310 resultados para Alpine grassland
1. The stripe-backed weasel Mustela strigidorsa is one of the rarest and least-known mustelids in the world. Its phylogenetic relationships with other Mustela species remain controversial, though several unique morphological features distinguish it from congeners. 2. It probably lives mainly in evergreen forests in hills and mountains, but has also been recorded from plains forest, dense scrub, secondary forest, grassland and farmland. Known sites range in altitude from 90 m to 2500 m. Data are insufficient to distinguish between habitat and altitudes which support populations, and those where only dispersing animals may occur. 3. It has been confirmed from many localities in north-east India, north and central Myanmar, south China, north Thailand, north and central Laos, and north and central Vietnam. Given the limited survey effort, the number of recent records shows that the species is not as rare as hitherto believed. Neither specific nor urgent conservation needs are apparent.
Habitat use by wintering Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) in Lijiang Lashihai Lake of southwest China was studied from 1 November 1999 to 29 April 2000. We divided habitats into five types-deep water, shallow water, mudflat, grassland and farmland. Shallow water and grassland, with rich food and easily accessible water, were preferred by wintering Ruddy Shelducks, Farmland was preferred in mid-winter but avoided in early winter and late winter. Even in mid-winter, the feeding Ruddy Shelduck on farmland were not equally distributed in fields and preferred wet fields (just irrigated) and avoided dry fields. In dry fields, the distances to water sources had great impact on the feeding distribution. Mudflats were only selected in later winter, coinciding with the growth of water-weeds. Deep-water areas were always avoided. Prohibition of human disturbance and retaining shallow water areas and grassland are important measures to mitigate conflict between Ruddy Sheldruck and local people.
One of the most endangered populations of Black-necked Cranes (Grus nigricollis), the central population, is declining due to habitat loss and degradation, but little is known about their space use patterns and habitat preferences. We examined the space use and habitat preferences of Black-necked Cranes during the winter of 2007-2008 at the Napahai wetland in northwest Yunnan, China, where approximately 300 Black-necked Cranes (>90% of the total central population) spent the winter. Euclidean distance analysis was employed to determine the habitat preferences of Black-necked Cranes, and a local nearest-neighbor, convex-hull construction method was used to examine space use. Our results indicate that Black-necked Cranes preferred shallow marsh and wet meadow habitats and avoided farmland and dry grassland. Core-use areas (50% isopleths) and total-use areas (100% isopleths) accounted for only 1.2% and 28.2% of the study area, respectively. We recommend that habitat protection efforts focus on shallow marsh and wet meadow habitats to maintain preferred foraging sites. Core-use areas, such as the primary foraging areas of Black-necked Cranes, should be designated as part of the core zone of the nature reserve. Monthly shifts in the core-use areas of the cranes also indicate that the reserve should be large enough to permit changes in space use. In addition to preserving habitat, government officials should also take measures to decrease human activity in areas used by foraging Black-necked Cranes.
Invasive alien species have become one of the most serious environmental issues in the world. Data of taxon, origin, pathway, and environmental impacts of invasive alien microorganisms, invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, fish, birds, mammals, herbs, trees, and, marine organisms in terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems of China were analyzed during 2001 and 2003, based on literature retrieval and field survey. There were 283 invasive alien species in China, and the number of species of invasive alien microorganisms, aquatic plants, terrestrial plants, aquatic invertebrates, terrestrial invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, fish, and mammals were 19, 18, 170, 25, 33, 3, 10, and 5, respectively. The proportion of invasive alien species originated from America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania were 55.1, 21.7, 9.9, 8.1, and 0.6%, respectively. Methods for estimation of direct economic losses to agriculture, forestry, stockbreeding, fishery, road and water transportation, storage, water conservancy, environment and public facilities, and human health were established. Methods for estimation of indirect economic losses caused by invasive alien species to service functions of forest ecosystems, agricultural ecosystems, grassland ecosystems, and wetland ecosystems were also established. The total economic losses caused by invasive alien species to China were to the time of USD 14.45 billion, with direct and indirect economic losses accounting for 16.59% and 83.41% of total economic losses, respectively.
Gomphonemaceae and Cymbellaceae from Jolmolungma Mountain region of China, comprised 79 taxa belonging to five genera. The dominant species were Gomphonema angustatum var. productum, G. gracile var. gracile, G. parvulum var. parvulum, G. hedini, Cymbella aequalis var. pisciculus, C. delicatula, C. cistula, C. cistula var. hebetata, C. cesatii, C. cymbiformis, C microcephala, C. minuta var. minuta., C. minuta var. silesiaca, C. pusilla, C. affinis. Some arctic and alpine forms also occurred, and the following taxa were unique to this region: Cymbella delicatula, C. naviculiformis, C. gracilis, C. minuta var. minuta, C. affinis, C. cistula, C. cymbiformis, C. cistula var. hebetata, C. arctica, Didymosphenia geminata, Gomphonema hedinii, G. olivaceum. Numbers of taxa in each samples varied greatly, It appears that species diversity of diatoms is related not only to macro-environments (e.g., geographic zonation) but also to microenvironments (e.g., microhabitats and microclimates). Cymbella spp. are not only comparatively widespread in the region but also outnumber Gomphonema spp. A large number of species found in the Jolmolungma Mountain region are also found in Tibet and the headwaters of Yangtze River.
Gomphonemaceae and Cymbellaceae from the headwaters of the Yangtze River, Qinghai Province, China, comprised 84 taxa belonging to four genera. The dominant species were Gomphonema kaznakowi Mer., G. hedini Hust., G. olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kutz., Cymbella cistula (Ehr.) Kirchn. var. cistula and C. minuta Hilse ex Rabh. var. minuta. Some arctic and alpine forms also occurred, and the following taxa were unique to this region: C. cistula var. asiatica Mer., C. cistula var. capitata Grun., C. yabe Skvortzow var. punctata Li and Shi, G. olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kutzing var. brevistriatum Li and Shi and G. staurophorum (Pant.) Cleve-Euler var. oblongum Li and Shi. Different morphological forms of G. kaznakowi Mer. may be related to the upheaval of the plateau. Species diversity of the diatoms appears to be related not only to macro-environment (e.g., geographic zonation) but also to microhabitat and microclimate.
通过野外模拟降雨试验,研究黄土区天然草坡的产流、产沙规律。试验设2个地类(草地和裸地)、3个降雨强度水平和3个坡度水平。结果表明:坡面初始产流时间与降雨强度呈负相关关系,与裸地相比,草地在降雨强度较大时(>2.0 mm/min)加快坡面产流,在中(1.0~2.0 mm/min)、小等级降雨强度(<1.0 mm/min)下则延缓产流;降雨强度较大时,裸地大坡度的产流强度随时间呈对数函数形式增长,中小等级降雨强度下的增长方式不符合这一规律;与中、小等级降雨强度不同,裸地在降雨强度较大时的产流产沙过程不一致;与裸地相比,草地的产流过程更为复杂,并不符合产流强度随时间呈对数函数形式增长的一般规律,草地产沙过程线与产流过程线的相对吻合程度受降雨强度的影响不明显。
吴起县退耕还林(草)政策经过8 a的实施取得了显著成效。项目实施区生态环境得到明显改善,农业综合生产能力得到很大的提高,农民通过退耕补助得以直接增收,为形成面对农户的生态补偿制度探索了经验。然而政策实施过程中仍然存在着诸如退耕地块分布和林分结构不合理,草畜业发展滞后,牧草资源利用率不高,退耕政策不够灵活,补偿标准缺乏弹性等问题。建议在以后退耕政策中注重加强规划指导,合理确定退耕范围,在生态补偿制度框架下优化退耕补助标准,通过深化土地产权改革,促进退耕土地合理流转和规模化经营,继续推动农业后续产业发展,巩固退耕成果。
为探讨黄土高原草地植被演替过程活性有机碳的变化规律,揭示草地退耕后的分布特征,在云雾山草原区采集不同草地群落土壤,采用高锰酸钾氧化法对0~100 cm土层活性有机碳进行分析。结果表明:不同草地群落土壤活性有机碳含量均高于坡耕地,活性有机碳含量大小顺序为:长芒草(Stipa bungeanaTrin.)群落>大针茅(Sti-pa grandisP.Smirn.)群落>铁杆蒿(Artemisia gmeliniiWeb.ex Stechm.)群落>百里香(Thymus mongolicusRonn.)群落>退耕草地>坡耕地,且群落间差异达极显著水平(P<0.01);在恢复初期(坡耕地-退耕草地-百里香)活性有机碳含量增加较多,恢复到长芒草群落活性有机碳含量达到最大值,趋于稳定;活性有机碳的密度与含量表现出相同的变化规律,并随着土层的加深而呈现减小趋势。相关性分析表明,活性有机碳含量与土壤总有机碳含量呈极显著线性正相关关系(r=0.9742),土壤活性有机碳比总有机碳更能反映草地植被恢复初期土壤有机碳库的变化。
为了了解植被恢复过程土壤水库特征的变化及其驱动因子,为半干旱典型草原区植被恢复的土壤环境效应提供评价依据,研究了宁南半干旱典型草原区植被恢复80 a对土壤水库库容、实际贮水量和贮水效率的影响及驱动因子。结果表明:土壤水库总库容、吸持库容、实际贮水量、贮水效率以及土壤物理性质均在草原植被恢复25 a内不断提高,经37 a略微下降后随植被演替土壤水库特征和土壤物理性质继续改善。通过逐步回归分析,容重、有机质含量和水稳性团聚体分形维数是影响土壤水库总库容的主要因子,毛管孔隙度则是影响土壤实际贮水量和贮水效率的主要因子。土壤有机质含量与容重、分形维数呈显著负相关(P<0.05),与毛管孔隙度呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。植被恢复促使有机质积累,从而改善了土壤结构状况,提高了土壤土壤贮水能力、贮水量和贮水效率。可以认为土壤有机质积累是土壤水库功能提高的直接动力。
Principal Component and Canonical Correlation Analysis of the Environmental Factors Influencing the Growth of Caragana korshinskii Kom. in Grassland