192 resultados para vertical cavity surface emitting laser


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Confinement factor and absorption loss of AlInGaN based multiquantum well laser diodes (LDs) were investigated by numerical simulation based on a two-dimensional waveguide model. The simulation results indicate that an increased ridge height of the waveguide structure can enhance the lateral optical confinement and reduce the threshold current. For 405 nm violet LDs, the effects of p-AlGaN cladding layer composition and thickness on confinement factor and absorption loss were analyzed. The experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation analysis. Compared to violet LD, the confinement factors of 450 nm blue LD and 530 nm green LD were much lower. Using InGaN as waveguide layers that has higher refractive index than GaN will effectively enhance the optical confinement for blue and green LDs. The LDs based on nonpolar substrate allow for thick well layers and will increase the confinement factor several times. Furthermore, the confinement factor is less sensitive to alloys composition of waveguide and cladding layers, being an advantage especially important for ultraviolet and green LDs.


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A detailed model for semiconductor linear optical amplifiers (LOAs) with gain clamping by a vertical laser field is presented, which accounts the carrier and photon density distribution in the longitudinal direction as well as the facet reflectivity. The photon iterative method is used in the simulation with output amplified spontaneous emission spectrum in the wide band as iterative variables. The gain saturation behaviors and the noise figure are numerically simulated, and the variation of longitudinal carrier density with the input power is presented which is associated with the ON-OFF state of the vertical lasers. The results show that the LOA can have a gain spectrum clamped in a wide wavelength range and have almost the same value of noise figure as that of conventional semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs). Numerical results also show that an LOA can have a noise figure about 2 dB less than that of the SOA gain clamped by a distributed Bragg reflector laser.


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We present a linear-cavity stretched-pulse fibre laser with mode locking by a nonlinear polarization rotation and by semiconductor saturable-absorber mirrors. A Q-switched mode-locking cw train and a mode-locking pulse train are obtained in the experiment. We investigate the effects of the equivalent fast saturable absorber and the slow saturable absorbers in experiment. It is found that neither the nonlinear polarization evolution effect nor a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror is enough to produce the stable cw mode-locking pulses in this experiment. A nonlinear polarization evolution effect controls the cavity loss to literally carve the pulses; semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors provide the self-restarting and maintain the stability of the mode-locking operation.


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Electrolyte electroreflectance spectra of the near-surface strained-layer In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs double single-quantum-well electrode have been studied at different biases in non-aqueous solutions of ferrocene and acetylferrocene. The optical transitions, the Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs) and the quantum confined Stark effects (QCSE) of In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs quantum well electrodes are analyzed. Electric field strengths at the In0.15Ga0.85As/GaAs interface are calculated in both solutions by a fast Fourier transform analysis of FKOs. A dip is exhibited in the electric field strength versus bias (from 0 to 1.2 V) curve in ferrocene solution. A model concerning the interfacial tunneling transfer of electrons is used to explain the behavior of the electric field. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we conduct a theoretical analysis of the design, fabrication, and performance measurement of high-power and high-brightness strained quantum-well lasers emitting at 0.98 mum, The material system of interest consists of an Al-free InGaAs-InGaAsP active region and AlGaAs cladding layers. Some key parameters of the laser structure are theoretically analyzed, and their effects on the laser performance are discussed. The laser material is grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and demonstrates high quality with low-threshold current density, high internal quantum efficiency, and extremely low internal loss. High-performance broad-area multimode and ridge-waveguide single-mode laser devices are fabricated. For 100-mum-wide stripe lasers having a cavity length of 800 mum, a high slope efficiency of 1.08 W-A, a low vertical beam divergence of 34 degrees, a high output power of over 4.45 W, and a very high characteristic temperature coefficient of 250 K were achieved. Lifetime tests performed at 1.2-1.3 W (12-13 mW/mum) demonstrates reliable performance. For 4-mum-wide ridge waveguide single-mode laser devices, a maximum output power of 394 mW and fundamental mode power up to 200 mW with slope efficiency of 0.91 mW/mum are obtained.


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The simulation of a plasmonic very-small-aperture laser is demonstrated in this paper. It is an integration of the surface plasmon structure and very-small-aperture laser (VSAL). The numerical results demonstrate that the transmission field can be confined to a spot with subwavelength width in the far field (3.5 mu m far from the emitting surface), and the output power density can be enhanced over 30 times of the normal VSAL. Such a device can be useful in the application of a high resolution far-field scanning optical microscope.


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A tapered distributed feedback quantum cascade laser emitting at lambda similar to 8.1 mu m is reported. Utilising a tapered waveguide structure with a surface metal grating, the device exhibited singlemode operation over the temperature range of 100 to 214 K, with sidemode suppression ratio > 20 dB and a nearly diffraction limited far-field beam divergence angle of 5.4 degrees.


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Broadband grating-coupled external cavity laser, based on InAs/GaAs quantum dots, is achieved. The device has a wavelength tuning range from 1141.6 nm to 1251.7 nm under a low continuous-wave injection current density (458 A/cm(2)). The tunable bandwidth covers consecutively the light emissions from both the ground state and the 1st excited state of quantum dots. The effects of cavity length and antireflection facet coating on device performance are studied. It is shown that antireflection facet coating expands the tuning bandwidth up to similar to 150 nm, accompanied by an evident increase in threshold current density, which is attributed to the reduced interaction between the light field and the quantum dots in the active region of the device.


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A design of single-mode distributed feedback quantum cascade lasers (DFB-QCLs) with surface metal grating is described. A rigorous modal expansion theory is adopted to analyse the interaction between the waveguide mode and the surface plasmon wave for different grating parameters. A stable single-mode operation can be obtained in a wide range of grating depths and duty cycles. The single-mode operation of surface metal grating DFB-QCLs at room temperature for lambda = 8.5 mu m is demonstrated. The device shows a side-mode suppression ratio of above 20 dB. A linear tuning of wavelength with temperature indicates the stable single-mode operation without mode hopping.


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We report the generation of ultrashort pulses in ytterbium-doped fibre oscillator emitting around 1.05 mum at a repetition rate of 17.6MHz. A diode laser with single silica fibre at 976 nm pumps the ytterbium fibre laser, the all-fibre picosecond pulsed oscillator has excellent stability and compact size, and freedom from misalignment. After amplifying, pulse energy of 3.4 nJ and an average power of 60mW are obtained. The compression is obtained with a grating pair out of the cavity. The compressor produces 307 fs with the peak power 5.47 kW. A practical fibre-based source with good performance is thus demonstrated.


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National Natural Science Foundationa of China(602537060,60408002)