206 resultados para D. Spinels


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Gramicidin within the lipid bilayer matrix is a well-known channel-forming polypeptide, but the mechanism of the ions across the membrane induced by gramicidin is not well understood. We found that at very low concentration of gramicidin in a bilayer lipid membrane, the channel behavior was controlled by the voltage applied across the membrane. When the voltage is higher than 75 mV, the channel is closing, while lower than 75 mV, the channel is opening. But when the concentration of the gramicidin in the BLMs is high, the channel behavior is changed into voltage-independent. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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用一种全氟代磺酸酯阳离子交换树酯(East-man AQ-55),将D-氨基酸氧化酶(DAAO),辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)以及1,1′-二(α-羟基乙基)二茂铁(BHFc)同时包埋在玻碳电极(GCE)表面,制成双酶D-氨基酸电流式传感器。电极的工作电位为+0.18V(vs.SCE)响应时间小于50s。对于D-丙氨酸来说,测定的最适宜pH为7.8,测定的线性范围为0.05~0.75mmol/L该电极具有良好的重现性,可以连续使用200次。


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This paper alms at illustrating the impact of spatial difference scheme and spatial resolution on the performance of Arakawa A-D grids in physical space. Linear shallow water equations are discretized and forecasted on Arakawa A-D grids for 120-minute using the ordinary second-order (M and fourth-order (C4) finite difference schemes with the grid spacing being 100 km, 10 km and I km, respectively. Then the forecasted results are compared with the exact solution, the result indicates that when the grid spacing is I kin, the inertial gravity wave can be simulated on any grid with the same results from C2 scheme or C4 scheme, namely the impact of variable configuration is neglectable; while the inertial gravity wave is simulated with lengthened grid spacing, the effects of different variable configurations are different. However, whether for C2 scheme or for C4 scheme, the RMS is minimal (maximal) on C (D) grid. At the same time it is also shown that when the difference accuracy increases from C2 scheme to C4 scheme, the resulted forecasts do not uniformly decrease, which is validated by the change of the group A velocity relative error from C2 scheme to C4 scheme. Therefore, the impact of the grid spacing is more important than that of the difference accuracy on the performance of Arakawa A-D grid.


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Song and Banner (2002, henceforth referred to as SB02) used a numerical wave tank (developed by Drimer and Agnon, and further refined by Segre, henceforth referred to as DAS) to study the wave breaking in the deep water, and proposed a dimensionless breaking threshold that based on the behaviour of the wave energy modulation and focusing during the evolution of the wave group. In this paper, two modified DAS models are used to further test the SB02's results, the first one (referred to MDAS1) corrected many integral calculation errors appeared in the DAS code, and the second one (referred to MDAS2) replaced the linear boundary element approximation of DAS into the cubic element on the free surface. Researches show that the results of MDAS1 are the same with those of DAS for the simulations of deep water wave breaking, but, the different values of the wavemaker amplitude, the breaking time and the maximum local average energy growth rate delta(max) for the marginal breaking cases are founded by MDAS2 and MDAS1. However, MDAS2 still satisfies the SB02' s breaking threshold. Furthermore, MDAS1 is utilized to study the marginal breaking case in the intermediate water depth when wave passes over a submerged slope, where the slope is given by 1 : 500, 1 : 300, 1 : 150 or 1 : 100. It is found that the maximum local energy density U increases significantly if the slope becomes steeper, and the delta(max) decreases weakly and increases intensively for the marginal recurrence case and marginal breaking case respectively. SB02's breaking threshold is still valid for the wave passing over a submerged slope gentler than 1 : 100 in the intermediate water depth.


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牦牛的起源与属级分类学地位至今仍然存在一定的争议.我们测定了家养牦牛和野生牦牛线粒体控制区(D-loop)序列,并以此构建牦牛和牛属、野牛属、水牛属以及非洲水牛属相关种的系统发育树.研究结果表明线粒体D-loop区与Cyt b基因序列在构建牛族的系统发育具有同样重要的价值.系统发育关系显示野牛属的灭绝种草原野牛与现存种美洲野牛先聚合为一单系群,然后再和牦牛形成一单系分支,表明牦牛与野牛属的草原野牛、美洲野牛亲缘关系最近,具有最近的共同祖先,而与牛属的其它亚洲物种亲缘关系较远.因此,本研究不支持将牦牛独立为牦牛属--Poephagus,牛属与野牛属在分类上也应合并为一个属.基于上述研究结果和化石证据,我们进一步对牦牛起源的历史背景进行了讨论,认为牦牛与野牛属的分化是由于第四纪气候变化在欧亚大陆发生的,野牛通过白令陆桥进入北美;冰期结束后,由于欧亚大陆其它地区温度升高,牦牛只能局限分布在较为寒冷的青藏高原;而野牛属在北美先后分化为草原野牛和美洲野牛,前者可能是后者的直接祖先.


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针对江河源退化草地治理与示范项目要求,在果洛州玛沁县大武乡格多牧委会人工和半人工草场上,使用D肉毒杀鼠素对高原鼠兔Ochotona curzoniae进行现场药效试验和大面积灭鼠。结果表明,0.1%和0.2%D内毒杀鼠素毒饵时鼠兔具有良好的灭杀效果,且不污染环境,无二次中毒,对保护鼠粪天敌,维持生态平衡,控制害鼠种群数量回升,减少扩散,使治理后的草场植被再次免遭破坏等方面均具良好作用.


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A simple, sensitive, and mild method for the determination of amino compounds based on a condensation reaction with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC-HCI) as the dehydrant with fluorescence detection has been developed. Amines were derivatized to their acidamides with labeling reagent 2-(2-phenyl-1H-phenanthro-[9,10-d]imidazole-1-yl)-acetic acid (PPIA). Studies on derivatization conditions indicated that the coupling reaction proceeded rapidly and smoothly in the presence of a base catalyst in acetonitrile to give the corresponding sensitively fluorescent derivatives with an excitation maximum at lambda(ex) 260nm and an emission maximum at lambda(em) 380nm. The labeled derivatives exhibited high stability and were enough to be efficiently analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Identification of derivatives was carried out by online post-column mass spectrometry (LC/APCI-MS/MS) and showed an intense protonated molecular ion corresponding m/z [MH](+) under APCI in positive-ion mode. At the same time, the fluorescence properties of derivatives in various solvents or at different temperature were investigated. The method, in conjunction with a gradient elution, offered a baseline resolution of the common amine derivatives on a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C-8 column. LC separation for the derivatized amines showed good reproducibility with acetonitrile-water as mobile phase. Detection limits calculated from 0.78 pmol injection, at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3, were 3.1-18.2 fmol. The mean intra- and inter-assay precision for all amine levels were < 3.85% and 2.11%, respectively. Excellent linear responses were observed with coefficients of > 0.9996. The established method for the determination of aliphatic amines from real wastewater and biological samples was satisfactory. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The occurrence of Late Cretaceous mafic dykes and their entrained peridotite and granulite xenoliths as well as clinopyroxene xenocrysts in the Qingdao region provide us a precious opportunity to unveil the nature and characteristics of the Late Mesozoic lithospheric mantle and lower crust beneath the Jiaodong region, and the change of the magma sources. These studies are of important and significant for understanding the lithospheric evolution in the eastern North China Craton. There were two periods of magma activities in Late Mesozoic in Qingdao Laoshan region, one was around 107Ma in the Early Cretaceous and the other around 86Ma in the Late Cretaceous according to the whole rock K-Ar age determination. The Early Cretaceous mafic dykes and the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke (i.e. Pishikou mafic dike) have completely different geochemical characteristics. The Early Cretaceous mafic dykes are enriched in LILE, strongly depleted in HFSE (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) and characterized by the highly radiogenic Sr and Nd isotopic compositions. These geochemical features indicate that the Early Cretaceous mafic dykes were derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle. In contrast, the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke is enriched in LILE, without HFSE depletion (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) and has less radiogenic Nd and Sr isotopic compositions. These geochemical features indicate that the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke was derived from the asthenosphere modified by subducted pelagic sediment contamination. The intrusive age of the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke provides further information for the termination of the lithosphere thinning for the eastern North China Crtaon. Pishikou Late Cretaceous mafic dyke contains abundant peridotitic xenoliths, granulite xenoliths and clinopyroxene xenocrysts. The peridotitic xenoliths can be divided into two types: high Mg# peridotites and low Mg# peridotites, according to their textural and mineral features. The high-Mg# peridotites have high Fo (up to 92.2) olivines and high Cr# (up to 55) spinels. The clinopyroxenes in the high# peridotites are rich in Cr2O3 and poor in Al2O3. The low-Mg# peridotites are typified by low Mg# (Fo <90) in olivines and low Cr# (Cr# <0.14) in spinels. The clinopyroxenes in the low-Mg# peridotites are rich in Al2O3 and Na2O and poor in Cr2O3. These two type peridotites have similar equilibrated temperatures of 950C-1100C. The Clinopyroxenes in the high-Mg# peridotites generally have high and variable REE contents (REE = 5.6-84 ppm) and LREE-enriched chondrite-normalized patterns ((La/Yb)N>1). In contrast, the clinopyroxenes in the low-Mg# peridotites have low REE contents (REE = 12 ppm) and LREE-depleted patterns ((La/Yb)N<1). The textural, mineral and elemental features of the low-Mg# peridotites are similar to those of the low-Mg peridotites from the Junan, representing the newly-accreted lithospheric mantle. However, the mineralogical and petrological features of the high-Mg# peridotites are similar to those of the high-Mg# peridotites from the Junan region, representing samples from the old refractory lithospheric mantle that was strongly and multiply affected by melts of different origins Late Cretaceous mafic dike in the Qingdao region also contains two types of granulite xenoliths according to the mineral constituents: the pyroxene-rich granulites and the plagioclase-rich granulites. Equilibrated temperatures calculated from the cpx-opx geothermometers are in a range of 861C - 910C for the pyroxene-rich granulites and of 847C - 890C for the plagioclase-rich granulites. The equilibrated pressure for the plagioclase-rich granulites is in a range of 9.9-11.7 kbar. Combined with the results of the peridotitic xenoliths, a 40C temperature gap exists between the peridotite and the granulite. The petrological Moho was 33~36 km at depths, broadly consistent with the seismic Moho estimated from the geophysical data. This indicates that there was no obvious crust-mantle transition zone in the Qingdao region in the Late Mesozoic. Pishikou Late Cretaceous mafic dyke entrained lots of clinopyroxene xenocrysts which are characterized by the chemical zoning. According to the zoning features, two types of clinopyroxene xenoliths can be classified, the normal zoning and the revise zoning. The normally-zoned clinopyroxene xenocrysts have LREE-depleted REE patterns in the cores. In contrast, the revisely-zoned clinopyroxenes have LREE-enriched REE patterns in the cores. According to the rim and core compositions of xenocrysts, all the rims are balanced with the host magma. Meanwhile, the origins of the cores were complicated, in which the normally-zoned clinopyroxenes were derived form the lithospheric mantle and some of the reversely-zoned clinopyroxnes were originated from the lower crust. Other revisely-zoned clinopyroxenes had experienced complex geological evolution and need to be further investigated. According to the above results, a simplified lithospheric profile has been established beneath the Qingdao region and a constraint on the nature and characteristics of the lithospheric mantle and lower crust has been made.


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Western Qinling, a conjunction region of the North China Craton, the Yangtze Craton and the Tibetan Plateau, has very complicated history of geologic and tectonic evolution. Previous studies mainly focus on tectonics and petrology of volcanic rocks in the western Qinling. Therefore, little is known about the Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling. Mafic, ultramafic and/or alkaline volcanic rocks and their entrained mantle peridotitic xenoliths and xenocrysts are known as samples directly from the lithospheric mantle. Their petrological and geochemical characteristics can reflect the nature and deep processes of the lithospheric mantle. Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the western Qinling contain abundant mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts, which provide us an opportunity to probe the lithospheric mantle beneath this region and a new dimension to insight into geologic evolution. Cenozoic volcanic rocks (7-23 Ma) from the western Qinling are sparsely distributed in the Lixian-Dangchang-Xihe Counties, Gansu Province, China. Volcanic rocks contain plenty of mantle-derived xenoliths, including spinel lherzolites with subordinate wehrlite, dunite, olivine websterite, clinopyroxenite and garnet lherzolite, and few olivine, clinopyroxene and spinel xenocrysts. These peridotitic xenoliths show clear deformed textures and their major minerals show excellent orientation. Thus, these peridotites are typical deformed peridotites. Olivine xenocrysts have clearly-zoned textures. The peridotitic xenoliths can be divided into two groups based on their compositions, namely, the H-type and L-type. The H-type peridotites are characterized by high Fo (>90) in olivines in which fine-grained ones have higher Fo than the coarse grains, low CaO (<20 %) in clinopyroxenes, high Cr# (>40) in spinels and high equilibration temperatures. They may represent the refractory lithospheric mantle. In contrast, the L-type peridotites contain low Fo (<90) olivines (with lower Fo in fine-grained olivines), high CaO (>20 %) clinopyroxenes, low Cr# (<20) spinels and low equilibration temperatures. They experienced low degree of partial melting. The Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling was refractory in major element compositions based on the mineral compositions of xenoliths and xenocrysts and experienced complicated deep processes. The lithospheric mantle was modified by shear deformation due to the diapirism of asthenosphere and strong tectonic movements including the collision between North China Craton and Yangze Craton and the uplift of Tibetan Plateau, and then underwent metasomatism with a hydrous, Na, Ti and Cr enriched melt.