182 resultados para reduced equation


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Based on the variation principle, the nonlinear evolution model for the shallow water waves is established. The research shows the Duffing equation can be introduced to the evolution model of water wave with time.


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For some species, hereditary factors have great effects on their population evolution, which can be described by the well-known Volterra model. A model developed is investigated in this article, considering the seasonal variation of the environment, where the diffusive effect of the population is also considered. The main approaches employed here are the upper-lower solution method and the monotone iteration technique. The results show that whether the species dies out or not depends on the relations among the birth rate, the death rate, the competition rate, the diffusivity and the hereditary effects. The evolution of the population may show asymptotic periodicity, provided a certain condition is satisfied for the above factors. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The main aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of the impulse and time delay on a type of parabolic equations. In view of the characteristics of the equation, a particular iteration scheme is adopted. The results show that Under certain conditions on the coefficients of the equation and the impulse, the solution oscillates in a particular manner-called "asymptotic weighted-periodicity".


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Instead of discussing the existence of a one-dimensional traveling wave front solution which connects two constant steady states, the present work deals with the case connecting a constant and a nonhomogeneous steady state on an infinite band region. The corresponding model is the well-known Fisher equation with variational coefficient and Dirichlet boundary condition. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper considers interfacial waves propagating along the interface between a two-dimensional two-fluid with a flat bottom and a rigid upper boundary. There is a light fluid layer overlying a heavier one in the system, and a small density difference exists between the two layers. It just focuses on the weakly non-linear small amplitude waves by introducing two small independent parameters: the nonlinearity ratio epsilon, represented by the ratio of amplitude to depth, and the dispersion ratio mu, represented by the square of the ratio of depth to wave length, which quantify the relative importance of nonlinearity and dispersion. It derives an extended KdV equation of the interfacial waves using the method adopted by Dullin et al in the study of the surface waves when considering the order up to O(mu(2)). As expected, the equation derived from the present work includes, as special cases, those obtained by Dullin et al for surface waves when the surface tension is neglected. The equation derived using an alternative method here is the same as the equation presented by Choi and Camassa. Also it solves the equation by borrowing the method presented by Marchant used for surface waves, and obtains its asymptotic solitary wave solutions when the weakly nonlinear and weakly dispersive terms are balanced in the extended KdV equation.


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Experiments were conducted in an alpine Kobresia humilis meadow near Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station (37degrees29'-37degrees45'N, 101degrees12'-101degrees33'E; altitude 3200 m). Effects of enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation on photosynthesis of the alpine plants of Saussurea superba and Gentiana straminea were investigated. Both species were exposed to a UV-B-BE density at 15.80 kJ m(-2) per day, simulating nearly 14% ozone (O-3) reduction during the plant growing season. Neither photosynthetic CO2 uptake rate nor photosynthetic O-2 evolution rate were decreased after a long period of enhanced UV-B radiation treatment. On the contrary, there was a tendency to increase of both parameters in both species. The photosynthetic pigments were also increased, when expressed on a leaf area basis. UV-B absorbing compounds, detected by the absorbance values at 300 mm, had a tendency to increase in both species after enhanced UV-B radiation. After long-term exposure of plants to enhanced UV-B radiation, leaf morphology was also affected. Leaf thickness in both S. superba and G. straminea were increased significantly (P < 0.001). This supports our hypothesis that the increase of leaf thickness in both species after long-term exposure of enhanced UV-B radiation could compensate for the photodestruction of photosynthetic pigments when light passes through the leaf. Therefore, photosynthesis is not reduced in either species when expressed on leaf area basis. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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对一种新型四自由度并联机器人运动学正问题进行了研究,利用3个变量构造 出求解正问题的3个约束方程,然后运用符号计算和析配消元法推导出了只含有一 个变元的32次多项式方程,并且应用计算机软件系统Mathematica进行了求正问 题实解的数值验证。


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This dissertation presents a series of irregular-grid based numerical technique for modeling seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media. The study involves the generation of the irregular numerical mesh corresponding to the irregular grid scheme, the discretized version of motion equations under the unstructured mesh, and irregular-grid absorbing boundary conditions. The resulting numerical technique has been used in generating the synthetic data sets on the realistic complex geologic models that can examine the migration schemes. The motion equation discretization and modeling are based on Grid Method. The key idea is to use the integral equilibrium principle to replace the operator at each grid in Finite Difference scheme and variational formulation in Finite Element Method. The irregular grids of complex geologic model is generated by the Paving Method, which allow varying grid spacing according to meshing constraints. The grids have great quality at domain boundaries and contain equal quantities of nodes at interfaces, which avoids the interpolation of parameters and variables. The irregular grid absorbing boundary conditions is developed by extending the Perfectly Matched Layer method to the rotated local coordinates. The splitted PML equations of the first-order system is derived by using integral equilibrium principle. The proposed scheme can build PML boundary of arbitrary geometry in the computational domain, avoiding the special treatment at corners in a standard PML method and saving considerable memory and computation cost. The numerical implementation demonstrates the desired qualities of irregular grid based modeling technique. In particular, (1) smaller memory requirements and computational time are needed by changing the grid spacing according to local velocity; (2) Arbitrary surfaces and interface topographies are described accurately, thus removing the artificial reflection resulting from the stair approximation of the curved or dipping interfaces; (3) computational domain is significantly reduced by flexibly building the curved artificial boundaries using the irregular-grid absorbing boundary conditions. The proposed irregular grid approach is apply to reverse time migration as the extrapolation algorithm. It can discretize the smoothed velocity model by irregular grid of variable scale, which contributes to reduce the computation cost. The topography. It can also handle data set of arbitrary topography and no field correction is needed.


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Pre-stack seismic inversion has become the emphasis and hotspot owing to the exploration & exploitation of oil field and the development of seismic technology. Pre-stack seismic inversion has the strongpoint of making the most of amplitude versus offset compared with the post-stack method. In this dissertation, the three parameters were discussed from multi-angle reflectance of P-wave data based on Zoeppritz’s and Aki & Richard’s equation, include P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, and density. The three parameters are inversed synchronously from the pre-stack multi-angle P-wave data, based on rockphysics model and aimed at the least remnant difference between model simulation and practical data. In order to improve the stability of inversion and resolution to thin bed, several techniques were employed, such as the wavelet transform with multi-scale function, adding the Bayesian soft constraint and hard constraints (the horizon, structure and so on) to the inversion process. Being the result, the uncertainty of the resolution is reduced, the reliability and precision are improved, the significance of parameters becomes clearer. Meeting to the fundamental requirement of pre-stack inversion, some research in rockphysics are carried out which covered the simulation and inversion of S-wave velocity, the influence of pore fluids to geophysical parameters, and the slecting and analyzing of sensitive parameters. The difference between elastic wave equation modeling and Zoeppritz equation method is also compared. A series of key techniques of pre-stack seismic inversion and description were developed, such as attributes optimization, fluid factors, etc. All the techniques mentioned above are assembled to form a technique sets and process of synchronous pre-stack seismic inversion method of the three parameters based on rock physics and model simulation. The new method and technology were applied in many areas with various reservoirs, obtained both geological and economic significance, which proved to be valid and rational. This study will promote the pre-stack inversion technology and it’s application in hidden reservoirs exploration, face good prospects for development and application.


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An empirical equation is proposed to accurately correlate isothermal data over a wide range of temperature With the equation ln k = A* + B*/T-lambda the retention times of different solutes tested on OV-101, SE-54 and PEG 20M capillary columns have been achieved even when lambda is assigned a constant value of 1.7 Comparison with ln k = A + B/T and in k = c + d/T+ h/T-2, shows that the proposed equation is of higher accuracy and is applicable to extrapolation calculation, especially from data at high temperature to those at low temperature. Parameters A* and B* as well as A and B are also discussed. The linear correlation of A* and B* is weaker than that of A and B.