228 resultados para Ho:YAG
介绍了一种二极管侧面泵浦的Nd:YAG连续激光器,采用了简单、实用的侧面泵浦结构,获得37.9W的连续1064 nm的激光多模输出;斜效率为31.5%,光效率为23.7%。文中还对该泵浦头的热透镜效应作了测试。
Design of the typical laser diode side-pumped Nd:YAG rod system has been discussed using the conventional ray tracing method in this paper. Firstly introduce two basic matrices, refractional and translational matrix, described the transmission of nonparaxial light ray in the medium without concerning the absorption of light. And then, using those matrices, analyze the distribution of pump light in the crystal respectively under the condition of directly pumped system and indirectly pumped system with a cylindrical quartz rod as focusing lens. From the result of simulation, we compare the advantage and disadvantage of the two pumped method, and mainly consider how to select the diameter of the focus lens and cooling tube, indicate the effect of deionized water and cooling tube have on the pump light distribution in the active material. At last, make some conclusions about the side-pumped Nd:YAG laser system.
An electrical-to-green efficiency of more than 10% was demonstrated by intracavity-frequency-doubling a Q-switched diode-side-pumped Nd:YAG laser with a type II lithium triborate (LBO) crystal in a straight plano-concave cavity. An average power of 69.2 W at 532 nm was generated when electrical input power was 666 W. The corresponding electrical-to-green conversion efficiency is 10.4%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest electrical-to-green efficiency of second harmonic generation laser systems with side-pumped laser modules, ever reported. At about 66 W of green output power, the power fluctuation over 4 hours was better than +/-0.86%.
We report an LD side-pumped continuous-wave passive mode-locked Nd:YAG laser with a Z-type folded cavity based on a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). The average output power 2.95 W of mode-locked laser with electro-optical conversion efficiency of 1.3% and high beam quality (M-x(2) = 1.25 and M-y(2) = 1.22) is achieved. The repetition rate of mode-locked pulse of 88 MHz with pulse energy of 34 nJ is obtained.
通过重离子引起的核反应106Cd(40Ca,p3n)合成了新的β缓发质子先驱核142Ho,并且配合氦喷嘴快速带传输系统用“p-γ”符合方法对它进行了首次鉴别.观测了142Ho的β缓发质子衰变,测定其半衰期为(0.4±0.1)s.利用统计模型拟合实验估计的对质子女儿核141Tb中末态的相对分支比和缓发质子能谱,142Ho的基态自旋被指认为5,6或7.用Woods-Xason Strutinsky方法计算了142Ho的核位能面,其结果支持指认142Ho的基态自旋宇称为7-.作为副产品,还首次观测到了来自先驱核139Gd,140Tb,142Tb和143Dy的β缓发质子衰变产生的质子女儿核中的一些γ跃迁.
The proton-rich isotope Ho-148 was produced via the fusion-evaporation reaction Mo-92 (Ni-58, 3p1n). The beta-delayed proton decay of Ho-146 was studied by proton-gamma coincidence measurements using a He-jet tape transport system. The gamma-transitions in Tb-145 following the proton emissions were observed, and the beta-delayed proton branching ratios to the final states in the grand-daughter nucleus Tb-145 were determined. According to the relative branching ratios, the ground-state spin of Ho-146 has been proposed and the possible configuration discussed.