275 resultados para RADIUS


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The mode frequencies and quality factors (Q-factors) in two-dimensional (2-D) deformed square resonators are analyzed by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. The results show that the deformed square cavities with circular and cut corners have larger Q-factors than the perfect ones at certain conditions. For a square cavity with side length of 2 mu m and refractive index of 3.2, the mode Q-factor can increase 13 times as the perfect corners are replaced by a quarter of circle with radius of 0.3 pm. Furthermore the blue shift with the increasing deformations is found as a result of the reduction in effective resonator area. In square cavities with periodic roughness at sidewalls which maintains the symmetry of the square, the Q-factors of the whisperin gallery (WG)-like modes are still one order of magnitude larger that those of non-WG-like modes. However, the Q-tactors of these two types of modes are of the same order in the square cavity with random roughness. We also find that the rectangular and rhombic deformation largely reduce the Q-factors with the increasing offset and cause the splitting of the doubly degenerate modes due to the breaking of certain symmetry properties.


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The mode frequency and the quality factor of nanowire cavities are calculated from the intensity spectrum obtained by the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique and the Pade approximation. In a free-standing nanowire cavity with dielectric constant epsilon = 6.0 and a length of 5 mu m, quality factors of 130, 159, and 151 are obtained for the HE11 modes with a wavelength around 375 nm, at cavity radius of 60, 75, and 90 nm, respectively. The corresponding quality factors reduce to 78, 94, and 86 for a nanowire cavity standing on a sapphire substrate with a refractive index of 1.8. The mode quality factors are also calculated for the TE01 and TM01 modes, and the mode reflectivities are calculated from the mode quality factors.


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The transmission through coupled quantum dots (CQDs) is calculated using the coupled-channel recursion method. Our results reveal that the conductance peaks move to high energy as the CQDs radius decreases or the period increases. If we increase the transverse momentum the conductance peaks move to high energy. Applying this characteristic, we can design a switch device using CQDs by applying a static electric field perpendicular to transmission direction. The theoretical results qualitatively agree with the available experimental data. Our calculated results may be useful for the application of CQDs to photoelectric devices. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the oscillator strengths of the optical transitions of the vertically stacked self-assembled InAs quantum discs. The oscillator strengths change evidently when the two quantum discs are far apart from each other. A vertically applied electric held affects the oscillator strengths severely, while the oscillator strengths change slowly as the radius of one disc increases. We also studied the excitonic energy of the system, including the Coulomb interaction. The excitonic energy increases with the increasing radius of one disc, but decreases as a vertically applied electric field increases.


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The Hamiltonian of the wurtzite quantum rods with an ellipsoidal boundary is given after a coordinate transformation. The energies, wave functions, and transition possibilities are obtained as functions of the aspect ratio e with the same method we used on spherical dots. With an overall consideration of both the transition matrix element and the Boltzmann distribution we explained why the polarization factor increases with increasing e and approaches a saturation value, which tallies quite well with the experimental result. When e increases more and more S-z states are mixed into the ground, second, and third states of J(z)=1/2, resulting in an increase of the emission of z polarization. It is just the linear terms of the momentum operator in the hole Hamiltonian that cause the mixing of S and P states in the hole ground state. The effects of the crystal field splitting energy, temperature, and transverse radius to the polarization are also considered. We also calculated the band gap variation with the size and shape of the quantum rods.


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The electronic structure of quantum rings is studied in the framework of the effective-mass theory and the two dimensional hard wall approximation. In cases of both the absence and presence of a magnetic field the electron momenta of confined states and the Coulomb energies of two electrons are given as functions of the angular momentum, inner radius, and magnetic-field strength. By comparing with experiments it is found that the width of the real confinement potential is 14 nm, much smaller than the phenomenal width. The Coulomb energy of two electrons is calculated as 11.1 meV. The quantum waveguide transport properties of Aharonov-Bohm (AB) rings are studied complementarily, and it is found that the correspondence of the positions of resonant peaks in AB rings and the momentum of confined states in closed rings is good for thin rings, representing a type of resonant tunneling.


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A simple method based on the effective index method was used to estimate the minimum bend radii of curved SOI waveguides. An analytical formula was obtained to estimate the minimum radius of curvature at which the mode becomes cut off due to the side radiative loss.


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In this paper the resonant wavelength of a long period fiber grating (LPG) is tuned toward longer wavelength by etching the fiber, For LP04 and LP05 cladding modes', the tuning ranges of 23 and 81 nm are achieved, respectively. Also the dependence of the resonant wavelength on the cladding radius of LPG is theoretically simulated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B,V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the theoretical study of the interaction of the quantum dot (QD) exciton with the photon waveguide models in a semiconductor microcavity. The InAs/GaAs self-assembled QD exciton energies are calculated in a microcavity. The calculated results reveal that the electromagnetic field reduces the exciton energies in a semiconductor microcavity. The effect of the electromagnetic field decreases as the radius of the QD increases. Our calculated results are useful for designing and fabricating photoelectron devices.


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A thermodynamic model of hydrogen-induced silicon surface layer splitting with the help of a bonded silicon wafer is proposed in this article. Wafer splitting is the result of lateral growth of hydrogen blisters in the entire hydrogen-implanted region during annealing. The blister growth rate depends on the effective activation energies of both hydrogen complex dissociation and hydrogen diffusion. The hydrogen blister radius was studied as a function of annealing time, annealing temperature, and implantation dose. The critical radius was obtained according to the Griffith energy condition. The time required for wafer splitting at the cut temperature was calculated in accordance with the growth of hydrogen blisters. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Optical spectra of CdSe nanocrystals are measured at room temperature under pressure ranging from 0 to 5.2 GPa. The exciton energies shift linearly with pressure below 5.2 GPa. The pressure coefficient is 27 meV GPa(-1) for small CdSe nanocrystals with the radius of 2.4 nm. With the approximation of a rigid-atomic pseudopotential, the pressure coefficients of the energy band are calculated. By using the hole effective-mass Hamiltonian for the semiconductors with wurtzite structure under various pressures, we study the exciton states and optical spectra for CdSe nanocrystals under hydrostatic pressure in detail. The intrinsic asymmetry of the hexagonal lattice structure and the effect of spin-orbit coupling on the hole states are investigated. The Coulomb interaction of the exciton states is also taken into account. It is found that the theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental values.


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In the framework of effective mass envelope function theory, the electronic states of the InAs/GaAs quantum ring are studied. Our model can be used to calculate the electronic states of quantum wells, quantum wires, and quantum dots. In calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons in rings and out rings are included. The energy levels of the electron are calculated in the different shapes of rings. The results indicate that the inner radius of rings sensitively changes the electronic states. The energy levels of the electron are not sensitively dependent on the outer radius for large rings. If decreasing the inner and outer radii simultaneously, one may increase the energy spacing between energy levels and keep the ground state energy level unchanged. If changing one of two radii (inner or outer radius), the ground state energy level and the energy spacing will change simultaneously. These results are useful for designing and fabricating the double colors detector by intraband and interband translations. The single electron states are useful for studying the electron correlations and the effects of magnetic fields in quantum rings. Our calculated results are consistent with the recent experimental data of nanoscopic semiconductor rings. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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We have studied the hole levels and exciton states in CdS nanocrystals by using the hole effective-mass Hamiltonian for wurtzite structure. It is found that the optically passive P-x state will become the ground hole state for small CdS quantum dots of radius less than 69 Angstrom. It suggests that the "dark exciton" would be more easily observed in the CdS quantum dots than that in CdSe quantum dots. The size dependence of the resonant Stokes shift is predicted for CdS quantum dots. Including the Coulomb interaction, exciton energies as functions of the dot radius are calculated and compared with experimental data.


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By using the hole effective-mass Hamiltonian for semiconductors with the wurtzite structure, we have studied the exciton states and optical spectra in CdSe nanocrystallite quantum dots. The intrinsic asymmetry of the hexagonal lattice structure and the effect of spin-orbital coupling (SOC) on the hole states are investigated. It is found that the strong SOC limit is a good approximation for hole states. The selection rules and oscillator strengths for optical transitions between the conduction- and valence-band states are obtained. The Coulomb interaction of exciton states is also taken into account. In order to identify the exciton states, we use the approximation of eliminating the coupling of Gamma(6)(X, Y) with Gamma(1)(Z) states. The results are found to account for most of the important features of the experimental photoluminescence excitation spectra of Norris ct nl. However, if the interaction between Gamma(6)(X, Y) and Gamma(1)(Z) states is ignored, the optically passive P-x state cannot become the ground hole state for small CdSe quantum dots of radius less than 30 Angstrom. It is suggested that the intrinsic asymmetry of the hexagonal lattice structure and the coupling of Gamma(6)(X,Y) with Gamma(1)(Z) states are important for understanding the "dark exciton" effect.


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We investigate the electronic structures of the inhomogeneous quantum dots within the framework of the effective mass theory. The results show that the energies of electron and hole states depend sensitively on the relative magnitude 77 of the core radius to the capped quantum dot radius. The spatial distribution of the electrons and holes vary significantly when the ratio eta changes. A quantum-confinement-driven type-II-type-I transition is found in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs-capped quantum dot structures. The phase diagram is obtained for different capped quantum dot radii. The ground-state exciton binding energy shows a highly nonlinear dependence on the innner structures of inhomogeneous quantum dots, which originates from the redistribution of the electron and hole wave functions.