187 resultados para charge-transfer complex


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CaY1-xBO4: xEu was synthesied by solid state reaction method, and the displacement and luminescence of the Eu3+ in CaYBO4 host were studied. Two luminescent centers could be observed at certain Eu3+-concentration, indicating that the Eu3+ occupies two different crystallographic sites. This result shows that the Eu3+ occupies two different Y3+ sites in CaYBO4. The investigation on Eu-O charge transfer bands indicates that the larger distortion or the lower symmetry of Eu3+ site is,the shorter wavelength of the Eu-O charge transfer band is. When the Eu3+-concentration is high (x > 0.10), Eu3+ occupies the sites of Ca2+ and is reduced to Eu2+.


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Surface photovoltage spectra (SPS) measurements of TiO2 show that a large surface state density is present on the TiO2 nanoparticles and these surface states can be efficiently decreased by sensitization using US nanoparticles as well as by suitable heat treatment. The photoelectrochemical behavior of the bare TiO2 thin film indicates that the mechanism of photoelectron transport is controlled by the trapping/detrapping properties of surface states within the thin films, The slow photocurrent response upon the illumination can be explained by the trap saturation effect. For a TiO2 nanoparticulate thin film sensitized using US nanoparticles, the slow photocurrent response disappears and the steady-state photocurrent increases drastically, which suggests that photosensitization can decrease the effect of surface states on photocurrent response.


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The infrared spectra of BaLnB(9)O(16):Re, along with the VUV excitation spectra, have been measured. The spectra were tentatively interpreted in terms of the data on absorptions of the borate groups and band structure. It was observed that there are absorption due to BO3 and BO4 groups, indicating that there are BO3 and BO4 groups in BaLnB(9)O(16). It is found that absorption of the borate groups is located in the range from 120 to 170 mn. This result reveals that there is an energy transfer from host to the rare earth ions. It also observed that the energy of charge transfer band, the host absorption, the total crystal field splitting of d-levels of Tb3+ increase with the decrease in the Ln(3+) radius. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three kinds of TiO2 nanostructured thin films and their CdS-sensitized films, consisting of different sizes of TiO2 nanoparticles prepared with different methods, have been investigated. The surface photovoltage spectra (SPS) measurements indicate that the density of surface states on TiO2 is likely dependent upon the details of prepared methods. TiO2 particles prepared from basic sol have more surface states than that prepared from acidic sol. When the TiO2 thin films prepared using the TiO2 sols were sensitized by CdS particles, the SPS responses relative to the surface states on TiO2 from 350 to 800 nm were decreased. The photoelectrochemical properties of nanostructured TiO2 electrodes suggest that the fewer the surface states and the smaller the particle sizes of TiO2, the larger the photocurrent response. For CdS sensitized TiO2 thin film electrode, it is shown that the semiconductor sensitization is an efficient way to decrease the influence of surface states on the charge separation, and can improve the intensity of photocurrent response. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new multilayer film fabricated based on electrostatic attraction in this laboratory was firstly characterized by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The relationship between the charge-transfer resistance and double-layer capacitance with the number of layers was obtained through analyzing the impedance data. It demonstrated that the multilayer film showed a unique structure with the film growth. Compared to other electrochemical methods, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was proved to be a very sensitive and useful technique for characterizing the multilayer films.


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Graphite powder-supported nickel(II) hexacyanoferrate (NiHCF) was prepared by the in situ chemical deposition method and then dispersed into methyltrimethoxysilane-derived gels to form a conductive composite. The composite was used as electrode material to construct a surface-renewable three-dimensional NiHCF-modified carbon ceramic electrode. Electrochemical behavior of the chemically modified electrode was well characterized using cyclic and square-wave voltammetry. The electrode presented a good electrocatalytic activity toward the oxidization of thiosulfate and thus was used as an amperometric sensor for thiosulfate in the photographic waste effluent. In addition, the electrode exhibited a distinct advantage of surface-renewal by simple mechanical polishing, as well as simple preparation, good chemical and mechanical stability. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new type of phosphor Sr2ZrO4 with one-dimensional structure was prepared by solid reaction and its luminescence is seen at room temperature. The excitation and emission spectra were measured and display broad maximum at 354 nm and 386 nm respectively. The mechanism of this luminescence is ascribed to charge transfer.


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The UV-visible absorption and fluorescence spectra of a soluble polyimide, YS-30, in several organic solvents were measured over a wide range of concentration. The experimental results show that there exist both intramolecular and intermolecular electron donor acceptor interactions for YS-30 molecules. The fluorescence behavior of YS-30 in N,N-dimethylacetamide and in chloroform solutions is similar in general, except that its ground-state intermolecular charge transfer emission is more obvious in N,N-dimethylacetamide solution. This difference is attributed to the greater extent of disruption of the chain packing by solvent or/and the more efficient radiationless energy dissipation process from the excited state complexes to chloroform. The intensity ratio of intermolecular charge transfer emission to intramolecular charge transfer emission is used to characterize the state of aggregation of YS-30 molecules in solutions. The plot of this ratio versus concentration indicates the existence of two critical concentrations. It is also found from the same plot that the decrease of coil size is very pronounced during the initial stage of shrinkage.


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Fluorescence spectra of the sensitizing dye/TiO2 bilayer films were studied. Charge-transfer complexes were formed in the above bilayer.


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Electrochemical redox behavior of noradrenaline in alkaline solution on a glassy carbon electrode has been investigated by in situ UV-vis and CD spectroelectrochemistry by using a long optical path thin-layer cell. The experimental data were processed by using a double logarithmic method of analysis together with nonlinear regression which confirmed that the first step in both the oxidation of noradrenaline and reduction of noradrenochrome is a two-electron irreversible process governed by an EE mechanism. The kinetic parameters of the electrode reactions, i.e., charge transfer coefficient and the number of electrons transferred, alpha(1)n(1) = 0.11 and alpha(2)n(2) = 0.23, formal potentials modified with kinetics, E-1(0') = 0.65 (+/- 0.01) V and E-2(0') = 0.72V and standard rate cnstants, k(1)(0) = 7.0(+/-0.5)x10(-5) cm s(-1), for the first and second steps in the oxidation process of noradrenaline, and similarly, alpha(1)n(1) = 0.33, alpha(2)n(2) = 0.58, E-1(0') = 0.37(+/-0.01) V, E-0' = -0.25 (+/-0.01) V and k(1)(0) approximate to k(2)(0) = 1.06 (+/-0.05)x10(-4) cm s(-1) for the first and second steps in the reduction process of noradrenochrome were also determined.


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Organic-inorganic radical salt (DBTTF)(6)PMo12O40 . 2H(2)O was synthesized by electrocrystallization and characterized by IR spectrum, electronic spectrum and ESR technology, Its magnetic property, conductivity and crystal structure were determined. The title compound crystallized in a triclinic system with P1 space group, a = 1.378 7(7), b = 1.420 4 (2), c = 1.570 2(2) nm, alpha = 104.57(1)degrees, beta = 103.41(2)degrees, gamma = 95.80(2)degrees, V = 2.853(2) nm(3) Z = 1 and a final R = 0.072 7.


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An electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance was employed to monitor directly the growth of vanadium hexacyanoferrate (VHF) films on platinum substrates during electrodeposition and interfacial coagulation in the solution containing sulfuric acid electrolyte, vanadium(IV) and hexacyanoferrate(III). Mass changes of the gold/crystal working electrode were correlated with cyclic voltammetry data. Effects of cations (NH4+, Li+, Na+ and K+), anions (SO42- and NO3-) and solvent during redox reactions of the films were studied. The results show that cations were incorporated into the film during reduction and expelled from the film during oxidation. Solvent also participates in VHF electrochemistry, and its role cannot be neglected. Anions play no role in VHF electrochemistry. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The aggregation slate of polyimide in solution and in the solid state were studied using the NMR and fluorescence techniques. The experiment results show that the decay of spin-spin relaxation of polyimides with concentration can be described as a single exponential, biexponential, triexponential, biexponential profile. Meanwhile, the intensities of fluorencence spectra increase rapidly with the concentration, and some peaks have a red-shift. Based upon these experiment results, it can be concluded that polyimide in solution is very flexible, and there are several critical concentrations at which polyimide has distinctly different aggregation states. The existence of intermolecular charge transfer interaction between polyimide chains has been proved, and the interaction has a profound effect on the glass transition temperature, T-g, and the dynamic mechanical modulus of polyimide. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The ion exchange mechanism accompanying the oxidation/reduction processes of cupric hexacyanoferrate-modified platinum electrodes in different aqueous electrolyte solutions has been studied by means of in situ probe beam deflection and the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance technique. The results demonstrate that the charge neutrality of the film during the reoxidation/reduction process is accomplished predominantly by the movement of cations, but anions and/or solvent are also participator(s). Moreover, in KHC8H4O4 (potassium biphthalate) solution, the EQCM data obtained from chronoamperometry experiment are more complicated than those in KCl and K2SO4 solutions. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Structure changes and charge transfer in the doping process of poly(2,5-dimethylaniline) (PDMA) were studied by NMR technique. It was shown that not only the polymer chain but also the hydrogen atoms and methyl groups on the aromatic rings were involved in the charge transfer process. A ''four ring BQ derivatives'' model was proposed to explain the NMR results.