307 resultados para Column liquid chromatography


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A resurgence of interest in the human plasma proteome has occurred in recent years because it holds great promise of revolution in disease diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring. As one of the most powerful separation techniques, multidimensional liquid chromatography has attracted extensive attention, but most published works have focused on the fractionation of tryptic peptides. In this study, proteins from human plasma were prefractionated by online sequential strong cation exchange chromatography and reversed-phase chromatography. The resulting 30 samples were individually digested by trypsin, and analyzed by capillary reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled with linear ion trap mass spectrometry. After meeting stringent criteria, a total of 1292 distinct proteins were successfully identified in our work, among which, some proteins known to be present in serum in < 10 ng/mL were detected. Compared with other works in published literatures, this analysis offered a more full-scale list of the plasma proteome. Considering our strategy allows high throughput of protein identification in serum, the prefractionation of proteins before MS analysis is a simple and effective method to facilitate human plasma proteome research.


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A multi-plate (NIP) mathematical model was proposed by frontal analysis to evaluate nonlinear chromatographic performance. One of its advantages is that the parameters may be easily calculated from experimental data. Moreover, there is a good correlation between it and the equilibrium-dispersive (E-D) or Thomas models. This shows that it can well accommodate both types of band broadening that is comprised of either diffusion-dominated processes or kinetic sorption processes. The MP model can well describe experimental breakthrough curves that were obtained from membrane affinity chromatography and column reversed-phase liquid chromatography. Furthermore, the coefficients of mass transfer may be calculated according to the relationship between the MP model and the E-D or Thomas models. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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水母雪莲(Saussurea medusa Maxim.)和新疆雪莲(Saussurea involucrata Karel. et Kir.)是我国珍稀的药用植物资源,具有清热解毒、止痉镇痛、敛伤、消肿及治疗热病、风湿等多种功效。雪莲的主要药用成份为紫丁香甙(Syringin)、芦丁(Rutin)、高车前素(Hispidulin)和Jaceosidin等苯基丙酸类(phenylpropanoid)和黄酮类(flavonoids)物质。最新的药理研究表明,上述物质还具有抗菌消炎、保肝降压、延缓衰老和抑制癌细胞增殖等重要的研发价值。 雪莲生境恶劣,生长缓慢,人工引种困难,加上长期掠夺性采挖,已使雪莲处于灭绝的边缘。为了保存国家珍稀植物品种,保护生态环境,满足临床上对雪莲药物的需求,本研究在雪莲组织培养的基础上,应用诱导子添加技术和毛状根培养技术对雪莲中具有重要药用价值的次生代谢物质进行调控,并对雪莲MYB类转录因子的功能进行了初步探索,为保护珍稀植物资源、维护生态环境、开发野生雪莲替代产品、缩短雪莲药用成份的生产周期奠定了基础。另外,分析了野生雪莲和雪莲培养物中主要生物活性成份的种类及含量,为今后雪莲药理药效研究及品质评价奠定了基础。 为了提高雪莲黄酮的产量,满足工业化生产的需要,在细胞培养水平上,通过添加茉莉酸甲酯(MJ),对雪莲黄酮类物质的代谢进行调控。研究了诱导子的添加时间、添加浓度对水母雪莲红色系悬浮细胞的生物量和总黄酮产量的影响。发现在细胞培养的指数期(第9天)添加5.0 µmol/L的MJ,可以使总黄酮产量提高2.4倍(1134.5 ± 63.86 mg/L),而雪莲细胞干重(dw)仅比对照提高23.8 %(20.4 ±0.27 g/L)。另外,细胞中苯丙氨酸裂解酶(PAL)的活性分析表明,MJ添加后PAL活性的增加与雪莲总黄酮含量增长之间存在相关性。 在器官培养水平上,对雪莲毛状根的诱导频率及其培养条件进行了研究。结果表明,选择发根农杆菌R1601侵染预培养2天的新疆雪莲根段外植体,毛状根的诱导效率可达到83 %。毛状根的冠瘿碱检测、PCR和Southern分析表明,Ri质粒中的T-DNA已整合到植物基因组中并稳定表达。以新疆雪莲毛状根为外植体,能够容易地获得再生芽。在含有1.0 mg/L 6-BA的MS固体培养基上,其再生频率高达91 ± 5.9 %,是其正常根的2.4倍。而水母雪莲在该培养条件下,仅有少量的畸形芽出现。进而对毛状根的培养条件进行初步研究,结果表明在无激素附加的MS液体培养基中,新疆雪莲的HR1601根系在一个培养周期内(32 天),其生物量能够达到接种量的16倍,而紫丁香甙含量(43.5 ± 1.13 mg/g dw)能够达到野生雪莲的83倍。从而显示了雪莲毛状根培养体系的优良特性。 在基因水平上,对雪莲黄酮类物质代谢调控的研究已经展开。玉米P基因编码的Myb类转录因子能够调节黄酮类物质代谢途径关键酶基因的表达。根据P基因的保守序列设计引物,从雪莲细胞培养物中获得了SmP基因。核酸序列分析表明,SmP基因与烟草中涉及苯丙素类物质代谢途径的LBM 1、LBM 3和MybAS 1基因具有较高的一致性,分别为66 %、60 %和61 %。因此为了研究雪莲SmP基因的功能,构建了正义表达载体,并与先前构建好的反义表达载体分别导入烟草,分析了转基因植株的形态特征及黄酮类物质的含量变化。其中,约有30 %转反义SmP基因的株系表现叶片皱缩、叶脉紊乱、主侧脉角度缩小、叶片、花瓣失去对称性以及花粉败育等性状。 另外,通过正交试验设计优化了雪莲提取工艺的条件,并对雪莲细胞提取物进行了分离纯化。正交试验设计结果表明,温度对雪莲黄酮提取效率的影响极为显著,而分批多次提取比一次性浸提,能够收到较好的提取效果。考虑到工业生产中的实际问题,推荐在60 ℃水浴条件下,采用50 %乙醇对雪莲样品连续浸提2次的方案。对雪莲提取物的纯化研究表明,雪莲成份复杂,仅依靠单一的分离手段,往往难以奏效。另外,野生雪莲及雪莲培养物中生物活性成份的比色法、HPLC(High Performance Liquid Chromatography)、LC-ESI-MS(Liquid Chromotagraphy Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry)分析表明,传统的NaNO2-AlCl3 法测定雪莲总黄酮的含量,结果偏高,不利于雪莲黄酮的实验室研究分析与今后工业化生产的质量监控。而AlCl3 法的显色反应较为特异,今后有望取代NaNO2-AlCl3 法,作为雪莲类药材品质评价的标准。而HPLC-DAD结合LC-ESI-MS可以对雪莲中的主要生物活性成份进行较为准确的定性分析,从而解决了由于缺乏相应的雪莲化合物标准品而难以对雪莲中的成份进行定性定量分析及比较的难题。最后综合利用上述分析方法,对雪莲细胞培养物中的花素类物质进行了分析。结果表明,雪莲细胞中至少含有7种花色素类物质,分别为矢车菊素-3-O-葡萄糖甙及其衍生物、天竺葵素糖甙衍生物和芍药色素糖甙衍生物。


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Ⅰ 虎杖聚酮类化合物生物合成相关基因的克隆及功能分析 虎杖 (Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc) 属于蓼科蓼属多年生草本植物,在中国和日本民间曾被广泛用于动脉粥样硬化、高血压、咳嗽、化脓性皮肤炎以及淋病的治疗,具有祛风利湿、散瘀定痛、止咳化痰等功效。而在现代医学上最令人瞩目和具有发展前景的是其在抗肿瘤、心血管保护、抗氧化方面的作用,相关疗效主要来自于虎杖中结构迥异、种类丰富的聚酮化合物及其衍生物资源。这些聚酮类化合物主要包括蒽醌、大黄素、大黄素-甲醚、大黄酚、芪类以及类黄酮化合物等。其中,大部分聚酮类化合物生物合成途径机制尚不明确,但可以肯定的是植物类型III聚酮合酶type III polyketide synthases (PKSs) 在这些聚酮化合物的生物合成起始反应中行使着关键的作用。因此,除了我们所熟悉的类黄酮化合物、芪类化合物之外,进一步分离和分析虎杖中其它重要聚酮类化合物生物合成所涉及的类型III聚酮合酶基因的是非常值得期待的。 目前,已经有14个植物类型III PKS基因被克隆和功能分析。植物类型III PKS的共同特征包括基因结构、序列相似性、保守的活性中心、酶学性质以及共同的催化机制等。显花植物(裸子植物和被子植物)中,植物类型III PKS的基因结构绝对保守,除了一个早期报道的金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)查尔酮合酶chalcone synthase (CHS) 含有第二个内含子外,迄今为止所有已知的植物类型III PKS基因均含有一个内含子且该内含子位置保守。有趣的是,在本研究中,两个含有3个内含子的类型III PKS基因从虎杖中被分离,且两个基因3个内含子的位置完全保守,这是三内含子类型III PKS基因首次得到分离。除了新奇的基因结构外,体外功能分析显示上述两个基因还具有特殊的酶学性质和功能。 本论文围绕上述2个三内含子基因开展了以下工作: 虎杖中一个由三内含子基因编码的新型类型III聚酮合酶 一个类型III PKS的cDNA及其相应的基因(PcPKS2)从药用植物虎杖中被克隆。序列分析结果表明,PcPKS2的开放阅读框被3个内含子分隔,这是一个出人意料的发现,因为截至到目前为止,除了金鱼草一个CHS基因外,所有已知的类型III PKS基因均在固定位置上含有一个内含子。除了特殊的基因结构外,PcPKS2显示了一些有趣的特性:(i) CHS“守卫”苯丙氨酸——Phe215和Phe265在PcPKS2中双双缺失,它们分别被亮氨酸和半胱氨酸取代;(ii) 体外功能分析结果表明,当酶促反应体系的pH值为6.5-8.5时,大肠杆菌中过表达的重组PcPKS2高效地合成丁烯酮非环化产物——4-香豆酰甘油酸内酯(4-coumaroyltriacetic acid lactone (CTAL))为主产物,而丙烯酮非环化产物bis-noryangonin (BNY) 以及苯亚甲基丙酮为副产物;而当酶促反应体系的pH值为9.0时,PcPKS2高效地合成苯亚甲基丙酮为主产物,而CTAL、BNY为副产物。另外,除了上述3种产物外,在不同的pH条件下,还有痕量的柚皮素查尔酮能被检测到。此外,在4-香豆酰辅酶A(4-coumaroyl-CoA)的类似化合物中,除了4-香豆酰辅酶A外,只有feruloyl-CoA能够被PcPKS2接受作为起始底物。PcPKS2不接受脂肪酰辅酶A——异丁酰基辅酶A(isobutyryl-CoA)、异戊酰基辅酶A(isovaleryl-CoA)以及乙酰辅酶A(acetyl-CoA)作为起始底物。Southern blot杂交结果表明,在虎杖基因组中存在2-4个PcPKS2基因的拷贝。Northern blot杂交结果表明,在根茎和幼叶中,PcPKS2表达量很高,而在根中无表达。叶中的PcPKS2的表达受病原菌诱导,但不受伤诱导。 虎杖中一个编码双功能类型III聚酮合酶的三内含子基因的鉴定 显花植物中,所有已知的类型III PKS 基因均含有一个内含子且位置绝对保守。本研究中,综合运用PCR技术,从富含聚酮类化合物的植物虎杖中克隆得到一个类型III PKS 基因(PcPKS1)及其cDNA。序列分析结果表明,PcPKS1含有3个内含子。系统发育分析结果表明,PcPKS1与其它植物的CHSs归为一类。然而,体外功能分析结果表明,当酶促反应体系pH值为7.0时,大肠杆菌中过表达的重组PcPKS1高效地合成柚皮素查尔酮(naringenin)为单一产物;而当pH值为9.0时,苯亚甲基丙酮(p-hydroxybenzalacetone)几乎为重组PcPKS1的唯一产物。后续的研究表明,与典型的CHSs相比,PcPKS1具有另外一些不同的特点:在pH值为9.0时(PcPKS1的苯亚甲基丙酮合成活性最适pH值),在4-香豆酰辅酶A的类似化合物中,只有feruloyl-CoA能够被PcPKS1接受作为起始底物。与CHSs展现出的对脂肪酰辅酶A宽泛的底物特异性不同,在不同的pH条件下,PcPKS1不接受异丁酰基辅酶A(isobutyryl-CoA)、异戊酰基辅酶A(isovaleryl-CoA)以及乙酰辅酶A(acetyl-CoA)作为起始底物。以上数据指出重组PcPKS1是一个具有查尔酮合酶(CHS)和苯亚甲基丙酮合酶(BAS)活性的双功能酶。Southern blot杂交结果表明,在虎杖基因组中存在2-4个PcPKS1基因的拷贝。Northern blot杂交结果表明,PcPKS1可能在防御病原菌和草食动物方面起着重要作用。PcPKS1和PcPKS2共同从虎杖中被分离的事实极有可能暗示了苯丁烷类化合物(phenylbutanoid)及其衍生物存在于虎杖中。 Ⅱ 高山红景天酪醇生物合成代谢途径机制研究 高山红景天(Rhodiola sachalinensis A. Bor)是景天科(Crassulaceae)红景天属多年生草本植物,作为一种适应原性中草药在中国的应用史已经超过800年。最近红景天提取物作为一种重要的商业药用制剂资源,其应用遍及欧洲、亚洲和美国,其主要治疗范围包括抗变应性和消炎,提高心理机敏性等。目前已经非常明确,红景天甙(salidroside)和甙元酪醇(tyrosol)是红景天属植物的主要功效成分,主要分布于这类植物的根中并且具有抗缺氧、抗疲劳、延缓衰老、预防紫外线辐射伤害等功效。红景天甙为酪醇8-O-β-D葡萄糖甙,是酪醇在葡萄糖基转移酶UDP-glucosyltransferase (UGT) 的催化下糖基化后形成的,可以认为是酪醇在植物体内的贮存形式。酪醇作为一种重要的活性分子,同样存在于橄榄树和葡萄酒中。 虽然已经非常明确酪醇来自于莽草酸代谢途径,然而其具体的生物合成途径及其调控仍不明确。总结以往的报道,在酪醇的生物合成上主要存在两种观点:一是酪醇可能来自于苯丙烷代谢途径产生的4-香豆酸(4-coumaric acid)前体;二是来自于酪氨酸的酪胺(tyramine)可能是酪醇生物合成的直接前体。我们的工作兴趣主要围绕着鉴别高山红景天中的酪醇生物合成途径展开: 高山红景天内源苯丙氨酸解氨酶PALrs1的过表达对红景天甙积累的影响 红景天甙是来自于药用植物高山红景天的一种适应原性新型药物,其生物合成途径可能起始于苯丙氨酸或酪氨酸。由于高山红景天野生植物资源的匮乏和相对含量很低,阐明红景天甙的生物合成途径对于增加红景天甙的供给至关重要。在我们以前的工作中,运用cDNA末端快速扩增技术(RACE),一个编码苯丙氨酸解氨酶phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL)的cDNA从高山红景天中被克隆,命名为PALrs1。在本研究中,PALrs1置于35S启动子+Ω增强子序列的控制下通过农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导法转化回高山红景天。PCR 和 PCR–Southern blot分析结果表明,PALrs1已经整合到了转基因植物的基因组上。Northern blot杂交结果表明,PALrs1已经获得在转录水平上的高水平表达。与预期的结果相同,高效液相色谱High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)测定结果显示PALrs1的过表达引起4-香豆酸含量增长3.3倍。然而,与之相反的是,酪醇和红景天甙含量与对照相比反而分别下降4.7和7.7倍。此外,我们发现PALrs1的过表达造成酪氨酸含量下降2.6倍。这些数据暗示着PALrs1的过表达和4-香豆酸的积累并不能促进酪醇的生物合成。酪醇,作为一种苯乙烷类衍生物并非来自苯丙氨酸,而酪氨酸含量的下降则极有可能是酪醇生物合成和红景天甙积累大规模下降的直接原因。


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A novel antimicrobial peptide named as ixosin was isolated from the salivary glands of the hard tick, Ixodes sinensis, by gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Its amino acid sequen


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Horseflies are economically important blood-feeding arthropods and also a nuisance for humans, and vectors for filariasis. They rely heavily on the pharmacological propriety of their saliva to get blood meat and suppress immune reactions of hosts. Little information is available on horsefly immune suppressants. By high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) purification coupling with pharmacological testing, an immunoregulatory peptide named immunoregulin HA has been identified and characterized from salivary glands of the horsefly of Hybomitra atriperoides (Diptera, Tabanidae). Immunoregulin HA could inhibit the secretion of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1) and increase the secretion of interteukin-10 (IL-10) induced by lipopolysaccharide (LIPS) in rat splenocytes. IL-10 is a suppressor cytokine of T-cell proliferative and cytokine responses. IL-10 can inhibit the elaboration of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Immunoregulin HA possibly unregulated the IL-10 production to inhibit IFN-gamma and MCP-1 secretion in the current experiments. This immunosuppression may facilitate the blood feeding of this horsefly. The current works will facilitate to understand the molecular mechanisms of the ectoparasite-host relationship. 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Wasp is an important venomous animal that can induce human fatalities. Coagulopathy is a clinical symptom after massive wasp stings, but the reason leading to the envenomation manifestation is still not known. In this paper, a toxin protein is purified and characterized by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration, CM-Sephadex C-25 cationic exchange and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) from the venom of the wasp, Vespa magnifica (Smith). This protein, named magnvesin. contains serine protease-like activity and inhibits blood coagulation. The cDNA encoding magnvesin is cloned from the venom sac cDNA library of the wasp. The deduced protein from the cDNA is composed of 305 amino acid residues. Magnvesin shares 52% identity with allergen serine protease from the wasp Polistes dominulus. Magnvesin exerted its anti-coagulant function by hydrolyzing coagulant factors TF, VII, VIII, IX and X. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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By Sephadex G-50 gel filtration, Resource Q anionic exchange and C4 reversed phase liquid high performance liquid chromatography, a proteinase inhibitor protein (Ranaserpin) was identified and purified from the eggs of the odour frog, Rana grahami. The protein displayed a single band adjacent to the molecular weight marker of 14.4 kDa analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The inhibitor protein homogeneity and its molecular weight were confirmed again by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis. The MALDI-TOF mass spectrum analysis gave this inhibitor protein an m/z of 14422.26 that was matched well with the result from SDS-PAGE. This protein is a serine proteinase inhibitor targeting multiple proteinases including trypsin, elastase, and subtilisin. Ranaserpin inhibited the proteolytic activities of trypsin, elastase, and subtilisin. It has an inhibitory constant (K-i) of 6.2 x 10(-8) M, 2.7 x 10(-7) M and 2.2 x 10(-8) M for trypsin, elastase, and subtilisin, respectively. This serine proteinase inhibitor exhibited bacteriostatic effect on Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633). It was suggested that ranaserpin might act as a defensive role in resistance to invasion of pests or pathogens. This is the first report of serine proteinase inhibitor and its direct defensive role from amphibian eggs. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Wasp is an impor tant venomous animal that can induce human fatalities. Aortic thrombosis and cerebral infarction are major clinical symptoms after massive wasp stings but the reason leading to the envenomation manifestation is still not known. In this paper, a toxin protein is purified and characterized by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration, CM-Sephadex C-25 cationic exchange and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) from the venom of the wasp, Vespa magnifica (Smith). This protein, named magnifin, contains phospholipase-like activity and induces platelet aggregation. The cDNA encoding magnifin is cloned from the venom sac cDNA library of the wasp. The predicted protein was deduced from the cDNA with a sequence composed of 337 amino acid residues. Magnifin is very similar to other phospholipase A(1) (PLA(1)), especially to other wasp allergen PLA(1). Magnifin can activate platelet aggregation and induce thrombosis in vivo. The current results proved that PLA(1) in wasp venom could be contributable to aortic thrombosis after massive wasp stings. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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From the venom of Trimeresurus jerdonii, a distinct thrombin-like enzyme, called jerdonobin. was purified by DEAF A-25 ion-exchange chromatography, Sephadex G-75 gel filtration, and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). SDS-PAGE analysis of this enzyme shows that it consists of a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 38,000. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of jerdonobin has great homology with venom thrombin-like enzymes documented. Jerdonobin is able to hydrolyze several chromogenic substrates. The enzyme directly clots fibrinogen with an activity of 217 NIH units/mg, The fibrinopeptides released, identified by HPLC consisted of fibrinopeptide A and a small amount of fibrinopepide B. The activities of the enzyme were inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and p-nitrophenyl-p-guanidinobenzoate (NPGB). However, metal chelator (EDTA) had no effect on it. indicating it is venom serine protease. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel disintegrin, jerdonatin, was purified to homogeneity from Trimeresurus jerdonii venom by gel filtration and reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. We isolated the cDNA encoding jerdonatin from the snake venom gland. Jerdonatin cDNA precursor,;encoded pre-peptide, metalloprotease and disintegrin domain. Jerdonatin is composed of 72 amino acid residues including 12 cysteines and the tripeptide sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD), a well-known characteristic of the disintegrin family. Molecular mass of jerdonatin was determined to be 8011 Da by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Jerdonatin inhibited ADP- and collagen-induced human platelet aggregation with IC50 of 123 and 135 nM, respectively. We also investigated the effect of jerdonatin on the binding of B6D2F1 hybrid mice spermatozoa to mice zona-free eggs and their subsequent fusion. Jerdonatin significantly inhibited sperm-egg binding in a concentration-dependent manner, but had no effect on the fusion of sperm-egg. These results indicate that integrins on the egg play a role in mammalian fertilization. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel disintegrin, jerdonin, was purified from the Trimeresurus jerdonii venom by means of gel filtration and reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography. Its coding cDNA was also isolated from the venom gland. The jerdonin coding cDNA is part of


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A nerve growth factor (NGF) was isolated from the venom of Chinese cobra (Naja naja ntr a) by ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). The N-terminal sequence of 22 amino acid residues was identical with other NGFs previously purified from the venom of the same genus. The NGF monomer molecular weight was estimated to be 13 500 by reducing SDS-PAGE and the isoelectric point was determined to be 7.2 by isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. NGF improved the epididymal sperm motility of male rats and increased the pregnancy rate and fetus number of mated female rats. The serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) of male rats administrated NGF + gossypol was lower than that of male rats administrated gossypol. Histological sections of testes and epididymides showed that NGF reduced the destructive effects of gossypol on rat testes. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel kinin-releasing and fibrin (ogen)olytic enzyme termed jerdonase was purified to homogeneity from the venom of Trimeresurus jerdonii by DEAE Sephadex A-50 anion exchange, Sephadex G-100 (superfine) gel filtration and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Jerdonase migrated as a single band with an approximate molecular weight of 55 kD under the reduced conditions and 53 kD under the non-reduced conditions. The enzyme was a glycoprotein containing 35.8% neutral carbohydrate. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of jerdonase was determined to be IIGGDECNINEHPFLVALYDA, which showed high sequence identity to other snake venom serine proteases. Jerdonase catalyzed the hydrolysis of BAEE, S-2238 and S-2302, which was inhibited by phenymethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), but not affected by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Jerdonase preferentially cleaved the Aalpha-chain of human fibrinogen with lower activity towards Bbeta-chain. Moreover, the enzyme hydrolyzed bovine low-molecular-mass kininogen and releasing bradykinin. In conclusion, all results indicated that jerdonase was a multifunctional venom serine protease.


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Aim: To study the pharmacokinetics of sifuvirtide, a novel anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) peptide, in monkeys and to compare the inhibitory concentrations of sifuvirtide and enfuvirtide on HIV-1-infected-cell fusion. Methods: Monkeys received 1.2 mg/kg iv or sc of sifuvirtide. An on-line solid-phase extraction procedure combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (SPELC/MS/MS) was established and applied to determine the concentration of sifuvirtide in monkey plasma. A four-I-127 iodinated peptide was used as an internal standard. Fifty percent inhibitory concentration (IC50) of sifuvirtide on cell fusion was determined by co-cultivation assay. Results: The assay was validated with good precision and accuracy. The calibration curve for sifuvirtide in plasma was linear over a range of 4.88-5000 mu g/L, with correlation coefficients above 0.9923. After iv or sc administration, the observed peak concentrations of sifuvirtide were 10626 +/- 2886 mu g/L and 528 +/- 191 mu g/L, and the terminal elimination half-lives (T,12) were 6.3 +/- 0.9 h and 5.5 +/- 1.0 h, respectively. After sc, T-max was 0.25-2 h, and the absolute bioavailability was 49% +/- 13%. Sifuvirtide inhibited the syncytium formation between HIV-1 chronically infected cells and uninfected cells with an IC50 of 0.33 mu g/L. Conclusion: An on-line SPE-LC/MS/MS approach was established for peptide pharmacokinetic studies. Sifuvirtide was rapidly absorbed subcutaneously into the blood circulation. The T-1/2 of sifuvirtide was remarkably longer than that of its analog, enfuvirtide, reported in healthy monkeys and it conferred a long-term plasma concentration level which was higher than its IC50 in vitro.