177 resultados para Graph spectra


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X-ray photoelectron spectra of the bioinorganic complexes of Na and La with N-acetylalanine and N-acetylvaline have been measured. It has been found that the spectra of the O 1s core level in the complexes of Na with these amino acids are very different from those in the complexes of La with the same amino acids. The results indicate that in the complexes of La with N-acetylalanine and N-acetylvaline, both the oxygen atoms from the carboxyl group and the oxygen atoms from the carbonyl group of the amino acids will directly coordinate to the La ion, whereas only the oxygen atoms from the carboxyl group of the amino acids can directly coordinate to the Na ion in the complexes of Na with N-acetylalanine and N-acetylvaline.


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X-ray photoelectron spectra of some bioinorganic complexes of La, Pr, Nd, Sm, and Gd with N-acetylvaline have-been measured. The complex formation does not give any detectable influence on the binding energy of the N 1s peak in the amino group, but has some appreciable effect on the binding energy of the C 1s peak and the O 1s peak in the carboxyl and carbonyl group of the biological ligand. The spin-orbit splitting between the 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 core level of the rare earth ion in these bioinorganic complexes also becomes slightly larger than that of the free rare earth atom due to the effect of the crystal field from the biological ligands.


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Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of (p-carboxyphenoxy)-tri(2,4-di-tert-pentyl phenoxy)phthalocyanine copper(II) (asyCuPc) are prepared; the associated forms of the compound in chloroform solution and the particular orientation of asyCuPc molecular macrocycles in LB films is determined by polarized UV-VIS.


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K7H6[Nd(GeMo11O39)2].18H2O was first synthesized and the crystal structure was determined. Crystal structure data are as follows: monolinic, space group P2(1)/n, a = 1.7095(4), b = 2.6895(3), c = 2.1214(5) nm, beta = 103.11 (2)-degrees, V = 9.4994(3) nm3, Z = 4, D(m) = 3.14g/cm3, D(c) = 3.05g/cm3, mu(MoK-alpha) = 43.7 cm-1. Experimental evidence and theoretical foundation of the method inferring the molecule structure of heteropoly compounds using their IR spectra were gaved by studying IR spectra properties of the complex with results of structural analysis. Electronic spectra prove that 4f-obital of Nd3+ take part in bonding in the complex.


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The use of least-squres polynomial smoothing in ICP-AES is discussed and a method of points insertion into spectral scanning intervals is proposed in the present paper. Optimal FWHM/SR ratio can be obtained, and distortion of smoothed spectra can be avoided by use of the recommended method.


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A study of doubly charged ion mass spectra (2E spectra), the substituents effect and the target gas pressure deppendence of biphenyl derivitives was presented in this work. The decomposition of doubly charged ion formed in the ion source is dominant by the losses of H, C2H2, C2H4 and HR(R represents substituent). [C12H8]2+, [C12H6]2+ and [C10H6]2+ among others are the most stable product ions. The substituents effect is Various in different decomposition reactions, and in some cases it can not be predicted by Hammett equition. While the TIC of 2E spectra was markedly influenced by the target gas pressure, but the fragmentation pattern of the 2E spectra is independent of it.


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The title complex has beep synthesized by the reaction of CaCl2, with trimethyl phosphate. Its Infrared spectra from 4000 to 100 cm(-1) measured. The assignment of acme absorption bands was discussed. It is found that the stretching vibrations of bridge groups O-P-O are divided into two groups according to their bond length. The crystal structure of the complex boa been determined from single crystal K-ray diffraction data. The crystals belong to monoclinic system, space group P2(1)/c with cell parameteras, a = 1,0704(4), b = 0.5093(2), c = 1.9737(6)nm, beta = 96.23(3)degrees, V = 1.0696(6)nm(2), Z = 4, final R = 0.044. Copper ion is coordinated to five Rimester oxygen atoms to form a distorted square pyramid. The adjacent copper ions are connected by symmetric and non-symmetric bridge groups of O-P-O, forming an infinite one-dimensional chain coordination polymer.


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The thermal stability and the solid solid phase transitions in Ills compounds with n = 7-12 have been studied by DSC and TG methods. Comparision with CnZn compounds want made. The nature of three phases of CnCu has been discussed in terms of infrared spectroscopy and the assignment of the phase transitions has been given. The thermal stability of CnCu is lower than that of CnZn and presents an obvious odd even effect. All of these compounds exhibit two solid solid phase transitions in the temperature range of 248-337 K. The peak tempe nature of phase transitions changes regularly. The peak temperature or the main phase transition increases with the chain length. The total transition enthalpies and entropies increase with increasing chain length. When n <= 9, the high temperature phase exists in a partial disorder state. When n >= 10, the high temperature phase exists in a conformational disorder state. The main phase transition and the phase transition at 307.7 K of CnCu may mainly are from the change of the packing structure and the change of the partial conformational order-disorder of alkyl chain, respectively.


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The low-frequency Raman spectrum of n-decylammonium chloride was measured as a function of temperature in the temperature range from 290 to 340K, and the longitudinal acoustical mode vibration band was assigned. The results showed that there are two phase transitions at 313K and 321K, respectively. The phase transition at 313K is mainly induced by change of hydrocarbon chain conformations, while that at 321K is mainly induced by change of order degree of molecular packing. The results suggest low-frequency Raman spectroscopy is a useful probe of structural phase transition for long-chain compounds.


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The mass spectral behaviour of 15 new type of organic phosphorus compounds with a considerable insecticidal activity, 1, 3,2-oxazaphospholidine 2-sulfides derivatives, under 70 eV electron impact has been studied by means of high and low resolution mass spectrometry as well as by B/E linked scan and MIKES/CID analysis. Discussion is focused into the isomerization between oxygen and sulphur in molecules and some rearrangement reactions.


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The reaction rates of MTPP with oxygen in air are Inas than that with pure oxygen, the ratio is roughly the same as to the partial presence of imygen in air, The influences of S-ligand etbanethiol and O- litand Vc on the above Systems have also been investigated, the former makes the MP hands having more changes and the reaction rate constants becoming greater, the latter has less influence.


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In chain molecules of 1, 2-PBD, there are two kinds of gauche arrangements, which is the cause of making the spectrum of the secondary carbon in main chain of the polymer split. In such a complex system, the gauche arrangements of the secondary carbon and the tertiary carbon occupy an important position. Hence, the contribution of the tertiary carbon to the chemical shifts of the secondary carbon has a decisive effect on the sequence structure distribution. In comparison the contribution of vinyl groups is ...


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The mass spectra of twelve phosphorothionates and phosphorodithionates have beenstudied by using low resolution EI, CI and high resolution as well as metastabletechnique. The fragmentation behaviour of the compounds and structure of characterit