280 resultados para Z-source


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A Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) was successfully built to produce intense beams of highly charged ions for Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). The ion source has been optimized to be operated at 28GHz for its maximum performance. The superconducting magnet confinement configuration of the ion source consists of three axial solenoid coils and six sextupole coils with a cold iron structure as field booster and clamping. For 28GHz operation, the magnet assembly can produce peak mirror fields on axis 3.6T at injection, 2.2T at extraction and a radial sextupole field of 2.0T at plasma chamber wall. A unique feature of SECRAL is that the three axial solenoid coils are located inside of the sextupole bore in order to reduce the interaction forces between the sextupole coils and the solenoid coils. During the ongoing commissioning phase at 18GHz with a stainless steel chamber, tests with various gases and some metals have been conducted with microwave power less than 3.2kW and it turned out the performance is very promising. Some record ion beam intensities have been produced, for instance, 810e mu A of O7+, 505e mu A of Xe20+, 306e mu A of Xe27+, 21e mu A of Xe34+, 2.4e mu A of Xe38+ and so on. To reach better results for highly charged ion beams, further modifications such as an aluminium chamber with better cooling, higher microwave power and a movable extraction system will be done, and also emittance measurements are being prepared.


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The high charge state all permanent Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source (ECRIS) LAPECR2 (Lanzhou All Permanent magnet ECR ion source No.2) has been successfully put on the 320kV HV platform at IMP and also has been connected with the successive LEBT system. This source is the largest and heaviest all permanent magnet ECRIS in the world. The maximum mirror field is 1.28T (without iron plug) and the effective plasma chamber volume is as large as circle divide 67mm x 255mm. It was designed to be operated at 14.5GHz and aimed to produce medium charge state and high charge state gaseous and also metallic ion beams. The source has already successfully delivered some intense gaseous ion beams to successive experimental terminals. This paper will give a brief overview of the basic features of this permanent magnet ECRIS. Then commissioning results of this source on the platform, the design of the extraction system together with the successive LEBT system will be presented.


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The Latest developed LECR2M (Lanzhou ECR No. 2 Modified) source is the updated one of LECR2 (Lanzhou ECR No. 2) source at IMP. It has been assembled on the low energy ion beam experimental platform to produce MCI beams for atomic physics and material physics experimental research. In our updating program, the structure of injection and extraction components has been modified to make the source structure more simple and effective. The hexapole magnet has also been replaced by a new hexapole magnet with higher radial field and larger inner diameter. With this updating, stronger magnetic field confinement of the ECR plasma is possible and better base vacuum condition is also achieved. LECR2M was designed to be operated at 14.5GHz. During the preliminary test, 1.3emA O6+ beam was extracted with the injected rf power of 1.1kW. The source has been used to deliver intense MCI beams for different experiments. After some discussion of the main features of this newly updated source, some of the typical commissioning test results of LECR2M will be presented.


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A compact proton beam source for space simulation has been developed. A compact structure was designed in order to meet the special requirements of miniaturization. Some particular means have been adopted for improving the proton portion and beam transmission at a long distance. The experimental results showed that 8mA/80keV proton beam can be successfully obtained from this source at about 700W input microwave power.


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To explore the potential of double irradiation source, radioactive C-9-ion beam, in tumor therapy, a comparative study oil the surviving effect of human salivary gland cells at different penetration depths between C-9 and C-12-ion beams has been carried out. The 9C-ion C beam, especially at the distal side of the beam came out more efficient in cell killing at the depths around its Bragg peak than the 12 Bragg peak. Compared to the C-12 beam, an increase in RBE by a factor of up to 2.13 has been observed at the depths distal to the Bragg peak of the 9C beam. The 9C beam showed an enhanced biological effect at the penetration depths around its Bragg peak, corresponding to the stopping region of the incident C-9-ions and where the delayed low-energy particles were emitted. Further analysis revealed that cell lethality by the emitted particles from the stopping C-9-ions is responsible for the excessive biological effect at the penetration depths around the Bragg peak of the C-9 beam.


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The axially deformed relativistic mean field theory with the force NLSH has been performed in the blocked BCS approximation to investigate the proper-ties and structure of N=Z nuclei from Z=20 to Z=48. Some ground state quantities such as binding energies, quadrupole deformations, one/two-nucleon separation energies, root-mean-squaxe (rms) radii of charge and neutron, and shell gaps have been calculated. The results suggest that large deformations can be found in medium-heavy nuclei with N=Z=38-42. The charge and neutron rms radii increase rapidly beyond the magic number N=Z=28 until Z=42 with increasing nucleon number, which is similar to isotope shift, yet beyond Z=42, they decrease dramatically as the structure changes greatly from Z=42 to Z=43. The evolution of shell gaps with proton number Z can be clearly observed. Besides the appearance of possible new shell closures, some conventional shell closures have been found to disappear in some region. In addition, we found that the Coulomb interaction is not strong enough to breakdown the shell structure of protons in the current region.


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本文通过发射光谱诊断方法,用H_2等离子体的辐射碰撞模型对连续溃入的微波功率和全永磁磁场约束下产生高密度的H_2等离子体进行光谱诊断,计算出一定放电条件下(微波功率200-700 W,压强0-2 Pa)H~+的密度为1010-1011 cm~(-3),另外讨论了实验中观察到的Balmer系氢原子发射光谱强度随放电条件的变化规律。


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An experiment to study exotic two-proton emission from excited levels of the odd-Z nucleus P-28 was performed at the National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Research-Radioactive Ion Beam Line (HIRFL-RIBLL) facility. The projectile P-28 at the energy of 46.5 MeV/u was bombarding a Au-197 target to populate the excited states via Coulomb excitation. Complete-kinematics measurements were realized by the array of silicon strip detectors and the CsI + PIN telescope. Two-proton events were selected and the relativistic-kinematics reconstruction was carried out. The spectrum of relative momentum and opening angle between two protons was deduced from Monte Carlo simulations. Experimental results show that two-proton emission from P-28 excited states less than 17.0 MeV is mainly two-body sequential emission or three-body simultaneous decay in phase space. The present simulations cannot distinguish these two decay modes. No obvious diproton emission was found.


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Isoscaling is derived within a recently proposed modified Fisher model where the free energy near the critical point is described by the Landau O(m(6)) theory. In this model m = N-f-Z(f)/A(f) is the order parameter, a consequence of (one of) the symmetries of the nuclear Hamiltonian. Within this framework we show that isoscaling depends mainly on this order parameter through the 'external (conjugate) field' H. The external field is just given by the difference in chemical potentials of the neutrons and protons of the two sources. To distinguish from previously employed isoscaling relationships, this approach is dubbed: m-scaling. We discuss the relationship between this framework and the standard isoscaling formalism and point out some substantial differences in interpretation of experimental results which might result. These should be investigated further both theoretically and experimentally. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two-electron-one-photon (TEOP) M1 and E2 transition energies, line strengths and transition probabilities between the states of the 2p(3) and 2s(2)2p odd configurations for B-like ions with 18 <= Z <= 92 have been calculated using the GRASP2K package based on the multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) method. Employing active-space techniques to expand the configuration list, we have systematically considered the valence, core-valence and core-core electron correlation effects. Breit interaction and quantum electrodynamical (QED) effects were also included to correct atomic state wavefunctions and the corresponding energies. Influences of electron correlation, Breit interaction and QED effects on transition energies and line strengths of the TEOP M1 and E2 transitions were analysed in detail. The present results were also compared with other theoretical and experimental values.


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The properties of the Z = 117 isotopic chain are studied within the framework of the axially deformed relativistic mean field theory (RMFT) in the blocked BCS approximation. The ground-state properties, such as binging energies, deformations as well as the possible.. decay energies and lifetimes are calculated with the parameter set of NL-Z2 and compared with results from the finite range droplet model. The analysis by RMFT shows that the isotopes in the range of mass number A = 291 similar to 300 exhibit higher stability, which suggests that they may be promising nuclei to be hopefully synthesized in the lab among the nuclei Z = 117.


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In a laser ion source, plasma drift distance is one of the most important design parameters. Ion current density and beam pulse width are defined by plasma drift distance between a laser target and beam extraction position. In direct plasma injection scheme, which uses a laser ion source and a radio frequency quadrupole linac, we can apply relatively higher electric field at beam extraction due to the unique shape of a positively biased electrode. However, when we aim at very high current acceleration such as several tens of milliamperes, we observed mismatched beam extraction conditions. We tested three different ion current at ion extraction region by changing plasma drift distance to study better extraction condition. In this experiment, C6+ beam was accelerated. We confirmed that matching condition can be improved by controlling plasma drift distance.


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Helicon plasma source is known as efficient generator of uniform and high density plasma. A helicon plasma source was developed for investigation of plasma neutralization and plasma lens in the Institute of Modern Physics in China. In this paper, the characteristics of helicon plasma have been studied by using Langmuir four-probe and a high argon plasma density up to 3.9x10(13) cm(-3) have been achieved with the Nagoya type III antenna at the conditions of the magnetic intensity of 200 G, working gas pressure of 2.8x10(-3) Pa, and rf power of 1200 W with a frequency of 27.12 MHz. In the experiment, the important phenomena have been found: for a given magnetic induction intensity, the plasma density became greater with the increase in rf power and tended to saturation, and the helicon mode appeared at the rf power between 200 and 400 W.


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Superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source with advance design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) is an 18-28 GHz fully superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source dedicated for highly charged heavy ion beam production. SECRAL, with an innovative superconducting magnet structure of solenoid-inside-sextupole and at lower frequency and lower rf power operation, may open a new way for developing compact and reliable high performance superconducting ECR ion source. One of the recent highlights achieved at SECRAL is that some new record beam currents for very high charge states were produced by 18 GHz or 18+14.5 GHz double frequency heating, such as 1 e mu A of Xe-129(43+), 22 e mu A of Bi-209(41+), and 1.5 e mu A of Bi-209(50+). To further enhance the performance of SECRAL, a 24 GHz/7 kW gyrotron microwave generator was installed and SECRAL was tested at 24 GHz. Some promising and exciting results at 24 GHz with new record highly charged ion beam intensities were produced, such as 455 e mu A of Xe-129(27+) and 152 e mu A of Xe-129(30+), although the commissioning time was limited within 3-4 weeks and rf power only 3-4 kW. Bremsstrahlung measurements at 24 GHz show that x-ray is much stronger with higher rf frequency, higher rf power. and higher minimum mirror magnetic field (minimum B). Preliminary emittance measurements indicate that SECRAL emittance at 24 GHz is slightly higher that at 18 GHz. SECRAL has been put into routine operation at 18 GHz for heavy ion research facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) accelerator complex since May 2007. The total operation beam time from SECRAL for HIRFL accelerator has been more than 2000 h, and Xe-129(27+), Kr-78(19+), Bi-209(31+), and Ni-58(19+) beams were delivered. All of these new developments, the latest results, and long-term operation for the accelerator have again demonstrated that SECRAL is one of the best in the performance of ECR ion source for highly charged heavy ion beam production. Finally the future development of SECRAL will be presented.


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In order to study the gas-phase chemical behavior of transactinides, an on-line isothermal chromatography apparatus has been developed and applied to separate short-lived technetium isotopes in the form of TcO3 from fission products. The fission products from a Cf-252 source were continuously and rapidly transported through the capillary to the isothermal chromatography apparatus using the N-2/KBr gas-jet techniques. Volatile oxide molecules were formed at the reaction zone kept at 900 degrees C since a trace amount of oxygen existed in the N-2 carrier gas. With the new developed isothermal chromatography apparatus, a selective separation of Tc from fission products was achieved. After isothermal chromatographic separation, Tc-101,Tc-103,Tc-104,Tc-105,Tc-106,Tc-107,Tc-108 were dominantly observed together with their Ru daughters in the gamma-spectrum, The chemical yields of Tc-101, and Tc-104 and Tc-105 isotopes with longer half-lives are about 55-57%, and those of Tc-103, Tc-106 and Tc-108 isotopes with shorter half-lives dropped down to 25-28%. The adsorption enthalpy of the investigated compounds on quartz surfaces was determined to be -150 +/- 5 kJ/mol by fitting the measured retention curves with a Monte Carlo model. The observed species of technetium oxide is attributed to TcO3, which is in good agreement with previous experimental results. That means our system worked properly and it can be used to investigate the gas-phase chemical behavior of transactinides.