377 resultados para Multidisciplinary Sciences


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Forty embryonic hearts were taken out by anatomical needle from denuded embryos of the ovoviviparity guppy fish that were dechorioned by mechanic method or by trypsin digestion, and were in vitro cultured. In the cultured hearts, 80% have maintained beating in vitro for 4 weeks, and the longest record for beating was 142 d. Owing to fish embryo transparency, beating frequency and blood color changes are easily viewed from the embryonic hearts under a dissecting microscope. The current study established the in vitro culture method of embryonic hearts in guppy fish, which can be used as a model for the study of heart and cardiovascular system in vertebrates.


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New approaches of making single chain Fv antibodies against O-6-methyl-2'-deoxyguanosine (O(6)MdG) have been demonstrated by using the phage antibody display system. Using O(6)MdG as an antigen, 21 positive clones were identified by ELISA from this library, one of which, designated H3, specifically binds to O(6)MdG with high affinity. The H3 scFv antibody has an affinity constant (K-aff) of 5.94 x 10(11)(mol/L)(-1). H3 scFv has been successfully used to detect O-6 MdG in DNA hydrolyses from yeast or E. coli cells treated with a DNA methylating agent. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the selection of a specific scFv against DNA adducts. The results demonstrate the potential applications of the phage display technology for the detection of DNA lesions caused by mutagens and carcinogens.


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SINE (short interspersed element) insertion analysis elucidates contentious aspects in the phylogeny of toothed whales and dolphins (Odontoceti), especially river dolphins. Here, we characterize 25 informative SINEs inserted into unique genomic loci during evolution of odontocetes to construct a cladogram. and determine a total of 2.8 kb per taxon of the flanking sequences of these SINE loci to estimate divergence times among lineages. We demonstrate that: (i) Odontocetes are monophyletic; (ii) Ganges River dolphins, beaked whales, and ocean dolphins diverged (in this order) after sperm whales; (iii) three other river dolphin taxa, namely the Amazon, La Plata, and Yangtze river dolphins, form a monophyletic group with Yangtze River dolphins being the most basal; and (iv) the rapid radiation of extant cetacean lineages occurred some 28-33 million years B.P., in strong accord with the fossil record. The combination of SINE and flanking sequence analysis suggests a topology and set of divergence times for odontocete relationships, offering alternative explanations for several long-standing problems in cetacean evolution.


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Through the comparative analysis of primary freshwater fishes in Chinese continent and the Taiwan Island, we summarize the three distinctions of distribution of freshwater fishes in these areas: (i) there exists a high similarity of freshwater fish fauna between Taiwan and the southeastern shore of the continent; (ii) some species of freshwater fish are found both in the Taiwan Island and East Himalayans; (iii) different freshwater fishes have different distributions in island arch of western Pacific where Taiwan is located, but the distribution pattern shows a similarity to that of adjacent continent. The characteristic distributions of the fishes are closely related to the change in paleogeography and geology in the area. The parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE analysis) indicates that the three distribution patterns can be explained by the vicariance theory.


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1140 bp of cytochrome b gene were amplified and sequenced from 14 species of primitive cyprinid fishes in East Asia. Aligned with other ten cytochrome b gene sequences of cyprinid fish from Europe and North America retrieved from Gene bank, we obtained a matrix of 24 DNA sequences. A cladogram was generated by the method of Maximum likelihood for the primitive cyprinid fishes. The result indicated that subfamily Leuciscinae and Danioninae do not form a monophyletic group. In the subfamily Danioninae, Opsariichthys biden and Zacco platypus are very primitive and form a natural group and located at the root. But the genera in subfamily Danioninae are included in different groups and have not direct relationship. Among them, Aphyocypris chinensis and Yaoshanicus arcus form a monophyletic group. Tanichthys albonubes and Gobiocypris rarus have a close relation to Gobioninae. The genus Danio is far from other genera in Danioninae, In our cladogram, the genera in Leuciscinae were divided into two groups that have no direct relationship. The genera in Leuciscinae distributed in Europe, Sibera and North America, including Leuciscus, Rutilus, Phoxinus, N. crysole, Opsopoeodus emilae, form a monophyletic group. And the Leuciscinae in southern China including Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Mylopharyngodon piceus, Squalibarbus and Ochetobius elongatus have a common origination.


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To gain information on the integration pattern of pMThGH-transgene, 50 transgenes were recovered from F-4 generation of pMThGH transgenic common carp (Cyprinus carpio L,) and 33 recovered genes were analyzed. The restriction maps of these recovered genes were constructed by digestion with five kinds of enzymes. These transgenes can be classified into 4 types according to their restriction maps. Only one type of transgenes maintains its original molecular form, whereas the other three types are very different from the original one and vary each other on both molecular weight and restriction maps. This implies that the sequences of most transgenes have been deleted and/or rearranged during integration and inheritance. The results of PCR amplification and Southern blot hybridization indicate that MThGH in Type I transgene keeps intact but most of its sequence has been deleted in other three types. All these results suggest that transgenes in F-4 generation of transgenic carp are highly polymorphic. Two DNA fragments concerning integration site of transgenes were cloned from recovered transgenes, and found to be homologous to the 5'UTR of beta -actin gene of common carp and mouse mRNA for receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), respectively.


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Like other transgenic animals, transgenic fishes produced by microinjection are transgenic mosaics. In order to produce homogenous transgenic fish, the transgenic blastula or gastrula cells were dissociated from Carassius auratus, Pengze var, and Cyprinus carpio, Huanghe var., and the nuclei were transferred into the mature eggs of the same species via microinjection or electro-fusion. Five nuclear-transferred Carassius auratus, Pengze var. and one Cyprinus carpio, Huanghe var. were obtained and the existence of the transgene was detected. The possibility of generating homogenous strain of transgenic fish by nuclear transplantation with transgenic early-embryonic cells is discussed.


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The four species of "river dolphins" are associated with six separate great river systems on three subcontinents and have been grouped for more than a century into a single taxon based on their similar appearance. However, several morphologists recently questioned the monophyly of that group. By using phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequences from three mitochondrial and two nuclear genes, we demonstrate with statistical significance that extant river dolphins are not monophyletic and suggest that they are relict species whose adaptation to riverine habitats incidentally insured their survival against major environmental changes in the marine ecosystem or the emergence of Delphinidae.


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The graphite electrode sludge was sampled from a huge chloralkali plant in central China. The total level of PCDD/F was found as high as 378.85 mu g/kg sludge (dry weight). The patterns of PCDD/F in each homologue indicated the predominance of tetra- to octa-chlorinated PCDFs, Furthermore, the toxic 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDFs constituted over 80% of the total PCDFs in the sludge and the corresponding PCDDs were only at 15 mu g/kg level. The calculated value of the international toxic equivalence (I-TEQ) in sludge was 21.65 mu g/kg sludge (dry weight). This typical "dioxin chloralkali pattern" was apparently identified in the sediments near the effluent outlet of the chloralkali plant.


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The SR-protein kinase activity was analyzed and the cytological changes were observed during oocyte maturation in bisexual transparent color crucian carp ( Carassius auratus color variety). The results revealed that the SR-protein kinase activity was sensitive to the artificially induced spawning hormones, and the change of oscillatory activity was similar to that of the maturation-promoting factor (MPF) kinase that regulates meiotic cell cycle in fish.


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Using a nuclear transplantation approach, the integration and expression of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene in the embryogenesis of transgenic leach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus Cantor) have been studied. The GFP gene expression is first observed at the gastrula stage, which is consistent with the initiation of cell differentiation of fish embryos. The time course of the foreign gene expression is correlated with the regulatory sequences. The expression efficiency also depends on the gene configuration: the expression of pre-integrating circular plasmid at early embryos is higher than that of the linear plasmid. The integration of the GFP gene is first detected at the blastula stage and lasts for quite a long period. When two types of different plasmids are co-injected into fertilized eggs, the behavior of their integration and expression is not identical.


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In order to define its characteristics of the photosynthetic utilization of CO2 and HCO3- when the ambient inorganic carbon changed, HCG (High-CO2-Growing Cells) of cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC7120 were prepared. The growth rate of HCG was higher than that of LCG (low-CO2-growing cells, i.e. air-growing cells). When the HCG cells were transferred from 5% CO2 to air levels of CO2 , a series of changes took place: its carbonic anhydrase activity as well as its photosynthetic affinity to the external inorganic carbon significantly increased; the number of the carboxysomes, which is one of the most important components of CCM in cyanobacteria also increased. These facts indicated that the CCM activity of Anabaena PCC 7120 was induced. When the pH in the medium increased from 6 to 9, the photosynthetic affinity to external inorganic carbon of both HCG and LCG declined, while the apparent photosynthetic affinity to external CO2 increased. In the light of these findings, this inducible CCM in cyanobacteria provided a good model for the study of the photosynthetic Ci utilization in the phototrophic microoganisms.


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Common carp Cyprinus carpio genomic DNA repetitive sequence CR1 has been DIG-labeled and hybridized in situ against chromosomes of red common carp (Cyprinus carpio L. Xingguo red var.). It is found that the repetitive sequence CR1 is mainly localized at the centromeric regions of chromosomes of the red common carp, The application of the chromosomal in situ hybridization technique on fish and the relationship between CR1 repetitive sequence distribution and its function have been discussed.


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Sequence of rDNA intergenic spacer region (ISR) from a waterbloom cyanobacterial species Oscillatoria sp, was determined and analyzed. The results of sequence comparison showed that the spacer had a high level sequence divergence, suggesting the sequence may be a target sequence for developing cyanobacteria genus- and species-specific oligonucleotide probes. In addition, a 20bp sequence of rDNA ISR was found highly conserved in all species of cyanobacteria, which was not found in other eubacteria. This conserved sequence within a variable region indicates that it might be a functional oligonucleotide in the processing of the rRNA precursor.