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沉积物再悬浮作为一个比较普遍的物理现象,对浅海生态系统污染物的生物地球化学循环具有强烈的干扰作用。本研究以我国北方重要养殖海湾——桑沟湾为研究对象,从物理、化学、生物三个角度出发,研究了沉积物再悬浮的发生过程以及再悬浮介质-沉积物的源汇转换角色及其与养殖藻类的关系,构建了波流耦合模型和再悬浮颗粒物浓度预测数学模型。主要研究结果如下: 1)桑沟湾的海湾动力比约为1.54,沉积物具有发生再悬浮的潜在动力条件;推导出波流耦合切应力的计算公式。 2)悬浮颗粒物浓度(SSC)与浊度(NTU)之间符合线性方程SSC=15.908×ln(NTU)+7.0888(n=33,R2=0.7209);碎屑有机碳库是桑沟湾养殖生态系统中最大的有机碳库,占总POC库储量的81.87%。 3)沉积物再悬浮的临界切应力在0.059 N/m2左右,耦合切应力与悬浮颗粒物浓度符合方程= 238.06 SSC + 25.215(n=25,R2 = 0.7298);最大剪切深度可达8.81 cm;桑沟湾沉积物再悬浮通量的数量级在10-5~10-6 kg·m-2·s-1之间,再悬浮临界风速约为5.51 m/s,全年约有171天沉积物处于再悬浮状态;构建了沉积物再悬浮颗粒物浓度预测数学模型。 4)桑沟湾表层沉积物总氮的含量范围313.09~1094.44µg/g,有机氮是总氮的主要形态,平均占总氮的60.86%;交换态氮是无机氮的主要形式,平均占无机氮的71.40%,交换态氮中NO3--N的含量最大;桑沟湾表层沉积物的TOC/TN比值为9.38,表明沉积物中有机质具有混合来源的特征;无机磷是桑沟湾表层沉积物中磷的主要形态,平均占总磷的73.33%,钙结合磷是无机磷的主要赋存形态;表层沉积物中潜在生物有效性磷的含量占总磷的86.54%,具有很强的释磷潜力。桑沟湾重金属的潜在生态危害指数RI约为36.17,表明重金属的潜在生态危害轻微。 5)再悬浮过程中沉积物春季表现为氮磷源,释放溶解无机氮和磷酸盐;夏、秋季表现为氮汇磷源,释放磷酸盐而吸附溶解无机氮;冬季表现为氮磷汇,吸附磷酸盐和溶解无机氮。
长牡蛎是重要的经济养殖贝类,良种化、抗逆性状及快速生长个体的培育是长牡蛎养殖业得以持续发展的基础。目前飞速发展的分子标记辅助育种技术为优良品种的快速培育提供了理论基础和实践经验。本研究以长牡蛎为主要研究材料,探讨了长牡蛎SNP标记的筛选和多态性评价。 本研究利用已有长牡蛎EST库中的序列进行单核苷酸多态(SNP)标记开发。通过对长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)已有的EST序列数据库检索,经过序列聚类和拼接得到EST簇4548个,含有不少于4条EST序列的簇共1079个,经过进一步设置筛选条件,整理出可供利用的EST簇313个,得到候选SNP位点共计1140个。目前根据候选SNP位点共设计引物82组,通过片段长度差异等位基因特异性PCR(fragment length discrepant allele specific PCR,FLDAS-PCR)的分型方法,在一野生群体中进行检测和验证,结果共有17个SNP候选位点显示多态性,期望杂合度分布区间为0.088至0.506,观测杂合度分布区间为0.091至0.667;通过哈代-温伯格(HW) 平衡、连锁不平衡检验,结果显示除3个SNP位点的差异显著(P值<0.05),不符合HW平衡之外,其他14个位点没有明显的连锁不平衡。对含有17个SNP的EST的共同序列进行BlastX分析,推测其功能并确定开放阅读框,从而预测17个SNP的性质。 本研究表明对于目前基因组学研究尚处在初级阶段的海洋生物物种,通过基于EST数据库的SNP开发是一条重要途径,可以有效弥补海洋生物基因组学滞后影响SNP标记开发的现状。
Eutrophication has become increasingly serious and noxious algal blooms have been of more frequent occurrence in the Yangtze River Estuary and in the adjacent East China Sea. In 2003 and 2004, four cruises were undertaken in three zones in the estuary and in the adjacent sea to investigate nitrate (NO3-N), ammonium (NH4-N), nitrite (NO2-N), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), dissolved reactive silica (DRSi), dissolved oxygen (DO), phytoplankton chlorophyll a (Chl a) and suspended particulate matter (SPM). The highest concentrations of DIN (NO3-N+NH4-N+NO2-N), SRP and DRSi were 131.6, 1.2 and 155.6 mu M, respectively. The maximum Chl a concentration was 19.5 mg m(-3) in spring. An analysis of historical and recent data revealed that in the last 40 years, nitrate and SRP concentrations increased from 11 to 97 mu M and from 0.4 to 0.95 mu M, respectively. From 1963 to 2004, N:P ratios also increased from 30-40 up to 150. In parallel with the N and P enrichment, a significant increase of Chl a was detected, Chl a maximum being 20 mg m(-3), nearly four times higher than in the 1980s. In 2004, the mean DO concentration in bottom waters was 4.35 mg l(-1), much lower than in the 1980s. In comparison with other estuaries, the Yangtze River Estuary was characterized by high DIN and DRSi concentrations, with low SRP concentrations. Despite the higher nutrient concentrations, Chl a concentrations were lower in the inner estuary (Zones 1 and 2) than in the adjacent sea (Zone 3). Based on nutrient availability, SPM and hydrodynamics, we assumed that in Zones 1 and 2 phytoplankton growth was suppressed by high turbidity, large tidal amplitude and short residence time. Furthermore, in Zone 3 water stratification was also an important factor that resulted in a greater phytoplankton biomass and lower DO concentrations. Due to hydrodynamics and turbidity, the open sea was unexpectedly more sensitive to nutrient enrichment and related eutrophication processes.
On the basis of data collected in the summer of 2006 from 27 sampling stations in the Changjiang Estuary and its adjacent waters, the ecological characteristics of macrobenthos and the relationship between the macrobenthos and the environmental factors were studied using hierarchical cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling ( MDS). The biomass, abundance, Shannon - Wiener's and Margalef' s indices of the macrobenthos were presented. The results showed that a total of 253 maerobenthic species were found in the research region, and most. of them belong to mollusks and polychaetes. The dominant species were Cossurella dimorpha, Eocylichna cylindrella, Episiphon kiaochowwanense, Nassarius semiplicatus, Ocstergrenia variabilis and Sternaspis scutata. The average abundance of the macrobenthos was (313.15 +/- 233.4) ind. / m(2), and the average biomass was (15.2 +/- 11.2) g/ m(2). The distribution patterns of the abundance and biomass of the macrobenthos were similar. The abundance and biomass in the area close to the estuary were lower than those from the area more distant to the estuary; the central part of the research region had higher abundance and biomass than other parts of the research region. In accordance with the results, four macrobenthic communities with distinct spatial differences were identified. The low abundance and biomass in the area close to the estuary should be caused by the high sedimentation rate. The statistical analysis indicated that the depth is the most important factor affecting the distribution of macrobenthos.
Two different stocks (A and B) of the bay scallop Argopecten irradialls irradians (Lamarck, 1819) were used to test mass selection on growth. Stock A was a descending stock from the initial introduction from U.S.A. in 1982, which had been cultured in China for about 20 years. Stock B was the third generation from a recent introduction from U.S.A. in 1999. Truncation selection was conducted by selecting the largest 11% scallops in shell length from Stock A and the largest 12.7% scallops from Stock B as parents for the respective selected groups. Before the removal of parents for truncation selection, equal numbers of scallops were randomly chosen from Stock A and B to serve as parents for the control groups. Offspring from the four groups were reared under the same hatchery, nursery, and grow-out conditions. Values of response to selection and realized heritability at larvae, spat and grow-out stages for Stock B were all significantly (P < 0.001) higher than its counterpart for Stock A. For Stock A, no significant response to selection was observed (P > 0.05) at any stage, and the realized heritability for shell length was 0.015 +/- 0.024 for larvae, 0.040 +/- 0.027 for spat, and 0.080 +/- 0.009 for grow-out, respectively. For Stock B, however, significant (P < 0.05) response to selection was observed, and the realized heritability for shell length was 0.511 +/- 0.010 for larvae, 0.341 +/- 0.022 for spat, and 0.338 +/- 0.015 for grow-out. On average, responses to selection at the three stages for Stock B was 30 x, 7.1 x, and 3 x higher than its counterpart for Stock A, respectively. Accordingly, realized heritability at above stages for Stock B was 33 X, 7.5 x, and 3.2 X higher than its counterpart for Stock A, respectively. Differences in response to selection and realized heritability between the two stocks are presumably due to differences in genetic variability. As the 20th generation from the initial introduction consisted of only 26 scallops, Stock A is known to be highly inbred, while inbreeding in Stock B is negligible. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
为探讨高原鼠兔对土壤理化性质的作用,本研究于2005年8月,采用灼烧和烘干法,分别测定了高原鼠兔栖息及被灭杀地区土壤有机质含量及湿度.结果表明:高原鼠兔栖息地区,0~5 cm及6~10 cm土壤层有机质含量和湿度均极显著或显著高于被灭杀地区;11~30 cm土壤层,二者无显著的差异;31~50 cm土壤层,有机质含量差异极显著,而土壤湿度则无显著差异.说明,高原鼠兔活动可增加高寒草甸土壤表层有机质含量和湿度,进而改变土壤理化性质,促进生态系统物质循环.
采用静态箱-气相色谱法,对高寒矮嵩草草甸植被-土壤系统CO2释放特征研究结果表明:3个处理(FC、FJ、FL)CO2释放速率具有明显的日变化规律,日最大释放速率出现在13:00左右,最小释放速率在4:00前后,且白天的释放速率均大于夜间;CO2释放速率也具有明显的季节变化特征,植物生长期释放速率明显高于枯黄期,且均表现为正排放;在整个观测期间(6月30日~1月28日)CO2平均释放速率依次为FC>FJ>FL,矮嵩草草甸植物-土壤系统CO2释放速率为438.34±264.12mg/(m2•h)(FC),土壤呼吸速率为313.20±189.74 mg/(m2•h)(FJ),土壤微生物呼吸速率为230.34±145.46mg/(m2•h)(FL),植物根系呼吸占土壤呼吸的26.5%.植物、植物根系以及土壤微生物CO2释放速率与土壤5 cm温度呈极显著正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.858、0.628和0.672(P<0.01).整个系统呼吸、土壤呼吸与土壤5 cm温度可拟和为一指数方程,方程为y=168.03e0.10x86x(R2=0.8783)和y=149.69e0.0745x(R2=0.8189).
回顾和介绍了基于DEM 提取流域河网的三种不同算法:移动窗口算法、坡面径流模拟算法、谷线搜索算法,其中坡面径流模拟算法由于其水文学基础,能产生连续河网,能与分布式参数模型紧密结合,进而分析了这三种算法各自的优缺点和存在的主要问题,重点分析和讨论了坡面径流模拟算法中存在的三个基本问题:⑴水道起始点位置的确定,⑵凹陷与平坦区域水流方向的确定,⑶模拟河网与自然河网之间的偏差。最后,针对算法中存在的问题,探讨了未来的研究重点。
气溶胶对气候和人类的健康都有重要影响。因此,研究大气总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)的化学组成和物理特性对更深入地了解气溶胶对气候和人类健康的影响具有重要意义。贵阳是中国受燃煤污染比较严重的城市之一,大气中高含量的SO2是其最明显的特征。尽管最近几年空气质量有所改善,但是该区的大气污染问题还比较严重,空气质量仍然不容乐观。我们于2005年1月1日到2005年12月31日在中科院地球化学研究所内全年采集总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)样品,分析测试了其主要无机离子(F-、Cl-、SO42-、NO3-、NH4+、K+、Na+、Ca2+和Mg2+)的化学性质,并结合当地的气象参数(温度,风速,降雨量和相对湿度)系统地研究了TSP及其水溶性无机离子的季节变化特征。本论文的主要结论有: 1. TSP的浓度变化范围为36.91~313.44µg/m3,年均值106.60µg/m3;各离子摩尔浓度的大小顺序为:SO42-> NH4+> Ca2+ > NO3-> K+ > Na+ > Cl- > Mg2+ > F-;SO42- (23.04±12.16µg/m3)和NH4+(3.05±2.23µg/m3)是最主要的离子,分别占总离子摩尔数的37%和30%。TSP及其组分都有明显的季节变化,TSP、Cl-、SO42-、NO3-、NH4+、K+、Na+、Ca2+和Mg2+浓度的冬/夏比值分别为:1.29、5.23、1.35、2.37、1.73、1.22、1.84、1.23和1.02。 2. 温度对TSP及其水溶性无机组分的影响呈现一定的季节变化模式,冬天随温度的升高TSP及其水溶无机组分的浓度也升高,夏天随温度的升高TSP及其水溶性无机组分的浓度降低。但是从全年来看,温度与TSP及其水溶性无机组分之间有弱的负相关性,即随温度的升高,TSP及其水溶性无机组分的浓度有不同程度的下降。相对湿度与TSP及其水溶性无机组分之间存在明显的负相关关系,即随大气相对湿度的增加,TSP及其水溶性无机组分的浓度下降。在相对湿度与TSP及其水溶性无机组分浓度的日变化图中表现为相对湿度的波谷与TSP及其水溶无机组分的浓度的波峰相对应。风速与TSP及其水溶无机组分的浓度之间呈现弱的负相关性。在贵阳,风速对TSP及其水溶无机组分的影响主要表现为扩散作用和稀释作用,由风速导致的尘土再悬浮作用并不明显。雨量对TSP及其水溶性无机组分的影响主要是湿清除作用,具体表现为无雨天TSP及其水溶性无机组分的浓度较雨天高。影响TSP、Ca2+、Mg2+和F-的主要气象参数是相对湿度(RH)和风速,影响SO42-、NO3-、NH4+和Cl-的主要气象参数是温度。 3. 贵阳大气总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)总体偏酸性,TSP水溶液pH值的年均值为6.27±0.41,与总阴离子与总阳离子的当量比Q的年平均值为0.82一致;TSP中高含量的SO42-是贵阳的TSP显酸性的主要原因。 4. NH4+与SO42-和NO3-的相关系数(R)分别为0.85和0.65,NH4+与SO42-的摩尔比值为0.8,说明贵阳TSP中的NH4+主要以(NH4)2SO4的形式存在。Ca2+和Mg2+有较好的相关性(R=0.72)和相似的变化特征,说明二者可能有共同的来源。 5. 2005年贵阳TSP中SO42-/ Ca2+的平均值为13.64,几乎是干净大陆SO42-/ Ca2+的本底值的20倍,说明贵阳的大气污染主要是人为因素所致。NO3-/SO42-的平均值为0.15,说明固定源对贵阳气溶胶的贡献比移动源(通常指交通工具所排放的尾气)对气溶胶的贡献大;
The photodissociation of o-bromotoluene at 266 nm has been investigated using the universal crossed laser-molecular beam technique. The angle-resolved time-of-flight (TOF) spectra corresponding to Br photofragment are measured at different lab angles. The observed translational energy distribution and anisotropy parameters of the Br photofragment indicate that o-bromotoluene dissociates via two channels. In the first channel, the anisotropy parameter beta is determined to be 0.5 +/- 0.2 and the average translational energy is only 9% of the available energy. In the other photofragmentation channel, beta is determined to be - 0.4 +/- 0.2 and 44% of the available energy is assigned to translational energy. Possible mechanisms are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.