170 resultados para aluminum tube


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We report in this paper the spectral characteristics of Er3+ (2 at.%)-activated and Ce3+ (0.3 at.%)-sensitized yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG:Er,Ce) laser crystals grown by the Czochralski technique. The absorption and emission spectra were measured at room temperature. By using absorption spectra and Judd-Ofelt theory the experimental oscillator strengths of the Er3+ transitions in the YAG:Er,Ce crystals were calculated. The energy transfer between the Er3+ and Ce3+ ions is also discussed.


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The tube diameter in the reptation model is the distance between a given chain segment and its nearest segment in adjacent chains. This dimension is thus related to the cross-sectional area of polymer chains and the nearest approach among chains, without effects of thermal fluctuation and steric repulsion. Prior calculated tube diameters are much larger, about 5 times, than the actual chain cross-sectional areas. This is ascribed to the local freedom required for mutual rearrangement among neighboring chain segments. This tube diameter concept seems to us to infer a relationship to the corresponding entanglement spacing. Indeed, we report here that the critical molecular weight, M(c), for the onset of entanglements is found to be M(c) = 28 A/([R2]0/M), where A is the chain cross-sectional area and [R2]0 the mean-square end-to-end distance of a freely jointed chain of molecular weight M. The new, computed relationship between the critical number of backbone atoms for entanglement and the chain cross-sectional area of polymers, N(c) = A0,44, is concordant with the cross-sectional area of polymer chains being the parameter controlling the critical entanglement number of backbone atoms of flexible polymers.


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The tess potential-concentration curve was first applied to measure the concentration of an alloy. Attempt to use the V-c curve of Al-Li alloy in measuring the diffusion coeffictent of Li atom in liquid aluminium with anode chronopotentiometry at 720℃, was made and D_(Li/Al=4.94×10~(-5)cm~2·s~(-1) was obtained. The value is well consistent wish the theoretical value, D_(Li/Al)=4.85×10~(-5)cm~2·s~(-1) in terms of Stokes-Einstein equation.


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An electrochemical DNA biosensor was fabricated by immobilizing DNA probe on aluminum ion films that were electrodeposited on the surface of the stearic acid-modified carbon paste electrode (CPE). DNA immobilization and hybridization were characterized with cyclic voltammetry (CV) by using methylene blue (MB) as indicator. MB has a couple of well-defined voltammetric redox peaks at the CPE. The currents of redox peaks of MB decreased after depositing aluminum ion films on the CPE (Al(III)/CPE) and increased dramatically after immobilizing DNA probe (ssDNA/Al(III)/CPE). Hybridization of DNA probe led to a marked decrease of the peak currents of MB, which can be used to detect the target single-stranded DNA. The conditions for the preparation of Al(III)/CPE, and DNA immobilization and hybridization were optimized. The specific sequences related to bar transgene in the transgenic corn and the PCR amplification of CP4 epsps gene from the sample of transgenic roundup ready soybean were detected by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) with this new electrochemical DNA biosensor. The difference between the peak currents of MB at ssDNA/Al(III)/CPE and that at hybridization DNA modified electrode (dsDNA/Al(III)/CPE) was applied to determine the Specific sequence related to the target bar gene with the dynamic range comprised between 1.0 X 10(-7) mol/L to 1.0 x 10(-4) mol/L. A detection limit of 2.25 x.10(-8) mol/L. of oligonucleotides can be estimated.


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铜管一直是电厂凝汽器的主要应用管材,但由于其抗冲刷和抵御污染物腐蚀的能力差,特别不耐氨蚀,美国和欧洲大量使用不锈钢管替代铜管作为冷凝管,然而不锈钢管在我国的运用仅处于初步阶段。 常使用锌、铝阳极对铜管进行牺牲阳极保护,然而存在着电位差过大、阳极溶解过快的问题。铁基牺牲阳极与铜电位差适当、来源广泛、价格便宜,在一些工程上有所应用,但是目前针对铁基牺牲阳极的理论研究报道很少。 本文选用紫铜管、304不锈钢管作为实验用管材,首先运用实验室全浸实验、极化曲线和电化学阻抗研究了二者在海水和淡水中的腐蚀性能以及CO2、溶解氧对其腐蚀的影响。结果表明:CO2会加速二者的腐蚀,溶解氧却对它们的腐蚀影响不同,促进铜管的腐蚀却抑制不锈钢管的腐蚀;随浸泡时间的延长,紫铜管由于表面产物膜的生成耐蚀性提高,304不锈钢管的耐蚀性却降低;淡水中,304不锈钢管和紫铜管都具有很好的耐蚀性能。随后,运用失重法和极化曲线对比研究了紫铜管、304不锈钢管的氨蚀性能,运用SEM分析和电化学阻抗研究了紫铜在不同浓度氨溶液中的腐蚀机理。发现,304不锈钢管的耐氨蚀能力远远好于铜管;溶解氧是影响氨蚀的关键因素,其对二者氨蚀的影响也不同;紫铜管在低氨浓度和高氨浓度溶液中腐蚀机理和产物不同,低氨浓度时形成保护性的产物膜(CuO 和Cu(OH)2),高氨浓度时由活化溶解控制,生成可溶的[Cu (NH3)4]2+。 选用工业纯铁、35钢为牺牲阳极材料。恒电流实验结果表明它们具有良好的牺牲阳极性能;通过极化曲线和自腐蚀电位测试分析,认为将二者用于铜管牺牲阳极保护是可行的;实验室阴极保护效果测试表明,工业纯铁和35钢对紫铜管具有良好的保护效果,保护度达90%以上。


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Ammonia adsorption studies reveal that the observed Lewis acidity in the zeolite MCM-22 is derived from at least two types of framework aluminum sites (Al(F)), that is, octahedral Al(F) and three-coordinate Al(F). Comparative ammonia or trimethylphosphine (TMP) adsorption experiments with MCM-22 confirm that octahedral Al species gives rise to the signal at delta(ISO) approximate to 0 in the (27)Al NMR spectrum; this is a superposition of two NMR signals from the different Al species on the water-re constructed zeolite surface. A sharp resonance assigned to framework Al reversibly transforms on ammonia adsorption to delta(ISO) (27)Al approximate to 55 from tetrahedral Al(F), while the broad peak is assigned to nonframework aluminium which results from hydrothermal treatment. This study also demonstrates the effectiveness of (27)Al magic angle spinning (MAS) and multiple quantum (MQ) MAS NMR spectroscopy as a technique for the study of zeolite reactions.


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Titanium silicalite (TS-1) was successfully synthesized by using TPABr as the template and silica sol as silicon source in a 100 l stainless steel autoclave. IR, XRD, UV--vis, elemental analysis, and (2)7Al and (3)1P MAS NMR were used to characterize the synthesized products. The results show that the synthesized material has an MFI structure with high crystallinity and large crystal size and two kinds of titanium species. Trace aluminum in silica sol is also incorporated into the zeolite framework. The synthesized TS-1 exhibits high activity in the epoxidation of propylene with dilute H2O2 with high selectivity to methyl mono-ethers and low selectivity to propylene oxide (PO). The low selectivity toward PO is due to the residual acidity onto TS-1. The selectivity of PO can reach up to 90% through adjusting the pH of the reaction mixture. Extra amounts of base decrease the H2O2 utilization and the H2O2 conversion. However, in over acid-treated TS-1 in which part removal of extra-framework titanium takes place, the utilization of H2O2 is quite different: for the low Si/Ti ratio of TS-1, the H2O2 utilization increases. But the utilization of H2O2 does not change for the high Si/Ti ratio TS-1. Thermal analysis shows that the as-synthesized TS-1 exhibits high activity and thermal stability in the calcined range 540-900 degreesC.


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A unique templating approach for the synthesis of hexagonal mesoporous aluminosilicates via self-assembly of pre-formed aluminosilcate nanoclusters with the templating micella formed by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) is described. The obtained materials of MAS-5 are hydrothermally stable, which is shown by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Furthermore, as characterized by NMR technique, MAS-5 has stable tetrahedral aluminum sites that is the major contributions to the acidity of aluminosilicate molecular sieve, and on non-framework aluminium species in the samples was observed.