225 resultados para ddc: 780.7


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富磷过铝质岩浆是过铝质岩浆体系中的一个重要类型,它通常以富P,高ASI[铝饱和指数,Al2O3/(Na2O+K2O+CaO)摩尔比值],贫Fe、Mg、Ca,强烈亏损REE、Th、Y,与稀有金属(W、Sn、Be、Nb、Ta)矿化具有成因联系为特征。富磷过铝质岩浆体系的性状及其演化的地球化学特征、岩浆液态分离、磷酸盐-硅酸盐矿物对平衡对熔体相中磷的制约以及富磷过铝质岩浆-热液体系中微量元素(包括REE)地球化学行为等科学问题尚未得到系统解决,目前更缺乏实验地球化学的直接证据。对上述科学问题的研究、探索,将有助于了解富磷过铝质岩浆体系形成和演化的地球化学特征,有助于揭示磷对微量元素(包括稀有、稀土元素)地球化学行为的影响,这对于理解过铝质岩浆体系成岩、成矿作用过程具有重要的理论和实际意义。 本文以天然钠长花岗岩为初始物,针对上述内容,开展了不同PTX条件下高温高压下实验研究,获得了如下重要认识: 1) 确定了100 MPa条件下磷对过铝质岩浆液相线温度的影响。随着体系中P2O5的含量增大,液相线温度由1.91 wt%P2O5的780 C降至4.83 wt%P2O5的760C、7.71 wt%P2O5的740 C,即体系中每增加1 wt%P2O5,液相线温度降低约7~10 C; 2) 不同PTX条件下的实验产物中均未见不混溶球粒结构、乳滴结构或流动构造,初步推断富磷过铝质岩浆体系中可能不存在单纯由磷引起的岩浆液态分离现象; 3) 锰铝榴石-磷灰石矿物平衡反应制约着形成过铝质初始岩浆中P2O5含量,熔体相中P2O5含量在750 C的0.47~0.80 wt%、830 C的0.35~2.26 wt%范围内。熔体相中的P2O5含量与ASI之间存在二次函数关系(P2O5 wt%=3.5×ASI2-11.3×ASI+9.5 )。锰铝榴石溶解,促使体系中Al2O3活度增大,含锰氟磷灰石的溶解及其端元磷灰石结晶之间的化学平衡,导致熔体相中P2O5的降低,很可能是熔体中P2O5随体系ASI增大而降低的机制。 4) 不同PTX条件下稀有金属元素(W、Sn、Be、Nb、Ta)在流体/熔体相间的分配系数(Dif/m)<<0.1,预示着W、Sn、Be、Nb、Ta强烈富集在富磷过铝质熔体相中。由此,可推测富P过铝质岩浆体系的演化晚期,不太可能分异出富含上述成矿元素的成矿流体。随着岩浆分异演化的进行,残余熔体相中最终导致绿柱石、锆石、锡石、铌钽矿物等矿物饱和结晶,形成有经济意义的花岗岩型或伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床。 5) 不同PTX条件下REE在流体/熔体间的分配系数(DREE)随REE的原子序数增大而逐渐降低,构成右倾的平滑曲线,不存在在Nd-Pm、Gd、Ho-Er处的拐点;Y与Ho在流体/熔体相间分配系数的比值(DY/DHo)约为1,不受体系温度、压力和P2O5含量变化的影响。上述实验结果揭示,富磷过铝质量岩浆演化至岩浆-热液过渡阶段,熔体-流体作用不会导致Y-Ho间的分异,不会引起REE间的分异,因此,富磷过铝质岩浆演化晚期的熔体-流体作用过程不可能是产生稀土“四分组”效应的根本机理。


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创造力发展的年龄特征一直是研究者非常关注的问题。很多研究者认为,只有更全面地探查儿童创造力的发展,才能充分了解创造力的本质,所以,应该在多个领域中研究创造力。本研究以文学领域中儿童比较熟悉并喜欢的讲故事的形式,采用同感评估技术(CAT),对4-7岁儿童的创造力发展趋势进行了研究,并深入探讨了经常被人们提到的出现在该阶段中的“入学突降”现象。研究共分为两个部分:研究一考察了4-7岁儿童创造力的发展趋势和创造力的“入学突降”现象;研究二探查了讲故事任务的创造力与言语能力的关系,讨论了创造力的领域特殊性。研究结果发现: 1. 4-7岁儿童的创造力随年龄的增长总体上表现出先上升后下降的趋势,并且存在性别差异。性别差异的具体表现为,女生在4-5岁的发展快于男生,且在6岁开始出现下降趋势。 2. 排除入学影响,随年龄增长,6-7岁儿童的创造力显著上升。 3. 6岁已入学儿童的创造力显著低于同年龄未入学儿童,其中女生受到的影响更大。 4. 言语能力是讲故事创造力的基础,只有达到了一定水平的言语能力才能够表现出较高水平的创造力,但是言语能力只是讲故事创造力的必要而非充分条件。 5. 研究结果部分支持了创造力领域特殊性的理论。


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儿童的故事重述涉及工作记忆和抽象表征能力,是与儿童的日常学业任务密切联系。儿童能否把握时间线索来组织故事重述,反映的是儿童抽象出故事事件内在时间关系的能力,因此对儿童故事重述的探查可以揭示儿童抽象思维发展的一般规律和特点。本研究在前人研究的基础上,系统探查了7-11岁儿童故事重述能力及其策略的发展过程,探讨了时间线索对儿童故事重述的影响,并对ADHD儿童和正常儿童的故事重述及策略进行了比较。 主要研究结果如下: (1)7-11岁儿童故事重述能力总体上随年龄增长而提高,按正确顺序重述的事件数量增多,重述过程中提取和使用的时间线索也增加。其中7-9岁有较快速的发展。 (2)随故事中包含的事件数量的增加,故事难度增大,儿童的故事重述成绩有所下降,故事长度对7岁和9岁儿童的影响大于对11岁儿童的影响。 (3)有、无时间线索语词会影响儿童的故事重述。故事中包含时间语词线索有助于儿童的故事重述。11岁儿童的故事重述已不受有、无时间线索的影响,他们在无时间线索的条件下,更多地主动使用表示因果关系的语词来表征事件关系。 (4)ADHD儿童的故事重述能力在9岁到11岁有较快的发展。但总体而言,ADHD儿童对含有时间线索故事的重述能力显著差于正常儿童。 (5)故事再学习对ADHD儿童和正常儿童的故事重述都存在促进作用。但ADHD儿童故事再学习效果不如正常儿童,低龄儿童中差距尤其明显,随着年龄的增加,ADHD儿童与正常儿童故事再学习效果的差距逐渐缩小。 (6)不同年龄的儿童主要采用四种策略解决问题。随年龄增长,正常儿童和ADHD儿童中使用水平较高的内容主线和逻辑关系策略的人数都有所增加。但ADHD儿童中高水平策略使用人数比例仍低于正常儿童。


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Children’s understanding of deontic rules and theory of mind (ToM) were the two research domains for children’s social cognition. It was significant for understanding children’s social cognition to combine the researches in the two domains. Children at 3, 5 and 7years were required to answer three questions according to the stories which happened in children’s familiar context. The three questions were designed to address the three problems:⑴Development of 3-7-Year-old children’s understanding about how the deontic rules were enacted or changed.⑵ Development of 3-7-Year-old children’s understanding about that the deontic rules and the actor’s mental states could impact on his behaviors.⑶ Development of 3-7-Year-old children’s capacity to integrate the deontic rules and mental state to evaluate the actor’s behavior. The results showed that: ① The 3-7-Year-old children had known that deontic rules were established by the authority’s speech act. But there were still some irrelevant factors which influenced the children’s judgments, such as the authority’s desire. ② The children gradually recognized the relationship between actors should do something and they will do the same thing. 3-year-old children could recognize such relationship in a way, but their predictions were usually influenced by some irrelevant factors. The children at 5 and 7 years old understood this relationship more steady. ③ In deontic context, more and more children predicted the actors’ behaviors according to the actors’ mental states as they grown up. The ratio that the 3-7-Year-old children predicted the actors’ behavior according to their false belief about the deontic rules was smaller in deontic context compared with the children’s performance in traditional false belief task. This maybe indicated that the deontic context influenced the children’s inference stronger than the physical context. ④ When they could get the actors’ desires and the deontic rules, all the children could predict the actors’ behaviors according to their desires, but not the deontic rules. It meant that all the children could understand that the actors’ desire mediated between the deontic rules and their behaviors. But when the actors wanted to transgress the deontic rules, all the children’s predications became less accurate. ⑤ When they assigned criticism, more and more children could discriminate different behaviors as a result of diverse mental states although they all transgressed the deontic rules. But the most part of children overweighed the deontic rules but overlooked the actors’ mental state about the deontic rules; their criticism to behaviors which transgressed the deontic rules just differ in quantity according to diverse mental states, that is: if the actors known the rules or want to transgress the rules, then punished more, and if the actors didn’t know the rules or transgress the rules accidentally, then punished a little.


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The nature of individual differences among children is an important issue in the study of human intelligence. There are close relation between intelligence and executive functions. Traditional theories, which are based mainly on the factor analysis, approach the problem only from the perspective of psychometrics. However, they do not study the relation of cognition and neurobiology. Some researchers try to explore the essential differences in intelligence from the basic cognitive level, by studying the relationship between executive function and intelligence. The aim of this study was to do the followings 1) to delineate and separate the executive function in children into measurable constructs; 2) to establish the relationship between executive function and intelligence in children; 3) to find out the difference and its neural mechanism between intellectually-gifted and normal children’s executive function. The participants were 188 children aged 7-12 year old. There were 6 executive function tasks. The results were follows: 1) The latent variables analyses showed that there was no stable construct of executive function in 7-10 year old children. The executive function construct of 11-12 year old children could be separated into updating, inhibition and shifting. And they had grown to be more or less the same as adults in the executive function. There were only moderate correlations between the three types of executive function, but they were largely independent of each other. 2) The correlations between the indices of updating, inhibition, shifting and intelligence were different in 7-12 year old children. The older the age, the more the indices were related to intelligence. The updating and shifting were related to intelligence in 7-10 year old children. There were significant correlations between the updating, inhibition, shifting and intelligence in 11-12 year old children. The correlation between updating and intelligence was higher than the correlation between shifting and intelligence. Furthermore, in structural equation models controlling for the three executive functions correlations, updating was highly related to intelligence, but the relations of inhibition and shifting to intelligence were not significant. 3) Intellectually-gifted children performed better than normal children in executive function tasks. The neural mechanism differences between intellectually gifted and average children were indicated by ERP component P3. The present study helps us to understand the relationship between intelligence and executive function; and throws light on the issue of individual differences in intelligence. The present results can provide theoretical support for the development a culture-free intelligence test and a method to promote the development of intelligence. Our present study lends support to the neural efficient hypothesis.