178 resultados para 306-U1313B
在现代工业生产过程中,螺纹联接由于稳定可靠、拆卸方便,而广泛应用于众多的机构装配当中。目前在中国,由于传统工艺和技术水平的原因,广泛应用在装配线上的是气动与液压扳手,其存在操作不方便、工人劳动强度大、效率低、角度和扭矩控制精度差,无法实现集中式管理等缺点。这也逐渐成为制约我国装备制造业发展的重要瓶颈。随着近几年装备制造业的飞速发展,对螺纹装配的效率和质量提出了更高的要求,自动螺纹拧紧机由于其装配效率高、控制精确、能够实现网络化等优点,逐渐应用于发动机、制冷压缩机、变速箱、机床、仪表等对螺纹拧紧的角度和位置精度要求很高的场合。但目前,我国所使用的自动螺纹拧紧机还完全依赖于国外,国内在自动螺纹拧紧机的研制和设计上才刚刚起步,同国外相比还存在着较大的差距。 本论文适应装备制造业的发展和自动螺纹拧紧设备市场的需要,根据现代螺纹拧紧理论与技术的发展情况,对自动螺纹拧紧机进行了深入研究。本论文结合嵌入式技术,设计出了基于嵌入式微控制器的螺纹拧紧机机轴控制器。 论文的第一部分介绍了自动螺纹拧紧机国内外发展现状,在此基础上,提出了本课题的研究目标与研究内容。 第二部分详细分析了现代螺纹拧紧理论。在此基础上,给出了在机轴控制器上实现精确预紧力控制的控制算法、包括紧固扭矩的计算、转角的计算、屈服点的计算等问题。同时,在扭矩控制中采用角度监视;在转角控制中采用扭矩监视;在屈服极限控制中采用扭矩监视和角度监视。可以自动对最终拧紧结果的有效性进行判断,从而实现有效、准确的螺纹多目标控制方式。本论文实现了扭矩控制/角度监视、转角控制/扭矩监视、屈服极限控制/扭矩、角度监视。 第三部分介绍了机轴控制器的硬件结构。本文采用美国Silicon Lab公司的C8051F040微控制器,使得成本大大降低。在硬件设计中采用大量可靠性设计,保证了螺纹拧紧机在复杂的工业环境下能够稳定工作。 第四部分介绍了机轴控制器的软件设计。在机轴控制软件的实现中,引入了嵌入式实时操作系统 C/OS-II。这部分首先将 C/OS-II移植到单片机C8051F040上,接着在 C/OS-II上完成整个机轴控制软件的编写。 C/OS-II的使用使得上层应用程序容易设计和扩展,提高了机轴控制软件的实时性。 实验证明,本文设计的基于嵌入式微控制器的螺纹拧紧机机轴控制器,控制精度较高、性能稳定、质量可靠、操作简便。在扭矩控制模式下,误差可以控制在5%以内;在屈服极限控制模式下,误差可以控制在15%以内。同时,由于在控制软件的设计中引入了嵌入式实时操作系统 C/OS-II, 使得该控制系统具有较好的扩展性和实时性。本设计进一步缩小了我国与国外同类产品的差距,因此,具有很好的市场发展前景。
:本文对含金石英脉中流体包裹体进行了研究,结果表明主阶段石英中流体包裹体均一温度为122~306℃ ,存在两个区间分别为130~22O℃、250~270℃ ,均一温度在水平和垂直方向存在规律性变化,盐度主要集中在3% ~8%NaCl范围内,密度为0 80~0.95 c ,流体包裹体具有相对稳定的气液比,流体包裹体气液相成分与典型的岩浆水和大气降水不同。结合氢氧锶和稀有气体同位素研究,认为墨江金矿成矿流体曾发生过部分地幔流体、大气降水等多种类型水不充分的混合,水岩反应和多种流体混合可能为墨江金矿矿质迁移沉淀主要机制。结 合哀牢山金矿带成矿流体类似性和流体包裹体特征分析认为墨江金矿深部可能存在有含金石英脉型矿体。
To study the relationship between mental-physical health and coping behavior,job stress and job motivation in medical laboratory scientists and technicians. A cross-section survey was conducted,using the anxiety rating scale(SAS), depression rating scale(SDS), coping behavior rating scale,self-rating subhealth scale,self-rating stress scale,and self-rating job motivation scale among 289 medical laboratory scientists and technicians with analysis of ANOVA and Regression. The study was carried out in three steps:step1 is to analyze the general situation of the mental-physical health.Step 2 is to analyze the features of the main influencial facotors.Step 3 is to study the influence of the relative factors on mental-physical health.The following are the results: 1.The anxiety and depression scores of the medical researchers and technicians were 30±6 and 37±8 respectively,both significantly lower than those of the national norm(34±6 and 42±11 respectively,both P<0.01),which are of significant difference. The depression score of the associate chief technician was 42±7, significantly higher than those of the medical researchers and technicians with any other professional titles (all P<0.05), and the anxiety score of the associate chief technicians was 32±7, significantly higher than that of the research fellows(28±4, P<0.05),with no significant difference to the score of the medical researchers and technicians with other professional titles. The depression score,anxiety score and the subhealth score of the age group of 36~49 were 39±9,31±7 and 32±9 respectively, both higher than that of the age group of 20~35 (36±8,29±6 and 29±7 respectively,both P<0.05),while there is much diference among other age groups. And the subhealth status has nothing to do with marital status,education background and professional titles. 2.The coping behaviors,job stress and motivation of the military medical laboratory scientists and technicians. 1)Coping behaviors:The seeking help score of the associate chief technicians was 2.8±0.5,not significantly different from that of the associate research fellows(2.8±0.5),but significantly lower than those of the medical researchers and technicians with other professional titles(all P<0.01),and whose self-blame score was higher than that of the research fellows,which is of significant difference.The self-blame score and the imagination score of the associate research fellows were 2.0±0.5 and 2.4±0.5 respectively, significantly higher than that of the research fellows(1.6±0.4, 2.1±0.4,both P<0.01). The seeking help score of the females was 3.1±0.5, significantly higher than that of the males(2.9±0.5, both P<0.01),and the solving problem score was 3.4±0.6,significantly lower than the male(3.6±0.7, both P<0.01).There is no any significant difference in coping behaviors among researchers and technicians of different marital status,education background and age groups. 2)Job stress: The score of job stress of the age group of 35~49 and 50~60 were 23±8 and 25±6 respectively,significantly higher than that of the 20~35(21±7,both P<0.05). There is no any significant difference in job stress among researchers and technicians of different marital status,gender,professional titles and education background. 3)The score of meeting personal desire for reputation and interests of the males was 19.6±5.4,significantly higher than that of the females(18.4±5.0, both P<0.05), while there is no significant difference in job motivation among researchers and technicians of different titles,education,age and marital status. 3.The relationship of the mental-physical health of the military medical laboratory scientists and technicians with their coping behaviors,job stress and motivations 1) Coping behaviors:Regression analysis showed that, the best predictors of subhealth were anxiety,depression and escaping (β=-0.40,β=0.23, β=0.14, both P<0.01).the best predictors of anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors (β=-0.40,β=0.40, both P<0.01).The moderate(rational) coping behaviors is the best predictor only of anxiety and of significant difference. 2)job stress : Regression analysis demonstrated that anxiety,depression,job stress 2 and job stress 4 are the best predictor for subhealth;job stress 12 is the best retro-predictor for depression; job stress 3 and 8 are the best predictor for depression;and job stress 2 and 9 are the best predictor for anxiety ,which are of significant difference. 3)Motivation:Regression analysis demonstrated that depression is the best predictor for subhealth while motivation itself doesn't predict subhealth;with respect to the specific contents of motivation,"probing unknown rules and making contributions to the human society "is the best retro-predictor for depression and has nothing to do with anxiety prediction. 4) The combined influences of coping behaviors,job stress and motivations: Regression analysis showed that, the best predictors for subhealth were anxiety,depression and job stress(β=0.41,β=0.24, β=0.19, both P<0.01).the best predictors for anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors (β=-0.40,β=0.40, both P<0.01).The moderate(rational) coping behaviors is the best predictor only for anxiety and of significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: Regression analysis showed that the best predictors for anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors, the best predictors for subhealth were anxiety,depression and job stress.Coping behaviors, job stress and motivations have significant influences on the mental-physical health of the military medical researchers and and technicians. Among them,coping behavior is the most important factor while job stress and motivation follow. Seeking help more often,less self-blame ,imagination and job stress could help release the anxiety, depression and improve the subhealth of the medical researchers and technicians. The findings of this study indicate we should address the physical and mental health of the military laboratory researchers and technicians.