205 resultados para 315-C0001E


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苔藓植物由于具有特殊的形态结构和生物学性质而被广泛应用于环境变化和大气沉降的指示和监测,而稳定同位素(如13C、15N、34S)是辨识环境体系中物源走向以及研究植物和环境关系的可靠技术。本论文正是结合苔藓生物指示方法和稳定同位素示踪技术,开展了苔藓碳氮同位素指示环境条件和大气氮沉降的初步研究。通过不同环境条件下苔藓同位素的对比研究,揭示了苔藓碳氮同位素对环境因子和氮沉降变化的响应机制。进而应用石生苔藓碳氮元素含量和同位素,并结合光合色素含量等参数,对贵阳地区的大气氮沉降进行了详细研究,深化了苔藓同位素方法在环境监测和大气氮沉降研究中的应用,并为城市氮污染的防治提供了地球化学依据。获取了一些有意义的发现和创新点。 1. 不同生长条件下苔藓元素含量和同位素的变化及其意义 即使在同一地点,苔藓13C会由于水分条件和光照条件的差异而发生明显变化,而树冠对大气沉降物质的长期截留吸收会使下方苔藓氮硫含量偏低以及同位素偏负,其同位素效应还与树冠类型和树冠厚度有关。因此,应用苔藓元素含量和同位素指示区域环境和大气沉降时应尽量消除生境差异的影响,受生长条件影响或歪曲了的苔藓指示信息可能导致在解释环境变化和大气沉降时得出错误的结论,相对而言,开阔地的石生苔藓是较可靠的指示工具。利用同位素方法探讨苔藓记录信息的差异是本研究的创新点之一,目前国内外尚无相关的报道,这深化了苔藓碳氮同位素对环境条件和大气输入响应机制的认识,同时还为苔藓同位素研究大气沉降提供了采样指导。 2. 不同地区苔藓新老组织碳氮含量和同位素组成特征 贵阳市区苔藓碳含量高于贡嘎山地区,而13C明显偏负,表明城市苔藓受人为CO2排放的影响,而非污染区苔藓13C能够响应海拔和年均温度的差异。贵阳市区苔藓氮含量较高反映其氮沉降高于贡嘎山地区,明显偏负的15N值主要指示了城市废水氨释放的影响。不同地区苔藓新生组织的碳氮含量总体高于衰老组织,但同位素没有明显变化,反映了生理功能的衰退和部分元素向新生组织迁移会导致老组织碳氮含量降低,但不会明显改变其碳氮同位素记录,新组织氮含量较可靠地反映了氮沉降的水平(贵阳市约为30.18 kg/ha/yr,贡嘎山地区约为8.46 kg/ha/yr)。本研究扩展了苔藓同位素对不同地区环境因子和氮沉降差异的响应状况,并首次探讨了苔藓衰老对其碳氮含量和同位素记录的影响,为深入理解非维管植物衰老过程的碳氮同位素分馏奠定基础。 3. 贵阳地区大气氮沉降的空间分布 根据大气氮沉降和苔藓氮含量之间的定量关系(y=0.052x+0.7325),可以利用石生苔藓氮含量(0.85% ~ 2.97%)计算贵阳地区的大气氮沉降。贵阳地区的氮沉降(0.91 kg/ha/yr ~ 44.69 kg/ha/yr)总体已经超过最易受影响的陆地生态系统的氮沉降负荷值(5 kg/ha/yr ~ 10 kg/ha/yr),市区氮沉降平均值(29.21±6.17 kg/ha/yr)与前期监测值(30.18kg/ha/yr)基本一致,高于酸性针叶林和落叶林的氮沉降负荷值(15 kg/ha/yr ~ 20 kg/ha/yr)。而农村地区氮沉降平均值(14.31±5.11 kg/ha/yr)与贵州农村地区铵沉降的平均值(14.3 kg/ha/yr)吻合。本研究首次根据石生苔藓氮含量量化了氮沉降的水平和空间分布,对大气氮沉降生态环境影响的评价以及喀斯特地区脆弱生态系统的保护具有重要意义。 4. 贵阳地区大气氮沉降的主要来源和主要形态 贵阳地区石生苔藓15N值(-12.50‰ ~ -1.39‰)呈明显的双峰分布模式(-12‰ ~ -6‰和-5‰ ~ -2‰),表明该地区的氮沉降存在两个主要来源。市区明显偏负的苔藓15N值(平均-8.87±1.65‰,<5km; -8.59±2.28‰,5 km ~ 10km)主要反映城市废水和人畜排泄物NH3的影响,而往外到农村较高的苔藓15N值(平均-3.83±0.82‰ ~ -2.48±0.95‰,>15km)主要指示了农业NH3的贡献。根据市区苔藓和雨水15N值计算,市区氮沉降中铵态氮的贡献约占76%,硝态氮约为23%,贵阳地区的氮沉降以铵沉降为主。本研究首次发现了以铵沉降为主的城市地区苔藓15N值市区偏负、农村偏正的变化规律,这与氮沉降以硝态氮为主的城市苔藓15N变化(市区偏正、农村偏负)相反。此外,根据苔藓15N随大气沉降中铵态氮和硝态氮比值的变化规律,贵阳地区苔藓氮含量和15N的变化主要由两种不同铵源(城市铵和农业铵)的变化所控制,贵阳苔藓氮含量和15N的空间变化可以进一步作为铵沉降变化的证据。 5. 贵阳地区主要大气氮源(铵)的沉降机制与模式 贵阳市区往外石生苔藓氮含量随离市中心的距离呈指数降低(y=1.5e-0.13x+1.26),而15N值随距离对数升高(y=2.54Ln(x)-12.23),揭示了城市来源的铵沉降从市区往外随距离指数降低,其分布模式为点源模式,贵阳市区可被视为贵阳地区的一个点状氨源。而农村地区苔藓氮含量不随距离而变化、15N值不存在明显差异,反映了农业氨的面源分布模式。通过极限法计算苔藓氮含量和15N随距离变化的函数,氮沉降在离市中心17.2km以内以城市铵为主,以外以农业铵为主,城市铵的影响范围总体小于41km,城市铵随离市中心距离的变化关系为y=56.272e-0.116x-0.481。此外,贵阳市区往外不同方向的苔藓氮含量和15N随距离的变化梯度存在差异,表明城市铵向周边不同方向的传输具有非均一性,这主要与不同方向的地形条件、地表植被状况、风向、城市化程度等差异有关。本研究首次通过苔藓监测证实以铵沉降为主的城市,城市铵沉降的分布呈点源模式,并通过苔藓氮含量和15N的变化得出了城市铵的定量分布、沉降机制和影响因素。 6. 贵阳地区石生苔藓碳含量和13C值的变化及其意义 贵阳地区石生苔藓碳含量(34.47% ~ 52.76%)从市区到农村随距离指数降低(y=9.206e-0.042x+38.024),并与氮含量存在正相关关系,表明大气氮输入具有增加苔藓碳含量的作用。苔藓13C值(-30.69‰ ~ -26.96‰)从市区到农村随距离逐渐升高(y=0.674Ln(x)-30.03),反映了城市人为CO2的影响逐渐减小。此外,苔藓13C随碳氮含量增加而降低,碳氮同位素存在正相关关系,反映了石生苔藓光合作用与氮素吸收相互制约,市区较高的氮沉降或铵沉降增强了苔藓光合作用和碳代谢,使苔藓在固碳过程中发生更大的13C分馏。本研究首次发现了城市地区较高的氮沉降能够促进石生苔藓光合固碳能力,苔藓13C值能够指示城市人为CO2的影响以及氮沉降的生物效应。 7.其它创新之处 为深入认识城市地区氮沉降的变化及其生物响应,本研究还对石生苔藓光合色素含量进行了分析,首次探讨了石生苔藓光合生理参数和碳氮含量、碳氮同位素之间的关系。市区苔藓光合色素含量高于农村地区,叶绿素含量与碳氮含量存在正相关关系,表明光合色素分析可以反映环境胁迫状况、苔藓固碳能力和氮素营养状况。叶绿素含量与13C值呈负相关关系指示了氮沉降增强石生苔藓光合作用的机制。


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Six experiments tested how headings of objects in scenes influenced the construction for the intrinsic frame of reference under different structure and viewpoint amount conditions. In Experiment 1 and 2, participants stood at 0 degree and learned an asymmetrical scene and a symmetrical scene that were composed by balls with no apparent headings separately. In Experiment 3, 4, 5 and 6, toys with apparent headings were used and they all faced the 315 degree of the scene. In Experiment 3 and 4, participants stood at 0 degree and learned an asymmetrical scene and a symmetrical scene that were composed by toys separately. In Experiment 5 and 6, participants stood at 0 and 315 degree and learned an asymmetrical scene and a symmetrical scene that were composed by toys separately. After learning, participants needed to finish triplet recognition tasks in all the experiments. The dependent measures were response latency and accuracy. The correct response latencies to the targets were analyzed by ANOVA. Accuracy was used to filter data and analyzed in an ANOVA in some experiments as a reference. Results indicate that headings of objects in scenes influence the pattern for intrinsic frame of reference. The structure of scene affects the acting mechanism of heading, but the amount of viewpoints does not have this effect. If the objects in scenes have no apparent headings, there will be viewpoint dependent effect and the advantage of symmetry axis as intrinsic axis in triplet recognition tasks. If the objects in scenes have apparent headings, people’s spatial memory pattern will be affected by objects’ headings. If the heading of objects (315 degree) is not parallel to the viewpoint (0 degree) in an asymmetrical scene, people will be inclined to represent the scene from the heading of objects but not from the viewpoint. As a result, the viewpoint dependent effect will disappear, and there is significant advantage for the triplets presented from heading of objects. If the heading of objects is not parallel to the symmetry axis in a symmetrical scene, people will represent the scene not only according to the symmetry axis as intrinsic axis, but also according to the heading of objects. As a result, the significant advantage for symmetry axis as intrinsic axis in triplet recognition tasks will disappear but there will be still a tendency. By contrast, the effect for the headings of objects is more significant in asymmetrical scenes than that in symmetrical scenes.


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A phenylurea herbicides-selective molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) was prepared using N-(4-isopropylphenyl)-N'-butyleneurea as a dummy template and toluene as a porogen. The experimental results showed that the optimum molar ratio of template, functional monomer (MAA) and cross-linker (EDMA) was 1:8:20. Scatchard analysis showed that two classes of binding sites were formed in the imprinted polymer with dissociation constants of 26.81 mu L mol l(-1) and 1.428 mmol l(-1). The affinity and selectivity of MIP for phenylurea herbicides were studied. Among the 14 phenylurea herbicides tested, the MIP prepared showed obviously high affinity and selectivity for 10 chemicals (monuron, diuron, isoproturon, fenuron, chlortoluron, difenoxuron, metoxuron, neburon, buturon and fluometuron) with dichloromethane containing 10% hexane as mobile phase while non-imprinted polymer showed very low affinity for all the phenylurea herbicides tested. The experimental and calculated results also indicated that the size and property of the group at the N' position of phenylurea molecules have great influence on the affinity of MIP for them and the recognition site is mainly located at the N' position of phenylurea herbicides. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The molar heat capacities of 2-(chloromethylthio)benzothiazole (molecular formula C8H6ClNS2, CA registry no. 28908-00-1) were measured with an adiabatic calorimeter in the temperature range between (80 and 350) K. The construction and procedures of the calorimeter were described in detail. The performance of the calorimetric apparatus was evaluated by heat capacity measurements on alpha-Al2O3. The deviation of experiment heat capacities from the corresponding smoothed values lies within 0.3%, whereas the uncertainty is within +/-0.5%, compared with that of the recommended reference data over the whole experimental temperature range. A fusion transition was found from the C-p-T curve of 2-(chloromethylthio)benzothiazole. The melting temperature and the molar enthalpy and entropy of fusion of the compound were determined to be T-m = (315.11 +/- 0.04) K, Delta(fus)H(m) = (17.02 +/- 0.03) kJ(.)mol(-1), and Delta(fus)S(m) = (54.04 +/- 0.05) J(.)mol(-1.)K(-1), respectively. The thermodynamic functions (H-T - H-298.15) and (S-T - S-298.15) were also derived from the heat capacity data. The molar fraction purity of the 2-(chloromethylthio)benzothiazole sample used in the present calorimetric study was determined to be 99.21 by fraction melting.