296 resultados para VALENCE


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Compositional distribution of the quantum well and barrier after quantum well intermixing for GaInP/AlGaInP system was theoretically analyzed on the basis of atom diffusion law. With the compositional distribution result, the valence subband structure of the intermixed quantum well was calculated on the basis of 6x6 Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian, including spin-orbit splitting effects. TO get more accurate results in the calculation, a full 6-band problem was solved without axial approximation, which had been widely used in the Luttinger-Kohn model to simplify the computational efforts, since there was a strong warping in the GaInP valence band. At last, the bandgap energy of the intermixed quantum well was obtained and the calculation result is of much importance in the analysis of quantum well intermixing experiments.


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n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunction light-emitting diodes (LEDs) show weak defect-related electroluminescence (EL). In order to analyze the origin of the weak EL, the energy band alignment and interfacial microstructure of ZnO/Si heterojunction are investigated by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The valence band offset (VBO) is determined to be 3.15 +/- 0.15 eV and conduction band offset is -0.90 +/- 0.15 eV, showing a type-II band alignment. The higher VBO means a high potential barrier for holes injected from Si into ZnO, and hence, charge carrier recombination takes place mainly on the Si side rather than the ZnO layer. It is also found that a 2.1 nm thick SiOx interfacial layer is formed at the ZnO/Si interface. The unavoidable SiOx interfacial layer provides to a large number of nonradiative centers at the ZnO/Si interface and gives rise to poor crystallinity in the ZnO films. The weak EL from the n-ZnO/p-Si LEDs can be ascribed to the high ZnO/Si VBO and existence of the SiOx interfacial layer.


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X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to measure the valence band offset (VBO) of the w-InN/h-BN heterojunction. We find that it is a type-II heterojunction with the VBO being -0.30 +/- A 0.09 eV and the corresponding conduction band offset (CBO) being 4.99 +/- A 0.09 eV. The accurate determination of VBO and CBO is important for designing the w-InN/h-BN-based electronic devices.


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We report a strong circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) in ZnO epitaxial films under interband excitation. It is observed that CPGE current is as large as 100 nA/W in ZnO, which is about one order in magnitude higher than that in InN film while the CPGE currents in GaN films are not detectable. The possible reasons for the above observations are the strong spin orbit coupling in ZnO or the inversed valence band structure of ZnO.


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本文用加拿大国立研究院(National Research Council of Canada) Fuhrer等人编制的FORTRAN语言程序(以下简称NRCC程序),对两个冠醚类化合物进行了简正坐标分析,这两个化合物分子是二氧六环(C_4H_8O_2)和12-冠-4(C_8H_(16)O_4)。作者用Synder和Zerbi提出的一般价力场,计算了二氧六环的36个简正振动频率,精化四次后的结果误差为14.04 cm~(-1),得到了二氧六环的精化力场和势能分析矩阵;做了12-冠-4-的中红外光谱(3200-5000cm~(-1))。远红外光谱(500-70cm~(-1))和拉曼光谱(3200-50 cm~(-1),从而归属出12-冠-4的78个简正振动频率实验值;利用二氧六环的精化力场作为初始力场,计算了12-冠-4的简正振动频率,对78个简正振动频率进行了精化计算,精化三次后的结果误差为13.99 cm~(-1),精化后得到12-冠-4的精化力场和势能分布矩阵;将NRCC程序以BASIC语言移至TRS-80微型机上,对二氧六环进行了计算,结果良好,首次给出二氧六环一般价力场的势能分布。一、对二氧六环的处理 二氧六环分子式C_4H_8O_2,合14个原子,有3N-6=36个简正振动频率。分子结构系由二个乙氧基(-CH_2-CH_2-O-)单元组成的含有四个碳,两个氧的六元环,平衡态分子为椅式构象,属于C_(2h)点群,36个简正振动频率分为四个对称类Ag、Au、Bg和Bu,分布是:Ag 10个,Bg 8个,Au 9个,Bu9个。二氧六环的分子结构及坐标示意图见28而图5,定义了14个伸缩内坐标,26个弯曲内坐标,6个扭曲内坐标,共46个,C-C键长1.54A,C-O键长1.41 A,C-H键长1.096A,键角都用109°28'。用CART程序(NRCC程序之一)计算二氧六环14个原子的笛卡尔坐标,用GMAT程序(NRCC程序之二)计算其B矩阵和G矩阵,用FPERT程序(NRCC程序之三)计算其简正振动频率、精化力场,计算用一般价力场,引入V矩阵对称化,将46个坐标化为46个(内)对称坐标,10个多余坐标在FPERT程序计算中除去。二、对12-冠-4的处理 12-冠-4分子式C_8H_(16)O_4,含28个原子,共3N-6=78个简正振动频率,分子结构为四个乙氧基(-CH_2-CH_2-O-)单元组成的含八个碳、四个氧的12元环,自由分子的12-冠-4属于C点群。结构数据引自Groth的X光衍射分数和坐标,自己编制了BASIC语言程度将分数坐标化为笛卡尔坐标,用GMAT程序计算B矩阵和G矩阵,FPERT程序计算78个简正振动频率、精化力场、计算势能分布矩阵,引入U矩阵将92个内坐标化为92个对称坐标,14个多余坐标在FPERT程序中自动除去。三、结果 势能分布矩阵给出分子的振动归属,对这两个冠醚类分子的3N-6个简正振动频率,可以划分为五个振动区域。1.C-H伸缩振动区(3000-2800 cm~(-1)) 在该区中,二氧六环有八个值:2974、2966、2854和2867 cm~(-1)各两个,12-冠-4有16个值:2935、2923、2915和2907 cm~(-1)各两个,2860 cm~(-1)8个,高于2900 cm~(-1)者为反对称伸缩振动,低于2900 cm~(-1)者为对称伸缩振动。2.亚甲基弯曲振动之一(1500-1400 cm~(-1)) 该区的主要振动是亚甲基剪式振动(Scissor),其它振动小于10%二氧六环在该区有四个频率:1443、1461、1451和1457 cm~(-1),12-冠-4有八个频率:1466、1450、1450和1405 cm~(-1)各两个。3.亚甲基弯曲振动区二(1400-1200 cm~(-1))该区的主要振动模式为亚甲基的颤动(wag)、卷曲(twist)和摆动(rock)振动,其它振动小于13%。二氧六环在该区有八个频率:1334、1303、1396、1216、1367、1264、1377和1296 cm~(-1),12-冠-4有十六个频率:1388、1363、……1229 cm~(-1)(其中1288、1307cm~(-1)非简并,其余皆两重简并)。4.环的骨架伸缩振动区(1200-600 cm~(-1))该区振动模式复杂,除环的骨架伸缩振动外,还有亚甲基的wag、twist、rock以及环的骨架弯曲振动,而且这些振动的势能分布值都不小。二氧六环在该区有十一个频率,从1127至610 cm~(-1),12-冠-4有二十个频率,从1135至184 cm~(-1)且大都是二重简并的。5.低频区(600-50cm~(-1))这两个分子在低频区的势能分布略有差别。二氧六环在该区有五个频率:503、486、427、276和224 cm~(-1),主要振动模式为骨架弯曲振动和扭曲振动,C-O、C-C的扭曲振动在三个最低频率中分布占10-30%。12-冠-4在该区有18个频率,除570和547cm~(-1)处,都是二重简并的,六个最低频率的振动模式完全属于C-O、C-C键的扭曲振动,其它振动小于10%,所以200 cm~(-1)以下可称为12-冠-4的扭曲振动区,在600-200cm~(-1)之间的12个频率主要是骨架的弯曲振动,也有一定量的亚甲基wag、twist、rock振动。12-冠-4的简正坐标分析尚未有人做过。二氧六环的计算结果与Snyder和Zerbi的分析相吻合,12-冠-4和二氧六环两分子势能分布的相对一致性证明了对12-冠-4的简正坐标分析基本是正确的。本文比较了二分子的力常数和振动频率,探讨了环的大小对振动光谱的影响。四、NRCC程序简介 NRCC程序由CART、GMAT和FPERT三个程序组成,即可联一起运用,亦可分开独立进行运算。该程序功能强,所占内存大,适于大、中型计算机使用。CART程序之名字取自Cartisian Co-or-dinates的前四个字母,功能系由分子结构参数(键长、键角)计算分子内各原子的笛卡尔坐标。GMAT程序之名字取自G matrix的前四个字母,功能系由分子内各原子的笛卡尔坐标,原子质量和内坐标定义计算分子内各原子的坐标交换矩阵B和Wilson振动动能矩阵G。FPERT程序之名字取自F Perturbation的前五个字母,功能系由分子振动功能矩阵G、势能常数即力常数矩阵F计算分子的简正振动频率和势能分布矩阵,再通过实验频率精化势能矩阵F。NRCC程序可对含30个原子、60个内坐标的分子进行简正坐标分析,扩充后容量增大一倍。该程序可选用一般价力场(General Valence Force Field, 简称GVFF)和UBS力场(Urey-Bradley-Shimanouchi Force Field),简称UBSFF或UBFF)。可选用对称化U矩阵,可自行决定力场精化次数和阻尼常数以限制精化结果的收敛性。五、NRCC程序在TRS-80微型机上移植试尝(该部分曾在第三届长春夏季化学讨论会上宣读)针对NRCC程序占内存空间大、难以在微型机上实现的情况,作者将NRCC程序改编为BASIC语言,改变程序的原来结构,形成一组BASIC语言程序:CART/BAS、GMAT/BAS和VIFR/BAS,改编后的BASIC程序在TRS-80微型机调试通过,TRS-80机字长8位,New Dos系统内存32K。改写后的程序只保持了原程序的基本原理,在内存,语句上改动很大,以适于微型机使用。数据在程序中直接嵌入,利于修改替换,且BASIC语言简单易学,便于操作。CART/BAS程序可计算含30个原子以内的分子的笛卡尔坐标,GMAT/BAS程序可计算含20个原子、45个内坐标的分子的G矩阵,VIFR/BAS程序可计算含15个原子的分子的简正振动频率。利用这组程序,作者以二氧六环分子为例做了一些试尝运算,误差14.4 cm~(-1),相对误差1.8%,结果较理想。


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In this work, the electronic structure and magnetic coupling properties of Gd doped AlN have been investigated using first-principles method. We found that in the AlN:Gd system, due to the s-f coupling allowed by the symmetry, the exchange splitting of the conduction band is much larger than that of the valence band, which makes the electron-mediated ferromagnetism possible in this material. This property is also confirmed by the energy differences between anti-ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic phase for Al14Gd2N16 with different concentrations of electrons (holes), as well as by the calculated exchange constants. The result indicates that Gd-doped AlN is a promising candidate for the applications in future spintronic devices.


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For large size- and chemical-mismatched isovalent semiconductor alloys, such as N and Bi substitution on As sites in GaAs, isovalent defect levels or defect bands are introduced. The evolution of the defect states as a function of the alloy concentration is usually described by the popular phenomenological band anticrossing (BAC) model. Using first-principles band-structure calculations we show that at the impurity limit the N-(Bi)-induced impurity level is above (below) the conduction- (valence-) band edge of GaAs. These trends reverse at high concentration, i.e., the conduction-band edge of GaAs1-xNx becomes an N-derived state and the valence-band edge of GaAs1-xBix becomes a Bi-derived state, as expected from their band characters. We show that this band crossing phenomenon cannot be described by the popular BAC model but can be naturally explained by a simple band broadening picture.


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The electronic structure of a bounded intrinsic stacking fault in silicon is calculated. The method used is an LCAO-scheme (Linear Combinations of Atomic Orbitals) taking ten atomic orbitals of s-, p-, and d-type into account. The levels in the band gap are extracted using Lanczos' algorithm and a continued fraction representation of the local density of states. We find occupied states located up to 0.3 eV above the valence band maximum (E(v)). This significantly differs from the result obtained for the ideal infinite fault for which the interface state is located at E(v)+ 0.1 eV.


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An LCAO-scheme taking into account 10 atomic orbitals (s-, p-, and d-type) is used to calculate the electronic structure of the reconstructed 90-degrees partial dislocation in Si. Two different valence force fields producing deviating results are used for modelling the core structure. Geometrical data published by another group is also used. The aim is to explore the influence of geometry on energy levels. We find that the band structure depends sensitively on bond angles. Using data determined by the Tersoff potential we obtain two bands of which the upper one penetrates deeply into the indirect band gap while the geometry minimizing the simple Keating potential leaves the gap completely clear of dislocation states. Thus, from a theoretical point of view, the chief difficulty in calculating the electronic structure of the reconstructed 90-degrees partial is the lack of accurate structural information.


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N+ GaAs-n GaInP lattice-matched heterostructures, grown by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy, have been studied by capacitance-voltage, current-voltage and current-temperature techniques. This allowed the determination of the conduction band offset in three different and independent ways. The value obtained (0.24-0.25 eV) has been verified by photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation on a 90 angstrom thick GaAs well in GaInP grown under the same conditions.


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The photoluminescence (PL) response of porous silicon is usually in the form of a single broad peak. Recently, however, PL response with two peaks has been reported. Here we report the observation of multiple peaks in the PL spectrum of porous silicon. A simple modeling of the line shape indicates that four peaks exist within the response curve, and analysis suggests that the PL of porous silicon is derived from quantum confinement in the silicon crystallites. The line shapes can be due to either minibands within the conduction and valence bands or crystallite size variation or a combination of the two.


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By neutron diffraction and other experiments, we have found that oxygen ions in YBCO can diffuse out of the sample in vacuo at room and low temperature, while the T(c) decreases greatly. We have also found that if the vacuum-deoxidation process lasts for several days there will be a damping oscillation of T(c) with time (t), and higher vacuum corresponds to a greater amplitude and a shorter period. We tentatively think that T(c) should satisfy the following function: T(c0) is-proportional-to T(c)e(-betat)cos (omegat + phi); it may be due to the diffusion of oxygen and the saturation of the valence state.


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Intervalley GAMMA-X deformation-potential constants (IVDP's) have been calculated by use of a first-principles pseudopotential method for the III-V zinc-blende semiconductors AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, and InSb. When the calculated IVDP's of LA phonons for GaP, InP, and InAs and of LO phonons for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb, and InSb are compared with results of a previous calculation that used the empirical pseudopotential method (EPM) and a rigid-ion approximation, good agreement is found. However, our ab initio pseudopotential results on IVDP's of LA phonons for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb, and InSb and of LO phonons for GaP, InP, and InAs are about one order of magnitude smaller than those obtained by use of EPM calculations, indicating that the electron redistribution accompanying crystal-lattice deformation has a significant effect on GAMMA-X intervalley scattering for these phonon modes when the anions are being displaced. In our calculations the LA- and LO-phonon modes at the X point have been evaluated in the frozen-phonon approximation. We have also obtained the LAX- and LOX-phonon frequencies for these materials from total-energy calculations, which agree very well with experimental values for these semiconductors. We have also calculated GAMMA-X hole-phonon scattering matrix elements for the top valence bands in these nine semiconductors, from which the GAMMA-X IVDP's of the top valence bands for the longitudinal phonons and transverse phonons are evaluated, respectively.


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Ultraviolet and X-ray photoemission spectroscopies (UPS and XPS) have been employed to SnO2 and its interface with P-type a-SiCx:H. The HeI valence band spectra of SnO2 show that the valence band maximum (VBM) shifts from 4.7 eV to 3.6 eV below the Fermi level (E(F)), and the valence band tail (VBT) extends up to the E(F), as a consequence of H-plasma treatments. The work function difference between SnO2 and P a-SiCx:H is found to decrease from 0.98 eV to 0.15 eV, owing to the increase of the work function of the treated SnO2. The reduction of SnO2 to metallic Sn is also observed by XPS profiling, and it is found that this leads to a wider interfacial region between the treated SnO2 and the successive growth of P a-SiCx:H.


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Hot electrons excited from the valence band by linearly polarized laser light are characterized by certain angular distributions in momenta. Owing to such angular distributions in momenta, the photoluminescence from the hot electrons shows a certain degree of polarization. A theoretical treatment of this effect observed in the photoluminescence in quantum wells is given, showing that the effect depends strongly on heavy and light hole mixing. The very large disparity between the experimentally observed and theoretically expected values of the degree of polarization in the hot-electron photoluminescence suggests the presence of random quasielastic scattering. The effects of such additional scattering and the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field are incorporated into the theory. it is shown that the measurements of the degree of polarization observed in the hot electron photoluminescence, with and without an applied perpendicular magnetic field can serve to determine the time constants for both LO-phonon inelastic and random quasielastic scattering. As an example, these time constants are determined for the experiments reported in the literature.