312 resultados para Spin tunneling


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Solid films containing phosphorus impurities were formed on p-type silicon wafer surface by traditional spin-on of commercially available dopants. The doping process is accomplished by irradiating the sample with a 308 nm XeCl pulsed excimer laser. Shallow junctions with a high concentration of doped impurities were obtained. The measured impurity profile was ''box-like'', and is very suitable for use in VLSI devices. The characteristics of the doping profile against laser fluence (energy density) and number of laser pulses were studied. From these results, it is found that the sheet resistance decreases with the laser fluence above a certain threshold, but it saturates as the energy density is further increased. The junction depth increases with the number of pulses and the laser energy density. The results suggest that this simple spin-on dopant pre-deposition technique can be used to obtain a well controlled doping profile similar to the technique using chemical vapor in pulsed laser doping process.


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Nonresonant electron tunneling between asymmetric double quantum wells in AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs systems has been investigated by using steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectra. Experimental evidence of LO-phonon-assisted tunneling through thick barriers has been obtained by enhancing excitation power densities or applying electric fields perpendicular to the well plane. LO-phonon-assisted tunneling times have also been estimated from the variation of the decay time of the narrow-well photoluminescence with applied electric fields. Our findings suggest that LO phonons in the barriers play an important role in the tunneling transfer.


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A scattering process modeled by an imaginary potential V(I) in the wide well of an asymmetric double quantum well structure (DQWS) is used to model the electron tunneling from the narrow well. Taking V(I) approximately -5 meV, the ground resonant level lifetimes of the narrow well in the DQWS are in quantitative agreement with the experimental resonance and non-resonance tunneling times. The corresponding scattering time 66 fs is much faster than the intersubband scattering time of LO-photon emission.


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Recursion formulae for the reflection and the transmission probability amplitudes and the eigenvalue equation for multistep potential structures are derived. Using the recursion relations, a dispersion equation for periodic potential structures is presented. Some numerical results for the transmission probability of a double barrier structure with scattering centers, the lifetime of the quasi-bound state in a single quantum well with an applied field, and the miniband of a periodic potential structure are presented.


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The spin-reorientation phenomenon in Nd2Fe14B has been investigated using an angular dependent free energy approach. A magnetic Hamiltonian which includes the crystal electric field term and the exchange term has been established using realistic band structure results. The temperature dependence of the molecular field is accounted for by introducing the Brillouin function and the magnetic Hamiltonian is diagonalized within the ground state multiplet of the Nd ion. The eigenstates are then used to form the partition function for the free energy. At each temperature, the direction of the molecular field is obtained by searching for the minimum in the angular parameter space of the free energy. Our calculations show that for Nd2Fe14B, the net magnetic anisotropy direction is canted away from the c axis at a temperature close to the experimentally reported spin-reorientation temperature of 150 K. The temperature dependence of the magnetic structure is found to be very sensitive to the size of the second order crystal field parameter B20.


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The times spent by an electron in a scattering event or tunnelling through a potential barrier are investigated using a method based on the absorption probabilities. The reflection and transmission times derived from this method are equal to the local Larmor times if the transmission and reflection probability amplitudes are complex analytic functions of the complex potential. The numerical results show that they coincide with the phase times except as the incident electron energy approaches zero or when the transmission probability is too small. If the imaginary potential covers the whole space the tunnelling times are again equal to the phase times. The results show that the tunnelling times based on absorption probabilities are the best of the various candidates.


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We have studied the sequential resonant tunneling of doped weakly coupled GaAs/AlAs superlattices under hydrostatic pressure up to 4.5 kbar. The pressure coefficient obtained from the experiment, 15.3 meV/kbar, provides a strong evidence for the formation of the electric field domain due to Gamma-X sequential resonant tunneling, At the same time, we have observed the transition between two kinds of sequential resonant tunneling processes within the pressure range from 0 to 4.5 kbar, where the transition pressure between Gamma-Gamma and Gamma-X sequential resonant tunneling is P-t similar to 1.6 kbar. For P < P-t, the electric field domain is formed by Gamma-Gamma sequential resonant tunneling, while for P > P-t, the electric field domain is preferably formed by Gamma-X sequential resonant tunneling. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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Charge build-up process in the emitter of a double-barrier resonant tunneling structure is studied by using photoluminescence spectroscopy. Clear evidence is obtained that the charge accumulation in the emitter keeps almost constant with bias voltages in the resonant regime, while it increases remarkably with bias voltages beyond resonant regime. The optical results are in good agreement with the electrical measurement. It is demonstrated that the band gap renormalization plays a certain rob in the experiment.


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A transition layer model is proposed and used to calculate resonant tunneling in a double-barrier quantum well system. Compared with the ideal step of the potential at the interface, the studied system has transition layers that are composed by many thin rectangular barriers with a random height. It is found that these transition layers can improve the peak-to-valley ratio of the tunneling current and change the negative differential conductance.


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Tunneling escape of electrons from quantum wells (QWs) has systematically been studied in an arbitrarily multilayered heterostructures, both theoretically and experimentally. A wave packet method is developed to calculate the bias dependence of tunneling escape time (TET) in a three-barrier, two-well structure. Moreover, by considering the time variation of the band-edge profile in the escape transient, arising from the decay of injected electrons in QWs, we demonstrate that the actual escape time of certain amount of charge from QWs, instead of single electron, could be much longer than that for a single electron, say, by two orders of magnitude at resonance. The broadening of resonance may also be expected from the same mechanism before invoking various inhomogeneous and homogeneous broadening. To perform a close comparison between theory and experiment, we have developed a new method to measure TET by monitoring transient current response (TCR), stemming from tunneling escape of electrons out of QWs in a similar heterostructure. The time resolution achieved by this new method reaches to several tens ns, nearly three orders of magnitude faster than that by previous transient-capacitance spectroscopy (TCS). The measured TET shows an U-shaped, nonmonotonic dependence on bias, unambiguously indicating resonant tunneling escape of electrons from an emitter well through the DBRTS in the down-stream direction. The minimum value of TET obtained at resonance is accordance with charging effect and its time variation of injected electrons. A close comparison with the theory has been made to imply that the dynamic build-up of electrons in DBRTS might play an important role for a greatly suppressed tunneling escape rate in the vicinity of resonance.


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By considering the time variation of band-edge profile arising from the decay of injected charge in quantum wells(QWs), we employ a wave packet method to verify that the actual escape time of certain amount of electrons from QWs could be much larger than that for a single electron. The theoretical result is also in agreement with our measurement of escape time, performed by using a newly developed method--transient current response.


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The thermal population in photocarrier systems coupled by hole mixing tunneling is studied by an analysis of the high energy tails in cw photoluminescence spectra of asymmetric coupled double wells. Photocarriers in wide well are heated due to hole transfer from the narrow well through resonant tunneling as well as by photon heating. The influences of the excitation intensity and lattice temperature on the tunneling transfer and thermal population are discussed.