346 resultados para conduction band electrons


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Acceleration of an initially moving electron by a copropagation ultra-short ultra-intense laser pulse in vacuum is studied. It is shown that when appropriate laser pulse parameters and focusing conditions are imposed, the acceleration of electron by ascending front of laser pulse can be much stronger compared to the deceleration by descending part. Consequently, the electron can obtain significantly high net energy gain. We also report the results of the new scheme that enables a second-step acceleration of electron using laser pulses of peak intensity in the range of 10(19)-10(20) W mu m(2)/cm(2). In the first step the electron acceleration from rest is limited to energies of a few MeV, while in the second step the electron acceleration can be considerably enhanced to about 100 MeV energy.


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The fast electron propagation in an inverse cone target is investigated computationally and experimentally. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation shows that fast electrons with substantial numbers are generated at the outer tip of an inverse cone target irradiated by a short intense laser pulse. These electrons are guided and confined to propagate along the inverse cone wall, forming a large surface current. The propagation induces strong transient electric and magnetic fields which guide and confine the surface electron current. The experiment qualitatively verifies the guiding and confinement of the strong electron current in the wall surface. The large surface current and induced strong fields are of importance for fast ignition related researches.


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With the development of photocathode rf electron gun, electrons with high-brightness and mono-energy can be obtained easily. By numerically solving the relativistic equations of motion of an electron generated from this facility in laser fields modelled by a circular polarized Gaussian laser pulse, we find the electron can obtain high energy gain from the laser pulse. The corresponding acceleration distance for this electron driven by the ascending part of the laser pulse is much longer than the Rayleigh length, and the light amplitude experienced on the electron is very weak when the laser pulse overtakes the electron. The electron is accelerated effectively and the deceleration can be neglected. For intensities around 10(19) W(.)mu m(2)/cm(2), an electron's energy gain near 0.1 GeV can be realized when its initial energy is 4.5 MeV, and the final velocity of the energetic electron is parallel with the propagation axis. The energy gain can be up to 1 GeV if the intensity is about 10(21) W(.)mu m(2)/cm(2). The final energy gain of the electron as a function of its initial conditions and the parameters of the laser beam has also been discussed.


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In LiNbO3:Fe, anomalous behaviour of grating erasure is observed with different wavelenghts, i.e. rapid grating erasure in the short wavelength range, which deviates from the results predicted by the electron transport band model. The deviation is related to the coexistance of electrons and holes in photorefraction, and charge-transfer process including electrons and hole has been proposed. The electron and hole contributions to photo-excitation coefficient S of the Fe centre on the wavelength.


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Photoluminescence of undoped and B-doped ZnO in silicate glasses was investigated by varying the concentration of ZnO (3550 mol%) and B dopant (0-10 mol%) in the glass matrices. The broad and intense near band edge emissions were observed while the visible light emission was very weak. UV luminescence in all samples was red-shifted relative to the exciton transition in bulk ZnO and enhanced by decreased ZnO concentration due to higher degree of structural integrity and the lower aggregation degree of ZnO. Donor B dopant played the double roles of filling conduction bands to broaden band gap when its concentration was lower than 5 mol%, and emerging with conduction bands to narrow the gap when B dopant exceeded this value. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cladding band structure of air-guiding photonic crystal fibers with high air-filling fraction is calculated in terms of fiber shape variation. The fundamental photonic band gap dependence on structure parameters, air-filling fraction and spacing, is also investigated. The numerical results show that the band gap edges shift toward longer wavelength as the air-filling fraction is increased, whereas the relative band gap width increases linearly. For a fixed air-filling fraction, the band gap edges with respect to spacing keep constant. With this method, the simulation results agree well with the reported data. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The characteristics of the cladding band structure of air-core photonic crystal fibers with silica rings in triangular lattice are investigated by using a standard plane wave method. The numerical results show that light can be localized in the air core by the photonic band gaps of the fiber. By increasing the air-filling fraction, the band gap edges of the low frequency photonic band gaps shift to shorter wavelength.. whereas the band gap width decreases linearly. In order to make a specified light fall in the low frequency band gaps of the fiber, the interplay of the silica ring spacing and the air-filling fraction is also analyzed. It shows that the silica ring spacing increases monotonously when the air-filling fraction is increased, and the spacing range increases exponentially. This type fiber might have potential in infrared light transmission. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The m-plane GaN films grown on LiAlO2(100) by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition exhibit anisotropic crystallographic properties. The Williamson-Hall plots point out they are due to the different tilts and lateral correlation lengths of mosaic blocks parallel and perpendicular to GaN[0001] in the growth plane. The symmetric and asymmetric reciprocal space maps reveal the strain of m-plane GaN to be biaxial in-plane compress epsilon(xx)=-0.79% and epsilon(zz)=-0.14% with an out-of-plane dilatation epsilon(yy)=0.38%. This anisotropic strain further separates the energy levels of top valence band at Gamma point. The energy splitting as 37 meV as well as in-plane polarization anisotropy for transitions are found by the polarized photoluminescence spectra at room temperature. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We report on the room-temperature continuous-wave (CW) operation of a Ho:YAlO3 laser that is resonantly end pumped at 1.94 mu m by a diode-pumped thulium-doped laser in the same host. Through the use of a 1 at % Ho3+-doped 20-mm-long YAlO3 crystal (b cut), the Ho:YAlO3 laser generated 1 W of linearly polarized (E//c) output at 2118 nm and 0.55 W of E//a output at 2128.5 nm for an incident pump power of 5 W, with an output coupler transmission of 14 and 3%, respectively. An optical-to-optical conversion efficiency of 20% and a slope efficiency of 33% were achieved at 2118 nm corresponding to an incident pump power.