227 resultados para Crystallization and thermal analysis


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Gas source molecular beam epitaxy has been used to grow Si1-xGex alloys and Si1-xGex/Si multi-quantum wells (MQWs) on (100) Si substrates with Si2H6 and GeH4 as sources. Heterostructures and MQWs with mirror-like surface morphology, good crystalline qualify, and abrupt interfaces have been studied by a variety of in situ and ex situ techniques. The structural stability and strain relaxation in Si1-xGex/Si heterostructures have been investigated, and compared to that in the As ion-implanted Si1-xGex epilayers. The results show that the strain relaxation mechanism of the non-implanted Si1-xGex epilayers is different from that of the As ion-implanted Si1-xGex epilayers.


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In this paper, we present results of the synthesis of gold nanoclusters in sapphire, using Ar ion implantation and annealing in air. Unlike the conventional method of Au implantation followed by thermal annealing, Au was deposited on the surface of m- and a- cut sapphire single crystal samples including those pre-implanted with Ar ions. Au atoms were brought into the substrate by subsequent implantation of Ar ions to form Au nanoparticles. Samples were finally annealed stepwisely in air at temperatures ranging from 400 to 800 C and then studied using UV–vis absorption spectrometry, transmission electron microscopy and Rutherford backscattered spectrometry. Evidence of the formation Au nanoparticles...


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The gamma rays following the beta(+)/EC decay of Ir-176,Ir-178 nuclei have been investigated using in-beam gamma-ray experiment. In addition, with the aid of a helium-jet recoil fast tape transport system, the beta(+)/EC decay of Ir-176 was further studied, the new gamma rays were proved and a low-spin isomer was proposed in Ir-176. The isomeric state was analysized according to the systematics in neighboring nuclei.


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Intra- and intermolecular relaxations of dye molecules are studied after the excitation to the high-lying excited states by a femtosecond laser pulse, using femtosecond time-resolved stimulated emission pumping fluorescence depletion spectroscopy (FS TR SEP FD). The biexponential decays indicate a rapid intramolecular vibrational redistribution (IVR) depopulation followed by a slower process, which was contributed by the energy transfer to the solvents and the solvation of the excited solutes. The time constants of IVR in both oxazine 750 and rhodamine 700 are at the 290-360 fs range, which are insensitive to the characters of solvents. The solvation of the excited solutes and the cooling of the hot solute molecules by collisional energy transfer to the surrounding takes place in the several picoseconds that strongly depend on the properties of solvents. The difference of Lewis basicity and states density of solvents is a possible reason to explain this solvent dependence. The more basic the solvent is, which means the more interaction between the solute and the neighboring solvent shell, the more rapid the intermolecular vibrational excess energy transfer from the solute to the surroundings and the solvation of the solutes are. The higher the states density of the solvent is, the more favorable the energy transfer between the solute and solvent molecules is.


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The heat capacity (C-p) of nanocrystalline nickel (nc-Ni, 40 mn crystallite size) has been measured over the temperature range of 78-370 K with a high-resolution automated adiabatic calorimeter. The measured results are compared with the C-p values of the corresponding coarse-grained crystal, and an enhancement of heat capacity of the nanocrystalline nickel was observed to be 2-4% in the temperature range between 100 and 370 K. The thermal stability of the nanocrystalline nickel sample was determined by a differential scanning calorimeter and a thermogravimetric system. The melting point of nc-Ni is the same as that of the corresponding coarse-grained crystalline nickel and the sample is stable at temperature lower than 500 K. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study of the synthesis of SAPO-34 molecular sieves, XRD, SEM, XRF, IR and NMR techniques were applied to monitor the crystalloid, structure and composition changes of the samples in the whole crystallization process in order to get evidence for the crystallization as well as Si incorporation mechanism of SATO-34. XRD results revealed that the crystallization contained two stages. In the first 2.5 h (the earlier stage), high up to similar to80% of relative crystallinity could be achieved and the crystal size of SAPO-34 was almost the same as that of any longer time, indicating a fast crystallization feature of the synthesis. In this stage, IR revealed that the formation of SAPO-34 framework structure was accompanied by the diminution of hydroxyls, suggesting that crystal nuclei of SAPO-34 may arise from the structure rearrangement of the initial gel and the condensation of the hydroxyls. NMR results reveal that the template and the ageing period are crucial for the later crystallization of SAPO-34. Preliminary structure units similar to the framework of SAPO-34 have already formed before the crystallization began (0 h and low temperature). Evidence from IR, NMR, and XRF shows that the formation of the SAPO-34 may be a type of gel conversion mechanism, the solution support and the appropriate solution circumstance are two important parameters of the crystallization of SAPO-34. Meanwhile, NMR measurements demonstrated that about 80% of total Si atoms directly take part in the formation of the crystal nuclei as well as in the growth of the crystal grains in the earlier stage (<2.5 h). Evidence tends to support that Si incorporation is by direct participation mechanism rather than by the Si substitution mechanism for P in this stage (<2.5 h). In the later stage (>2.5 h), the relative content of Si increased slightly with a little decrease of Al and P. The increase of Si(4Al) and the appearance of the Si(3Al), Si(2Al), Si(1Al) and Si(OAl) in this stage suggest that substitution of the Si atoms for the phosphorus and for the phosphorus and aluminum pair takes place in the crystallization. The relationship among structure, acidity and crystallization process is established, which suggests a possibility to improve the acidity and catalytic properties by choosing a optimum crystallization time, thus controlling the number and distribution of Si in the framework of SAPO-34. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The structural properties for various SiCO isomers in the singlet and triplet states have been investigated using CASSCF methods with a 6-311 +G* basis set and also using three DFT and MP2 with same basis set for those systems except for the linear singlet state. The detailed bonding character is discussed, and the state-state correlations and the isomerization mechanism are also determined. Results indicate that there are four different isomers for each spin state, and for all isomers, the triplet state is more stable than the corresponding singlet state. The most stable is the linear SiCO ((3)Sigma(-)) species and may be refer-red to the ground state. At the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level, the state-state energy separations of the other triplet states relative to the ground state are 43.2 (cyclic), 45.2 (linear SiOC), and 75.6 kcal/mol (linear CSiO), respectively, whereas the triplet-singlet state excitation energies for each configuration are 17.3 (linear SiCO), 2.2 (cyclic SiCO), 10.2 (linear SiOC), and 18.5 kcal/mol (linear CSiO), respectively. SiCo ((3)Sigma(-)) may be classified as silene (carbonylsilene), and its COdelta- moiety possesses CO- property. The dissociation energy of the ground state is 42.5 kcal/mol at the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level and falls within a range of 36.5-41.5 kcal/mol at DFT level, and of 23.7-28.9 kcal/mol at the wave function-correlated level, whereas the vertical IP is 188.8 kcal/mol at the CASSCF-MP2(full)/6-311+G* level and is very close to the first IP of Si atom. Three linear isomers (SiCO, SiOC, and CSiO) have similar structural bonding character. SiOC may be referred to the iso-carbonyl Si instead of the aether compound, whereas the CSiO isomer may be considered as the combination of C (the analogue of Si) with SiO (the analogue of CO). The bonding is weak for all linear species, and the corresponding potential energy surfaces are flat, and thus these linear molecules are facile. Another important isomer is of cyclic structure, it may be considered as the combination of CO with Si by the side pi bond. This structure has the smallest triplet state-singlet state excitation energy (similar to2.2 kcal/mol); the C-O bonds are longer, and the corresponding vibrational frequencies are significantly smaller than those of the other linear species. This cyclic species is not classified as an epoxy compound. State-state correlation analysis and the isomerization pathway searches have indicated that there are no direct correlations among three linear structures for each spin state, but they may interchange by experiencing two transition states and one cyclic intermediate. The easiest pathway is to break the Si-O bond to go to the linear SiCO, but its inverse process is very difficult. The most difficult process is to break the C-O bond and to go to the linear CSiO.


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Modified nucleosides, formed post-transcriptionally in RNA by a number of modification enzymes, are excreted in abnormal levels in the urine of patients with malignant tumors. To test their usefulness as tumor markers, and to compare them with the conventional tumor markers, a reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method and a factor analysis method have been used to study the excretion pattern of nucleosides of breast cancer patients. A clear cut differentiation of the breast cancer group and the healthy individuals in two clusters without overlapping was obtained. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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National Natural Science Foundation of China [30721140307, 30590380]; Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) [KZCX2-YW-432]