166 resultados para K. Michael Haywood
High resolution studies of a0/f0(980) decays into channels involving open strangeness are currently being performed at COSY-Jülich. As a “filter” for isospin-zero intermediate states, i.e. to selectively produce the f0(980) resonance, the dd→αK+K reaction was measured with the magnetic ANKE spectrometer. In order to determine the luminosity of this experiment, the elastically and quasi-elastically scattered deuterons were recorded simultaneously with the αK+K events. Here we report about the luminosity determination via investigating the (quasi-) elastic deuterons at ANKE.
The total cross-section for the dd → 4HeK+K reaction has been measured at a beam momentum of 3.7GeV/c, corresponding to an excess energy of 39MeV, which is the maximum possible atthe Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Jülich. A deuterium cluster-jet target and the ANKE forward magnetic spectrometer, placed inside the storage ring, have been employed in this investigation. We find a total cross-section of σtot < 14 pb, which brings into question the viability of investigating the dd → 4He a0(980)reaction as a means of studying isospin violation.
本实验是在中国科学院兰州近代物理研究所,国家实验室的重离子加速器上完成的.实验用OR-TEC公司生产的HPGe X射线探测器测量了84.5 MeV的12C4+离子轰击Cu,Mo,Ag,Cd,In,Sn,W和Au金属靶产生的K层特征X射线谱,计算了K与K-X射线强度的比值,并将结果与Scofield用Hartree-Fock-Slater模型计算出的理论值与用其它方法(如:衰变幅射,用光子,电子,质子等粒子与靶相互作用)得到的实验值进行了比较.比较结果表明用84.5 MeV的12C4+离子轰击Cu,Mo,Ag,Cd,In,Sn,W和Au金属靶产生的K与K-αX射线强度比值比理论值和其它实验值要大许多.