196 resultados para 7140-325


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GRP78 (78 kDa glucose-regulated protein), also known as BiP (immunoglobulin heavy-chain-binding protein), is an essential regulator of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis because of its multiple functions in protein folding, ER calcium binding, and controlling of the activation of transmembrane ER stress sensors. In this report, we cloned the full length cDNA of GRP78 (FcGRP78) from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis. This cDNA revealed a 2,325 bp with 1,968 bp open reading frame encoding 655 amino acids. This is the first reported GRP78 gene in Crustacea. The deduced amino acid sequence of FcGRP78 shared high identity with previously reported insect GRP78s: 86, 87 and 85% identity with GRP78s of Drosophila melanogaster, Aedes aegypti and Bombyx mori, respectively. Northern blot analysis shows that FcGRP78 is ubiquitously expressed in tissues of shrimp. Heat shock at 35A degrees C significantly enhanced the expression of FcGRP78 at the first hour, reached the maximum at 4 h post heat shock, dropped after that and resumed to the normal level until 48 h of post recovery at 25A degrees C. Additionally, differential expression of FcGRP78 was detected in haemocytes, hepatopancreas and lymphoid organ when shrimp were challenged by white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). We inferred that FcGRP78 may play important roles in chaperoning, protein folding and immune function of shrimp.


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The responses of stem segments of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) to 6-BA,NAA and 2,4-D were studied. MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 6-BA, 0.2 mg/L 2,4-D was used for callus initiation and maintenance. MS medium supplemented with 4.0 mg/L 6-BA was suitable for plant regeneration and MS medium without plant hormone supplement was used for rooting and plant propagation. For screening of salt tolerant calli, stem segments of watercress were plated onto callus initiation medium containing 1/3 natural seawater. Seventeen out of the 325 plated explants produced calli. The growth curves demonstrated that the growth rate of salt-tolerant calli on saline medium almost matched that of the control calli on normal medium. Some of the salt-tolerant calli were transferred to the normal regeneration medium or saline regeneration medium to induce plant regeneration. In the first case, buds and shoots were regenerated in the same way as those of control calli on normal regeneration medium. More than 1 000 regenerated shoots were obtained of which 83 regenerated shoots were cut and transferred to saline MS base medium. At first, all shoot growth was inhibited, but 40 days after the transfer, rapid-growing axillary shoots were observed on 16 of the original shoots but none on the control shoots on saline MS base medium. Moreover, green spots appeared on most calli 10 days after they were transferred to saline medium, however buds appeared only on 5 calli from the 30 transferred calli and at the end only 2 rapid-growing shoots were obtained from two calli. In total, 18 variant lines were obtained through. propagation of the salt-tolerant shoots on saline MS base medium. RAPD analysis was performed in 10 of the 18 salt-tolerant variant lines and DNA variation was detected in all the tested variant lines.


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A new species of the previously monotypic xanthid genus Crosnierius Serene & Vadon, 1981 is described from the South China Sea. The species differs from Crosnierius carinatus Serene & Vadon, 1981 in the structure of the anterolateral teeth, ambulatory leg proportions and form of the male first pleopod. Paramedaeus planifrons (Sakai, 1965) is also reported from the South China Sea, the first record of the species outside its type locality of Japan.


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牦牛的起源与属级分类学地位至今仍然存在一定的争议.我们测定了家养牦牛和野生牦牛线粒体控制区(D-loop)序列,并以此构建牦牛和牛属、野牛属、水牛属以及非洲水牛属相关种的系统发育树.研究结果表明线粒体D-loop区与Cyt b基因序列在构建牛族的系统发育具有同样重要的价值.系统发育关系显示野牛属的灭绝种草原野牛与现存种美洲野牛先聚合为一单系群,然后再和牦牛形成一单系分支,表明牦牛与野牛属的草原野牛、美洲野牛亲缘关系最近,具有最近的共同祖先,而与牛属的其它亚洲物种亲缘关系较远.因此,本研究不支持将牦牛独立为牦牛属--Poephagus,牛属与野牛属在分类上也应合并为一个属.基于上述研究结果和化石证据,我们进一步对牦牛起源的历史背景进行了讨论,认为牦牛与野牛属的分化是由于第四纪气候变化在欧亚大陆发生的,野牛通过白令陆桥进入北美;冰期结束后,由于欧亚大陆其它地区温度升高,牦牛只能局限分布在较为寒冷的青藏高原;而野牛属在北美先后分化为草原野牛和美洲野牛,前者可能是后者的直接祖先.


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用高效液相色谱法建立唐古特大黄乙醇提取物的指纹图谱分析方法.采用Phenomenex Kromasil C_(18)色谱柱(4.6mm×250mm, 5μm);甲醇 - 0.1% H_3PO_4为流动相,梯度洗脱,检测波长为270nm,以大黄酸为参照峰.结果共有18个共有峰.此法为有效地控制唐古特大黄乙醇提取物的质量提供了依据.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tannic acid on the gworth and survival of small mammalian berbirvores. Measurements were conducted with weaned root voles fed with 3% or 6% tannic acid and 10% or 20% protein in their diets. The results indicated that the effect of tannic acid on growth rate of weaned root voles was greater when given a lower protein diet than a higher protein diet. After 20 d, with 10% protein diets, mean growth rates of the weaned voles fed with 3% or 6% tannic acid were -0.135 g/d and -0.25 g/d, respectively. When given 20% protein diet, mean growth rates of weaned root voles fed with 3% and 6% tannic acid for 20 d were 0.134 g/d and -0.116 g/d, respectively. Food utilization efficiencies of the voles fed with 3% and 6% tannic acid diets were significantly lower than that of the control diet at the level of 10% protein. When given the 20% protein diet, food utilization efficiencies of weaned voles fed with 6% tannic acid were significantly lower than that of the voles fed with 3% tannic acid diet or the control diet with the 10% protein diets, the average survival days of the weaned voles fed with 3% and 6% tannic acid diets decreased 26.23% and 49.36% compared to controls at the end of trial period, respectively. With 20% protein diets, the average survival of weaned voles given 6% tannic acid diet decreased 39.41% compared to controls at the end of trial period, although weaned voles given 3% tannic acid had a slight decrease of average survival days. The results of study suggested that tannins could substanitially affect the individual performance of weaned root voles.


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Thus far, grassland ecosystem research has mainly been focused on low-lying grassland areas, whereas research on high-altitude grassland areas, especially on the carbon budget of remote areas like the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau is insufficient. To address this issue, flux of CO2 were measured over an alpine shrubland ecosystem (37 degrees 36'N, 101 degrees 18'E; 325 above sea level [a. s. l.]) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, for 2 years (2003 and 2004) with the eddy covariance method. The vegetation is dominated by formation Potentilla fruticosa L. The soil is Mol-Cryic Cambisols. To interpret the biotic and abiotic factors that modulate CO2 flux over the course of a year we decomposed net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) into its constituent components, and ecosystem respiration (R-eco). Results showed that seasonal trends of annual total biomass and NEE followed closely the change in leaf area index. Integrated NEE were -58.5 and -75.5 g C m(-2), respectively, for the 2003 and 2004 years. Carbon uptake was mainly attributed from June, July, August, and September of the growing season. In July, NEE reached seasonal peaks of similar magnitude (4-5 g C m(-2) day(-1)) each of the 2 years. Also, the integrated night-time NEE reached comparable peak values (1.5-2 g C m(-2) day(-1)) in the 2 years of study. Despite the large difference in time between carbon uptake and release (carbon uptake time < release time), the alpine shrubland was carbon sink. This is probably because the ecosystem respiration at our site was confined significantly by low temperature and small biomass and large day/night temperature difference and usually soil moisture was not limiting factor for carbon uptake. In general, R-eco was an exponential function of soil temperature, but with season-dependent values of Q(10). The temperature-dependent respiration model failed immediately after rain events, when large pulses of R-eco were observed. Thus, for this alpine shrubland in Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, the timing of rain events had more impact than the total amount of precipitation on ecosystem R-eco and NEE.


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All taxa endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are hypothesized to have originated in situ or from immediately adjacent areas because of the relatively recent formation of the plateau since the Pliocene, followed by the large-scaled biota extinction and recession caused by the Quaternary ice sheet. However, identification of specific progenitors remains difficult for some endemics, especially some endemic genera. Nannoglottis, with about eight species endemic to this region, is one such genus. Past taxonomic treatments have suggested its relationships with four different tribes of Asteraceae. We intend to identify the closest relatives of Nannoglottis by evaluating the level of monophyly, tribal delimitation, and systematic position of the genus by using molecular data from ndhF gene, trnL-F, and ITS region sequences. We find that all sampled species of Nannoglottis are a well-defined monophyly. This supports all recent taxonomic treatments of Nannoglottis, in which all sampled species were placed in one broadly re-circumscribed genus. Nannoglottis is most closely related to the Astereae, but stands as an isolated genus as the first diverging lineage of the tribe, without close relatives. A tentative relationship was suggested for Nannoglottis and the next lineage of the tribe was based on the ITS topology, the "basal group," which consists of seven genera from the Southern Hemisphere. Such a relationship is supported by some commonly shared plesiomorphic morphological characters. Despite the very early divergence of Nannoglottis in the Astereae, the tribe must be regarded to have its origin in Southern Hemisphere rather than in Asia, because based on all morphological, molecular, biogeographical, and fossil data, the Asteraceae and its major lineages (tribes) are supposed to have originated in the former area. Long-distance dispersal using Southeast Asia as a steppingstone from Southern Hemisphere to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the most likely explanation for this unusual biogeographic link of Nannoglottis. The 23-32-million-year divergence time between Nannoglottis and the other Astereae estimated by DNA sequences predated the formation of the plateau. This estimation is further favored by the fossil record of the Asteraceae and the possible time of origin of the Astereae. Nannoglottis seems to have reached the Qinghai-Tibet area in the Oligocene-Eocene and then re-diversified with the uplift of the plateau. The molecular infragenetic phylogeny of the genus identifies two distinct clades, which reject the earlier infrageneric classification based on the arrangement of the involucral bracts and the length of the ligules, but agree well with the habits and ecological preferences of its current species. The "alpine shrub" vs. "coniferous forest" divergence within Nannoglottis was estimated at about 3.4 million years ago when the plateau began its first large-scale uplifting and the coniferous vegetation began to appear. Most of the current species at the "coniferous forest" clade of the genus are estimated to have originated from 1.02 to 1.94 million years ago, when the second and third uprisings of the plateau occurred, the climate oscillated and the habitats were strongly changed. The assumed evolution, speciation diversity, and radiation of Nannoglottis based on molecular phylogeny and divergence times agree well with the known geological and paleobotanical histories of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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科学地评价贵州的农业生态环境, 可以为西部大开发中的区域发展战略提供理论依据。本文应用模糊综合评价方法, 通过对贵州各个区域的自然、社会、经济环境的系统研究, 对贵州各区域农业生态环境进行了客观评价, 从定量角度对各区农业生态环境加以探讨; 并对西部大开发中贵州农业生态环境保护提出了合理建议。


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经阴离子色谱柱分离,3 mmol/ L KH2PO42K2HPO4 (含3 %CH3OH改进剂) 的淋洗液等梯度淋洗,用六极碰撞等离子体质谱仪在线测定了三种砷形态。检出限分别为:As( Ⅴ) 0. 49μg/ L ,As ( Ⅲ) 0. 39μg/ L ,DMA 0. 16μg/L。重复性优于6. 0 % ,三日复现性优于6. 1 %。为了检验该方法的实际应用性,测定了贵阳市饮用水源阿哈湖的湖水及入湖河水中的砷形态,结果比较理想。