183 resultados para 6-3-5 method
情绪表达规则是指一个人应当在恰当的情境中表达恰当的情绪。对情绪表达规则的认知发展是个体社会能力发展的一个重要方面,因此这一主题引起了国内外众多研究者的重视。但目前对童年早期儿童的研究中,大多数只考查了儿童对情绪的外显表达与内隐真实体验的区分,没有同时考查儿童对需要使用情绪表达规则的情境的认知,不能全面真实地揭示儿童对情绪表达规则的认知发展。在本研究中,以个别访谈法考查了4-6岁儿童同一个体在这两个指标上对情绪表达规则认知的发展,以及发展中的个别差异和个体内部差异,并进一步了解情境因素以及心理理论能力、执行抑制能力的发展对它们的影响。主要结果如下: (1)4-6岁儿童对情绪表达规则的认知能力随年龄增长而提高:4岁尚处于发展的萌芽水平,5岁和6岁都处于发展的过渡水平。对于同一年龄的儿童,对情绪表达规则的认知发展存在较大的个体之间的差异。 (2)4-6岁儿童对情绪表达规则的认知也存在较大的个体内部差异:对表情伪装的认知滞后于对需要使用情绪表达规则的情境的认知,对言语伪装的认知优于对表情伪装的认知;在对情绪表达规则的使用中,自我定向的占多数,其次是他人定向,规则定向所占的比例最少。随年龄的增长,自我定向的比例减少,他人定向的比例增多。 (3)情境变量影响4-6岁儿童对情绪表达规则的认知:与同伴交往情境中对需要使用情绪表达规则的情境的认知、对言语伪装的认知优于与长辈交往情境中的有关认知;对需要掩藏消极情绪情境中对表情伪装的认知要优于对需要掩藏积极情绪情境中表情伪装的认知。 (4)4-6岁儿童心理理论能力的发展和执行抑制能力的发展与其对情绪表达规则的认知发展有关。 (5)有关情绪表达规则的提示能够促进儿童对情绪隐私的认知,促进的效果随年龄的增长而提高,6岁的效果最好。
Research on children's naive concepts has previously tended to focus on the domains of physics and psychology, but more recently attention has turned to conceptual development in biology as a core domain of knowledge. Because of its familiarity, illness has been a popular topic for researchers in this domain. However, they have only studied the children’s understanding of its causes. Other aspects of illness, such as treatment and prognosis, have received little attention. This research addresses the development of 5- to 9-year-old children’s understanding of the causes of illness and their probabilities via open-ended and forced choice interviews. The results of this research are: 1) Most of the 5- to 7-year-old children used behavioral causes to explain illness, and the 9-year-old children primarily used biological causes to interpret illness. With age, more and more children selected psychological causes to explain illness. 2) Pre-school children did not over-generalize contagions to non-contagious illnesses. They used behavioral and biological causes to explain contagious illnesses. For non-contagious illnesses, they chose only behavioral causes. 3) Most of the children used only one kind of cause to explain illness. 4) Some preschool-aged children viewed outcomes of familiar causes of illness as probabilistic. With age, more and more could make uncertain predictions of illness. 5) The children’s understanding of the causes’ probabilities appeared to be based on naïve biology. 5- to 9-year-old children often made probabilistic predictions by analyzing a single cause of illness. 6) Children coming from higher educational backgrounds outperformed their counterparts coming from lower educational backgrounds with respect to understanding illness. 7) Specific knowledge acquired could generally improved the preschoolers’ understanding of causes of illness and their probabilities.