348 resultados para few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses


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The characteristics of K alpha X-ray sources generated by p-polarized femtosecond laser-solid interactions are experimentally studied in the relativistic regime. By use of knife-edge image technique and a single-photon-counting X-ray CCD camera, we obtaine the source size, the spectrum and the conversion efficiency of the Ka X-ray sources. The experimental results show that the conversion efficiency of Ka photons reaches an optimum value of 7.08 x 10(-6)/sr at the laser intensity of 1.6 x 10(18) W/cm(2), which is different from the Reich's simulation results (Reich et al., 2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 4846). We find that about 10% of laser energy is converted into the forward hot electrons at the laser intensity of 1.6 x 10(18) W/cm(2).


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ZnO, as a wide-band gap semiconductor, has recently become a new research focus in the field of ultraviolet optoelectronic semiconductors. Laser molecular beam epitaxy (L-MBE) is quite useful for the unit cell layer-by-layer epitaxial growth of zinc oxide thin films from the sintered ceramic target. The ZnO ceramic target with high purity was ablated by KrF laser pulses in an ultra high vacuum to deposit ZnO thin film during the process of L-MBE. It is found that the deposition rate of ZnO thin film by L-MBE is much lower than that by conventional pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Based on the experimental phenomena in the ZnO thin film growth process and the thermal-controlling mechanism of the nanosecond (ns) pulsed laser ablation of ZnO ceramic target, the suggested effective ablating time during the pulse duration can explain the very low deposition rate of the ZnO film by L-MBE. The unique dynamic mechanism for growing ZnO thin film is analyzed. Both the high energy of the deposition species and the low growth rate of the film are really beneficial for the L-MBE growth of the ZnO thin film with high crystallinity at low temperature.


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Solid films containing phosphorus impurities were formed on p-type silicon wafer surface by traditional spin-on of commercially available dopants. The doping process is accomplished by irradiating the sample with a 308 nm XeCl pulsed excimer laser. Shallow junctions with a high concentration of doped impurities were obtained. The measured impurity profile was ''box-like'', and is very suitable for use in VLSI devices. The characteristics of the doping profile against laser fluence (energy density) and number of laser pulses were studied. From these results, it is found that the sheet resistance decreases with the laser fluence above a certain threshold, but it saturates as the energy density is further increased. The junction depth increases with the number of pulses and the laser energy density. The results suggest that this simple spin-on dopant pre-deposition technique can be used to obtain a well controlled doping profile similar to the technique using chemical vapor in pulsed laser doping process.


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Recently a new method for simulating the thermal loading on pistons of diesel engines was reported. The spatially shaped high power laser is employed as the heat source, and some preliminary experimental and numerical work was carried out. In this paper, a further effort was made to extend this simulation method to some other important engine parts such as cylinder heads. The incident Gaussian beam was transformed into concentric multi-circular patterns of specific intensity distributions, with the aid of diffractive optical elements (DOEs). By incorporating the appropriate repetitive laser pulses, the designed transient temperature fields and thermal loadings in the engine parts could be simulated. Thermal-structural numerical models for pistons and cylinder heads were built to predict the transient temperature and thermal stress. The models were also employed to find the optimal intensity distributions of the transformed laser beam that could produce the target transient temperature fields. Comparison of experimental and numerical results demonstrated that this systematic approach is effective in simulating the thermal loading on the engine parts. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Vibronic excitations of the tri-atomic molecule OClO (A(2)A(2)(nu(1), nu(2), nu(3)) <-- (XB1)-B-2 (0, 0, 0)) with weak and strong ultra-short laser fields are studied within full quantum wavepacket dynamics in hyperspherical coordinates. Different dynamics is observed following excitation with laser pulses of different intensities. With a strong laser pulse, many vibrational states are excited and a spatially more localised wavepacket arises. The numerical results show that the population of different vibrational states of the wavepacket on the excited potential energy surface is altered by the intensity of the laser pulse. The numerical results also suggest a related effect on the phase of the wavepacket. These interesting phenomena can be understood by an analysis of the corresponding results for two model diatomic molecules. The possible physical mechanisms of control of chemical processes using strong laser fields are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Multiphoton ionization of NO via intermediate Rydberg states with ultra-short laser pulses is investigated with time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in combination with fermosecond pump-probe technology. The Rydberg states of NO, which are characterized by obvious ac-Stark shift in ultra-strong laser field, can be tuned in resonance to ionize NO molecule at one's will with identical laser pulses, i.e., one can 'select' resonance path to ionization. The results shown in this Letter demonstrate that the states holding notable dynamic Stark shift provide us another dimension to chemical control with strong laser field. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Photoelectron angular distributions produced in above-threshold ionization (ATI) are analysed using a nonperturbative scattering theory. The numerical results are in good qualitative agreement with recent measurements. Our study shows that the origin of the jet-like structure arises from the inherent properties of the ATI process and not from the angular momentum of either the initial or the excited states of the atom.


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Channeling by a train of laser pulses into homogeneous and inhomogeneous plasmas is studied using particle-in-cell simulation. When the pulse duration and the interval between the successive pulses are appropriate, the laser pulse train can channel into the plasma deeper than a single long-pulse laser of similar peak intensity and total energy. The increased penetration distance can be attributed to the repeated actions of the ponderomotive force, the continuous between-pulse channel lengthening by the inertially evacuating ions, and the suppression of laser-driven plasma instabilities by the intermittent laser-energy cut-offs.


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The variation of the energy interval between the intercombination line ( 1s2p(P-3(1))-> 1s(2)) and the resonance line ( 1s2p(P-1(1))-> 1s(2)) of He-like aluminium with plasma density and temperature is investigated. Since such energy interval is equivalent to the exchange energy of the state 1s2p(P-3(1)), we consider the dependence of this energy shift on the plasma environment. It was found that the shifts of exchange energy increase ( decrease) with the increase of electron density ( electron temperature), and the shifts of exchange energy become more sensitive to the electron density as the electron temperature decreases, i. e. in the strongly coupled plasma regime. An approximately linear relation is found between the shifts of exchange energy and the electron density. The results show that dense plasma effects are very important for the simulation of the spectral fine structure. The relative shifts between the intercombination ( 1s2p(P-3(1))-> 1s(2)) and the resonance line ( 1s2p(P-1(1))-> 1s(2)) are discussed for diagnostic applications.


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An alternative fast-ignition method is proposed involving the formation of a hot spot outside the precompressed fusion-fuel core by a series of shocks driven directly by the light pressure of laser pulses of increasing intensities. It is shown that a hot spot, which can be of different material from that of the fuel core, with temperature similar to 10 keV and density similar to 200 g/cm(2), can be formed. Being an electrically neutral plasma, the hot spot can easily be sent into the fuel core. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The optical breakdown thresholds (OBTs) of typical dielectric and semiconductor materials are measured using double 40-fs laser pulses. By measuring the OBTs with different laser energy and different time delays between the two pulses, we found that the total energy of breakdown decrease for silica and increase for silicon with the increase of the first pulse energy. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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By using time-of-flight spectroscopy, the ionization and explosion of large argon clusters ( (n) over bar = 3 x 10(3) - 3 x 10(6)) in the intense femtosecond pulsed laser field (60 fs,2 x 10(16) W/cm(2)) has been studied, and the dependence of average energy of ions emitted from argon clusters on the gas backing pressure has been measured. By comparing the average ion energies obtained with two different supersonic conical nozzles and considering the Hagena's scaling law of clusters, we have found that the average ion energy is determined by the cluster size when the laser parameters are kept unchanged. The experimental results indicated that when the cluster size is less than 3 x 10(5) atoms per cluster, the Coulomb repulsion force is the dominating factor in the expansion mechanism. Beyond this size, for 3 x 10(5) < (n) over barn < 3 x 10(6), the expansion is the result of the combined effect of both the Coulomb repulsion force and the hydrodynamic force, and the latter will play the dominating role for increasing cluster size.


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