227 resultados para Unicellular Algae
The feasibility of an inexpensive wastewater treatment system is evaluated in this study. An integrated biological pond system was operated for more than 3 years to purify the wastewater from a medium-sized city, Central China. The experiment was conducted in 3 phases with different treatment combinations for testing their purification efficiencies. The pond system was divided into 3 functional regions: influent purification, effluent upgrading and multi-utilization. These regions were further divided into several zones and subzones. Various kinds of aquatic organisms, including macrophytes, algae, microorganisms and zooplankton, were effectively cooperating in the wastewater treatment in this system. The system attained high reductions of BOD5, COD, TSS, TN, TP and other pollutants. The purification efficiencies of this system were higher than those of most traditional oxidation ponds or ordinary macrophyte ponds. The mutagenic effect and numbers of bacteria and viruses declined significantly during the process of purification. After the wastewater flowed through the upgrading zone, the concentrations of pollutants and algae evidently decreased. Plant harvesting did not yield dramatic effects on reductions of the main pollutants, though it did significantly affect the biomass productivity of the macrophytes. The effluent from this system could be utilized in irrigation and aquaculture. Some aquatic products were harvested from this system and some biomass was utilized for food, fertilizer, fodder and some other uses. The wastewater was reclaimed for various purposes.
The role of phosphorus cycling in algal metabolism was studied in a shallow lake, Donghu, in Wuhan using the methods of measuring cell quota C, N and P, and calculating nutrients uptake rate by algal photosynthesis. The mean daily phosphorus uptake rate of phytoplankton varied between 0.04-0.11 and 0.027-0.053 g/m2/d in station I and station II respectively. The turnover time of phosphorus in phytoplankton metabolism ranged from 0.75-5.0 days during 1979-1986. The available P was 0.176 (+/- 0.156) g/m3 (mean +/- SD) in 1982 and 0.591 (+/- 0.24) g/m3 in 1986. The relationship between P/B ratio (Y) and TP (X: mg/l) was described by the following regression equation Y = 1.163 + 0.512logX (r = 0.731, P < 0.001). The dynamics of algal biomass and algal species succession were monitored as the indicators of environmental enrichment. The small-sized algae have replaced the blue-green algae as the dominant species during 1979-1986. The small-sized algae include Merismopedia glauca, Cryptomonas ovata, Cryptomonas erosa, several species Cyclotella. There has been drastic decrease in algal biomass and an obvious increase in P/B ratio. A nutrient competition hypothesis is proposed to explain the reason of the disappearance of blue-green algae bloom. The drastic change in algal size and the results in high P/B ratio (reaching a maximum mean daily ratio of 1.09 in 1986) may suggest a transition of algal species from K-selection to r-selection in Lake Donghu.
大型海藻的生产力高,生产成本低,是一种理想的能源作物。广东省是我国海洋大省之一,约35万平方公里的海域,海藻物种丰富,为海藻养殖提供了有利的条件。我省是能源消耗大省,大部分依靠外省调入和进口,发展海藻能源技术是缓解能源问题的重要途径之一。目前,海藻作为生物质的利用技术还不成熟。在本论文中,选用我省常见的江蓠、马尾藻和麒麟菜三种的大型的海藻进行热解和发酵实验。 首先,对海藻在不同温度下(400℃~900℃)热解得到的各产物(气体、焦油和残渣)产率和热值以及气体组分进行了分析,研究了各热解产物产率、热值和气体组分随温度的变化规律,分析热解过程中的K、Ca、Na、Mg等元素的析出和迁移规律。用去离子水和稀盐酸对海藻进行洗滤预处理,研究其热解特性,进行热重分析,建立海藻热解的反应动力学模型,并计算海藻的动力学参数。分析结果表明:热解气体中的主要成分为H2、CO、CH4、C2H4、C2H6等,热解气低位热值介于5~15 MJ/m3之间。海藻本身具有灰分含量较高和热值较低的特点,水洗可以有效地脱除部分的碱金属,并可以减少灰分含量,改善海藻的热解特性。 其次,以江蓠和马尾藻为底物进行发酵。结果表明:海藻中含有大量金属阳离子,直接发酵容易溶解到料液中,抑制微生物生长,影响发酵效果。用淡水浸泡以后的海藻能容易进行发酵。江蓠的产气率要高于马尾藻。在发酵温度为35℃,简单破碎,料液浓度为5%的条件下,江蓠TS(总固体)产气率是390.6L/kg 。在55℃,颗粒大小0.6~0.9mm,料液浓度为5%的条件下,马尾藻TS产气率是173.1L/kg。 通过对比海藻热解和发酵过程及结果的比较可以发现,海藻热解产气率低,碱金属容易析出;海藻发酵可以直接利用湿原料,产气率高,但发酵时间较长,需要合适的菌种。在目前没有特殊专有技术的情况下,采用发酵比采用热解实现海藻的能源化利用可能性更大。 最后,对本论文的研究探讨进行总结,并对今后进一步完善该工作提出了建议。
糖酵解作为细胞的重要的基本代谢途径广泛存在于各类生物中。但参与该途径的tim基因/酶和整个途径在细胞中的区室定位情况在一些处在关键进化地位的藻类中还存在许多未知或争议。本文首先对参与该途径的一个重要酶――磷酸丙糖异构酶(TIM)在两种不同营养方式的眼虫上进行了鉴定和序列结构分析,并结合了包括绿藻、红藻和动基体类等在内的其它生物的数据进行了分子系统分析;其次,对该途径在绿藻类的衣藻细胞中的区室定位情况进行了研究,并对该特殊的区室定位途径的进化进行了探讨。得到了如下结果和结论: 1)通过3’与5’-RACE实验,在光合型眼虫Euglena gracilis和Euglena intermedia和腐生型眼虫Astasia longa中各获得了一长一短两个TIM的全长cDNA序列,同时通过基因组DNA-PCR和序列搜索,还获得了两种绿藻和红藻的tim基因序列。前导序列分析显示眼虫的两个cDNA分别编码定位到胞质的cTIM和定位到叶绿体的cpTIM或质体的pTIM。腐生眼虫A. longa的pTIM与光合型眼虫E. gracilis的cpTIM高度相似,其前导序列也具有眼虫典型的核编码叶绿体蛋白质的典型特征;两类不同营养型眼虫的成熟TIM间的同源性达91.6%,并且具有其它TIM所共有的活性中心氨基酸和保守的序列motifs。这表明A. longa的pTIM确实是定位于质体、具有生物活性的cpTIM的同工酶,并提示A. longa的质体还具有与TIM相关的代谢功能(例如脂肪酸的合成),而不仅仅是一个叶绿体的“残迹”。 TIM的序列比对和分子系统分析结果显示:眼虫类和红藻类的TIM共有一个由两个氨基酸组成的插入;更重要的是,眼虫类TIM既没有与被认为与它共祖的动基体类的TIM聚在一起,又没有与被认为为其提供叶绿体(经二次内共生)的绿藻的TIM聚在一起,而是与红藻TIM聚为一枝。这提示眼虫与红藻间在进化历史上可能曾经有过基因交流。 2)采用生物信息学手段结合分子生物学实验,对衣藻基因组和转录组中参与糖酵解相关基因/酶进行了鉴定、定位预测和表达水平分析,结果表明:与其它极大多数的真核生物不同,衣藻细胞质中不具有完整的糖酵解途径,尽管该途径的后三步主要发生在胞质中,但前七步则是发生在叶绿体中的。 分子系统分析表明衣藻叶绿体中参与前6步和细胞质中参与最后2步的糖酵解酶都是胞质型起源,其中参与第4步的FBA更像是由很早时期的胞质型基因重复而来的;而第7步的PGK是由内共生形成叶绿体的蓝细菌的水平基因转移而来。这表明衣藻胞质中所缺少的糖酵解酶是一种次生性丢失的结果,而非原始的特征;其叶绿体中的糖酵解步骤应该是由于原有胞质型糖酵解酶的基因重复之后重新定位或者直接重新定位到叶绿体中,以及内共生产生叶绿体时由蓝细菌的水平基因转移所致。
水华暴发是一个世界性的问题,近年来在发展中国家显得尤其严重。水华暴发给环境和公众健康带来巨大灾难,一些蓝藻产生的毒素可以造成鱼类、鸟禽和家畜的死亡,而臭名昭著的微囊藻产生的微囊藻毒素更是有强烈致癌效应。因此,寻找控制水华藻类的有效方法非常迫切。在利用物理和化学方法处理不甚理想的情况下,利用溶藻细菌控藻成为一个新的研究方向。溶藻细菌一般直接从富营养化水体中分离,杀藻活力对有害蓝藻具有较强的选择性而不危害其它生物,尤其适合在水华发生初期使用,可以在短时间内达到阻止藻类增殖的效果。本研究富集分离到一个高效溶解铜绿微囊藻的溶藻菌群,对其溶藻效应和溶藻机制进行了探索研究。 1溶藻菌群的富集筛选及其溶微囊藻效果 富集筛选得到一个有明显抑藻效果的菌群,它对铜绿微囊藻有显著溶藻效果。与对照组相比,加入富集的溶藻菌后,第4 d开始出现溶藻现象,6~8 d出现明显的溶藻效果,8 d后测得叶绿素去除率在85%以上。 2 溶藻菌群的作用范围及溶藻特性 富集分离到的溶藻菌群对铜绿微囊藻和念珠藻有显著溶藻作用,对水华微囊藻和其它几株受试微囊藻没有明显溶藻效应。该溶藻菌群不仅可以在液体中溶解铜绿微囊藻,生长在固体平板上的藻苔也有一定的溶藻效应,生成溶藻空斑。保证快速溶藻的最大稀释度可以达到1/100, 000。 3 环境因子对菌群溶藻效力的影响 试验发现,不同的pH、温度、和光照条件下,溶藻菌群溶藻效力明显不同,且不同种类的氮源对其溶藻作用也有一定影响。这些条件对该菌群溶藻作用的影响,在相当的程度上可能取决于它们对藻和细菌两者的生长状况的影响综合。 4 溶藻菌群的溶藻作用机理 溶藻菌液过滤除菌和煮沸灭菌处理后溶藻液,未见明显的溶藻效果,只有原液具有很好的溶藻效果。因此可初步确定,蓝藻细胞的溶解可能是由溶藻菌直接接触藻细胞产生的作用效果。显微镜观察发现,细菌在溶藻的过程中频繁地接触藻细胞并侵入藻细胞,破坏进而裂解杀死藻细胞。这也进一步说明了此溶藻菌是通过直接方式杀藻。 5 溶藻菌群的菌群结构解析 分离有溶藻效果的纯菌的多次尝试都没有成功。结合DGGE和16S rDNA文库综合分析发现:Rubritepida菌,假单胞菌和鞘氨醇单胞菌是存在于铜绿微囊藻中的三种伴生细菌。加入富集的溶藻菌群后,菌群结构发生明显的变化,Rubritepida菌、假单胞菌消失,混合菌群则包含未培养黄杆菌,鞘氨醇单胞菌和噬氢菌,其中黄杆菌是优势菌群,并且细菌种群结构的变化与藻细胞消亡之间有显著的相关性。通过菌种的分离鉴定与DGGE和16S rDNA文库的测序结果比较,一些未培养菌可能在溶藻过程中起重要调控作用。 6 溶藻细菌控藻应用基础 (1) 扩大规模的模拟水华实验进一步确定了细菌对微囊藻的强烈溶解作用。 (2) 铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa 905, zc)、微囊藻(Microcystis spp., zd)和溶藻菌群共培养试验表明,zc可以抑制zd生长,而溶藻菌群可以溶zc。 本研究是第一次报道混合菌群的溶藻效应。该溶藻菌群对带有藻际细菌的铜绿微囊藻具有高效的溶藻效力,表明它对自然界中存在的带菌铜绿微囊藻和其它一些蓝藻的生消具有一定的控制作用。对进一步研究菌藻关系与生态学作用,以及对富营养化湖泊和水库水体中蓝藻暴发的防控,该菌群具有一定的应用潜力。 Cyanobacterial blooms break out frequently all over the world, especially in developing countries. Blooms create enormous disasters to public health and to the environment. Some cyanobacterial blooms produce extremely toxic substances that have killed fish, domestic animals and birds. It has been well known that microcystins, a hepatoxin produced by Microcystis, can promote tumors in humans. So it is very important to find an effective method for controlling the growth of the bloom-forming algae. Measures for controlling such kind of algae include physical, chemic and biologic means, but the former two may damage the aquatic environment and require high-energy inputs. The alternative approach for the elimination of nuisance algae involves the application of algicidal bacteria. The algicidal bacteria, which are nontoxic to other organisms and most of which are isolated from the eutrophic lake in situ, may be potential microbial algaecides. In the initial stages of the water blooms, they are able to restrain the biomass or multiplication of the bloom-forming algae in a short time. In order to use algicidal bacteria to suppress blooms of M. aeruginosa, we isolated a bacterial culture capable of lysing the noxious cyanobacteria M. aeruginosa. In this paper we described some properties of the bacterial culture and its growth-inhibiting or algicidal effects on the growth of M. aeruginosa, and investigated its algicidal mechanisms. 1 Enrichment of a microbial culture that lyses Microcystis aeruginosa A mixed bacterial culture was isolated from a hypereutrophic pond and showed significant algicidal activity against the noxious Microcystis aeruginosa. Algae lysis would be seen obviously 4 days later when the algae culture was killed and became yellow contrast to no-addition controls, and chlorophyll a (chl-a) reduction went beyond 85% 8 days later. 2 The host range and some other algicidal feature of the mixed algicidal culture. Microcystis aeruginosa, Nostoc sp., were susceptible to the mixed algicidal culture, while the lytic effects of this mixed culture on Microcystis flos-aquae and some other tested Microcystis were feeble.The algicidal culture can not only lyse M. aeruginosa in liquid media, but aslo lyse M. aeruginosa lawns on soft agar plates and form plaques. The maximun dilution of the mixed culture required for rapid Microcystis lysis is 1/100, 000. 3 Influences of environmental factors such as pH, temperature, illumination, and the nitrogen source on the lytic activity of the mixed bacterial culture on Microcystis aeruginosa. In our investigations, it was shown that the lytic activity of the mixed bacterial culture on Microcystis aeruginosa was straightly correlated with pH, temperature, illumination, as well as the nitrogen source in the medium. The impacts of these environmental factors on the algicidal activity of the mixed bacterial culture, to a certain extent, may depend on both the algal and the bacterial growth rates under the tested environmental conditions. 4 The mechanisms of algal cell lysis by the algicidal bacteria Death was detected when the mixed bacterial culture was added to the algal culture, but not when only the culture filtrate or autoclaved bacterial culture was added. This indicates that the mixed bacterial culture did not release extracellular products inhibitory to Microcystis aeruginosa. In addition, under the microscope, we observed frequent contacts btween bacteria and algae cells, and some bacteria can even penetrate into target algal cells and destroyed them. These results may suggest that the bacterium kill the alga by direct contact. 5 Molecular Characterization of the algicidal bacterial culture Attempts for isolation of pure bacterium or bacteria from the enrichment culture responsible for Microcystis lysis have so far been failed. Based on PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) and 16S rDNA clone library analysis, Rubritepida sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Sphingomonas sp., as accompanying bacteria, were existed in M. aeruginosa. The bacterial community in M. aeruginosa showed significant change after adding the enrichment culture, where uncultured Flavorbacterium sp., Sphingomonas sp. and Hydrogenophaga sp. were observed, and the uncultured Flavorbacterium sp. became a dominant species. The obvious correlation can be seen between change of bacterial population and extinction of M. aeruginosa. Compared identification of pure bacterium with sequencing of DGGE bands and the clone distribution of the clone libraries, it was inferred that some uncultured bacteria were probably play an important role in controlling the growth and abundance of M. aeruginosa. This report is the first example of a mixed bacterial culture with the ability to lyse M. aeruginosa. 6 Further study for algae control by applications of algicidal bacteria (1) Algae lysis would be seen obviously 6 days later when the algae culture was killed and became yellow contrast to no-addition controls, and chlorophyll a (chl-a) was reducted to a low level 20 days later in the simulated water bloom experiments. (2) The growth of Microcystis sp. (zd) was restrained by Microcystis aeruginosa 905 (zc) when they were co-cultured together, and zc was lysed by the algicidal bacterial culture. This report is the first example of a mixed bacterial culture with the ability to lyse M. aeruginosa, and its algicidal activity remained high against non-axenic tested M. aeruginosa, suggesting that bacteria in the natural environment could play a role in controlling the growth and abundance of M. aeruginosa and other cyanobacteria. Such bacteria could also potentially be used as agents to prevent the mass development of cyanobacteria in eutrophic lakes and reservoirs.
A marine green alga, Platymonas subcordiformis, was demonstrated to photobiologically evolve hydrogen (H-2) after the first stage of photosynthesis, when subjected to a two-phase incubation protocol in a second stage of H2 production: anaerobic incubation in the dark followed by the exposure to light illumination. The anaerobic incubation induced hydrogenase activity to catalyse H? evolution in the following phase of light illumination. H,) evolution strongly depended upon the duration of anaerobic incubation, deprivation of sulphur (S) from the medium and the medium pH. An optimal anaerobic incubation period of 32 h gave the maximum H2 evolution in the second phase in the absence of sulphur. Evolution of H,) was greatly enhanced by 13 times when S was deprived from the medium. This result suggests that S plays a critical role in the mediation of H-2 evolution from R subcordiformis. A 14-fold increase in H-2 production was obtained when the medium pH increased from 5 to 8; with a sharp decline at pH above eight. H-2 evolution was enhanced by 30-50% when supplementing the optimal concentrations of 25 mM acetate and 37.5 mM glucose. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Melatonin is a highly conserved molecule that not only exists in animals, but also is present in bacteria, unicellular organisms and in plants. Since melatonin is an antioxidant, in plants melatonin was speculated to protect them from intrinsic and environmental oxidative stress. More importantly, melatonin in edible plants inevitably enters animals and human through feed and food. In this study, more than 100 Chinese medicinal herbs were analyzed using the methods of solid phase extraction and HPLC-FD on-line with MS to determine whether melatonin is present in these commonly used herbs. Melatonin was detected in majority of these plants. Sixty-four of them contain melatonin in excess of 10 ng per gram dry mass. Melatonin levels in several herbs are in excess of 1000 ng/g. It is well known that normal average physiological plasma levels of melatonin are only 10-60 pg/mL. These high level-melatonin containing plants are traditionally used to treat diseases which presumably involve free radical damage. The current study provides new information concerning one potentially effective constituent present in a large number of medicinal herbs. The results suggest that these herbs should be reevaluated in reference to their nutritional and medicinal value. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Maps of surface chlorophyllous pigment (Chl a + Pheo a) are currently produced from ocean color sensors. Transforming such maps into maps of primary production can be reliably done only by using light-production models in conjuction with additional information about the column-integrated pigment content and its vertical distribution. As a preliminary effort in this direction. $\ticksim 4,000$ vertical profiles pigment (Chl a + Pheo a) determined only in oceanic Case 1 waters have been statistically analyzed. They were scaled according to dimensionless depths (actual depth divided by the depth of the euphotic layer, $Z_e$) and expressed as dimensionless concentrations (actual concentration divided by the mean concentration within the euphotic layer). The depth $Z_e$ generally unknown, was computed with a previously develop bio-optical model. Highly sifnificant relationships were found allowing $\langle C \rangle_tot$, the pigment content of the euphotic layer, to be inferred from the surface concentration, $\bar C_pd$, observed within the layer of one penetration depth. According to their $\bar C_pd$ values (ranging from $0.01 to > 10 mg m^-3$), we categorized the profiles into seven trophic situations and computed a mean vertical profile for each. Between a quasi-uniform profile in eutrophic waters and a profile with a strong deep maximum in oligotrophic waters, the shape evolves rather regularly. The wellmixed cold waters, essentially in the Antarctic zone, have been separately examined. On average, their profiles are featureless, without deep maxima, whatever their trophic state. Averaged values their profiles are featureless, without deep maxima, whatever their trophic state. Averaged values their profiles are featureless, without deep maxima, whatever their trophic state. Averaged values of $ρ$, the ratio of Chl a tp (Chl a + Pheo a), have also been obtained for each trophic category. The energy stored by photosynthesizing algae, once normalized with respect to the integrated chlorophyll biomass $\langle C \rangle _tot $ is proportional to the available photosythetic energy at the surface via a parameter $ψ∗$ which is the cross-section for photosynthesis per unit of areal chlorophyll. By tanking advantage of the relative stability of $ψ∗.$ we can compute primary production from ocean color data acquired from space. For such a computation, inputs are the irradiance field at the ocean surface, the "surface" pigment from which $\langle C \rangle _tot$ can be derived, the mean $ρ value pertinent to the trophic situation as depicted by the $\bar C_pd or $\langle C \rangle _tot$ values, and the cross-section $ψ∗$. Instead of a contant $ψ∗.$ value, the mean profiles can be used; they allow the climatological field of the $ψ∗.$ parameter to be adjusted through the parallel use of a spectral light-production model.
IntroductionConventional polymers such as polyethyleneand polypropylene persistfor many years after landdisposal.Furthermore,plastics are often soiled byfood and other biological substances,making phys-ical recycling of those materials impractical andgenerally undesirable. In contrast,biodegradablepolymers disposed in bioactive environment are de-graded by the enzymatic action of microorganismssuch as bacteria,fungi,and algae.The worldwideconsumption of biodegradable polymers increasedfrom1.4×107kg in ...
Fatty acid desaturases are enzymes that introduce double bonds into the hydrocarbon chains of fatty acids. The fatty acid desaturases from 37 cyanobacterial genomes were identified and classified based upon their conserved histidine-rich motifs and phylogenetic analysis, which help to determine the amounts and distributions of desaturases in cyanobacterial species. The filamentous or N-2-fixing cyanobacteria usually possess more types of fatty acid desaturases than that of unicellular species. The pathway of acyl-lipid desaturation for unicellular marine cyanobacteria Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus differs from that of other cyanobacteria, indicating different phylogenetic histories of the two genera from other cyanobacteria isolated from freshwater, soil, or symbiont. Strain Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421 was isolated from calcareous rock and lacks thylakoid membranes. The types and amounts of desaturases of this strain are distinct to those of other cyanobacteria, reflecting the earliest divergence of it from the cyanobacterial line. Three thermophilic unicellular strains, Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 and two Synechococcus Yellowstone species, lack highly unsaturated fatty acids in lipids and contain only one Delta 9 desaturase in contrast with mesophilic strains, which is probably due to their thermic habitats. Thus, the amounts and types of fatty acid desaturases are various among different cyanobacterial species, which may result from the adaption to environments in evolution. Copyright (c) 2008 Xiaoyuan Chi et al.
Background: Red algae are primitive photosynthetic eukaryotes, whose spores are ideal subjects for studies of photosynthesis and development. Although the development of red alga spores has received considerable research attention, few studies have focused on the detailed morphological and photosynthetic changes that occur during the early development of tetraspores of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Herein, we documented these changes in this species of red algae. Results: In the tetraspores, we observed two types of division, cruciate and zonate, and both could develop into multicellular bodies (disks). During the first 84 hours, tetraspores divided several times, but the diameter of the disks changed very little; thereafter, the diameter increased significantly. Scanning electron microscopy observations and analysis of histological sections revealed that the natural shape of the disk remains tapered over time, and the erect frond grows from the central protrusion of the disk. Cultivation of tissue from excised disks demonstrated that the central protrusion of the disk is essential for initiation of the erect frond. Photosynthetic (i.e., PSII) activities were measured using chlorophyll fluorescence analysis. The results indicated that freshly released tetraspores retained limited PSII photosynthetic capabilities; when the tetraspores attached to a substrate, those capabilities increased significantly. In the disk, the PSII activity of both marginal and central cells was similar, although some degree of morphological polarity was present; the PSII photosynthetic capabilities in young germling exhibited an apico-basal gradient. Conclusions: Attachment of tetraspores to a substrate significantly enhanced their PSII photosynthetic capabilities, and triggered further development. The central protrusion of the disk is the growth point, may have transfer of nutritive material with the marginal cells. Within the young germling, the hetero-distribution of PSII photosynthetic capabilities might be due to the differences in cell functions.
A group of coenocytic marine algae differs from higher plants, whose totipotency depends on an intact cell (or protoplast). Instead, this alga is able to aggregate its extruded protoplasm in sea water and generate new mature individuals. It is thought that lectins play a key role in the aggregation process. We purified a lectin associated with the aggregation of cell organelles in Bryopsis hypnoides. The lectin was ca. 27 kDa with a pI between pH 5 and pH 6. The absence of carbohydrate suggested that the lectin was not a glycoprotein. The hemagglutinating activity (HA) of the lectin was not dependent on the. presence of divalent cations and was inhibited by N-Acetylgalactosamine, N-Acetylglucosamine, and the glycoprotein bovine submaxillary mucin. The lectin preferentially agglutinated Gram-negative bacterium. The HA of this lectin was stable between pH 4 to pH 10. Cell organelles outside the cytoplasm were agglutinated by the addition of lectin solution (0.5 mg ml(-1)). Our results suggest that the regeneration of B. hypnoides is mediated by this lectin. We also demonstrated that the formation of cell organelle aggregates was inhibited by nigericin in natural seawater (pH 8.0). Given that nigericin dissipates proton gradients across the membrane, we hypothesize that the aggregation of cell organelles was proton-gradient dependent.
RNA isolation is difficult in some plants and algae because phenolics, polysaccharides, or other compounds can bind or co-precipitate with RNA, and because the success of RNA isolation can be strain-specific and species-specific. To create an improved RNA isolation protocol for Laminaria japonica Aresch (Laminariaceae, Phaeophyta), four methods for extracting RNA were tested. A cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)-based RNA extraction protocol was developed that clearly showed 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA bands and produced RNA with high yield (68 mu g g(-1) fresh weight) and high quality (A (260/280) ratio 1.96 +/- 0.05). The isolated RNA was intact, and RT-PCR analysis confirmed that further molecular application is feasible.