183 resultados para Mach-Zehnder interferometers
The research progress on high-enthalpy and hypersorlic flows having been achieved in the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is reported in this paper. The paper consists of three main parts: The first part is on the techniques to develop advanced hypersonic test facilities, in which the detonation-driven shock-reflected tunnel and the detonation-driven shock-expanded tube are introduced. The shock tunnel can be used for generating hypersonic flows of a Mach number ranging from 10 to 20, and the expansion tube is applicable to simulate the flows with a speed of 7 similar to 10km/s. The second part is dedicated to the shock tunnel nozzle flow diagnosis to examine properties of the hypersonic flows thus created. The third part is on experiments and numerical simulations. The experiments include measuring the aerodynamic pitching moment and heat transfer in hypersonic flows, and the numerical work reports nozzle flow simulations and flow non-equilibrium effects on the possible experiments that may be carried out on the above-mentioned hypersonic test facilities.
2 The flow of a compressible viscous fluid through a straight pipe.(可压缩黏性流体在直管中的流动1943年)
3 Two dimensional irrotational mixed subsonic and supersonic flow of a compressible fluid and the upper critical Mach number(可压缩流体二维无旋亚声速和超声速混合型流动及上临界马赫数1946年)
4 On the stability of transonic flows(论跨声速流的稳定性1947年)
5 The propagation of a spherical or a cylindrical wave of finite amplitude and the production of shock waves(有限振幅球面波或柱面波的传播及激波的产生1947年)
6 Two-dimensional irrotational transonic flows of a compressible fluid(可压缩流体二维无旋跨声速流动1948年)
7 On the hodograph method(关于速度图方法1949年)
8 Two-dimensional transonic flow past airfoils(绕翼型的二维跨声速流1951年)
9 On the stability of two-dimensional smooth transonic flows(论二元光滑跨声速流的稳定性1951年)
10 On the flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a flat plate at moderate Reynolds numbers(中等雷诺数下不可压缩黏性流体绕平板的流动1953年)
11 Reflection of a weak shock wave from a boundary layer along a flat plate.I:Interaction of weak shock waves with laminar and turbulent boundary lavers analyzed by momentum-integral method(弱激波从沿平板的边界层的反射Ⅰ:用动量积分方法分析弱激波与层流和湍流边界层的相互作用1953年)
12 Reflection of weak shock wave from a boundary layer along a flat plate.Ⅱ:Interaction of oblique shock wave with a laminar boundary layer analyzed by differential-equation method(弱激波从沿平板的边界层的反射Ⅱ:用微分方程方法分析斜激波与层流边界层的相互作用1953年)
13 Plane subsonic and transonic potential flows(平面亚、跨音速势流1954年)
14 A similarity rule for the interaction between a conical field and a plane shock(锥型流和激波相互作用的相似律1955年)
15 Viscous flow along a flat plate moving at high supersonic speeds(沿高超声速运动平板的黏性流动【Ⅰ】1956年)
16 Viscous flow along a flat plate moving at high supersonic speeds(沿高超声速运动平板的黏性流动【Ⅱ】1956年)
17 The effects of Prandtl number on high-speed viscous flows over a flat plate(Prandtl数对绕平板高速黏性流的影响1956年)
18 Compressible viscous flow past a wedge moving at hypersonic speeds(楔的高超声速可压缩黏性绕流1956年)
19 Dissociation effects in hypersonic viscous flows(高超声速黏性流动中的离解效应1957年)
20 现代空气动力学的问题(1957年)
2l 在关于苏联发射成功第一颗人造卫星座谈会上的发言记录(1957年)
22 高超速钝体湍流传热问题(1963年)
23 宇宙飞船的回地问题(1965年)
24 激波的介绍
Theaerodynamics of supersonic biplanes
Strength of reflected shock in Mach reflection
On laminar boundary layer over arotating blade
A unique law for ideal incompressible flow with preserved pattern off initeseparation
On motion of submerged cylinder
On source and vortex off luctuating strength U~aveling beneath a free surface
Wave sproduced by a pulsating source U~ave lingbeneath a free surface
On optimum nose Curves form issiles in the superaerodynamic regime
On optimum nose Curves for superaerodynamic missiles
On a special bolzavariational problem and the minimization of superaerodynamic
Hypersonic nose drag
Nose drag in free-molecule flow and its minimization
Final mdash;stagedecay of a single line vortex
Final stage decay of grid—produced turbulence
通过直接数值模拟(DNS)研究槽道湍流的性质和机理。包含五个部分:1)湍流直接数值模拟的差分方法研究。2)求解不可压N-S方程的高效算法和不可压槽道湍流的直接数值模拟。3)可压缩槽道湍流的直接数值模拟和压缩性机理分析。4)“二维湍流”的机理分析。5)槽道湍流的标度律分析。1.针对壁湍流计算网格变化剧烈的特点,构造了基于非等距网格的的迎风紧致格式。该方法直接针对计算网格构造格式中的系数,克服了传统方法采用 Jacobian 变换因网格变化剧烈而带来的误差。针对湍流场的多尺度特性分析了差分格式的精度、网格尺度与数值模拟能分辨的最小尺度的关系,给出不同差分格式对计算网格步长的限制。同时分析了计算中混淆误差的来源和控制方法,指出了迎风型紧致格式能很好地控制混淆误差。2.将上述格式与三阶精度的Adams半隐格式相结合,构造了不可压槽道湍流直接数值模拟的高效算法。该算法利用基于交错网格的离散形式的压力Poisson方程求解压力项,避免了压力边界条件处理的困难。利用FFT对方程中的隐式部分进行解耦,解耦后的方程采用追赶法(LU分解法)求解,大大减少了计算量。为了检验该方法,进行了三维不可压槽道湍流的直接数值模拟,得到了Re=2800的充分发展不可压槽道湍流,并对该湍流场进行了统计分析。包括脉动速度偏斜因子在内的各阶统计量与实验结果及Kim等人的计算结果吻合十分理想,说明本方法是行之有效的。3.进行了三维充分发展的可压缩槽道湍流的直接数值模拟。得到了 Re=3300,Ma=0.8的充分发展可压槽道湍流的数据库。流场的统计特征(如等效平均速度分布,“半局部”尺度无量纲化的脉动速度均方根)和他人的数值计算结果吻合。得到了可压槽道湍流的各阶统计量,其中脉动速度的偏斜因子和平坦因子等高阶统计量尚未见其他文献报道。同时还分析了压缩性效应对壁湍流影响的机理,指出近壁处的压力-膨胀项将部分湍流脉动的动能转换成内能,使得可压湍流近壁速度条带结构更加平整。4.模拟了二维不可压槽道流动的饱和态(所谓“二维湍流”),分析了“二维槽道湍流”的非线性行为特征。分析了流场中的上抛-下扫和间歇现象,研究了“二维湍流”与三维湍流的区别。指出“二维湍流”反映了三维湍流的部分特征,同时指出了展向扰动对于湍流核心区发展的重要性。5.首次对可压缩槽道湍流及“二维槽道湍流”标度律进行了分析,得出了以下结论:a)槽道湍流中,在槽道中心线附近较宽的区域,存在标度律。b)该区域流场存在扩展自相似性(ESS)。c)在Mach数不是很高时,压缩性对标度指数影响不大。本文结果同SL标度律的理论值吻合较好,有效支持了该理论。对“二维槽道湍流”也有相似的结论,但与三维湍流不同的是,“二维槽道湍流”存在标度律的区域更宽,近壁处的标度指数比中心处有所升高。
可压平面混合层是包含复杂多时空尺度运动的非定常流体力学部问题,具有深刻的理论意义和广泛的应用背景。针对该问题所涉及内容的多面性,本文的目的是,基于高精度、高分辨率数值算法的构造、发展和数值行为分析,采用线性稳定性分析和直接数值模拟方法。从理论和计算两方面集中研究压缩性效应、粘性效应、初值效应以及燃烧反应放热效应等对可压平面混合层早期稳定性行为和大尺度拟序涡结构非线性演化的影响。以混合层已有研究成果的分析和综述为开端,论文主体共包括四部分:第一部分是可压平面混合层时间/空间模式数值线性稳定性分析。实现了高精度对称紧致差分格式(SCD)对可压粘性扰动线性稳定性边值问题的求解,对导出的线性和非线性离散特征值问题,提出了两个高效局部解法。研究涉及二维/三维扰动波、无粘/粘性扰动波、特征函数和特征值谱、第一/第二模态、超声速快/慢模态、速度比和密度比等。验证了对流Mach数Mc为一个合理的压缩性参数。指出压缩性效应和粘性效应对最不稳定扰动波的波数(频率)和增长率呈相拟的抑制作用,且时间模式稳定性分析结果在许多方面是可信的。从随机和线性扰动场出发,采用高精度五阶迎风紧致和六阶对称紧致混合差分算法(UCD5/SCD6)对可压平面混合层的稳定性特征进行了直接数值模拟,揭示了初始主导线性扰动与一些实际涡结构非线性作用形态间的内在关联,印证了线性稳定性分析方法的合理性和有效性。第二部分是高精度迎风紧致差分格式(UCD)时空全离散数值行为分析。导出了其一维/二维一般色散表达式。研究表明,UCD格式在高波数区具有内在的全离散耗散和色散特性;其数值群速度的快/慢特征可因CFL数不同而改变;在稳定CFL数下简单附加人工粘性可强化UCD格式在高波数区的耗散量;提高时间精度可放宽稳定CFL数限制;UCD格式的二维全离散色散介质中存在三个不同性质的数值波,其全离散稳定性由数值声波主控。第三部分实现了高精度UCD5/SCD6差分算法对空间发展可压平面混合层的直接数值模拟。通过亚谐扰动波的个数和扰动频率的控制,捕捉到了基频涡的饱和、一次和二次对并等现象,显示了大尺度涡结构与入中初始扰动方式之间的内在联系。利用参数Mc观察了压缩性效应对大尺度涡空间演化及其相互作用的影响。第四部分实现了高精度UCD5/SCD6差分算法对非预混扩散火焰化学反应平面混合层的直接数值模拟。研究指出,放热效应可抑制和延迟涡的形成,使基频涡卷拉伸甚至丧失,混合层Reynolds 应力ρu'v'和流向速度波动关联项u'v'下降,以致涡结构与外流动量交换和标量输运减少,脉动输运能力被削弱,从而混合效率、产物生成率和混合层增长率下降,放热主要通过膨胀效应和斜压效应来抑制大尺度涡的演化。
A new idea of drag reduction and thermal protection for hypersonic vehicles is proposed based on the combination of a physical spike and lateral jets for shock-reconstruction. The spike recasts the bow shock in front of a blunt body into a conical shock, and the lateral jets work to protect the spike tip from overheating and to push the conical shock away from the blunt body when a pitching angle exists during flight. Experiments are conducted in a hypersonic wind tunnel at a nominal Mach number of 6. It is demonstrated that the shock/shock interaction on the blunt body is avoided due to injection and the peak pressure at the reattachment point is reduced by 70% under a 4A degrees attack angle.
A quadtree-based adaptive Cartesian grid generator and flow solver were developed. The grid adaptation based on pressure or density gradient was performed and a gridless method based on the least-square fashion was used to treat the wall surface boundary condition, which is generally difficult to be handled for the common Cartesian grid. First, to validate the technique of grid adaptation, the benchmarks over a forward-facing step and double Mach reflection were computed. Second, the flows over the NACA 0012 airfoil and a two-element airfoil were calculated to validate the developed gridless method. The computational results indicate the developed method is reasonable for complex flows.
An approach which combines direct numerical simulation (DNS) with the Lighthill acoustic analogy theory is used to study the potential noise sources during the transition process of a Mach 2.25 flat plate boundary layer. The quadrupole sound sources due to the flow fluctuations and the dipole sound sources due to the fluctuating surface stress are obtained. Numerical results suggest that formation of the high shear layers leads to a dramatic amplification of amplitude of the fluctuating quadrupole sound sources. Compared with the quadrupole sound source, the energy of dipole sound source is concentrated in the relatively low frequency range.
The direct numerical simulation of boundary layer transition over a 5° half-cone-angle blunt cone is performed. The free-stream Mach number is 6 and the angle of attack is 1°. Random wall blow-and-suction perturbations are used to trigger the transition. Different from the authors’ previous work [Li et al., AIAA J. 46, 2899(2008)], the whole boundary layer flow over the cone is simulated (while in the author’s previous work, only two 45° regions around the leeward and the windward sections are simulated). The transition location on the cone surface is determined through the rapid increase in skin fraction coefficient (Cf). The transition line on the cone surface shows a nonmonotonic curve and the transition is delayed in the range of 0° ≤ θ ≤ 30° (θ = 0° is the leeward section). The mechanism of the delayed transition is studied by using joint frequency spectrum analysis and linear stability theory (LST). It is shown that the growth rates of unstable waves of the second mode are suppressed in the range of 20° ≤ θ ≤ 30°, which leads to the delayed transition location. Very low frequency waves VLFWs� are found in the time series recorded just before the transition location, and the periodic times of VLFWs are about one order larger than those of ordinary Mack second mode waves. Band-pass filter is used to analyze the low frequency waves, and they are deemed as the effect of large scale nonlinear perturbations triggered by LST waves when they are strong enough.The direct numerical simulation of boundary layer transition over a 5° half-cone-angle blunt cone is performed. The free-stream Mach number is 6 and the angle of attack is 1°. Random wall blow-and-suction perturbations are used to trigger the transition. Different from the authors’ previous work [ Li et al., AIAA J. 46, 2899 (2008) ], the whole boundary layer flow over the cone is simulated (while in the author’s previous work, only two 45° regions around the leeward and the windward sections are simulated). The transition location on the cone surface is determined through the rapid increase in skin fraction coefficient (Cf). The transition line on the cone surface shows a nonmonotonic curve and the transition is delayed in the range of 20° ≤ θ ≤ 30° (θ = 0° is the leeward section). The mechanism of the delayed transition is studied by using joint frequency spectrum analysis and linear stability theory (LST). It is shown that the growth rates of unstable waves of the second mode are suppressed in the range of 20° ≤ θ ≤ 30°, which leads to the delayed transition location. Very low frequency waves (VLFWs) are found in the time series recorded just before the transition location, and the periodic times of VLFWs are about one order larger than those of ordinary Mack second mode waves. Band-pass filter is used to analyze the low frequency waves, and they are deemed as the effect of large scale nonlinear perturbations triggered by LST waves when they are strong enough.
A new structure of solution elements and conservation elements based on rectangular mesh was pro- posed and an improved space-time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) scheme with sec- ond-order accuracy was constructed. Furthermore, the application of improved CE/SE scheme was extended to detonation simulation. Three models were used for chemical reaction in gaseous detonation. And a two-fluid model was used for two-phase (gas–droplet) detonation. Shock reflections were simu- lated by the improved CE/SE scheme and the numerical results were compared with those obtained by other different numerical schemes. Gaseous and gas–droplet planar detonations were simulated and the numerical results were carefully compared with the experimental data and theoretical results based on C–J theory. Mach reflection of a cellular detonation was also simulated, and the numerical cellular pat- terns were compared with experimental ones. Comparisons show that the improved CE/SE scheme is clear in physical concept, easy to be implemented and high accurate for above-mentioned problems.
The critical wedge angle (CWA) for the transition from regular reflection (RR) to Mach reflection (MR) of a cellular detonation wave is studied numerically by an improved space-time conservation element and solution element method together with a two-step chemical reaction model. The accuracy of that numerical way is verified by simulating cellular detonation reflections at a 19.3∘ wedge. The planar and cellular detonation reflections over 45∘–55∘ wedges are also simulated. When the cellular detonation wave is over a 50∘ wedge, numerical results show a new phenomenon that RR and MR occur alternately. The transition process between RR and MR is investigated with the local pressure contours. Numerical analysis shows that the cellular structure is the essential reason for the new phenomenon and the CWA of detonation reflection is not a certain angle but an angle range.