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A wall-jet cell incorporating a carbon fibre array ring/glassy-carbon disk electrode has been constructed, and characterized by the cyclic voltammetry and flow-injection techniques. The ring (composed of several microdisks) and glassy-carbon disk electrode, can be used separately for different purposes, e.g., detection in solution without a supporting electrolyte, collection/shielding detection with dual-electrode and voltammetric/amperometric detection with series dual-electrode. The electrode shows better collection and shielding effects than usual ring-disk electrode in quiescent solution and the series dual-electrode in a thin-layer flow-through cell. The detection limit at the ring electrode is comparable with that at a conventional-size electrode, and has been used in the mobile phase without a supporting electrolyte, proving to be a promising detector for normal-phase liquid chromatography.


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Antioxidant activity of kappa-carrageenan oligosaccharides (OM) and their chemical modification derivatives was investigated employing various established in vitro systems, such as reducing power, iron ion chelation, and total antioxidant activity using beta-carotene-linoleic acid system. The oversulfated (SD), lowly (LAD), and highly acetylated derivatives (HAD) in reducing power assay, the phosphorylated derivative (PD) in metal chelating assay, and oversulfated and phosphorylated derivatives in total antioxidant activity assay exhibited antioxidant activity higher than that of carrageenan oligosaccharides. The results indicated that the chemical modification of carrageenan oligosaccharides can enhance their antioxidant activity in vitro. The protective effects of the carrageenan oligosaccharides and their chemically modified derivatives against H2O2 and UVA (long-wave ultraviolet radiation) induced oxidative damage on rat thymic lymphocyte were investigated by measuring cell viability via 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT). Thymic lymphocyte exposure to H2O2 and UVA, a marked reduction in cell survival was observed, which was significantly prevented by carrageenan oligosaccharides and their derivatives (preincubated for 2 h) at 66.7-2000 mu g/mL. But both the carrageenan oligosaccharides and their different derivatives showed the similar protective effects on intracellular level. Taken together, these results suggest that carrageenan oligosaccharides and their derivatives show relevant antioxidant activity both in vitro and in a cell system. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A monolithic silica based strong cation-exchange stationary phase was successfully prepared for capillary electrochromatography. The monolithic silica matrix from a sol-gel process was chemically modified by treatment with 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane followed by a chemical oxidation procedure to produce the desired function. The strong cation-exchange stationary phase was characterized by its substantial and stable electroosmotic flow (EOF), and it was observed that the EOF value of the prepared column remained almost unchanged at different buffer pH values and slowly decreased with increasing phosphate concentration in the mobile phase. The monolithic silica column with strong cation-exchange stationary phase has been successfully employed in the electrochromatographic separation of beta-blockers and alkaloids extracted from traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs). The column efficiencies for the tested beta-blockers varied from 210,000 to 340,000 plates/m. A peak compression effect was observed for atenolol with the mobile phase having a low phosphate concentration.


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In this work, a new method for the simultaneous determination of Pb(II) and Cd(II) on the multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT)-Nafion-bismuth modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) using square-wave anodic stripping voltammetry has been studied. Scanning electron microscopy was used to investigate the characteristics of the MWNT-Nafion-bismuth modified GCE.


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In this paper, the characterization and application of a chemically reduced graphene oxide modified glassy carbon (CR-GO/GC) electrode, a novel electrode system, for the preparation of electrochemical sensing and biosensing platform are proposed. Different kinds of important inorganic and organic electroactive compounds (i.e., probe molecule (potassium ferricyanide), free bases of DNA (guanine (G), adenine (A), thymine (T), and cytosine (C)), oxidase/dehydrogenase-related molecules (hydrogen peroxide (H2O2/beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)), neurotransmitters (dopamine (DA)), and other biological molecules (ascorbic acid (AA), uric acid (UA), and acetaminophen (APAP)) were employed to study their electrochemical responses at the CR-GO/GC electrode, which shows more favorable electron transfer kinetics than graphite modified glassy carbon (graphite/GC) and glassy carbon (GC) electrodes.


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The difference in the electrochemical behavior of hydroquinone and pyrocatechol. at platinum and gold surfaces was analyzed using voltammetry and attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results show that the hydroquinone derivatives are adsorbed on a gold surface with vertical orientation, which makes the electron transfer between the bulk species and the electrode surface easier than that in the case of flat adsorption of hydroquinone derivatives that occurs at a platinum electrode. The formation of the vertical conformation and the rapid process of electron transfer were also confirmed by quantum chemistry calculations. In addition, the pre-adsorbed iodine on the electrodes played a key role on the adsorbed configuration and. electron transfer of redox species.


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New methylene blue-intercalated a-zirconium phosphate (NMBZrP) was synthesized in the presence of n-butylamine and characterized by powder XRD, FTIR, TEM and elemental analysis. Sub-micron particles of NMBZrP in deionized water were apt to deposit onto the surface of graphite powder to yield graphite powder-supported NMBZrP, which was subsequently dispersed into methyltrimethoxysilane-derived gels to fabricate surface-renewable, stable, rigid carbon ceramic electrodes containing new methylene blue. Cyclic voltammetric studies revealed that peak currents of the NMBZrP-modified electrode were surface-confined at low scan rates but diffusion-controlled. at high scan rates. In addition, NMBZrP immobilized in a carbon ceramic matrix presented a two-electron, three-proton redox process in acidic aqueous solution in the pH range from 0.52 to 3.95.


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Multilayer films composed of heteropolyanions (HPAS, SiMo11 VO405-) and cationic polymer poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) on 4-aminothiophenol self-assembled-monolayer were fabricated by electrochemical growth. Growth processes of the composite films were characterized by cyclic voltammetry. The results prove the third redox peak of Mo increases more rapidly, otherwise the other Mo redox peaks increase very slowly when the number of layers of heteropolyanions is greater. The peak potentials of composite films shift linearly to negative position with higher pH, which implies that protons are involved in the redox processes of HPA. The investigation of electrocatalytic behaviors of composite films shows a good catalytic activity for the reductions of HNO2 and BrO3-. Catalytic currents increase with increasing number of layers of heteropolyanions, moreover, the catalytic currents have a good linear relationship with the concentrations of BrO3-.


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Heteropoly acid H4SiW12O48 (denoted as SiW12) was assembled with the mesoporous materials MCM-41 modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) (denote MCM-41((m))). The electrochemical behavior of SiW12/MCM-41((m)) complexes-based electrode indicated SiW12 anion was adsorbed by MCM-41((m)). In MCM-41((m)) electrode, large voltammetric waves, showing that the electrostatic bound ions adsorbed in MCM-41((m)) were electrochemically active. The potential application as amperometric sensors for nitrite is anticipated.


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The ion exchange mechanism accompanying the oxidation/reduction processes of cupric hexacyanoferrate-modified platinum electrodes in different aqueous electrolyte solutions has been studied by means of in situ probe beam deflection and the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance technique. The results demonstrate that the charge neutrality of the film during the reoxidation/reduction process is accomplished predominantly by the movement of cations, but anions and/or solvent are also participator(s). Moreover, in KHC8H4O4 (potassium biphthalate) solution, the EQCM data obtained from chronoamperometry experiment are more complicated than those in KCl and K2SO4 solutions. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The direct electrochemistry of cytochrome c was studied at nanometer-sized rare earth element dioxide particle-modified gold electrodes. It was demonstrated that rare earth element oxides can accelerate the electrochemical reaction of cytochrome c and the reversibility of the electrochemical reaction of cytochrome c was related to the size of rare earth element oxide particles.


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HOPG and GC electrode surface feature modified with Cobaltmethyltetraphenylorphyrins (CoTPP) was investigated by scanning tunneling microscope combined with cyclic voltammograms. The effect of electrode surface morphologie


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The electrochemical reactions of cytochrome c were studied at a thiophene-modified gold electrode. It was demonstrated that thiophene is an effective promoter, although there is only one functional group in the molecule. Based on this result, the mechanis


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Electrodes modified with isopolymolybdic acid+polyaniline film, which exhibit high stability and activity in aqueous acidic solution, have been prepared successfully using two methods: one-step synthesis by electrochemical polymerization at a constant applied potential of +0.80 V/SCE or by cycling the potential at 100 mV/s between -0.12 and +0.85 V in 0.5 M H2SO4 containing 5.0x10(-2) M aniline and 5.0x10(-3) M H4Mo8O26, or two-step synthesis by doping the polyaniline film electrode with isopoly acid (IPA) under a cycling potential between -0.20 and +0.40 V in 0.5 M H2SO4 containing the H4Mo8O26 dopant. The thickness of the film and the amount of dopant in the polyaniline film can be controlled by experimental parameters such as the charge, time and the ratio of aniline to IPA in the solution. The experimental results show that electrodes modified with isopolymolybdic acid+polyaniline film using both methods have a strong catalytic effect on the reduction of chlorate anions. Comparison of the two methods of modification shows that the catalytic effect at the modified electrode prepared by the two-step method is greater than that at the electrode prepared by the one-step method.


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A conducting polyaniline (PAn) film modified glassy carbon (GC) electrode was prepared by electrochemical polymerization. The electrochemical behavior of ascorbic acid (AH(2)) in aqueous solution at this PAn modified electrode was studied in detail. The experimental results show that PAn film modified electrode has good electrocatalytic activity on the oxidation of ascorbic acid in aqueous solution over a wide range of pH value, among which pH 4 is the optimum condition. The oxidation process of ascorbic acid at PAn film electrode can be regarded as an EC catalytic mechanism. The kinetic process of the catalytic reaction was investigated by rotating disk electrode (RDE) coated with PAn films. The rate constant of the catalytic reaction was evaluated. The catalytic peak currents are proportional to the concentrations tions of ascorbic acid in the range of 5 x 10(-2)-1 x 10(-6) mol . L-1. The PAn film elec trodes give very stable responce for the oxidation of ascorbic acid. The present investigation shows the posibility of using PAn film modified electrode for the determination of ascorbic acid.