166 resultados para 378.861


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对不同海拔地区的太阳 UV- B辐射和植物叶片的光学特性进行了比较研究。结果表明 :位于高海拔地区的海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站 ,太阳 UV- B辐射明显高于相近纬度的西宁、兰州和南京地区。UV- B辐射与总辐射和 PAR的日变化规律相似 ,都受太阳高度角的直接影响 ,在当地太阳正午时最高。UV- B/Q的日变化也为单峰曲线 ,海北站地区的 UV- B/Q高于西宁的同期测定结果。对珠芽蓼等植物的研究表明 ,生长于海北站地区的珠芽蓼 ,其叶片中紫外线吸收物质的含量明显高于西宁的同种植物 ,也略高于海拔较高的达坂山和小达坂山山顶的同种植物。叶绿素含量以海北站珠芽蓼最低 ,达坂山和小达坂山的同种植物最高。珠芽蓼叶片中类胡萝卜素的含量以西宁最低, 海北站、达坂山和小达坂山依次升高。海北站矮嵩草与从海北站移植到西宁生长4年的同种植物相比, 叶片中紫外线吸收物质、叶绿素、类胡萝卜素的变化与生长于两地区的珠芽蓼相同。


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在过去叶表皮实验的基础上,本文从鹅观草属不同组、系中新增解剖了16 个有代表性的种。根据这些种叶片反映的表皮微形态特征,进一步证实了鹅观草属共族分属以及属下类群划分的正确性,揭示了属中各主要类群的演化水平和系统发育关系。研究结果最后表明:鹅观草属的半颖组最原始,在系统发育中它可能既派生了较进化的小颖组和大颖组,又派生了最进化的长颖组;在大颖组中,齿草系较原始,纤毛草系较进化,宽叶草系最进化,纤毛草系和宽叶草系可能相继起生于齿草系。并且,鹅观草属的这种进化关系同过去细胞学和形态学提供的证据是基本一致的。


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The seed oil from Nitraria tangutorum samples was obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction methods. The extraction parameters for this methodology, including pressure, temperature, particle size and extraction time, were optimized. The free fatty acids in the seed oil were separated with a pre-column derivation method and 1,2-benzo-3,4-dihydrocarbazole-9-ethyl-p-toluenesulfonate (BDETS) as a labeling regent, followed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. The target compounds were identified by mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI in positive-ion mode). HPLC analysis shows that the main compositions of the seed oil samples were free fatty acids (FFAs) in high to low concentrations as follows: linoleic acid, oleic acid, hexadecanoic acid and octadecanoic acid. The assay detection limits (at signal-to-noise of 3:1) were 3.378-6.572 nmol/L. Excellent linear responses were observed, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.999. The facile BDETS derivatization coupled with mass spectrometry detection allowed the development of a highly sensitive method for analyzing free fatty acids in seed oil by supercritical CO2 extraction. The established method is highly efficient for seed oil extraction and extremely sensitive for fatty acid profile determination. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diverse biological characters commonly vary with altitude in species that have a wide altitudinal distribution, partly at least as a result of adaptation to differences in aridity, but whether such variation exists for phytochemical constituents remains unknown. Therefore, levels of seven important phytochemical constituents of Swertia franchetiana (swertiamarin, oleanolic acid, swertisin, mangiferin, 1,5,8-trihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone, 1,8-dihydroxy-3,7-dimethoxyxanthone and 1,8-dihydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyxanthone) were studied and statistically compared, using materials collected from sites ranging from 2200 to 3960 m in altitude. Swertiamarin was the most abundant in all samples, then mangiferin, oleanolic acid and the other three xanthones. Throughout the distributional range of this species, no altitudinal trend was detected for other constituents except 1,8-dihydroxy-3,7-dimethoxyxanthone, which showed a negative correlation with altitude. However, the concentration of 1, 8-dihydroxy-3,7-dimethoxyxanthone and mangiferin showed a significantly latitudinal and longitudinal correlation. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The occurrence of Late Cretaceous mafic dykes and their entrained peridotite and granulite xenoliths as well as clinopyroxene xenocrysts in the Qingdao region provide us a precious opportunity to unveil the nature and characteristics of the Late Mesozoic lithospheric mantle and lower crust beneath the Jiaodong region, and the change of the magma sources. These studies are of important and significant for understanding the lithospheric evolution in the eastern North China Craton. There were two periods of magma activities in Late Mesozoic in Qingdao Laoshan region, one was around 107Ma in the Early Cretaceous and the other around 86Ma in the Late Cretaceous according to the whole rock K-Ar age determination. The Early Cretaceous mafic dykes and the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke (i.e. Pishikou mafic dike) have completely different geochemical characteristics. The Early Cretaceous mafic dykes are enriched in LILE, strongly depleted in HFSE (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) and characterized by the highly radiogenic Sr and Nd isotopic compositions. These geochemical features indicate that the Early Cretaceous mafic dykes were derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle. In contrast, the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke is enriched in LILE, without HFSE depletion (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) and has less radiogenic Nd and Sr isotopic compositions. These geochemical features indicate that the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke was derived from the asthenosphere modified by subducted pelagic sediment contamination. The intrusive age of the Late Cretaceous mafic dyke provides further information for the termination of the lithosphere thinning for the eastern North China Crtaon. Pishikou Late Cretaceous mafic dyke contains abundant peridotitic xenoliths, granulite xenoliths and clinopyroxene xenocrysts. The peridotitic xenoliths can be divided into two types: high Mg# peridotites and low Mg# peridotites, according to their textural and mineral features. The high-Mg# peridotites have high Fo (up to 92.2) olivines and high Cr# (up to 55) spinels. The clinopyroxenes in the high# peridotites are rich in Cr2O3 and poor in Al2O3. The low-Mg# peridotites are typified by low Mg# (Fo <90) in olivines and low Cr# (Cr# <0.14) in spinels. The clinopyroxenes in the low-Mg# peridotites are rich in Al2O3 and Na2O and poor in Cr2O3. These two type peridotites have similar equilibrated temperatures of 950C-1100C. The Clinopyroxenes in the high-Mg# peridotites generally have high and variable REE contents (REE = 5.6-84 ppm) and LREE-enriched chondrite-normalized patterns ((La/Yb)N>1). In contrast, the clinopyroxenes in the low-Mg# peridotites have low REE contents (REE = 12 ppm) and LREE-depleted patterns ((La/Yb)N<1). The textural, mineral and elemental features of the low-Mg# peridotites are similar to those of the low-Mg peridotites from the Junan, representing the newly-accreted lithospheric mantle. However, the mineralogical and petrological features of the high-Mg# peridotites are similar to those of the high-Mg# peridotites from the Junan region, representing samples from the old refractory lithospheric mantle that was strongly and multiply affected by melts of different origins Late Cretaceous mafic dike in the Qingdao region also contains two types of granulite xenoliths according to the mineral constituents: the pyroxene-rich granulites and the plagioclase-rich granulites. Equilibrated temperatures calculated from the cpx-opx geothermometers are in a range of 861C - 910C for the pyroxene-rich granulites and of 847C - 890C for the plagioclase-rich granulites. The equilibrated pressure for the plagioclase-rich granulites is in a range of 9.9-11.7 kbar. Combined with the results of the peridotitic xenoliths, a 40C temperature gap exists between the peridotite and the granulite. The petrological Moho was 33~36 km at depths, broadly consistent with the seismic Moho estimated from the geophysical data. This indicates that there was no obvious crust-mantle transition zone in the Qingdao region in the Late Mesozoic. Pishikou Late Cretaceous mafic dyke entrained lots of clinopyroxene xenocrysts which are characterized by the chemical zoning. According to the zoning features, two types of clinopyroxene xenoliths can be classified, the normal zoning and the revise zoning. The normally-zoned clinopyroxene xenocrysts have LREE-depleted REE patterns in the cores. In contrast, the revisely-zoned clinopyroxenes have LREE-enriched REE patterns in the cores. According to the rim and core compositions of xenocrysts, all the rims are balanced with the host magma. Meanwhile, the origins of the cores were complicated, in which the normally-zoned clinopyroxenes were derived form the lithospheric mantle and some of the reversely-zoned clinopyroxnes were originated from the lower crust. Other revisely-zoned clinopyroxenes had experienced complex geological evolution and need to be further investigated. According to the above results, a simplified lithospheric profile has been established beneath the Qingdao region and a constraint on the nature and characteristics of the lithospheric mantle and lower crust has been made.


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上芒岗金矿由下部原生卡林型和上部 红色粘土型金矿体所组成,赋矿地层为侏罗系勐戛组砂泥质岩、白云质灰岩和二叠系沙子坡组泥硅质灰岩、白云岩。北东向上芒岗断裂构造与不整合面和岩溶的复合控制了矿床和矿体。围岩蚀变以硅化(似碧玉岩化)、黄铁矿化、碳酸盐化和粘土化为主,并具有水平与垂向分带性。地球化学研究表明,蚀变与矿化岩石的稀土含量与未蚀变泥质灰岩基本一致,成矿溶液为富CI^-型和富SO4^2-型,爆裂温度为183-378℃,δ^34S=6.471‰-21.965‰,δ^18O=9.3‰-11.6‰,δD=-70‰--77‰,^206Pb/^204Pb=19.551-20.05,^207Pb/^204Pb=15.690-16.240,^208Pb/^204Pb=38.710=40.137。红色粘土型矿石的红土化作用只达到粘土阶段。


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To study the relationship between mental-physical health and coping behavior,job stress and job motivation in medical laboratory scientists and technicians. A cross-section survey was conducted,using the anxiety rating scale(SAS), depression rating scale(SDS), coping behavior rating scale,self-rating subhealth scale,self-rating stress scale,and self-rating job motivation scale among 289 medical laboratory scientists and technicians with analysis of ANOVA and Regression. The study was carried out in three steps:step1 is to analyze the general situation of the mental-physical health.Step 2 is to analyze the features of the main influencial facotors.Step 3 is to study the influence of the relative factors on mental-physical health.The following are the results: 1.The anxiety and depression scores of the medical researchers and technicians were 30±6 and 37±8 respectively,both significantly lower than those of the national norm(34±6 and 42±11 respectively,both P<0.01),which are of significant difference. The depression score of the associate chief technician was 42±7, significantly higher than those of the medical researchers and technicians with any other professional titles (all P<0.05), and the anxiety score of the associate chief technicians was 32±7, significantly higher than that of the research fellows(28±4, P<0.05),with no significant difference to the score of the medical researchers and technicians with other professional titles. The depression score,anxiety score and the subhealth score of the age group of 36~49 were 39±9,31±7 and 32±9 respectively, both higher than that of the age group of 20~35 (36±8,29±6 and 29±7 respectively,both P<0.05),while there is much diference among other age groups. And the subhealth status has nothing to do with marital status,education background and professional titles. 2.The coping behaviors,job stress and motivation of the military medical laboratory scientists and technicians. 1)Coping behaviors:The seeking help score of the associate chief technicians was 2.8±0.5,not significantly different from that of the associate research fellows(2.8±0.5),but significantly lower than those of the medical researchers and technicians with other professional titles(all P<0.01),and whose self-blame score was higher than that of the research fellows,which is of significant difference.The self-blame score and the imagination score of the associate research fellows were 2.0±0.5 and 2.4±0.5 respectively, significantly higher than that of the research fellows(1.6±0.4, 2.1±0.4,both P<0.01). The seeking help score of the females was 3.1±0.5, significantly higher than that of the males(2.9±0.5, both P<0.01),and the solving problem score was 3.4±0.6,significantly lower than the male(3.6±0.7, both P<0.01).There is no any significant difference in coping behaviors among researchers and technicians of different marital status,education background and age groups. 2)Job stress: The score of job stress of the age group of 35~49 and 50~60 were 23±8 and 25±6 respectively,significantly higher than that of the 20~35(21±7,both P<0.05). There is no any significant difference in job stress among researchers and technicians of different marital status,gender,professional titles and education background. 3)The score of meeting personal desire for reputation and interests of the males was 19.6±5.4,significantly higher than that of the females(18.4±5.0, both P<0.05), while there is no significant difference in job motivation among researchers and technicians of different titles,education,age and marital status. 3.The relationship of the mental-physical health of the military medical laboratory scientists and technicians with their coping behaviors,job stress and motivations 1) Coping behaviors:Regression analysis showed that, the best predictors of subhealth were anxiety,depression and escaping (β=-0.40,β=0.23, β=0.14, both P<0.01).the best predictors of anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors (β=-0.40,β=0.40, both P<0.01).The moderate(rational) coping behaviors is the best predictor only of anxiety and of significant difference. 2)job stress : Regression analysis demonstrated that anxiety,depression,job stress 2 and job stress 4 are the best predictor for subhealth;job stress 12 is the best retro-predictor for depression; job stress 3 and 8 are the best predictor for depression;and job stress 2 and 9 are the best predictor for anxiety ,which are of significant difference. 3)Motivation:Regression analysis demonstrated that depression is the best predictor for subhealth while motivation itself doesn't predict subhealth;with respect to the specific contents of motivation,"probing unknown rules and making contributions to the human society "is the best retro-predictor for depression and has nothing to do with anxiety prediction. 4) The combined influences of coping behaviors,job stress and motivations: Regression analysis showed that, the best predictors for subhealth were anxiety,depression and job stress(β=0.41,β=0.24, β=0.19, both P<0.01).the best predictors for anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors (β=-0.40,β=0.40, both P<0.01).The moderate(rational) coping behaviors is the best predictor only for anxiety and of significant difference. CONCLUSIONS: Regression analysis showed that the best predictors for anxiety and depression were active coping behaviors and negative coping behaviors, the best predictors for subhealth were anxiety,depression and job stress.Coping behaviors, job stress and motivations have significant influences on the mental-physical health of the military medical researchers and and technicians. Among them,coping behavior is the most important factor while job stress and motivation follow. Seeking help more often,less self-blame ,imagination and job stress could help release the anxiety, depression and improve the subhealth of the medical researchers and technicians. The findings of this study indicate we should address the physical and mental health of the military laboratory researchers and technicians.