139 resultados para Illinois. Developmental Center, Dixon.


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The biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is a new type of natural gas genetic theory, and also an clean, effective and high quality energy with shallow burial depth, wide distribution and few investment. Meanwhile, this puts biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in important position to the energy resource and it is a challenging front study project. This paper introduces the concept, the present situation of study and developmental trend about biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in detail. Then by using heat simulating of source rocks and catalysis mechanism analysis in the laboratory and studying structural evolution, sedimentation, diagenesis and the conditions of accumulation formation and so on, this paper also discusses catalytic mechanism and evolutionary model of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas formation, and establishes the methods of appraisal parameter and resources prediction about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. At last, it shows that geochemical characteristics and differentiated mark of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas, and perfect natural gas genetic theory, and points out the conditions of accumulation formation, distribution characteristics and potential distribution region on the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas m China. The paper mainly focuses on the formation mechanism and the resources potential about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Based on filed work, it is attached importance to a combination of macroscopic and microcosmic analysis, and the firsthand data are obtained to build up framework and model of the study by applying geologic theory. Based on sedimentary structure, it is expounded that structural actions have an effect on filling space and developmental cource of sediments and evolution of source rocks. Carried out sedimentary environment, sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary system and diagenesis and so on, it is concluded that diagenesis influences developmental evolution of source rocks, and basic geologic conditions of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Applying experiment simulating and catalytic simulating as well as chemical analysis, catalytic mechanism of clay minerals is discussed. Combined diagenecic dynamics with isotope fractionation dynamics, it is established that basis and method of resource appraisal about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. All these results effectively assess and predict oil&gas resources about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas-bearing typical basin in China. I read more than 170 volumes on the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas and complete the dissertation' summary with some 2.4 ten thousand words, draw up study contents in some detail and set up feasible experimental method and technologic course. 160 pieces of samples are obtained in oilfield such as Liaohe, Shengli, Dagang and Subei and so on, some 86 natural gas samples and more than 30 crude oil samples. Core profiles about 12 wells were observed and some 300 geologic photos were taken. Six papers were published in the center academic journal at home and abroad. Collected samples were analysised more than 1000 times, at last I complete this dissertation with more than 8 ten thousand words, and with 40 figures and 4 plates. According to these studies, it is concluded the following results and understandings. 1. The study indicates structural evolution and action of sedimentary basin influence and control the formation and accumulation the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Then, the structural action can not only control accommodation space of sediments and the origin, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbon matters, but also can supply the origin of energy for hygrocarbon matters foramtion. 2. Sedimentary environments of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas are lake, river and swamp delta- alluvial fan sedimentary systems, having a warm, hot and humid climate. Fluctuation of lake level is from low to high., frequency, and piling rate of sedimentary center is high, which reflect a stable depression and rapidly filling sedimentary course, then resulting in source rocks with organic matter. 3. The paper perfects the natural gas genetic theory which is compound and continuous. It expounds the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is a special gas formation stage in continuous evolutionary sequence of organic matter, whose exogenic force is temperture and catalysis of clay minerals, at the same time, having decarbxylation, deamination and so on. 4. The methodology is established which is a combination of SEM, TEM and Engery spectrum analysis to identify microstructure of crystal morphology about clay minerals. Using differential thermal-chromatographic analysis, it can understand that hydrocarbon formation potential of different typies kerogens and catalytic method of all kinds of mineral matrix, and improve the surface acidity technology of clay minerals measured by the pyridine analytic method. 5. The experiments confirm catalysis of clay minerals to organic matter hygrocarbon formation. At low temperature (<300 ℃), there is mainly catalysis of montmorillonite, which can improve 2-3 times about produced gas of organic matters and the pyrolyzed temperature decreased 50 ℃; while at the high temperature, there is mainly catalysis of illite which can improve more than 2 times about produced gas of organic matters. 6. It is established the function relationship between organic matter (reactant) concentration and temperature, pressure, time, water and so on, that is C=f (D, t). Using Rali isotope fractionation effect to get methane isotope fractionation formula. According to the relationship between isotope fractionation of diagenesis and depth, and combined with sedimentary rate of the region, it is estimated that relict gas of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in the representative basin. 7. It is revealed that hydrocarbon formation mechanism of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is mainly from montmorillonite to mixed minerals during diagenesis. In interlayer, a lot of Al~(3+) substitute for Si~(4+), resulting in a imbalance between surface charge and interlayer charge of clay minerals and the occurrence of the Lewis and Bronsted acid sites, which promote to form the carbon cation. The cation can form alkene or small carbon cation. 8. It is addressed the comprehensive identification mark of the biothermo - catalytic transitional zone gas. In the temproal-spatial' distribution, its source rocks is mainly Palaeogene, secondly Cretaceous and Jurassic of Mesozoic, Triassic, having mudy rocks and coal-rich, their organic carbon being 0.2% and 0.4% respectively. The vitrinite reflection factor in source rocks Ro is 0.3-0.65%, a few up to 0.2%. The burial depth is 1000-3000m, being characterized by emerge of itself, reservoir of itself, shallow burial depth. In the transitional zone, from shallow to deep, contents of montmorillonites are progressively reduced while contents of illites increasing. Under SEM, it is observed that montmorillonites change into illite.s, firstly being mixed illite/ montmorillonite with burr-like, then itlite with silk-like. Carbon isotope of methane in the biothermocatatytic transitional zone gas , namely δ~(13)C_1-45‰- -60 ‰. 9. From the evolutionary sequence of time, distribution of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is mainly oil&gas bearing basin in the Mesozoic-Neozoic Era. From the distribution region, it is mainly eastern stuctural active region and three large depressions in Bohaiwang basin. But most of them are located in evolutionary stage of the transitional zone, having the better relationship between produced, reservoir and seal layers, which is favorable about forming the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas reservoir, and finding large gas (oil) field.


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The effect of thermal treatment on H-MCM-22 and H-ZSM-5 zeolites was investigated using the electron spin resonance technique. A six-line signal (denoted as A, g = 2.048, A = 22. 15 G) was detected on H-MCM-22 after He purging at high temperatures, whose intensities increased with the treating temperature. The same signal was also found on H-ZSM-5 zeolites with different crystal sizes. The paramagnetic center was identified as a V center, namely, a hole of an electron trapped on an oxygen atom bonding to a nearby aluminum atom. These signals appeared only on a dealuminated sample or a sample concomitantly with dealumination. The formation of the hole might involve an electron transferring from the lattice oxygen to a nonframework aluminum species, and the hyperfine splitting is caused by the interaction between the electron hole locating on the p orbit of oxygen and the framework aluminum bonding with the oxygen. The signal disappeared after the sample was exposed to air or oxygen at room temperature. However, the process was reversible. A new set of signals (denoted as B, g(1) = 2.008, g(2) = 2.003, g(3) = 1.9985) was observed after oxygen adsorption on the H-MCM-22 pretreated with He at 973 K or He purging at 973 K on the H-MCM-22 pretreated with oxygen at 813 K, which was attributed to the O- species.


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本论文实验结果发现汉语阅读障碍在视听觉功能上有非语言特异性的感知觉加工缺陷:他们在完成视觉任务时成绩稍差,反应时延长,ERP波形成分的峰潜伏期也延长,波幅降低,尤其是左侧枕叶视皮层对右侧视野投射信号的加工效能差,这是首次报道他们枕叶视皮质的左右差异;他们完成听觉分辨任务时,对听觉分辨的效能比正常儿童低;尤其是在听觉相关电位中的表现,峰潜伏期延长,波幅降低。他们在视听觉双通道信号整合的加工上仍表现出ERP波形成分的峰潜伏期延长,波幅较低的现象;综合这三方面的结果,可以推论阅读障碍者可能对一般的信息进行感知觉加工的效能弱。 他们在同音字判断任务中表现出有语音意识缺陷:完成同音字判断任务的正确率与正常儿童有显著的差异;对假字的加工和形似同音字的加工产生的ERP波形均与正常儿童有显著差异,这种差异尤其在左脑更明显。 结合Franck的理论,推论汉语阅读障碍形成原因:汉语阅读障碍行为表现多种多样,这些变异性可能有一些共同的神经心理基础;由于出生前神经的异常发育,遗传的异常或环境的影响而导致的大脑左右两半球功能的差异,尤其左半球引起其对语言加工的缺陷,可能伴随出现视听觉等基本的感知觉功能障碍。