250 resultados para Vacuum fluidisation


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A modeling study is conducted to investigate the plasma flow and heat transfer characteristics of low-power (kW class) arc-heated thrusters (arcjets) with 2:1 hydrogen/nitrogen to simulate decomposed hydrazine as the propellant. The all-speed SIMPLE algorithm is employed to solve the governing equations, which take into account the effects of compressibility, the Lorentz force and Joule heating, as well as the temperature- and pressure-dependence of the gas properties. Typical computed results about the temperature, velocity and Mach number distributions within arcjet thruster are presented for the case with arc current of 9 A and inlet stagnant pressure of 3.3×105 Pa to show the flow and heat transfer characteristics. It is found that the propellant is heated mainly in the near-cathode and constrictor region, with the highest plasma temperature appearing near the cathode tip, and the flow transition from the subsonic to supersonic regime occurs within the constrictor region. The effect of gas viscosity on the plasma flow within arcjet thruster is examined by an additional numerical test using artificially reduced values of gas viscosity. The test results show that the gas viscosity appreciably affects the plasma flow and the performance of the arcjet thruster for the cases with the hydrazine or hydrogen as the propellant. The integrated axial Lorentz force in the thruster nozzle is also calculated and compared with the thrust force of the arcjet thruster. It is found that the integrated axial Lorentz force is much smaller than the thrust force for the low-power arcjet thruster. Modeling results for the NASA 1-kW class arcjet thruster with simulated hydrazine as the propellant are found to be reasonably consistent with available experimental data.


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6H-SiC single crystal specimens were implanted at 600 K with 100 KeV He ions to three successively increasing fluences and subsequently annealed at different temperatures ranging from 600℃ to 1200℃ in vacuum.After the annealing,the samples were investigated by using Raman scattering spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectrometry,respectively.Both of the two methods showed that the damage induced by helium-ion-implantation in the lattice is closely related to the dose.The thermal annealing brings about reco...中文摘要:对氦(He)离子高温(600K)注入6H-SiC中的辐照缺陷,在阶梯温度退火后演化行为的拉曼光谱和室温光致发光谱的特征进行了分析.这两种方法的实验结果表明,离子注入所产生晶格损伤的程度与注入剂量有关;高温退火导致损伤的恢复,不同注入剂量造成的晶格损伤需要不同的退火温度才可恢复.在阶梯温度退火下呈现出了点缺陷的复合、氦-空位团的产生、氦泡的形核、长大等特性.研究表明:高温(600K)注入在一定剂量范围内是避免注入层非晶化的一个重要方法,为后续利用氦离子注入空腔掩埋层吸杂或者制备低成本、低缺陷密度的绝缘层上碳化硅(SiCOI)材料提供了可能.


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Abstract A state-of-the-art high energy heavy ion microbeam irradiation system is constructed at the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This microbeam system operates in both full current intensity mode and single ion mode. It delivers a predefined number of ions to preselected targets for research in biology and material science. The characteristic of this microbeam system is high energy and vertical irradiation. A quadrupole focusing system, in combination with a series of slits, has been designed to optimize the spatial resolution. A symmetrically achromatic system leads the beam downwards and serves simultaneously as an energy analyzer. A high gradient quadrupole triplet finally focuses a C6+ ion beam to 1 µm in the vacuum chamber within the energy range from 10 MeV/u to 100 MeV/u. In this paper, the IMP microbeam system is described in detail. A systematic investigation of the ion beam optics of this microbeam system is presented together with the associated aberrations. Comparison is made between the IMP microbeam system and the other existing systems to further discuss the performance of this microbeam. Then the optimized initial beam parameters are given for high resolution and high hitting efficiency. At last, the experiment platform is briefly introduced.


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This paper introduced a real-time vacuum monitor system based on multilayer Web architecture for HIRFL-CSR(Heavy Ion Research Facility of Lanzhou & Cooler Storage Ring) project in Lanzhou.It combined with COM/DCOM to develop the application layer,and developed the web layer with ActiveX and Ajax technology.It provided a facility and efficiency method for real-time control.The application shows that this system runs stably and accurately.中文文摘:简要介绍了国家"九五"重大科学工程——兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)真空监控系统的总体结构,分析了在Web构架下,基于分布式内存数据库的多层真空监控系统的实现方法。采用分布式内存数据库,解决了基于Web构架的分布式实时应用环境下对系统和网络资源的消耗问题。在软件控制方面采用了统一调度,既简化了软件实现过程,又提高了系统的安全性、高效性和易维护性。该系统已成功运行。


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A LIBS setup was built in the Institute of Modern Physics. In our experiments, LIBS spectra produced by infrared radiation of Nd : YAG nanosecond laser with 100 and 150 mJ pulse energy, respectively, were measured by fiber optic spectrometer in the ranges of 230-430 run and 430-1080 nm with a delay time of 1.7 and gate width of 2 ms for potato and lily samples prepared by vacuum freeze-dried technique. The lines from different metal elements such as K, Ca, Na, Mg, Fe, Al, Mn and Ti, and nonmetal elements such as C, N, O and H, and some molecular spectra from C-2, CaO, and CN were identified according to their wavelengths. The relative content of the six microelements, Ca, Na, K, Fe, Al, and Mg in the samples were analyzed according to their representative line intensities. By comparison we found that there are higher relative content of Ca and Na in lily samples and higher relative content of Mg in potato samples. The experimental results showed that LIBS technique is a fast and effective means for measuring and comparing the contents of microelements in plant samples.


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To study the injection of additional electrons from an external electron gun into the plasma of a Penning ionization gauge (PIG) ion source, a test bench for the external electron-beam enhancement of the PIG (E-PIG) ion source was set up. A source magnet assembly was built to satisfy the request for magnetic field configuration of the E-PIG ion source. Numerical calculations have been done to optimize the magnetic field configuration so as to fit the primary electrons to be fed into the PIG discharge chamber along the spreading magnetic field lines. Many possible methods for improving the performance and stability of the PIG ion source have been used in the E-PIG ion source, including the use of multicrystal LaB6 cathode and optimized axial magnetic field. This article presents a detailed design of the E-PIG ion source. Substantial enhancement of ion charge state is expected to be observed which demonstrates that the E-PIG is a viable alternative to other much more costly and difficult to operate devices for the production of intense ion beams of higher charge state.


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The decomposition of Spin(c)(4) gauge potential in terms of the Dirac 4-spinor is investigated, where an important characterizing equation Delta A(mu) = -lambda A(mu) has been discovered. Here, lambda is the vacuum expectation value of the spinor field, lambda = parallel to Phi parallel to(2), and A(mu) the twisting U(1) potential. It is found that when), takes constant values, the characterizing equation becomes an eigenvalue problem of the Laplacian operator. It provides a revenue to determine the modulus of the spinor field by using the Laplacian spectral theory. The above study could be useful in determining the spinor field and twisting potential in the Seiberg-Witten equations. Moreover, topological characteristic numbers of instantons in the self-dual sub-space are also discussed.


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Single-crystalline spinel (MgAl2O4) specimens were implanted with helium ions of 100 keV at three successively increasing fluences of (0.5, 2.0 and 8.0) x 10(16) ions/cm(2) at room temperature. The specimens were subsequently annealed in vacuum at different temperatures ranging from 500 to 1100 degrees C. Different techniques, including Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermal desorption spectrometry (TDS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to investigate the specimens, It was found that the absorbance peak in the FTIR due to the stretching vibration of the Al-O bond shifts to smaller wave numbers with increasing fluence, shifting back to larger wave numbers with an increase of annealing temperature. The absorbance peak shift has a linear relationship with the fluence increase in the as-implanted state, while it does not have a linear relationship with the fluence increase after the annealing process. Surface deformation occurred in the specimens implanted with fluences of 2.0 and 8.0 x 10(16) ions/cm(2) in the annealing process. The phenomena described above can be attributed to differences in defect formation in the specimens. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present work, a Cz-Silicon wafer is implanted with helium ions to produce a buried porous layer, and then thermally annealed in a dry oxygen atmosphere to make oxygen transport into the cavities. The formation of the buried oxide layer in the case of internal oxidation (ITOX) of the buried porous layer of cavities in the silicon sample is studied by positron beam annihilation (PBA). The cavities are formed by 15 keV He implantation at a fluence of 2 x 10(16) cm(-2) and followed by thermal annealing at 673 K for 30 min in vacuum. The internal oxidation is carried out at temperatures ranging from 1073 to 1473 K for 2 h in a dry oxygen atmosphere. The layered structures evolved in the silicon are detected by using the PBA and the thicknesses of their layers and nature are also investigated. It is found that rather high temperatures must be chosen to establish a sufficient flux of oxygen into the cavity layer. On the other hand high temperatures lead to coarsening the cavities and removing the cavity layer finally.


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The micro-beam irradiation system, which focuses the beam down to micron order and precisely delivers a predefined number of ions to a predefined spot of micron order, is a powerful tool for radio-biology, radio-biomedicine and micromachining. The Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences is developing a heavy-ion microbeam irradiation system up to intermediate energy. Based on the intermediate and low energy beam provided by Heavy Ion Research Facility of Lanzhou, the micro-beam system takes the form of the magnetic focusing. The heavy-ion beam is conducted to the basement by a symmetrical achromatic system consisting of two vertical bending magnets and a quadrupole in between. Then a beam spot of micron order is formed by a magnetic triplet quadrupole of very high gradient. The sample can be irradiated either in vacuum or in the air. This system will be the first opening platform capable of providing heavy ion micro-beam, ranging from low (10MeV/u) to intermediate energy (100MeV/u), for irradiation experiment with positioning and counting accuracy. Target material may be biology cell, tissue or other non-biological materials. It will be a help for unveiling the essence of heavy-ion interaction with matter and also a new means for exploring the application of heavy-ion irradiation.


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Two kinds of Fe/Cu multilayers with different modulation wavelength were deposited on cleaved Si(100) substrates and then irradiated at room temperature using 400 keV Xe20+ in a wide range of irradiation fluences. As a comparison, thermal annealing at 300-900 degrees C was also carried out in vacuum. Then the samples were analyzed by XRD and the evolution of crystallite structures induced by irradiation was investigated. The obtained XRD patterns showed that, with increase of the irradiation fluence, the peaks of Fe became weaker, the peaks related to Cu-based fcc solid solution and Fe-based bcc solid solution phase became visible and the former became strong gradually. This implied that the intermixing at the Fe/Cu interface induced by ion irradiation resulted in the formation of the new phases which could not be achieved by thermal annealing. The possible intermixing mechanism of Fe/Cu multilayers induced by energetic ion irradiation was briefly discussed.


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Recent vacuum system development with an XHV condition for the particle accelerators is briefly described. The progress of selecting and treatment of the materials used in XHV systems is introduced, and the choice of the main pump for an XHV system and some new pumping method are presented. Some leak detection experiences both for the superconducting and warm vacuum systems are recommended and the status of XHV measurement and the gauge calibration are introduced.


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The research is to design a differential pumping system not only to achieve the pressure transition with a large throughput, but also to achieve a clean system without back-oil. In the paper, the pressure in differential stages is calculated; the differential pumping system design and equipment choice are introduced; the tests of Molecular/Booster Pump (MBP), a new kind of molecular-drag pump with large throughout and clean vacuum are described and the system experimental result and analysis are presented.