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织纹螺(Nassarius spp.)味道鲜美,是中国及其它一些亚洲国家沿海地区居民习惯食用的一种水产品。但是,近几十年来,中国沿海频繁发生食用织纹螺中毒事件,严重威胁着人们的身体健康和生命安全。加之人们对织纹螺体内的毒素成分、来源及其毒性变化规律还没有清晰的认识,因此难以有效预防和控制食用织纹螺引起的中毒事件。本文根据文献报道,在中国沿海食用织纹螺中毒事件多发的典型区域,包括江苏省的连云港市和盐城市、浙江省的舟山市和宁波市、福建省的宁德市、厦门市和莆田市设立了监测点,于2006年和2007年间进行了连续采样,应用小鼠生物测试法调查了织纹螺毒性的消长情况,并利用高效液相色谱-质谱联用(Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry,LC-MS)和高效液相色谱技术(High Performance Liquid Chromatography,HPLC)对织纹螺体内的毒素成分进行了分析。 实验结果表明,2006年于江苏省盐城市射阳海域采集的织纹螺样品中,阳性样品检出率为56%,毒性在2-5 MU/g组织(湿重)之间变化,在2007年于同地采集的8个样品中,除一个样品毒性为3.14 MU/g组织(湿重)以外,其余样品均表现为阴性;而2007年采集自连云港市赣榆海域的织纹螺样品,在采样期间则呈现出极高的毒性,最高达到846.52 MU/g 组织(湿重),毒性在监测期间呈“M”状波动,在5月和7月下旬出现两个毒性高峰。2006年于浙江省宁波市象山港采集的织纹螺样品中,阳性样品检出率为25%,毒性均在2.5 MU/g组织(湿重)左右;而同年采集自舟山市定海的织纹螺样品中,阳性样品检出率为100%,最高毒性达18.40 MU/g组织(湿重),毒性在监测期间也呈“M”状波动,高峰期出现在6月初和7月底。2006年3-9月采集自福建省宁德霞浦、厦门同安和莆田涵江采集的织纹螺样品中,阳性样品检出率分别为20%、43%和14%,除7月中旬采集自宁德霞浦的一个样品毒性达到16.19 MU/g组织(湿重)之外,其余样品毒性均在2-5 MU/g组织(湿重)间波动。从阳性样品的时间分布规律来看,3月份和6、7月份是阳性样品集中出现的时期。根据以上调查结果可以看出,织纹螺的毒性消长呈现出较明显的地域性和季节性特征,不同地区的织纹螺毒性存在差异,而同一区域织纹螺毒性的消长则表现出明显的季节性集中趋势。除了2007年采集自连云港赣榆的织纹螺样品毒性与其平均个体组织重量有相似的变化趋势以外,其余地区的织纹螺样品毒性和个体大小无明显相关性。 利用LC-MS和HPLC技术对织纹螺样品中的毒素成分进行了分析,确定河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin, TTX)及其同系物(trideoxyTTX,4-epi-TTX,anhydroTTX,oxoTTX)是所采集织纹螺中的主要致毒成分,样品中没有检测到麻痹性贝毒毒素(Paralytic Shellfish Poison, PSP)。自不同地区采集的织纹螺中毒素成分基本一致,但组成存在一定差异。其中,采自江苏省连云港赣榆和浙江省舟山定海的织纹螺样品中,trideoxyTTX是主要的成分,其次是TTX;而从其它采样地点采集的织纹螺中,TTX都是主要的毒素成分,其次才是trideoxyTTX及其它同系物。对采集自江苏省连云港赣榆和浙江舟山定海的织纹螺体内毒素的解剖学分布进行了分析,结果表明肌肉、消化腺和剩余部分中的毒素组成基本一致,其中trideoxyTTX是主要的毒素成分,其次为TTX,但采自浙江舟山的织纹螺剩余部分中的TTX是主要的毒素成分。在监测期间,各组织中的毒素组成没有明显变化,但毒素含量随季节变化表现出了一定的差异。 综上所述,在中国沿海典型区域开展的织纹螺毒性调查结果表明其毒性消长具有一定的地域性和季节性特征。分析结果显示织纹螺体内的毒素成分是河豚毒素及其同系物,采自不同区域的织纹螺体内毒素成分基本一致,但毒素组成稍有差异。对织纹螺中毒素的解剖学分布研究显示,各组织中的毒素含量随季节变化而表现出一定差异,但毒素组成没有明显的季节性变化。这些结果显示中国沿海的织纹螺应具有相似的毒素来源,研究结果将为相关部门有效监测、预防和控制食用织纹螺中毒事件提供有力的科学依据。


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The effects of direct sampling and three digestion methods were investigated on the determination of arsenic in Chang liver hepatocytes after ultrasonic disintegration were investigated. The results showed that the efficiency of microwave digestion and obturator digestion was better than cold digestion and direct sampling. The day precision (present as RSD) of microwave digestion and obturator digestion were 2.1% and 1.2% the inter-day precision were 1.2% and 2.0%, respectively. The spike recovery for the total As in the sample is 95.7% - 108.1%. The As detection limits with these four sample treatment methods (including direct sampling) were 0.74 - 0.93 mu g/L. In addition, arsenic speciation in Chang liver hepatocytes was also analyzed using the hyphenated technique of high performance liquid chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The experimental results indicated that dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) and an intermediate metabolite of DMA were found lit Chang liver hepatocytes besides inorganic arsenic (As(III) and As(V)).


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Me optimal conditions were established for the extraction of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins from gonad of Chlamys nobills using acetic acid and hydrochloric acid in the concentration range of 0.04-1.0 mol/L. A 10-g portion of gonad of Chlamys nobilis was extracted by boiling for 5 min with 1.0 mL acetic acid and hydrochloric acid in a 50-mL beaker. Meanwhile, a portion of gonad of Chlamys nobilis was extracted by sonication in the solution of 0.3 mol/L HAc + 0.2 mol/L HCl for a total period of 5-30 min. The raw extract was centrifuged at 3500 r/min for 5 min and the pH of supernatant was adjusted from 2.0 to 4.0 by 0.1 mol/L NaOH or 5 mol/L HCL After passing through a Millipore ultrafiltration membrane (10000 MW cut-off), ultrafiltrate was then analyzed by HPLC. The results showed that hydrochloric acid in the concentration range of 0.25-1.0 mol/L caused a significant decrease of N-sulfocarbarnoyl-11-hydroxysulfate toxin C1 (C1), C2 and gonyautoxin 5 (GTX5) and the concomitant increase of GTX2,3. However, the amount of the three unstable toxins did not show any change using the extraction with acetic acid. Under the same concentration of acetic acid (0.3 mol/L) and hydrochloric acid (0.2 mol/L), the amount of C1 in the ultrasonic extraction was obviously lower than the boiling one, while C2 showed slightly higher than the latter.


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Bacteria isolated from a highly toxic sample of gastropod Nassarius semiplicatus in Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province in July 2007, were studied to probe into the relationship between bacteria and toxicity of nassariid gastropod. The toxicity of the gastropod sample was 2 x 10(2) mouse unit (MU) Per gram Of tissue (wet weight). High concentration of tetrodotoxin (TTX) and its analogues (TTXs) were found in the digestive gland and muscle of the gastropod, using high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass chromatography (LC-MS). Bacterial strains isolated from the digestive gland were cultured and screened for TTX with a competitive ELISA method. Tetrodotoxin was detected in a proportion of bacterial strains, but the toxin content was low. Partial 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of the TTX-producing strains was then sequenced and compared with those published in the GenBank to tentatively identify the toxic strains. It was found that most of the toxic strains were closely affiliated with genus Vibrio, and the others were related to genus Shewanella, Marinomonas, Tenacibaculum and Aeromonas. These findings suggest that tetrodotoxin-producing bacteria might play an important role in tetrodotoxin accumulation/production in N. semiplicatus. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two strains H-2-410 and H-2-419 were obtained from the chemically mutated survivors of wild Haematococcus pluvialis 2 by using ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS). Strains H2-410 and H2-419 showed a fast cell growth with 13% and 20% increase in biomass compared to wild type, respectively. Then H-2-419-4, a fast cell growth and high astaxanthin accumulation strain, was obtained by exposing the strain H2-419 to ultraviolet radiation (UV) further. The total biomass, the astaxanthin content per cell, astaxanthin production of H-2-4194 showed 68%, 28%, and 120% increase compared to wild H. pluvialis 2, respectively. HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) data showed also an obvious proportional variation of different carotenoid compositions in the extracts of H2-4194 and the wild type, although no peak of carotenoids appeared or disappeared. Therefore, the main compositions in strain H-2-419-4, like its wild one, were free of astaxanthin, monoester, and diester of astaxanthin. The asexual reproduction in survivors after exposed to UV was not synchronous, and different from the normal synchronous asexual reproduction as the mother cells were motile instead of non-motile. Interestingly, some survivors from UV irradiation produced many mini-spores (or gamete?), the spores moved away from the mother cell gradually 4 or 5 days later. This is quite similar to sexual reproduction described by Elliot in 1934. However, whether this was sexual reproduction remains questionable, as no mating process has been observed.


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The Rhodiola L. genus (Crassulaceae) is one of the most important medicinal plant products used by Tibetans in Chinese phytotherapy. Fourteen species were examined for their content of salidroside. A considerable quantitative variation was observed using high-performance liquid chromatography and this depended on species and regional factors. It was found that all samples contained salidroside at concentrations ranging between 0.02 mg g(-1) (R. sinuate) and 15.95 mg g(-1) (R. sacra), respectively. The content of salidroside in R. sacra was significantly higher than in other popular medicinal plants of this genus. This finding indicated that there may be more Rhodiola species present in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau which may be used as a potential source of salidroside.


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The seed oil from Nitraria tangutorum samples was obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction methods. The extraction parameters for this methodology, including pressure, temperature, particle size and extraction time, were optimized. The free fatty acids in the seed oil were separated with a pre-column derivation method and 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl-p-toluenesulfonate (BDETS) as a labeling regent, followed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. The target compounds were identified by mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI in positive-ion mode). HPLC analysis shows that the main compositions of the seed oil samples were free fatty acids (FFAs) in high to low concentrations as follows: linoleic acid, oleic acid, hexadecanoic acid and octadecanoic acid. The assay detection limits (at signal-to-noise of 3:1) were 3.378-6.572 nmol/L. Excellent linear responses were observed, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.999. The facile BDETS derivatization coupled with mass spectrometry detection allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for analyzing free fatty acids in seed oil by supercritical CO2 extraction. The established method is highly efficient for seed oil extraction and extremely sensitive for fatty acid profile determination. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A pre-column derivatization method for the sensitive determination of amines using a labeling reagent 2-(11H-benzo[a]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl chloroformate (BCEC-Cl) followed by high-performance, liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection has been developed. Identification of derivatives was carried out by LC/APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The chromophore of 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC-Cl) reagent was replaced by 2-(11H-benzo[a]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl functional group, which resulted in a sensitive fluorescence derivatizing reagent BCEC-Cl. BCEC-Cl could easily and quickly label amines. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by HPLC and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [M+ H](+) under APCI/MS in positive-ion mode. The collision-induced dissociation of the protonated molecular ion formed characteristic fragment ions at m/z 261.8 and m/z 243.8 corresponding to the cleavages of CH2O-CO and CH2-OCO bonds. Studies on derivatization demonstrated excellent derivative yields over the pH 9.0-10.0. Maximal yields close to 100% were observed with three- to four-fold molar reagent excess. In addition, the detection responses for BCEC-derivatives were compared to those obtained using 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC-Cl) and 9-fluorenyl methylchloroformate, (FMOC-Cl) as labeling reagents. The ratios I-BCEC/I-BCEOC = 1.94-2.17 and I-BCEC/I-FMOC = 1.04-2.19 for fluorescent (FL) responses (here, I was relative fluorescence intensity). Separation of the derivatized amines had been optimized on reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Detection limits calculated from 0.50 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 1.77-14.4 fmol. The relative standard deviations for within-day determination (n = 11) were 1.84-2.89% for the tested amines. The mean intra- and inter-assay precision for all amines levels were < 3.64% and 2.52%, respectively. The mean recoveries ranged from 96.6% to 107.1% with their standard deviations in the range of 0.8-2.7. Excellent linear responses were observed with coefficients of > 0.9996. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A sensitive and specific reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method with diode array detection (DAD) was established for the quantitative determination of the nine active components, namely, swertiamarin (SWM, 1), mangiferin (MA, 2), gentipicroside (GE, 3), sweroside (SWO, 4), isoorientin (IS, 5), swertisin (SWS, 6), swertianolin (SWN, 7), 7-O-[alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-1 -> 2)-beta-D-xylopyranosyl]-1,8-dihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone (RX, 8), and bellidifolin (BE, 9) used as the external standard, in Tibetan folk medicinal species Swertia franchetiana. Based on the baseline chromatographic separation of most components from the methanolic extract of Swertia franchetiana on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C8 column with water-acetonitrile-formic acid as mobile phase, the nine components were identified by comparison with standard samples and qualified by using the external standard method with DAD at 254 nm. The correlation coefficients of all the calibration curves were found to be higher than 0.9980. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the peak areas and retention times for the nine standards were less than 2.07% and 2.86%, respectively.


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A sensitive method for the determination of 30 kinds of free fatty acids (FFAs, C-1-C-30) with 1-[2-(p-toluenesulfonate)-ethyl]-2-phenylimidazole-[4,5-f] 9,10-phenan- threne (TSPP) as labeling reagent and using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection and identification by online postcolumn mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source in positive-ion mode (HPLC/MS/APCI) has been developed. TSPP could easily and quickly label FFAs in the presence of K2CO3 catalyst at 90 degrees C for 30 min in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) solvent, and maximal labeling yields close to 100% were observed with a 5-fold excess of molar reagent. Derivatives were stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. TSPP was introduced into fatty acid molecules and effectively augmented MS ionization of fatty acid derivatives and led to regular MS and MS/MS information. The collision induced cleavage of protonated molecular ions formed specific fragment ions at m/z [MH](+)(molecular ion), m/z [M'+CH2CH2](+)(M' was molecular mass of the corresponding FFA) and m/z 295.0 (the, mass of protonated molecular core structure of TSPP). Fatty acid derivatives were separated on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column (4.6 x 150 mm, 5 mu m, Agilent) with a good baseline resolution in combination with a gradient elution. Linear ranges of 30 FFAs are 2.441 x 10(-3) to 20 mu mol/L, detection limits are 3.24 similar to 36.97 fmol (injection volume 10 mu L, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, S/N 3:1). The mean interday precision ranged from 93.4 to 106.2% with the largest mean coefficients of variation (R.S.D.) < 7,5%. The mean intraday precision for all standards was < 6.4% of the expected concentration. Excellent linear responses were observed with correlation coefficients of > 0.9991. Good compositional data could be obtained from the analysis of extracted fatty acids from as little as 200 mg of bryophyte plant samples.Therefore, the facile TSPP derivatization coupled with HPLC/MS/APCI analysis allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for the quantitation of trace levels of short and long chain fatty acids from biological and natural environmental samples.


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A simple and sensitive method for evaluating the chemical compositions of protein amino acids, including cystine (Cys)(2) and tryptophane (Try) has been developed, based on the use of a sensitive labeling reagent 2-(11H-benzo[alpha]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl chloroformate (BCEC-Cl) along with fluorescence detection. The chromophore of the 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-ethyl chloroformate (BCEOC-Cl) molecule was replaced with the 2-(11H-benzo[alpha]-carbazol-11-yl) ethyl functional group, yielding the sensitive fluorescence molecule BCEC-Cl. The new reagent BCEC-Cl could then be substituted for labeling reagents commonly used in amino acid derivatization. The BCEC-amino acid derivatives exhibited very high detection sensitivities, particularly in the cases of (Cys)(2) and Try, which cannot be determined using traditional labeling reagents such as 9-fluorenyl methylchloroformate (FMOC-Cl) and ortho-phthaldialdehyde (OPA). The fluorescence detection intensities for the BCEC derivatives were compared to those obtained when using FMOC-Cl and BCEOC-Cl as labeling reagents. The ratios I (BCEC)/I (BCEOC) = 1.17-3.57, I (BCEC)/I (FMOC) = 1.13-8.21, and UVBCEC/UVBCEOC = 1.67-4.90 (where I is the fluorescence intensity and UV is the ultraviolet absorbance). Derivative separation was optimized on a Hypersil BDS C-18 column. The detection limits calculated from 1.0 pmol injections, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, ranged from 7.2 fmol for Try to 8.4 fmol for (Cys)(2). Excellent linear responses were observed, with coefficients of > 0.9994. When coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography, the method established here allowed the development of a highly sensitive and specific method for the quantitative analysis of trace levels of amino acids including (Cys)(2) and Try from bee-collected pollen (bee pollen) samples.


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This paper describes the simultaneous determination of allantoin, quercetin, and 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline-3-carboxylic acid (MTCCA) in Nitraria tangutorum Bobr seed by HPLC-APCI-MS and CE (capillary electrophoresis) methods. The final optimized chromatographic conditions were investigated in a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C8 column (150 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m). A seventeen-minute gradient elution, (A: aqueous acetonitrile 20% (v/v); B: aqueous acetonitrile 60% (v/v); C: pure acetonitrile 100%) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min was selected for the separation of three natural products with diode array detection (DAD) at 220 nm. A CE experiment was carried out in a fused silica capillary with 32 mmol/L boric acid (pH 10), 32 mmol/L SDS and acetonitrile (10.0%, v/v). The applied potential and temperature was, respectively, set at 19 kV and 25 degrees C. After development, the validation was performed in parallel for HPLC and CE, with the same standards and sample to avoid differences due to the manipulation. The validation parameters of both techniques were adequate for the intended purpose.


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A simple and sensitive method for the determination of free fatty acids (FFAs) using acridone-9-ethyl-p-toluenesulfonate (AETS) as a fluorescence derivatization reagent by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been developed. Free fatty acid derivatives were separated on an Eclipse XDB-C-8 column with a good baseline resolution and detected with the fluorescence of which excitation and emission wavelengths of derivatives were set at lambda(ex) 404 and lambda(em) 440 nm, respectively. Identification of 19 fatty acid derivatives was carried out by online post-column mass spectrometry with an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) source under positive-ion detection mode. Nineteen FFAs from the extract of Lomatogonium rotatum are sensitively determined. The results indicate that the plant Lomatogonium rotatum is enriched with an abundance of FFAs and FFAs of higher contents, which mainly focus on even carbon atoms, C-14, C-16, and C-18. The validation of the method including linearity, repeatability, and detection limits was examined. Most linear correlation coefficients for fatty acid derivatives are > 0.9989, and detection limits (at signal-to-noise of 3: 1) are 12.3-43.7 fmol. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the peak areas and retention times for 19 FFAs standards are < 2.24% and 0.45%, respectively. The established method is rapid and reproducible for the separation determination of FFAs from the extract of Lomatogonium rotatum with satisfactory results.


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A pre-column derivatization method for the sensitive determination of amines using the labeling reagent 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-isopropyl chloroformate (BCIC-Cl) followed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection has been developed. Identification of derivatives is carried out by high performance liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (LC-APCl-MS-MS). The chromophore of 2-(9-carbazole)-ethyl chloroformate (CEOC) reagent is replaced by 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-isopropyl functional group, which results in a sensitive fluorescence derivatizing reagent BCIC-Cl. BCIC-Cl can easily and quickly label amines. Derivatives are stable enough to be efficiently analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography and show an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [MH](+) under APCl in positive-ion mode. The collision-induced dissociation of protonated molecular ion formed a product at m/z 260 corresponding to the cleavage of CH2-OCO bond. Studies on derivatization demonstrate excellent derivative yields over the pH 9.0-10.0. Maximal yields close to 100% are observed with a 3 to 4-fold molar reagent excess. In addition, the detection responses for BCIC derivatives are compared with those obtained using CEOC and FMOC as derivatization reagents. The ratios of l(BCIC)/l(CEOC) and l(BCIC)/l(FMOC) are, respectively, 1.23-3.14 and 1.25-3.08 for fluorescent (FL) responses (here, l is relative fluorescence intensity). Separation of the derivatized amines had been optimized on reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. Detection limits are calculated from 1.0 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, are 10.6-37.8 fmol. The mean interday accuracy ranges from 94 to 105% for fluorescence detection with the largest mean %CV < 7.5. The mean interday precision for all standards is < 6.0% of the expected concentration. Excellent linear responses are observed with coefficients of > 0.9997.


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A rapid and sensitive liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-APCI-MS) assay for the determination of five pharmacologically active compounds (PAC) extracted from the traditional Chinese medicine, Rhodiola , namely salidroside, tyrosol, rhodionin, gallic acid, and ethyl gallate has been developed. In this method, PAC could be baseline separated and detected with DAD at 275 nm. The validation of the method, including sensitivity, linearity, repeatability, and recovery, was examined. The linear calibration curves were acquired with correlation coefficient >0.999 and the limits of detection LOD (at a signal-to-noise ratio=3:1) were between 0.058 and 1.500 mu mol/L. It was found, that the amounts of PAC varied with different species of Rhodiola . The established method is rapid and reproducible for the separation of five natural pharmacologically active compounds from extracts of Rhodiola with satisfactory results.