651 resultados para Science Foundation Ireland


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The primary mutation m.3460G > A occurs with a very low frequency (similar to 1%) in Chinese patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON). Up to now, there is no comprehensive study of Chinese patients harboring this mutation. We characterized six unrelated probands with m.3460G > A in this study, which were identified from 1,626 patients with LHON or suspected with LHON. The overall penetrance of LHON (25.6% [10/39]) in four pedigrees with m.3460G > A was substantially lower than those families with m.11778G > A (33.3% [619/1859]) as reported in our previous study. Intriguingly, family Le688 with a heteroplasmic m.3460G > A presented a lower penetrance (12.5%) than the other three families with a homoplasmic mutation. There is an elevated gender bias (affected male to affected female = 4:1) in the four families with m.3460G > A compared to those LHON families with m.11778G > A (2.4:1). Complete mtDNA sequencing indicated that the six matrilines belonged to haplogroups B4d1, F2, A5b, M12a, D4b2b, and D4b2, respectively. We did not identify any potential secondary mutation(s) that will affect or be associated with the penetrance of LHON in the six probands by using an evolutionary analysis and protein secondary-structure prediction. Taken together, our results suggested that the m.3460G > A mutation occurred multiple times in Chinese LHON patients. The heteroplasmic status of mutation m.3460G > A might influence the penetrance of LHON in family Le688.


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The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region is believed to play an important biological role in mtDNA replication. Large deletions in this region are rarely found, but when they do occur they might be expected to interfere with the replication of the molecule, thus leading to a reduction of mtDNA copy number. During a survey for mtDNA sequence variations in 5,559 individuals from the general Chinese population and 2,538 individuals with medical disorders, we identified a 50-bp deletion (m.298_347del50) in the mtDNA control region in a member of a healthy Han Chinese family belonging to haplogroup B4c1b2, as suggested by complete mtDNA genome sequencing. This deletion removes the conserved sequence block II (CSBII; region 299-315) and the replication primer location (region 317-321). However, quantification of the mtDNA copy number in this subject showed a value within a range that was observed in 20 healthy subjects without the deletion. The deletion was detected in the hair samples of the maternal relatives of the subject and exhibited variable heteroplasmy. Our current observation, together with a recent report for a benign 154-bp deletion in the mtDNA control region, suggests that the control of mtDNA replication may be more complex than we had thought. Hum Mutat 31:538-543, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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基因的复制、融合以及基因的水平转移是许多蛋白质包括氨酚t RNA合成酶(aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase , AARS)进化过程中的常见事件。然而作者研究的结果显示,苯丙氨酚 t RNA合成酶( phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase , PheRS)的进化主要表现为 一些结构域的丢失;并且这种结构域的丢失不影响Phe RS的功能或活性。通常在生物从细菌到真核生物的进化过程中,其基因组的大小和基因的数目都有所增加,然而有趣的是,真核生物中Phe RS的结构域类型和数目都明显少于细菌的Phe RS oPhe RS通过结构域的丢失而进化的现象,似乎与某些AARS功能由多重专一性向单一专一性的演化有着“异曲同工”之妙。


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Epistasis refers to the interaction between genes. Although high-throughput epistasis data from model organisms are being generated and used to construct genetic networks(1-3), the extent to which genetic epistasis reflects biologically meaningful interactions remains unclear(4-6). We have addressed this question through in silico mapping of positive and negative epistatic interactions amongst biochemical reactions within the metabolic networks of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae using flux balance analysis. We found that negative epistasis occurs mainly between nonessential reactions with overlapping functions, whereas positive epistasis usually involves essential reactions, is highly abundant and, unexpectedly, often occurs between reactions without overlapping functions. We offer mechanistic explanations of these findings and experimentally validate them for 61 S. cerevisiae gene pairs.


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The inherent interest on the origin of genetic novelties can be traced back to Darwin. But it was not until recently that we were allowed to investigate the fundamental process of origin of new genes by the studies on newly evolved Young genes. Two indisp


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With comparative genomics approaches, we evaluated the evolutionary characteristics of conservation of exons which are expressed abundantly, moderately or lowly in mammals. Using non-coding regions and pseudogenes as controls, sequence identity, phastCons


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Epigenetic regulation in insects may have effects on diverse biological processes. Here we survey the methylome of a model insect, the silkworm Bombyx mori, at single-base resolution using Illumina high-throughput bisulfite sequencing (MethylC-Seq). We conservatively estimate that 0.11% of genomic cytosines are methylcytosines, all of which probably occur in CG dinucleotides. CG methylation is substantially enriched in gene bodies and is positively correlated with gene expression levels, suggesting it has a positive role in gene transcription. We find that transposable elements, promoters and ribosomal DNAs are hypomethylated, but in contrast, genomic loci matching small RNAs in gene bodies are densely methylated. This work contributes to our understanding of epigenetics in insects, and in contrast to previous studies of the highly methylated genomes of Arabidopsis(1) and human(2), demonstrates a strategy for sequencing the epigenomes of organisms such as insects that have low levels of methylation.


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Understanding the dynamics of eukaryotic transcriptome is essential for studying the complexity of transcriptional regulation and its impact on phenotype. However, comprehensive studies of transcriptomes at single base resolution are rare, even for modern organisms, and lacking for rice. Here, we present the first transcriptome atlas for eight organs of cultivated rice. Using high-throughput paired-end RNA-seq, we unambiguously detected transcripts expressing at an extremely low level, as well as a substantial number of novel transcripts, exons, and untranslated regions. An analysis of alternative splicing in the rice transcriptome revealed that alternative cis-splicing occurred in similar to 33% of all rice genes. This is far more than previously reported. In addition, we also identified 234 putative chimeric transcripts that seem to be produced by trans-splicing, indicating that transcript fusion events are more common than expected. In-depth analysis revealed a multitude of fusion transcripts that might be by-products of alternative splicing. Validation and chimeric transcript structural analysis provided evidence that some of these transcripts are likely to be functional in the cell. Taken together, our data provide extensive evidence that transcriptional regulation in rice is vastly more complex than previously believed.


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A central goal of evolutionary genetics is an understanding of the forces responsible for the observed variation, both within and between species. Theoretical and empirical work have demonstrated that genetic recombination contributes to this variation by breaking down linkage between nucleotide sites, thus allowing them to behave independently and for selective forces to act efficiently on them. The Drosophila fourth chromosome, which is believed to experience no-or very low-rates of recombination has been an important model for investigating these effects. Despite previous efforts, central questions regarding the extent of recombination and the predominant modes of selection acting on it remain open. In order to more comprehensively test hypotheses regarding recombination and its potential influence on selection along the fourth chromosome, we have resequenced regions from most of its genes from Drosophila melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. yakuba. These data, along with available outgroup sequence, demonstrate that recombination is low but significantly greater than zero for the three species. Despite there being recombination, there is strong evidence that its frequency is low enough to have rendered selection relatively inefficient. The signatures of relaxed constraint can be detected at both the level of polymorphism and divergence.


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A 10-fold BAC library for giant panda was constructed and nine BACs were selected to generate finish sequences. These BACs could be used as a validation resource for the de novo assembly accuracy of the whole genome shotgun sequencing reads of giant panda newly generated by the Illumina GA sequencing technology. Complete sanger sequencing, assembly, annotation and comparative analysis were carried out on the selected BACs of a joint length 878 kb. Homologue search and de novo prediction methods were used to annotate genes and repeats. Twelve protein coding genes were predicted, seven of which could be functionally annotated. The seven genes have an average gene size of about 41 kb, an average coding size of about 1.2 kb and an average exon number of 6 per gene. Besides, seven tRNA genes were found. About 27 percent of the BAC sequence is composed of repeats. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using neighbor-join algorithm across five species, including giant panda, human, dog, cat and mouse, which reconfirms dog as the most related species to giant panda. Our results provide detailed sequence and structure information for new genes and repeats of giant panda, which will be helpful for further studies on the giant panda.


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Using next-generation sequencing technology alone, we have successfully generated and assembled a draft sequence of the giant panda genome. The assembled contigs (2.25 gigabases (Gb)) cover approximately 94% of the whole genome, and the remaining gaps (0.05 Gb) seem to contain carnivore-specific repeats and tandem repeats. Comparisons with the dog and human showed that the panda genome has a lower divergence rate. The assessment of panda genes potentially underlying some of its unique traits indicated that its bamboo diet might be more dependent on its gut microbiome than its own genetic composition. We also identified more than 2.7 million heterozygous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the diploid genome. Our data and analyses provide a foundation for promoting mammalian genetic research, and demonstrate the feasibility for using next-generation sequencing technologies for accurate, cost-effective and rapid de novo assembly of large eukaryotic genomes.


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Rubrifloradilactone C (4), a novel bioactive nortriterpenoid, along with four other nortriterpenoids (1-3, 5) were isolated from Schisandra rubriflora. The structure of 4 was determined by extensive NMR spectral analysis, computational evidence by using t


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Four azaphilones, named phomoeuphorbins A-D (1-4) were isolated from cultures of Phomopsis euphorbiae, an endophytic fungus isolated from Trewia nudiflora. Structures of 1-4 were established on the basis of spectroscopic analyses, including application of


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Aim: To characterize the functional and pharmacological features of a symmetrical 1-pyrrolidineacetamide, N,N'-(methylene-di-4,1-phenylene) bis-1-pyrrolidineacetamide, as a new anti-HIV compound which could competitively inhibit HIV-1 integrase (IN) bindi