272 resultados para 030101 Analytical Spectrometry


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry (MS) of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides has been investigated in detail, It is demonstrated that cationized species of oligosaccharides, [M+Na](+) and [M+K](+), are dominant products under the MALDI condition, and negative ions of oligosaccharides are not formed to any significant extent in this process, The molecular masses of polysaccharides are similarly determined by positive- and negative-ion MALDI-MS with the help of column chromatography. The distinction between positive- and negative-ion MALDI mass spectra of oligo-and polysaccharides indicates that the MALDI processes for saccharides vary with molecular mass. The matrix plays a more important role in the ionization process for oligosaccharides, while in the desorption process for polysaccharides. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A successful analysis of silver was reported utilizing laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LDI/TOF-MS) in this paper, The silver cluster ions Ag-n(+) and AgnO+ (n=2 similar to 5) were formed during laser desorption/ionization. In the presence of I-, K+ and Na+, the peaks corresponding, to the cluster ions [AgnIn-1](+) (n=2 similar to 6) and the adduct ions [AgI](+), [AgI]Na+ and [AgI]K+ were observed in the positive ion spectrum; the peaks corresponding to [AgnIn+1](-) (n=1 similar to 3) were found in the negative ion spectrum, all of which accompanied by sliver isotope distribution, The formation of silver cluster ions was accomplished through two-stage reaction: the first step was the generation of clusters, which was followed by the processes of photoionization and ion/molecule reaction.


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With Mass Analyzed Ion Kinetic Energy Spectrometry (MIKES), Collisional Induced Dissociation(CID), and Electron Capture Induced Decomposition(ECID) technigues, the doubly charged ions and singly charged ions from o(-), m(-), and p(-) diol benzene in the EI source have been studied. In terms of the values of the kinetic energy releases(T) of the charge separation reactions of the doubly charged ions and the estimated intercharge distances(R) of the exploding doubly charged ions the transition structures were proposed. Some structural information about the transition states was also obtained. It is of interest that the MIKES/CID spectra of singly charged ions [C6H6O2](+) from the three isomers are of significant differences.


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Laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry has been used to study the water-soluble multi-hydroxyl C-60 derivatives - fullerenols. The mass spectra exhibit unusual polymerization behavior of fullerenols. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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It is found that in the fast atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectra R-alpha-phenylethylamine and S-alpha-phenylethylamine can be clearly distinguished by S-1,1'-binaphthyl-2, 2'-diylhydrogenphosphate (S-BNP), Mixture of R-alpha-phenylethylamine and S-alpha-phenylethylamine also be tested and the relative abundance of the characteristic ion of mixture is related to the composition of the mixtute. We have therefore proposed a possible method to determine the optical purity of alpha-phenylethylamine.


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In fast atom bombardment, two fullerenols C-60(OH)(x) (x=13-15) and C-60(OH)(x) (x-24-26) gave rise to a group of ions centered at C-118 with intervals of 24 mass units in the high mass region. In contrast, no such ions appeared in the mass spectra of pure C-60, C-70 and other fullerene derivatives such as C-60(C6H5)(10), under the same conditions. It is proposed that the pinacol rearrangement of C-60(OH)(2), resulting from partial rupture of the polyhydroxy molecules, produces C-59 with two carbon atoms bearing an unpaired electron, and that dimerization of this reactive intermediate is responsible for the formation of the predominant product C-118. An intermolecular nC(2) transfer process is used to explain the symmetrical abundance distribution of these product ions in the spectra of fullerenols.


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It is found that the nitro substituent of some aromatic bifunctional compounds shows unusual reactivity towards protonation. In the chemical ionization mass spectra of nitrobenzoic acids and their esters and amides, and of nitrophenols and their ethers, protonations on the carboxyl, ester, amide, hydroxyl or alkoxyl groups are highly suppressed by that on the nitro group. As a result, fragmentations based on protonation on these groups unexpectedly become negligible. Ortho effects were observed for all the ortho isomers where the initial protonation on the nitro group is followed by an intramolecular proton transfer reaction, which leads to the expected 'normal' fragmentations. Protonation on the nitro substituent is much more favourable in energy than on any of the other substituents. The interaction of the two substituents through the conjugating benzene ring is found to be responsible for this 'unfair' competitive protonation. The electron-attracting nitro group strongly destabilizes the MH+ ions formed through protonation on the other substituent; although the COR (R = OH, OMe, OEt, NH2) groups are also electron-withdrawing, their effects are weaker than that of NO2; thus protonation on the latter group produces more-stable MH+ ions. On the other hand, an electron-releasing group OR (R = H, Me, Et) stabilizes the nitro-protonated species; the stronger the electron-donating effect of this group the more stable the nitro-protonated ions.


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Biphenyl derivatives undergo extensive intraannular substituent migrations and subsequent intramolecular ipso substitutions giving rise to a fluorenyl cation and a biphenylene radical cation as common products in mass spectrometry. For biphenyls bearing an alkyl group, interannular substituent migration resulting in a substituted tropylium ion is also observed. Electron-withdrawing groups are found to be much more favourable to these reactions than the electron-donating ones.


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Thermal decomposition processes of poly(thio-1,4-phenylene) (PPS), polythiophene (PT) and polyaniline (PAn) were investigated by direct pyrolysis EI or CI mass spectrometry (DPMS). They can provide up to heptemer pyrolynates and give some structure properties. The results indicate that the thermal degradation all undergoes in radical decomposition, PPS pyrolyzes into linear and cyclic oligmers, but PT and PAn pyrolyze only into linear oligmers.


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The thermal decomposition of polyaniline(PAn) and poly-o-toluidine(POT) was studied by means of direct pyrolysis mass spectrometry(DM) and MS/MS, The results showed that both benzene-diamine and quinone-diimine units were produced, and the intensities of fragments corresponding to quinone-diimine units increased as the oxidation degrees increased, The mechanism of thermal decomposition of PAn and POT was given for the first time.


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Amperometric biosensors based on surface modifications of electrodes are described. Cobalt porphyrins modified on glassy carbon and carbon fiber electrodes can greatly decrease the overpotential and increase the sensitivity of detection due to EC electroc


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A radical aromatic substitution resulting in biphenylcarboxylic acid is inferred for the decomposition of benzoyl peroxide from the chemical ionization and collision-induced dissociation mass spectra. The thermolysis of benzoyl peroxide gives rise to a benzoyloxy radical, which undergoes rapid decarboxylation and hydrogen abstraction leading to phenyl radical and benzoic acid, respectively. Attack of the resulting phenyl radical on the benzoic acid results in bipbenylcarboxylic acid. On the other hand, the phenyl radical abstracts a hydrogen atom to yield benzene, which is then subjected to the attack of a benzoyloxy radical, affording phenyl benzoate. This substitution reaction rather than the recombination of benzoyloxy and phenyl radicals is found to be responsible for the formation of phenyl benzoate under the present conditions.


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The performance of Kalman filtering, synchronous excitation and numerical derivative techniques for the resolution of overlapping emission spectra in spectrofluorimetry was studied. The extent of spectrum overlap was quantitatively described by the separation degree D(s), defined as the ratio of the peak separation to the full width at half-maximum of the emission spectrum of the interferent. For the system of Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 6G with a large D(s) of about 0.4, both Kalman filtering and synchronous techniques are able to resolve the overlapping spectra well and to give satisfactory results while the derivative spectra are still overlapped with each other. Moreover, the sensitivities are greatly decreased in derivative techniques. For more closely spaced spectra emitted by the complexes of Al and Zn with 7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulphonic acid (Ferron)-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide, the synchronous excitation technique cannot completely separate the overlapping peaks, although it increases the separation degree from 0.25 in the conventional spectra to 0.37 in the synchronous spectra. On the other hand, Kalman filtering is capable of resolving this system. When the Al/Zn intensity ratio at the central wavelength of Al was > 1, however, the accuracy and precision of the estimates for Zn concentration produced by the Kalman filter became worse. In this event, the combination of synchronous excitation and Kalman filtering can much improve the analytical results.


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Effects of some factors on the performance of our Kalman filter in discrimination of closely spaced overlapping signals were investigated. The resolution power of the filter for overlapping lines can be strengthened by reduction of the step size in scans. The minimum peak separation of two lines which the Kalman filter can effectively handle generally equals two to three times the step size in scans. Significant difference between the profiles of the analysis and interfering lines and multiple lines from matrix in the spectral window of the analysis line are very helpful for the Kalman filter to discern closely spaced analysis and interfering signals correctly, which allow the filter well to resolve the line pair with very small peak distance or even the entirely coincident lines.


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The present paper reports some definite evidence for the significance of wavelength positioning accuracy in multicomponent analysis techniques for the correction of line interferences in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Using scanning spectrometers commercially available today, a large relative error, DELTA(A) may occur in the estimated analyte concentration, owing to wavelength positioning errors, unless a procedure for data processing can eliminate the problem of optical instability. The emphasis is on the effect of the positioning error (deltalambda) in a model scan, which is evaluated theoretically and determined experimentally. A quantitative relation between DELTA(A) and deltalambda, the peak distance, and the effective widths of the analysis and interfering lines is established under the assumption of Gaussian line profiles. The agreement between calculated and experimental DELTA(A) is also illustrated. The DELTA(A) originating from deltalambda is independent of the net analyte/interferent signal ratio; this contrasts with the situation for the positioning error (dlambda) in a sample scan, where DELTA(A) decreases with an increase in the ratio. Compared with dlambda, the effect of deltalambda is generally less significant.