀,10♂),以群体交配的方式繁育F2代个体为实验材料,分别于南方海区以及北方室内升温水方式下进行生长、存活比较,结果表明南方越冬培育方式下,幼鲍壳长的日增长率为81.37-108.89 µm•day-1,与北方室内升温培育条件相比,壳长生长提高了1.08 ~ 1.68倍;而存活率无显著差异。皱纹盘鲍幼鲍南方越冬方式的优势主要体现在鲍鱼幼鲍的生长速度加快,同时节约养殖场的能耗 (2)幼鲍培育过程中的养殖密度与分选效应评价 以3种规格皱纹盘鲍幼鲍为材料比较幼鲍在4个培育密度以及分选或混养条件下壳长的平均日生长及特定生长率。在南方越冬培育方式下实验进行106天,多因素方差分析结果表明实验初始幼鲍的壳长以及培育密度对壳长的生长有显著影响,而且密度效应在不同幼鲍起始规格组中有不同表现;分选没有能够提高不同规格组的生长。本研究的结果对皱纹盘鲍幼鲍的越冬培育有一定的指导作用。


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本研究利用AFLP和微卫星标记,以海湾扇贝杂交F1为作图群体,构建了海湾扇贝的遗传连锁图谱,并对壳色决定基因和与生长性状相关的QTL进行了定位。 共用55对AFLP引物组合对亲本和88个子代个体进行扩增,共得到了2424个位点,多态性位点为392个,占所有标记的16.17%。其中,母本标记121个,父本标记196个,共有标记75个。经卡方检验,共有331个标记(84.4%)符合孟德尔分离比,61个标记(15.6%)出现偏分离现象。偏分离标记中,36个(59%)为纯合子缺失。从35对微卫星引物中筛选出了10对多态性引物,得到了5个母本标记和6个父本标记。另外,将表现为质量性状的壳色标记作为形态标记一同进行连锁图谱构建。 分别利用母本和父本标记构建了海湾扇贝雌性和雄性连锁图谱。其中,共有包括109个AFLP标记、5个微卫星标记和1个壳色标记组成了雌性图谱的框架图,分布于16个连锁群。图谱总长度为338.8cM,平均间隔为5.29cM,图谱覆盖率为65.82%。雄性连锁图谱框架图共定位了186个标记,包括181个AFLP标记、5个微卫星标记,壳色标记未实现定位。图谱包括17个连锁群,总长度为780.3cM,平均间隔为6.56cM,图谱覆盖率为78.11%。通过SSR12位点的定位结果,可以将雌性图谱第7连锁群与雄性图谱17连锁群对应起来。 壳色标记定位在了雌性图谱第九连锁群上,说明橙色基因位点为杂合。我们将壳色基因命名为Orange1,两个标记——F1f335和D8f420与这一基因之间图距为0。在家系和群体中初步验证,这两个标记与壳色基因紧密或完全连锁。 共定位了16个与生长相关的QTL,它们分布于雌性图谱的2、3、5连锁群和雄性图谱的4、5、6、7、8连锁群上。每个QTL均发现了与其图距非常接近的分子标记(0.01-2.51%)。其中壳长、壳高、壳宽三个长度指标QTL成簇分布或部分重叠,可一同作为选择性指标,壳重和全湿重QTL位点也比较相近。只有软体部重位点单独分布,可能具有相对独立的遗传基础。


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C16H15Br2O7.5, orthorhombic, P2(1)2(1)2 (no. 18), a = 18.483(2) angstrom, b = 9.413(1) angstrom, c = 10.072(1) angstrom, V = 1752.3 angstrom(3), Z = 4, R-gt(F) = 0.083, wR(ref)(F-2) = 0.202, T= 293 K.


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A new lead(II) phosphonate, Pb[(PO3)(2)C(OH)CH3]center dot H2O (1) was hydrothermally synthesized and characterized by IR, elemental analysis, UV, TGA, SEM, and single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. X-ray crystallographic study showed that complex 1 has a two-dimensional double layered hybrid structure containing interconnected 4- and 12-membered rings and shows an unusual (5,5)-connected (4(7) . 6(3)) (4(8) .6(2)) topology. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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为探讨高原鼠兔对土壤理化性质的作用,本研究于2005年8月,采用灼烧和烘干法,分别测定了高原鼠兔栖息及被灭杀地区土壤有机质含量及湿度.结果表明:高原鼠兔栖息地区,0~5 cm及6~10 cm土壤层有机质含量和湿度均极显著或显著高于被灭杀地区;11~30 cm土壤层,二者无显著的差异;31~50 cm土壤层,有机质含量差异极显著,而土壤湿度则无显著差异.说明,高原鼠兔活动可增加高寒草甸土壤表层有机质含量和湿度,进而改变土壤理化性质,促进生态系统物质循环.


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本文报道了我国西部高山上的8种龙胆属植物的染色体数目。其中宽街龙胆(Gentianaampla)的染色体数目为Zn=48,提钟龙胆(G.stipitataSubsp.timensis)的染色体数目为2n=26)小齿龙胆(G.microdonta)和四数龙胆(G.lineolata)的染色体数目为2n=24,南山龙胆(G.grumil)的染色体数目为2n=18,上述5种植物的染色体数目为首次报道。其余蓝玉簪龙胆(G.veitchiorum)的染色体数目为2n=24,线叶龙胆(G.lawrenci Burk.var.farrei)的染色体数目为2n=48,钻叶龙胆的染色体数目为2n=18。


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The effect of feeding 0, 4, 8 and 16% rapeseed oil from 12-42 days of age was studied in broiler chickens on performance, digestibility of nutrients, and development of gastrointestinal tract, protein and energy metabolism. Thirty six female chickens (Ross 208) with initial body weight average 246 g were allocated to the four groups and kept pair-wise in metabolism cages. The chickens were fed similar amounts of metabolisable energy (ME) per day and similar amounts of essential amino acids relative to ME by adjusting with crystalline amino acids. The chickens were subjected to four balance periods each of five days with two 24 h measurements of gas exchange in two open-air-circuit respiration chambers inserted on the second and third day of each period. The addition of rapeseed oil increased the amount of gutfill indicating a reduced rate of passage and causing a hypertrophy of the gastrointestinal tract. There was a positive effect on feed utilisation as well as on digestibility especially of dietary fat together with higher utilisation of protein with addition of rapeseed oil. The partial fat digestibility of rapeseed oil estimated by regression was 91.1% and the partial metabolisability (ME/GE) of the rapeseed oil was estimated to 85% yielding an apparent metabolisable energy value of 34.30 MJ/kg.


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Milula, a monotypic genus endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, was found to be nested deeply within Allium by the molecular phylogeny despite the aberrant morphology. It remains unknown what had contributed to the rapid evolution of morphology and origin of this exceptional species. In contrast to a previous report of its karyotypes with 2n = 16 = 8M+8SM (2SAT), similar to most species of Allium, a rather different karyotype, 2n = 20 = 4M +10SM+6T (2SAT), was found in examined 31 individuals from 6 populations of M. spicata distributed in the central Tibet. Karyotypes of 7 Allium species occurring in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were further reported. The basic number x = 8 was confirmed for all of them and their karyotypes consist mainly of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes with rare subterminal and terminal chromosomes. The karyotype of M. spicata is distinctly different from that of most Allium species occurring in the plateau through a complete comparison of all available species in this region and adjacent areas. However, the same chromosome number and similar karyotypic structure were found in A. fasciculatum of Sect. Bromatorrhiza, indicating a possible close relationship between them. But this similarity is contradictory to the preliminary molecular phylogenetic analysis that Milula was closely related to A. cyathophorum of Sect. Bromatorrhiza with x=8, but the other species with x=10 and 11 in this section were clearly placed in the other clade. We therefore suggested that the paralleling evolution from x=8 to x=9, 10 and 11 with increasing asymmetry of karyotype possibly due to the chromosomal Robertsonian translocation might occur separately in the two recognized phylogenetic lineages of Allium. In addition to aneuploidy and following change of the chromosomal structures, the habitat isolation due to the recent uplift of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the Quaternary climatic oscillation, plays a greater role in origin of Milula and other endemic species (genera) with aberrant morphology from their progenitors.


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8位单片机仍是当前应用的主流辽宁省单片微机学会理事长 中科院沈阳自动化研究所马喜顺 在半世纪之交,基于半导体集成技术的突飞猛进的发展,各种类型的单片机正日新月异地涌向市场,为单片机技术的应用人员提供了极大的方便。1975年美国德州仪器(TI)公司推出…。


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The exploration in recent years shows that the Yanchang Formation in the southwest of Ordos Basin is of great resource potential and good exploration and exploitation prospect. In the thesis ,sedimentary source analysis,sedimentary system,sedimentary microfacies,sandstones distribution and reservoir characteristic are studied and favorable oil area are forecasted in Chang6-Chang8 of Yanchang formation in HuanXian region, by mainly study on the data of field section observation ,core observation, well logging explaination and routine microscope slice identification,scanning Electron Microscope and reservoir analysis of lithology and physical property , Under the guidance of such advanced theories and methods as sedimentology,reservoir sedimentology,lithological oil pool and so on. The stratum of Chang6-Chang8 of Yanchang formation could be divided into pieces of member following the principles that firstly contrasting the big segments, then contrasting the small segments, being controlled by cycle and consulting the thickness etc.And the characteristic of stratum are detailed discussed , respectively. Based on the source direction of the central basin, heavy and light minerals are used to analyse source direction of Chang6 and Chang8 member, in HuanXian area. Research result shows that the source of Chang6 and Chang8 member is mixed provenance,including west-south,west and east-north. By the study of rock types、 sedimentary conformation、lithology and electromotive curve combination and palaeo-biology,lake、delta and braided delta mianly developed in study area are recognized, Subaqueous distributary channels in delta front and in braided delta front, and sand body in deep-lake turbidite, are the main reservoir.forthermore,the characteristic of depositional system and sandy body in space are discussed. Applied with routine microscope slice identification, Scanning Electron Microscope, reservoir lithology and physical property analysis and other analytic machinery, Feldspar-lithic fine-sandstone and feldspar fine-sandstone are mainly sandstone of Y Chang6-Chang8 in Huanxian area, small pore and tiny pore are the main pore types, tiny throat type and micro-fine throat type are widely developed , secondary dissolution porosity, intercrystal porosity, tiny pore and micro-crack are main pore types.Intergranular porosity and dissolution porosity secondary is the main pore secondary. The dominant diagenesis types in the area are compaction, cementation, replacement and dissolution. Chlorite films cementation facies, carbonate cementation facies ,mud cementation compaction facie, compaction 、pressure solution facies are the main diagenetic facies,in which Chlorite films cementation facies is the best diagenetic facies in study area. Reservoir influence factor analysis ,rock types are the main factor forming this low-pore and low-permeability of Chang6-Chang8 member in study area,and relatively higher permeability area are cortrolled by sedimentary facies distribution, diagenesis improved reservoir physical property. According to the distributing of sedimentary micro-facies and sandy body , and the test oil, favorable region in Chang6-Chang8 are forecasted.