164 resultados para meal frequency


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Zinc oxide films with c-axis preferred orientation were deposited on silicon (100) substrates by radio frequency (RF) reactive sputtering. The properties of the samples were characterized by X-ray diffractometer, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and fluorescent-spectrophotometer. The effect of sputtering power and substrate temperature on the structural and photoluminescent (PL) properties of the ZnO films was investigated. The results indicated that when the sputtering power is 100 W and the substrate temperature is 300-400 degrees C, it is suitable for the growth of high c-axis orientation and small strain ZnO films. A violet peak at about 380 nm and a blue band at about 430 nm were observed in the room temperature photoluminescence spectra, and the origin of blue emission was investigated.


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A method for calibration of an audio-frequency (AF) ion trap mass spectrometer is described. The method is proposed to surmount the obstacle that there is a lack of a proper calibrant for mass spectrometers in the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) range of 10(6) to 10(10). To calibrate such mass spectra, we determine the point of ejection, q(eject), on the stability diagram of the ion trap operated in a mass-selective axial instability mode. This is accomplished by measuring the radial secular frequencies (and therefore, the m/z value) of a single trapped particle using a light scattering method, followed by monitoring the action of particle ejection in real time to obtain the q(eject). A delayed ejection with q(eject) = 0.949 +/- 0.004 is found at a trap driving frequency of Ohm/2pi = 200-600Hz. Theoretical analysis for the origin of the delayed ejection indicates that the delay is predominantly resulted from the existence of multipole components in the fields due to trap imperfections. Inclusion of -3% of the octopole with respect to the basic quadrupole field can satisfactorily account for our observations. An m/z accuracy approaching 0.1% is attainable after proper calibration of the AF ion trap mass spectrometer. (Int J Mass Spectrom 214 (2002) 63-73) (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The charactesistics of two-dimension spectra obtained by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) with charge injection detection (CID) in frequency domain were studied in the present paper. The measurement spectra were Fourier transformed and the frequency distribution of the spectra was obtained. Results showed that the spectra in frequency domain could he divided into two parts:high frequency and low frequency signals. The later stood for measurement spectra and the former for background and noises. However, the high frequecny signals could not be smoothed simply to reduce noises because the background was deteriorated even though the spectral signal did not change significantly.


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The low-frequency Raman spectrum of n-decylammonium chloride was measured as a function of temperature in the temperature range from 290 to 340K, and the longitudinal acoustical mode vibration band was assigned. The results showed that there are two phase transitions at 313K and 321K, respectively. The phase transition at 313K is mainly induced by change of hydrocarbon chain conformations, while that at 321K is mainly induced by change of order degree of molecular packing. The results suggest low-frequency Raman spectroscopy is a useful probe of structural phase transition for long-chain compounds.


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We investigate the influence of low-frequency Rossby waves on the thermal structure of the upper southwestern tropical Indian Ocean (SWTIO) using Argo profiles, satellite altimetric data, sea surface temperature, wind field data and the theory of linear vertical normal mode decomposition. Our results show that the SWTIO is generally dominated by the first baroclinic mode motion. As strong downwelling Rossby waves reach the SWTIO, the contribution of the second baroclinic mode motion in this region can be increased mainly because of the reduction in the vertical stratification of the upper layer above thermocline, and the enhancement in the vertical stratification of the lower layer under thermocline also contributes to it. The vertical displacement of each isothermal is enlarged and the thermal structure of the upper level is modulated, which is indicative of strong vertical mixing. However, the cold Rossby waves increase the vertical stratification of the upper level, restricting the variability related to the second baroclinic mode. On the other hand, during decaying phase of warm Rossby waves, Ekman upwelling and advection processes associated with the surface cyclonic wind circulation can restrain the downwelling processes, carrying the relatively colder water to the near-surface, which results in an out-of-phase phenomenon between sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) and sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) in the SWTIO.


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Two deep-sea moorings were deployed respectively in the east area and the west area of Chinese Pioneer Area (CPA) in the tropic east Pacific to monitor the regional deep-sea dynamics below 600 meters above bottom (mab) from July 1997 to Oct. 1999. Results of statistics, spectral estimate and correlation analysis of the low-passed velocity data show that time scales of low-frequency components of the near-bottom currents are 25similar to120 days, in which 51-day period dominates the lower band of the frequency domain. Topographic features have obvious effect on low-frequency currents below 50 mab; modulations of the bottom-intensified sheared mean flow to the low-frequency currents are the dynamic mechanism of the frequency shift that occurs in both the east-area and the west-area.


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The impact of astaxanthin-enriched algal powder on auxiliary memory improvement was assessed in BALB/c mice pre-supplemented with different dosages of cracked green algal (Haematococcus pluvialis) powder daily for 30 days. The supplemented mice were first tested over 8 days to find a hidden platform by swimming in a Morris water maze. Then, for 5 days, the mice were used to search for a visible platform in a Morris water maze. After that, the mice practised finding a safe place-an insulated platform in a chamber-for 2 days. During these animal experimental periods, similar algal meals containing astaxanthin at 0, 0.26, 1.3 and 6.4 mg/kg body weight were continuously fed to each group of tested mice. Profiles of latency, distance, speed and the direction angle to the platforms as well as the diving frequency in each group were measured and analyzed. The process of mice jumping up onto the insulated platform and diving down to the copper-shuttered bottom with a 36 V electrical charge were also monitored by automatic video recording. The results of the Morris maze experiment showed that middle dosage of H. pluvialis meals (1.3 mg astaxanthin/kg body weight) significantly shortened the latency and distance required for mice to find a hidden platform. However, there was no obvious change in swim velocity in any of the supplemented groups. In contrast, the visible platform test showed a significant increase in latency and swim distance, and a significant decrease in swim speed for all groups of mice orally supplemented with H. pluvialis powder compared to the placebo group (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). Mice supplemented with the algal meal hesitantly turned around the original hidden platform, in contract to mice supplemented with placebo, who easily forgot the original location and accepted the visible platform as a new safe place. These results illustrate that astaxanthin-enriched H. pluvialis powder has the auxiliary property of memory improvement. The results from the platform diving test showed that the low and middle dosage of H. pluvialis powder, rather that the high dosage, increased the latency and reduced the frequency of diving from the safe insulated platform to the electrically stimulated copper shutter, especially in the low treatment group (P < 0.05). These results indicate that H. pluvialis powder is associated with dose-dependent memory improvement and that a low dosage of algal powder (<= middle treatment group) is really good for improving the memory.