173 resultados para Lingual wire
柔索并联机构是一类新型的机构 ,具有一些优于其他机构的特点 ,但因柔索特性的限制 ,可实现的运动形式较少。本文通过增加约束机构对运动平台运动进行限制 ,扩大了柔索并联机构的应用范围。文章提出约束机构的概念 ,讨论了约束机构的种类 ,并进行奇异位形的分析。
柔索驱动并联机器人采用柔索代替连杆作为机器人的驱动元件 ,它结合了并联结构和柔索驱动的优点 .文章提出了一种新型带有约束机构的并联柔索驱动机器人 ,采用四根柔索驱动 .由于约束机构的引入 ,机器人可实现在空间的三维转动 .介绍柔索驱动并联机器人的机构构型 ,给出了位姿逆解 ,建立了静力平衡方程和运动学方程 ,讨论了柔索拉力的确定方法 .研究结果证明在加入了约束机构后 ,柔索机器人可以实现更多的运动形式 ,这就为更广泛的应用柔索驱动成为可能
提出一种新型并联机器人机构 ,利用张紧柔索驱动该并联机器人·通过运动学和动力学分析、工作空间分析、轨迹规划、误差分析 ,设计并制作了模型样机本体、驱动与控制模块 ,开发了机器人语言 ,控制模型样机完成指定动作·实验结果表明 ,这种新型并联机器人是可行的 ,适用于轻型机床等设备·该机器人在某一速度范围内工作时 ,会产生较明显的振动 ,并伴有噪声 ,因此要提高机器人的性能还必须设法抑制其振动
Landslide is a kind of serious geological hazards and its damage is very great. In recent years, landslides become more and more frequent along with increase of scale of engineering constructions and cause greater loss. Consequently, how to protect landslides has become important research subject in the engineering field. This paper improves the method how to compute landslide thrust and solves the irrational problem in the design of piles because of the irrational landslide thrust according to the theory and technology of existed anti-slide piles and pre-stressed cable anti-slide piles. Modern pre-stressing technology has been introduced and load balancing method has been used to improve the stressing behavior of anti-slide piles. Anchor cables, anti-slide piles and modern pre-stressing technology have been used to prevention complicated landslide. It is an important base to select values for the landslide thrust. An improved method to calculate design thrust of anti-slide piles has been presented in this paper on the base of residual thrust method by comparing existing methods to select values of landslide thrust in the design of anti-slide piles. In the method, residual landslide thrust behind the anti-slide piles and residual skid resistance before the piles has been analyzed, equitable distribution of residual landslide thrust behind the piles has been realized, and the method to select value of design thrust becomes more reasonable. The pre-stressed cable anti-slide piles are developed from the common anti-slide piles and are common method to prevent landslide. Their principle is that internal force of anti-slide piles is adjusted and size of section is diminished by changing constraint conditions of anti-slide piles. For landslides with deep slip surface and large scale of slopes, limitation of the method appears. Such landslides are in need of long piles and anchor cables which are not only non-economic but also can generate larger deformation and leave potential danger after prevention. For solving the problem, a new kind of anti-slide piles, inner pre-stressing force anti-slide piles, is presented in this paper, and its principle is that an additional force, which is generated in the inner anti-slide piles by arranging pre-stressed reinforcement or tight wire in a certain form in interior of anti-slide piles and stretching the steel reinforcement or tight wire, may balance out the internal force induced by landslide thrust whole or partly (load balancing method). The method will change bending moment which anti-slide piles are not good at bearing into compressive stress which piles are good at bearing, improve stressing performance of anti-slide piles greatly, diminish size of section, and make anti-slide piles not fissured in the natural service or postpone appearance of the fissures, and improve viability of anti-slide piles. Pre-stressed cable anti-slide piles and inner pre-stressing force anti-slide piles go by the general name of pre-stressed structure anti-slide piles in the paper, and their design and calculation method is also analyzed. A new calculation method is provided in the paper for design of anti-slide piles. For pre-stressed structure anti-slide piles, a new computation mode is firstly presented in the paper on the foundation of cantilever piles. In the mode, constraint form of load-bearing section of the anti-slide piles should be confirmed according to reservoir conditions in order to figure out amount of pre-stress of the anchor cables, and internal force should be analyzed for the load-bearing section of pre-stressed structure anti-slide piles so as to confirm anchorage section of anti-slide piles. Pre-stressed cables of the pre-stressed cable anti-slide piles can be arranged as required. This paper analyzes the load-bearing section of single-row and double-row pre-stressed cable anti-slide piles and provides a calculation method for design of the pre-stressed cable anti-slide piles. Inner pre-stressing force anti-slide piles are a new kind of structural style. Their load-bearing section is divided into four computation modes according to whether pre-stressed cables are applied for exterior of the anti-slide piles, and whether single-row or double-row exterior pre-stressed cables are applied. The load balancing method is used to analyze the computation modes for providing a method to design the inner pre-stressing force anti-slide piles rationally. Pre-stressed cable anti-slide piles and inner pre-stressing force anti-slide piles are applied to research on Mahe landfall in Yalong Lenggu hydropower station by the improved method to select value of design thrust of anti-slide piles. A good effect is obtained in the analysis.
海绵钛是钛工业的基础原材料。近年来国内海绵钛产业发展迅速,到2007年其产量已达到两万多吨。海绵钛生产产生大量的废渣、废气、废液等污染物质,对环境造成严重污染,是制约海绵钛产业发展的瓶颈。虽然国家早就将海绵钛生产的环境污染治理问题列为国家重大攻关课题,但长期以来却未从根本上得到很好的解决。本论文以海绵钛生产中铜丝除钒工艺产生的废物为对象,对其中的物质组成及其来源进行了分析,探索对该废物处置与综合回收技术。 除钒杂质是四氯化钛精制作业中极为重要的环节,铜丝除钒是国内采用的主要工艺技术,其产生的废物中含有铜、钒等有用资源。本文首先对海绵钛生产中四氯化钛精制环节铜丝除钒工艺产生的废物的物质组成进行研究,在确定其主要成分是含铜、钒的化合物基础上,设计了综合回收铜、钒等有用资源的技术方案——采用氢氧化钠进行碱处理形成铜钛沉淀物和含钒碱溶液;铜钛沉淀物用硫酸浸出得到硫酸铜溶液和钛沉淀物;硫酸铜溶液进一步电解得到电解铜;含钒碱溶液采用盐酸处理沉淀钒,再经焙烧得到五氧化二钒。在研究过程中主要采用环境矿物学的研究方法,利用化学分析、X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜观察等手段,查明该废物及回收过程产物的特点。 本文通过实验研究,得到以下主要结论: 1.海绵钛生产中铜丝除钒工艺产生的废物主要是水洗池废液,约占90%以上;水洗池废液中铜、钒的浓度很高,分别是5.4g/L、3.6g/L。水洗池沉淀物中的铜、钒主要是以(Cu0.95V2O5)CuO,Ni2V2O7的结晶态形式存在。 2.在废物的化学分析结果和X射线衍射分析结果的基础上,设计了对废物综合回收电解铜、五氧化二钒等资源的技术方案。该回收技术路线下电解铜的初步回收率可达97%,钒的一次回收率约为78%。 3.对回收过程中的各阶段产物进行了化学分析、物相分析和微观形貌观察,研究结果表明铜、钒、钛等资源得到了较好有分离和回收。