255 resultados para K-polynomial
Effect of air-exposure on reduction behavior of a Fe-Mn-Cu-K/SiO2 Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst
High resolution studies of a0/f0(980) decays into channels involving open strangeness are currently being performed at COSY-Jülich. As a “filter” for isospin-zero intermediate states, i.e. to selectively produce the f0(980) resonance, the dd→αK+K− reaction was measured with the magnetic ANKE spectrometer. In order to determine the luminosity of this experiment, the elastically and quasi-elastically scattered deuterons were recorded simultaneously with the αK+K− events. Here we report about the luminosity determination via investigating the (quasi-) elastic deuterons at ANKE.
The total cross-section for the dd → 4HeK+K− reaction has been measured at a beam momentum of 3.7GeV/c, corresponding to an excess energy of 39MeV, which is the maximum possible atthe Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Jülich. A deuterium cluster-jet target and the ANKE forward magnetic spectrometer, placed inside the storage ring, have been employed in this investigation. We find a total cross-section of σtot < 14 pb, which brings into question the viability of investigating the dd → 4He a0(980)reaction as a means of studying isospin violation.