185 resultados para query extraction


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In view of the growing interest in endohedral lanthanide fullerenes, Ce, as a typical +4 oxidation state lanthanide element, has been systematically studied. The synthesis, extraction and electronic structure of Ce@C-2n are investigated. Soot containing Ce@C-2n was synthesized in high yield by carbonizing CeO2-containing graphite rods and are back-burning the CeC2-enriched cathode deposit in a DC are plasma apparatus. Ce@C-2n, dominated by Ce@C-82, can be efficiently extracted from the insoluble part of the soot after toluene Soxhlet extraction by pyridine at high temperature and high pressure in a closed vessel. About 60% Ce@C-2n (2n = 82,80,78,76) and 35% Ce@C-82 can be enriched in the pyridine extract. This fact is identified by desorption electron impact mass spectrometry (DEI MS). The electronic structure of Ce@C-2n is analyzed by using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) of pyridine-free film. It is suggested that the encapsulated Ce atom is in a charge state close to +3 and was effectively protected from reaction with water and oxygen by the enclosing fullerene cage. Unlike theoretical expectation, the electronic state of Ce@C-82 is formally described as Ce+3@C-82(3-). (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The synergistic extraction of Sc(III) from H2SO4 solution with bis(2, 4, 4-trimethylpentyl)monothiophosphinic acid(HBTMPTP, HL) and branched chain alkyl phosphine oxide mixture (Cyanex 925, B) in n-hexane has been investigated, The results indicated that synergistic effect was showed in low acidity (c(H2SO4) < 0.25 mol/L). The composition of the extracted complex of Sc(III) has been determined to be Sc(HL2)(2)B-3(SO4)(1/2) by the method of slope analysis, The mechanism of the synergistic extraction of Sc(III) may be : Sc3+ + 2(HL)(2(O)) + 3B((O)) + 1/2SO(4)(2-)reversible arrow(K12)Sc(HL2)(2)B-3(SO4)(1/2(O)) + 2H(+) ScL(HL2)(2(O)) + 3B((O)) + H+ + 1/2SO(4)(2-)reversible arrow(beta')Sc(HL2)(2)B-3(SO4)(1/2(O)) + 1/2(HL)(2(O)) Sc(SO4)(1.5)B-2(O) + B-(O) + 2(HL)(2(O))reversible arrow(beta')Sc(HL2)(2)B-3(SO4)(1/2(O)) + 2H(+) + SO42- Their equilibrium constants have been calculated to be lgK(13)=6.77+/-0.12, lg beta'=7.71, lg beta '' = 0.10, respectively, The IR spectra and FAB-MS of the saturated synergistic extraction complex of Sc(III) have been discussed as well.


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The technique of high-temperature high-pressure extraction with pyridine has been successfully utilized to extract a wide variety of endohedral rare-earth fullerenes of the type Ln@C-2n (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb). Ln@C-80, Ln@C-82, and Ln(2)@C-80 for most of the rare-earth metals can be produced with high-yield and selectively extracted from the carbon-are evaporation soot. Metallofullerenes containing Sm, Eu, and Yb (which could have +2 oxidation states) are especially difficult to extract. Some possible reasons for the high-yield extraction are discussed. The laser desorption mass spectrometric characterization results indicate a relationship between the extraction yields of metallofullerenes and the oxidation states and ionic radii of the rare-earths.


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The synergistic extraction of rare earths(III) with binary systems containing HBTMPTP and primary amine N1923 from sulfuric acid medium was observed, The syner gistic extraction factor(R) decreased with increasing atomic number of lanthanides. Through the methods of slope analysis, constant mole and saturation titration, the synergistic extraction stoichiometry was obtained, The thermodynamic function was calculated, The IR spectra of the saturated synergistic extraction completely confirmed the mechanism.


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The successful encapsulation of dysprosium(Dy) into fullerene cages by activating the Dy2O3 containing graphite rods in situ, ''back-burning'' carbon-arc evaporation with a high-yield of pyridine extraction technique is reported.


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A high-temperature, high-pressure extraction technique with toluene and pyridine were employed for the extraction of metallofullerenes Gd@C-2n, A series of Gd@C-2n for 2n from 70 to 96 were effectively extracted by toluene. Gd@C-74 was shown to be a new stable soluble metallofullerene species. Pyridine was found to be more useful for the extraction of Gd@C-82 and Gd-2@C-80 from empty fullerenes and other metallofullerene species.


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A new and efficient extraction method of endohedral metallofullerenes, especially of rare-earth elements encapsulated metallofullerenes, has been reported in this paper. Soxhlet-extraction of raw soot with toluene was used in the first step to wash away most accompanying C-60, C-70. Then pyridine was chosen as solvent to obtain high-temperature and high pressure extract. Two kinds of extract were analysed by DEI-MS and LDI-MS, the results indicate that this two-step method can provide the extract which has the highest fraction of endohedral metallofullerenes. So it will greatly simplify the following separation and purification processes of metallofullerenes.


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The synthesis for lanthanofullerenes was studied by activating the La2O3 containing graphite rod in situ and back-burning the carbide-rich cathode deposite, La@C-2n are efficiently extracted in high temperature toluene, among them, La@C-74 as a new species is added into the soluble lanthanofullerenes, The toluene extraction is first characterized by desorption electron impact (DEI) mass spectrometry, The ESR spectrum of the extraction at room temperature is also discussed.


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Endohedral metallofullerene Gd@C-2n were synthesized with high-yield using the carbon-arc discharge method of activating the Gd2O3-containing graphite anode in situ and back-burning technique. A series of Gd@C-2n for 2n from 70 to 96 were effectively extracted by toluene at high-temperature and under high-pressure condition. Gd@C-82, Gd@C-74 were considered to be fairly stable and soluble metallofullerene species.


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A higher yield synthesis for lanthanofullerenes has been studied by activating the La2O3 containing graphite rod in situ and back-burning the graphite-rich cathode deposit. La@C-2n are efficiently extracted by high temperature toluene (180 degrees C) in a closed vessel, in which a new species La@C-74 is added to the members of the soluble lanthanofullerenes. The toluene extraction is first characterized by desorption electron impact mass spectrometry. The influence of anode components on synthesis is also analyzed by the XRD technique. Furthermore, the EPR spectra change with temperature are also studied. The assignment of octet II peaks in EPR is also discussed.


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The solvent extraction of Sc(III), Zr(IV), Th(IV), Fe(III) and Lu(III) with Cyanex 302 (bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)monothiophosphinic acid) and Cyanex 301 ( bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl) dithiophosphinic acid) in n-hexane from acidic aqueous solutions has been investigated systematically. The effect of equilibrium aqueous acidity on the extraction with these reagents was studied. The separation of Th(IV), Fe(III) and Lu(III) from Sc(III), or the separation of other metals from Lu(III) with Cyanex 302, can be achieved by controlling the aqueous acidity. However, Cyanex 301 exhibited a poor selectivity for the above metals, except for Lu(III). The extraction of these metals with Cyanex 272, Cyanex 302 and Cyanex 301 has been compared. The stripping percentages of Sc(III) for Cyanex 302 and Cyanex 301 in a single stage are near 78% and 75% with 3.5 mol/L and 5.8 mol/L sulphuric acid solutions, respectively. The effects of extractant concentration and temperature on the extraction of Sc(III) were investigated. The stoichiometry of the extraction of Sc(III) with Cyanex 302 was determined. The role of different components of Cyanex 302 in the extraction of Sc(III) was discussed.


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The differences between the solvent extraction of Tb(III) and Tb(IV) periodate complexes with quaternary amine were studied carefully for the first time. The effects of extractant concentration, phase ratio, the pH value of stock solution, salting-out agent, extractant form, diluent, and extraction time were comprehensively investigated. Under optimal conditions the separation factor between Tb(IV) and Tb(III) periodate complexes is over 5.5.


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The extraction equilibrium data of sulphuric acid and scandium(III) with bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid (H[BTMPP]) from sulphuric acid solutions have been obtained. There are two extraction mechanisms of scandium(III) with H[BTMPP] at different


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An expert system for solvent extraction of rare earths has been developed using LISP. The goal of this project was to mimic the chemists' inferential abilities to assist in the process of solvent extraction of rare earths. The system includes frequently used extractants, separation of specific rare earths, recommendation of procedures for the separation of mixtures of rare earths using (2-ethylhexyl)phosphonic acid 2-ethylhexyl monoester, selection of parameters for counter-current extraction and methods for evaluation of the technique, and the economics of the processing. The expert system runs on an IBM-PC/XT.