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近年来,由于对海区不合理的开发,我国浅海贝类筏式养殖接连遭受重创,这亟需从理论上和实践中确定养殖容量和养殖模式。本文在我国北方典型养殖海湾四十里湾对筏式养殖的贝类开展了现场生理生态学研究,对贝类对浮游植物等悬浮颗粒物的处理过程即贝类对颗粒有机物及营养元素C、N、P的摄食、吸收、排泄、排粪和生长进行了剖析,分析了贝类在沿岸养殖生态系中的物质和营养循环中所扮演的角色,为海区贝类养殖容量和养殖模式的最终确定提供了基础数据。另外,本文还对海水、沉积物及生物体中磷的分析方法进行了大量的实验工作。主要结果如下:① 比较系统地评述了双壳贝类的生物沉积(biodeposition)的原理、测定方法及其生态效应。贝类通过生物沉积在沿岸生态系中的物质和营养循环中扮演着重要的角色。国际上已有不少研究专门报道了贝类在海区现场的生物沉积。而在我国,这方面的研究却罕见。② 综述了双壳贝类各种形态的 N 和 P 排泄及其生态效应。对于我国广泛养殖 的栉孔扇贝、海湾扇贝和牡蛎等双壳贝类的TDN、TP排泄尚未见报道。 ③ 在6~7月,在四十里湾的不同养殖海区(8个站位)对扇贝的生物沉积进行了现场测定。在整个四十里湾海区,一龄栉孔扇贝(壳高 41.1±4.1mm,软体干重 0.48±O.10 g/ind))每个每天所产生生物沉积物干重平均为59.9mg,对颗粒有机质(POM)、颗粒有机碳(POC)、颗粒有机氮(PON)和颗粒有机磷(POP)的生物沉积速率范围及平均值分别为: 6.88、3.09、0.392 和 0.022mg/ind·d。还在一个站位测定了海湾扇贝(壳高 24.6±2.3mm;软体干重 O.14g/ind)的生物沉积速率为 24.3mg/ind·d,或179.2mg/g·d。不同站位一龄栉孔扇贝的生物沉积速率有较大变化,这主要与饵料浓度不同有关。二龄栉孔扇贝(壳高60.9±8.2mm;软体干重1.91±0.32 g/ind)的生物沉积速率平均为 112.7mg/ind·d,对POM、POC、PON和POP的沉积速率分别是一龄扇贝的1.85倍、1.68倍、1.77倍和2.33倍。养殖海区与非养殖海区比较,前者近海底沉积速率是后者的 1.51~3.47 倍。根据以上数据,作者计算了中等规格栉孔扇贝(用壳高 41.1±4.8mm 扇贝估算)在四十里湾在夏季每天的生物沉积量达 162 吨(干重),或18.6tPOM、8.37tPOC、1.06tPON和60kgPP。在四十里湾的贝类筏式养殖海区,可以估计贝类每年因生物沉积的生产而循环427tN和98.OtP(包括20.0t OP的贡献),它们能分别满足浮游藻类生产所需求N和P的17.0%和28.3%(其中OP贡献 6.9%)。可见,贝类在养殖生态系的物质和营养盐循环中扮演着重要的角色。高密度、大面积的贝类养殖使大量的生物沉积物聚集于海底,可能对海区环境产生冲击。作者分析,98年8月份烟台养殖区赤潮的发生很可能与海底生物沉积物营养盐的快速释放以及栉孔扇贝大面积死亡而使浮游藻类失去了摄食控制有关,而风平浪静和养殖笼对水流的阻挡也为赤潮的发生提供了有利条件。④ 采用半现场流水系统法测定了栉孔扇贝在不同养殖密度、不同养殖模式(扇贝单养、贝藻混养、贝藻参混养)中的生物沉积。实验时间尺度大,前后计80天。结果说明扇贝的生物沉积速率与其养殖密度呈反比关系。养殖密度的高低影响饵料浓度的变化(两者呈负相关的对数函数关系),而饵料浓度的高低直接决定着扇贝的生物沉积速率的高低,两者呈正相关关系(生物沉积速率与POC和叶绿 a 分别呈对数和指数函数关系)。不仅生物沉积物的数量与养殖密度(或饵料浓度)有关,生物沉积物的质量同样与养殖密度(或饵料浓度)有关。栉孔扇贝的养殖使沉积物的有机质含量及C、N 和 P 含量降低,且密度越高,它们的含量越低。这反映了扇贝对环境的适应能力。在海带和扇贝的混养模式中,海带对扇贝生物沉积物的数量和质量不构成影响,当然这是在海带不影响浮游植物数量的前提下得出的结果。而实际上在自然海区两者可能是竞争关系。⑤ 对从海区取回到实验室的多种滤食性动物,包括经济双壳贝类(栉孔扇贝、海湾扇贝、长牡蛎、贻贝、菲律宾蛤仔等)和养殖中的污损动物(栖海鞘、玻璃海鞘、藤壶、玟斑稜蛤)的 N 和 P 排泄进行了测定,包括排泄成分和排泄速率。在N排泄中,NH_4-H 占主要部分,如笼式养殖的双壳贝类 NH_4-N 占总N排泄的70%以上,平均值范围为70.8~80.1%。氨基酸是第二大排泄成分,平均占总N排泄的10~25%。其它形态的N,如尿素、亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐也有检出,如双壳贝类尿素氮在总氮排泄中占 2~5%。但在双壳贝类中未检出尿酸氮。比较而言,海鞘、藤壶的尿素氮相对高一些。在P排泄中,OP约占TDP排泄的15~27%。栉孔扇贝TDP排泄速率为0.281μmol/h·ind。作者以实验室测定结果计算,在整个四十里湾的夏季,所养殖的双壳贝类每天将排泄4.54t总溶解氮,其中NH_4-N 3.36t、Amino-N 0.69t、Urea-N 0.2t。 同时每天磷的排泄为0.57t TDP,其中OP O.15t。对面积为1.3 * 10~4hm~2的海区而言,贝类的N、P排泄分别能满足浮游植物生产所需N、P的44%和40%。尽管Urea-N所占比例有限,但也能满足海区浮游植物所需 N 的 2%左右。以上说二月高密度的贝类养殖对海区生态系统营养盐循环的影响是很显著的。附着动物(柄海鞘等)的N、P 排泄也不容忽视,它们分别能满足浮游藻类生产所需 N、P 的 ll%和 12%。它们一方面通过排泄和排粪加速营养盐和物质的循环对浮游植物的生长产生刺激作用;另一方面,对藻类产生摄食控制,如果海区中滤食性动物太多,即使营养盐再丰富也难以使浮游植物大量繁殖,这无疑将影响滤食性动物的生长速率。⑥ 运用近年来发展起来的生物沉积法对四十里湾半现场流水系统中贝类的滤水率、吸收率、生长率、生态效率等生理生态学参数进行了测定。栉孔扇贝(收获时规格0.194~0.412g软体干重/ind)滤水率平均为3.65 1/ind·h。扇贝放养密度和饵料浓度没有显著关系。扇贝的总摄食率平均为3.98mg/ind·h,对POM、POC、PON的 摄食率范围为0.84~1.87、0.335~0.748、0.0515~O.1293mg/ind·h。扇贝的摄食率随放养密度的升高而降低,与POM呈正相关关系。扇贝的吸收速率受密度和饵料浓度的影响不明显。扇贝对N的吸收效率较C、P稍高,对总有机质的吸收效率为75.9±4.1%,如此高的吸收效率与低饵料浓度有关。扇贝氨基酸泄漏所损失的能量高于排氨的能量损失。代谢能与吸收能呈明显的正相关关系。SFG与饵料浓度呈正相关关系。总生长效率K1(* 100)变化较大,范围为20~49;净生长效率K,K_2(* 100)随POM的升高而升高。扇贝对N的总生态效率范围为6.2~12.8%(平均9.9%),这高于对C(平均5.9%)和P(平均4.1%)的总生态效率。扇贝对POC、PON和PP的生长余力(SFG_C、SFG_N、SFG_P)平均分别为197、46.8和6.2μg/ind·h,它们分别与POC、PON和PP呈正比关系。扇贝对N的净生长率高于对C和P的净生长率。在N的预算中,如果仅考虑NH_4-N的排泄而忽视其它形态氮的排泄,将会产生很大偏差(平均约20%)。扇贝贝壳生长所需的能量在整个扇贝生长所需能量的9.0~15.1%(平均 11.2%);贝壳C、N和P在扇贝生长中所占的比例分别为10.5~17.8%、9.4~16.1%和8.7~15.O%。可见,贝壳不管在能量预算还是在元素预算中都不应该被忽视。理论计算而得到的SFG和SFG_C、SFG_N、SFG_P与扇贝的实际生长和扇贝C、N、P的实际增长量之间呈正相关关系,但前者明显过高地估计了扇贝的生长。⑦ 运用生物沉积法在四十里湾养殖海区现场对栉孔扇贝的生理生态学特征进行了研究。不同海区扇贝的滤水率有变化,一龄扇贝(41.1±4.1mm,软体干重 0.48±O.10g/ind)滤水率变化范围为 0.72~2.54(平均 1.27)1/ind·h 或 1.65~5.97(平均 2.61)1/g·h。与半现场研究结果一致,滤水率与TPM没有明显关系,而摄食率却与TPM呈正相关关系。二龄扇贝(软体干重 1.91±0.32g/ind)滤水率为 2.09~3.99(平均 3.10)1/ind·h。吸收速率与POM(或TDM)呈正相关关系,与饵料质量(POM/TPM)无明显的相关关系。吸收效率AE_(POM)与TPM(或POM)没有相关关系,却与饵料质量呈明显 的正相关关系。扇贝对POC、PON和PP的吸收效率平均分别为68.9%、64.0%和63.6%。不同海区SFG差别很大。一龄扇贝SFG范围为-O.174~24.08 J/ind·h,SFG与饵料浓度POM呈正相关关系。SFG负值的出现主要与低饵料浓度有关。SFG_C、SFG_N、SFG_P分别与POC、PON和PP呈正相关关系。在N的生长余力计算中,如果仅考虑NH_4-N排泄,而不考虑其它形态N的排泄,就可能产生相当大的偏差,偏差范围为11~360%,这高于半现场的偏差值,显然SFG_N越低,产生的偏差就越大。这说明在饵料不足、扇贝生长受到限制的环境下进行N生长余力的计算时必须考虑其它形态N的排泄。⑧ 对四十里湾养殖海区一些双壳贝类和藻类的化学组成和有机净生产量进行了讨论。不同双壳贝类的软体有机碳含量差别不大,而N含量差异较大。栉孔扇贝N含量最高(占软体干重的12.36%),而牡蛎、毛蚶软体N含量相对较低,为 8~9%。从双壳贝类贝壳的组成来看,贻贝和菲律宾蛤仔贝壳中N含量最高,分别为 0.55% 和 0.56%;而栉孔扇贝贝壳N含量相对较低,在 O.1%左右。贻贝贝壳有机磷含量 (308ppm) 也明显高于栉孔扇贝贝壳(62.1 ppm)。不同海区海带的 C/N 比值较高,变化明显,范围为17.36~30.23。石莼与此相似。大型藻类高 C/N 比值说明海区营养元素N的不足。海带的不同部位N含量差别很大,中带部和边叶在不同海区有较大变化,即对环境的营养状况比较敏感。紫贻贝贝壳中C、H、N 和 P 的含量在整个贻贝中占有相对大的比例,分别为 30.4%、30.2%、31.8%和 29.6%。
近年来,胶质类浮游动物尤其是水母类在近岸高生产力的海洋生态系统中的作用越来越受到全球科学家们的关注。这种关注很大程度上是由于近年来很多海域或海湾出现水母类大量繁殖的现象而引起的,这种现象与过度捕捞、气候变化、富营养化以及生物入侵等因素有着内在的联系,给人们带来经济,社会和生态等各方面的损失。这种损失包括:当水母大量出现时,由于它们与鱼类存在食物和捕食竞争,使渔业资源和渔业生产锐减;由于它们会堵塞和撕破渔业生产网,干扰了人们的渔业生产活动;另外水母增多增加了海滨游泳爱好者被蛰伤甚至死亡事件发生的频率,对旅游者们的娱乐行为造成不便。到目前为止全球范围内报道了许多水母大量繁殖并对经济社会或海洋生态系统造成负面影响的事件。在北海水母数量爆发的频率与气候相关的事实表明了该海域将要面临一个更多的胶质类浮游动物的未来。所有这些都表明海洋中水母的生态学问题仍旧是全球的一个研究热点。到目前为止,在世界上许多海湾和海区有关水母生态学问题的研究上,均已取得方方面面有意义的进展。但在我国,由于对水母功能群的研究缺乏足够的重视,对于大型水母来讲它们被认为是渔业生产的副产品或者‘垃圾’,在渔业拖网捕获后把它们直接扔入海中并不去研究;对于小型水母来讲,因为它们为非饵料生物,并且有易碎,粘糊糊等难操作的特点,对浮游生物网同步采集到的水母的研究力度远不如对其他浮游动物类群的研究力度,因此我国对水母功能群生态学的研究基础相当薄弱。 本论文基于以上背景对黄东海大型和小型水母类的生物地理分布格局进行了研究,对其生物量或丰度等生态学指标进行了定量研究。(1)利用浮游生物网样品对黄海小型水母类的种类组成及其丰度的时空变化进行了研究,表明黄海测区内小型水母整体丰度很低,且主要分布在50 m等深线以浅海域,各水母类群以及优势种类的季节更替非常明显。比较不同海区的小型水母的丰度水平及其占浮游动物丰度的比例,发现黄海的小型水母丰度水平最低,为0.8(0.04–1.3)ind. m-3,只占浮游动物丰度的 < 0.5 %,表明小型水母在黄海海域并非占优势的功能群。(2)在中国黄东海采集的沙海蜇和在日本采集的越前水母的COI基因序列差异(0.2%)处于种内水平,从分子水平上证明两者为同一个种类,基于形态学和分子生物学的证据,我国大型水母沙海蜇的分类地位可初步订正为:Nemopilema nomurai Kishinouye, 1922(Scyphozoa:Rhizostomeae:Rhizostomatidae)。(3)利用渔业底层拖网的方法对黄东海大型水母的种类组成,总生物量及各优势种类生物量的时空分布进行了半定量研究。结果共鉴定到11个种(类),其中沙海蜇(Nemopilema nomurai),洋须水母(Ulmaridae genus sp.)以及多管水母(Aequorea spp.)为黄海的优势种(类),沙海蜇(只在东海北部)和霞水母(Cyanea spp.)为东海的优势种(类);这四个种(类)的湿重随着伞径的增大成冪增长的方式。大型水母平均总生物量的季节变化模式为:3月份水母总生物量最低,为4.6 ± 9.4 kg km–2,春夏季随着海水表层温度的升高,大型水母的生物量逐渐增加,9月初水母的总生物量达到最高值,为22891 ± 25888 kg km–2,随后随着海水的温度下降,生物量也逐渐下降。洋须水母的生物量在10月份达到最高值(2780 ind. km–2,1807 kg km–2),主要在黄海中部出现。多管水母在5月份丰度最高,为8262 kg km–2,且主要分布在30N以北海域。 聚焦大量爆发的水母种(类)沙海蜇和霞水母,基于实测的拖网资料,提供了该种可见的浮游阶段1周年的地理发生和生物量数据;结果表明,这两个种(类)表现了不同的季节出现和生物量格局:首先是黄海出现的沙海蜇(5–12月在黄海出现),5月份少量幼水母体在黄东海的交界处出现,6月它们的分布范围在南黄海扩大,到8月末及9月初沙海蜇几乎遍布黄海,其生物量和丰度以压倒其他大型水母类的优势形成“bloom”(生物量占所有大型水母的96.7%,丰度占93%,在南黄海平均生物量20446 kg km-2,平均占渔获物生物量的86.1 %),10月份至12月,沙海蜇的生物量逐渐减少甚至为零,其分布区域也向北回缩。其次为东海出现的霞水母(5月–10月):霞水母在5月初达到生物量的高值(平均生物量为380 kg km-2),其伞径随纬度的升高而变小,8月至10月其生物量骤然下降。这两个种类的生物量高值分布在温度或潮汐锋区。结合水文条件及沙海蜇和霞水母关键的生活史策略推测了黄东海该种浮游阶段的生活史模型。 最后,通过对黄海8、9月份沙海蜇生物量的最高峰或暴发时期的呼吸率,摄食率进行估算,获得其每天对浮游动物现存量及生产力的潜在摄食压力,结果表明2006年9月在对沙海蜇最大捕获率的情况下,沙海蜇的摄食率为8.37(0.12–37.83)mg C m-2d-1,假设都以浮游动物为食,这时每天对浮游动物现存量及生产力的摄食压力分别为11.2%(0.17–50.6%),134.1%(1.98–605.7%)。因此在沙海蜇暴发期间对浮游动物的潜在的消耗非常大,甚至为毁灭性的。
根据长江口及其邻近海域鱼类群落的历史调查资料,综合运用主成分分析(PCA)、无偏对应分析(DCA)和典范对应分析(CCA)等群落排序方法,以及双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)等数量分类方法,分析了1998-2004年长江口鱼类群落结构,以及其相关环境因子的变化特征。从群落和环境两方面,分别探讨了其空间分布、时间动态和季节变化的特征,并着重讨论了环境因子对群落特征的影响程度。结果表明: 在空间分布上,自近岸到外海的水深、盐度、浊度、透明度、营养盐和悬浮物这一综合梯度,与鱼类丰度关系最密切。近岸区以营养盐丰富、初级生产力高等特点,为近岸的广盐性和半咸水鱼类提供了充足的食物来源;以高浊度和高溶解氧浓度,提供了良好的庇护所。外海区鱼类种类丰富,但丰度较低。南北方向上大致以31°30′N为界,鱼类群聚在特定季节表现出明显的空间分化。 在时间动态上,1998-2004年长江口及邻近海域生态环境的改变,驱动了鱼类群落的演替,具体表现为:三峡水库蓄水前,群落主控因子为水深、底层水温和底层溶解氧,蓄水后主控因子为表底层pH值、表层温度和表层溶解氧;蓄水后冲淡水量的减少导致海域内盐度升高,悬浮物的减少改善了浮游植物生长的光照条件;与此相关,春季和秋季鱼类群聚均发生了显著变化,海洋性鱼类和浮游生物食性鱼类在群落中比重分别有所增加。 在季节变化上,冬季环境以低水温、高溶解氧为突出特点,夏季则反之;春季表层pH值显著高于其他季节,而表底层温度与秋季相比偏低;秋季环境条件接近中等水平。受此影响,鱼类群落发生明显的季节性演替,主要表现为鱼类丰度的波动、物种组成和优势种组成的更替,以及各功能群相对比例的此消彼长。
根据历史调查资料,运用聚类分析(Cluster)、多维标度分析(MDS)、典范对应分析(CCA)、冗余分析(RDA)等多元统计学方法,探讨了长江口群落结构变异、初级生产力水平变化的主要影响因素。结果表明,与八十年代相比,长江口生态与环境发生了显著改变,环境因子的改变直接影响长江口浮游植物的群落结构,并且各季节长江口浮游植物群落结构变异的驱动因素不同。季节间浮游植物群落结构变异的主要影响因子为温度、盐度、透明度、营养盐,其中温度始终是首要的影响因子,同一季节之间(春、秋季),浮游植物群落结构时空变异的主要影响因素为营养盐,不同的浮游植物类群对环境因子的响应机制不同。 运用细胞体积转换法计算浮游植物细胞碳含量,估计了长江口浮游植物群落对生源要素碳的贡献量,并分析了浮游植物群落碳含量与长江口理化环境因子的相关关系。结果显示,盐度、透明度、营养盐(氮和磷)是制约长江口浮游植 物碳含量分布的主要因子。 通过室内实验,探讨了长江口浮游植物绝对优势种—中肋骨条藻物质输运能力与环境因子的关系,建立了其生长速率、单位细胞叶绿素a的含量、颗粒有机碳的含量与环境因子之间的关系模型。分析结果显示温度、盐度、光照强度对中肋骨条藻的生长速率、细胞内叶绿素a和颗粒有机碳的含量均有显著的交互作用。
毛颚类是海洋浮游动物中的一个重要类群,它是上、中层鱼类和幼鱼的食物组分之一,又摄食大量的其他浮游动物(主要是桡足类)及鱼卵和仔稚鱼,在海洋食物链中居于重要环节。毛颚类在胶州湾生态系统中占有重要地位,因此深入研究毛颚类生态特征对胶州湾生态系统动力学研究具有重要意义。 本文根据2006年9月—2007年8月胶州湾浅水Ⅰ型浮游生物网的调查资料,分析了胶州湾毛颚类的种类组成、数量分布、摄食、生物量和生产力情况。DNA测定结果表明:目前尚存争议的四种不同形态的强壮箭虫属于同一种。本次调查共出现毛颚类3种:强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)、拿卡箭虫(Sagitta nagae)和百陶箭虫(Sagitta bedoti)。强壮箭虫全年出现,并且在数量上占有绝对优势,其丰度在全年出现两个峰值,最高峰出现在8月,丰度达到99.03 ind/m3,次高峰出现在3月,丰度为86.48 ind/m3,年平均丰度为45.3 ind/ m3;拿卡箭虫和百陶箭虫在秋、冬、春季出现,丰度最高值都出现在11月,分别为0.62 ind/m3和1.63 ind/m3。 胶州湾毛颚类年平均生物量为107.92 mg m–2,年平均生产力为1.47 mg C m–2d–1,占浮游动物总生产力的11.6%。毛颚类对浮游动物生物量和生产力的摄食压力在冬季达到全年最大值,分别为5.71%和83.47%,由此可见毛颚类的摄食对浮游动物群落结构、生物量和生产力等产生重要影响。不同体长组摄食分析研究表明,毛颚类主要摄食体长在0.3—1.8 mm之间的中小型浮游动物,并且在不同季节,其食物粒径范围大小存在差异。
附着生物又称污损生物,是附生在海洋设施和生物体表面的动物、植物和微生物等生物的总称(Azis et al., 2001)。附生在养殖器材和生物体表面的数量巨大的附着生物,对贝类养殖和海湾生态系统内的物质和营养盐循环等多个方面产生影响。本研究以北方重要的养殖海湾----桑沟湾为研究对象,对贝藻养殖区附着生物的群落演替及其生态效应进行了研究。主要研究结果如下: ① 2007年5月至2008年5月,采用挂网的方法对桑沟湾栉孔扇贝和海带混养区的附着生物的季节变化进行了研究。结果显示挂网上的附着生物具有显著的季节变化特征,网片上的附着生物湿重与水温的变化相一致,生物量为3~1210 g•m-2。2月份附着生物的生物量最低,8月份最高。2007年9月至11月,对栉孔扇贝养殖笼上和贝壳上的附着生物种类和数量进行了研究。结果显示9月份养殖笼上附着生物的湿重约为1.94 kg,10月份降至0.99 kg,11月份又稍有增加,为1.03 kg。扇贝壳上的附着生物变化趋势与养殖笼上的相同,9~11月份壳上附着生物的数量约0.49~2.09 g。扇贝养殖笼上可鉴定的大型附着生物约23种,包括藻类、海鞘类、苔藓虫类、环节动物、腔肠动物、软体动物、甲壳动物和海绵动物等。玻璃海鞘、柄海鞘、紫贻贝和苔藓虫等是附着生物群落中的优势种。 ② 通过在栉孔扇贝和虾夷扇贝上壳上添加不同重量的“模拟附着生物”(速凝水泥)的方法,研究了贝壳上附着生物的重量对这两种扇贝生长和存活的影响。结果显示水泥重量是上壳重0.5-3倍的各组实验组扇贝的生长和存活与对照组(未添加水泥的扇贝)之间没有显著差异。说明贝壳上附着生物重量为上壳的3倍重时,也不会显著影响扇贝生长存活。9-11月份贝壳上的自然附着生物的重量约为1.47-2.09 g,为上壳重的28.16 (±38.6)%—31.29 ± (31.63)%。因此,贝壳上附着的生物重量不太可能对扇贝的生长存活造成显著的负面影响。 ③ 在桑沟湾现场测定了玻璃海鞘和柄海鞘的生物沉积速率。9月份(水温约24℃)玻璃海鞘和柄海鞘的生物沉积速率分别为32.14和90.06 mg•ind-1•d-1或(858.99 和467.76 mg•gdw-1•d-1),据此计算,养殖笼上的两种海鞘的生物沉积速率约为84.29 mg•m-2•d-1。海区的自然沉积速率为41.49 mg•m-2•d-1;玻璃海鞘和柄海鞘沉积物中有机质含量分别为14.34%和13.77%,对照组海区自然的有机质含量为14.36%;以上三者有机碳的含量分别为24.72%,23.74%和24.76%;氮的含量分别为0.27%和0.25%,自然沉积物中的氮含量为0.30%。9月份扇贝养殖笼上附着的海鞘将产生2588.16吨的沉积物,即向底部沉积363.77吨的有机物、6.99吨的氮和1.79吨的磷。 ④ 通过测定扇贝养殖笼上优势种附着生物--玻璃海鞘、柄海鞘和贻贝的摄食、呼吸和排泄,研究了这些优势种类对贝类养殖和海湾环境的影响。9月份(水温约24.5℃)玻璃海鞘和柄海鞘对颗粒有机物(POM)的摄食率分别为14.30 和17.01 mg• h-1•ind-1。根据实验结果计算这两种海鞘摄取的颗粒有机物相当于312个扇贝的摄取量,大于笼内养殖的扇贝的摄取量;玻璃海鞘和柄海鞘的耗氧率分别约为0.32和0.18 mg•h-1•ind-1,养殖笼上的这两种海鞘消耗的溶解氧约等于75个扇贝消耗的溶解氧。栉孔扇贝、玻璃海鞘、柄海鞘和贻贝的排氨率分别为33.66 ±11.34,117.90±23.46,35.91±6.22,28.08±3.41 ug NH4-N•gdw-1•h-1。以此估算,9月份玻璃海鞘、柄海鞘和贻贝每天排泄的氨氮约为654.08 kg,相当于16467吨栉孔扇贝(鲜重)排泄的氨氮。海鞘和贻贝排泄的氨氮可提供浮游植物等所需的2.75%的氮,可以提供1204吨海带的生长所需的氮。 ⑤ 一个养殖笼内的栉孔扇贝和全部附着生物(Scallop Culture Unit, SCU)在夏季(6-9月)对颗粒有机物的摄食速率约为43.13-98.94 mg/h,平均74.05 mg/h,期间桑沟湾养殖的栉孔扇贝及附着生物摄取的POM约为1279.58吨;同期,SCU对氨氮和磷(PO4-P)的排泄速率分别为125.59-1432.23 μmol•h-1和76.2-252.89μmol•h-1,期间桑沟湾养殖扇贝及附着生物排泄的氮磷分别为211.09 吨和83.79 吨。一串牡蛎及吊绳和牡蛎壳上的附着生物(Oyster Culture Unit, OCU),夏季摄食率为5-41.43μmol•h-1,耗氧率为16.54-41.76μmol•h-1,对氨氮和磷(PO4-P)的排泄速率分别为35.56-489.34μmol•h-1 和9.92-16.68μmol•h-1。以此估算,夏季OCU可摄取POM535.68吨,消耗溶解氧955.58吨,排泄氮磷分别为62.37 吨和15.50 吨。
The species composition and abundance of microzooplankton at 10 marine and five coastal stations (Hongdao, Daguhe, Haibohe, Huangdao and Hangxiao) in the Jiaozhou Bay (Qingdao, China) were studied in 2001. The microzooplankton community was found to be dominated by Tintinnopsis beroidea, Tintinnopsis urnula, Tintinnopsis brevicollis and Cvdonellopsis sp. The average abundance of microzooplankton was highly variable among stations. Specifically, the abundance of microzooplankton was higher at inshore stations and lower in the center of the bay (St. 5), bay mouth (St. 9) and outside the bay (St. 10). The highest average annual densities (346 ind./L) was observed at St. 3, while the lowest (55 ind./L) was at St. 10. Two abundance peaks were recorded in May (324 ind./L) and February (300 ind./L). The distribution of microzooplankton in three sampling layers at the 10 stations was relatively homogenous and the abundance decreased slightly as the water depth increased. At coastal stations, the highest average annual density was recorded at Hongdao Station (677 ind./L), followed by Daguhe Station (616 ind./L), Haibohe Station (400 ind./L), Huangdao Station (275 ind./L) and Hangxiao Station (73 ind./L). Furthermore, a 24-h sampling analysis conducted at Hangxiao Station revealed that the microzooplankton assemblages were characterized by a bimodal diel vertical migration pattern, with the highest densities occurring at dusk (154 ind./L), followed by dawn (146 ind./L), noon (93 ind./L) and midnight (77 ind./L). The density of microzooplankton in the Jiaozhou Bay was in the middle range of the densities of temperate coastal waters worldwide.
We collected fish abundance data in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary and adjacent waters in November 1998, May 1999, November 2000, and May 2001. Using the data, we evaluated the characteristics of the fish assemblages at each site and investigated the effect of several environmental factors. We used a multivariate analysis, including community ordination methods such as detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). We analyzed the biological community structure and environmental factors to determine their spatial distributions, temporal dynamics, and seasonal variations. Among the fish species, five exceeded 5% of the total abundance: Harpodon nehereus (42.82%), Benthosema pterotum (13.85%), Setipinna taty (11.64%), Thryssa kammalensis (9.17%) and Apogonichthys lineatus (6.49%). These were separated into four ecological assemblages: hypsithermal-saline, hypsithermal-brackish, hypothermal-brackish, and hypothermal-saline. We evaluated the degree of influence of environmental factors on the fish community. Our analyses suggested that environmental factors including water depth, salinity, turbidity, transparency, nutrient, and suspended matter formed a synthetic spatial gradient between the coastal and pelagic areas. Ecological and environmental factors changed temporally from 1998 to 2001, and drove the fish community succession. The environmental factors driving the fish community structure included bottom temperature, water depth, bottom and surface pH, surface total phosphorous, and bottom dissolved oxygen. This investigation was completed before completion of the Three Gorges Dam; therefore the results of this study provide an important foundation for evaluating the influence of the human activities.
The distribution, feeding and oxygen consumption of Calanus sinicus were studied in August 2001 on a transect across Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Waters (YSCBW) and two additional transects nearby. The distribution of C. sinicus adults and copepodites stage CV appeared to be well correlated with water temperature. They tended to concentrate in the YSCBW (>10,000 ind. m(-2)) to avoid high surface temperature. Gut pigment contents varied from 0.44 to 2.53 ng chlorophyll a equivalents (chl a equiv.) ind.(-1) for adults, and from 0.24 to 2.24 ng chl a equiv. ind.(-1) for CV copepodites. We found no relationship between gut pigment contents and the ambient chl a concentrations. Although the gut evacuation rate constants are consistent with those measured for other copepods, their low gut pigment contents meant an estimated daily herbivorous ingestion of <3% of body carbon in the YSCBW and <10% outside the YSCBW. However, based on estimates of clearance rates, C. sinicus feeds actively whether in the YSCBW or not, so the low ingestion rates probably reflect shortage of food. Oxygen consumption rates of C. sinicus ranged from 0.21 to 0.84 mul O-2 ind.(-1) h(-1), with high rates often associated with high temperature. From the oxygen consumption rates, daily loss of body carbon was estimated to be 4.0-13.7%, which exceeds our estimates of their carbon ingestion rates. C. sinicus was probably not in diapause, either within or outside the YSCBW, but this cold-water layer provides C. sinicus with a refuge to live through the hot, low-food summer.
The vertical distribution and stage-specific abundance of Calanus sinicus were investigated on three key transects in the southern Yellow Sea and the northern East China Sea in August 1999. The results showed that in summer C. sinicus shrank its distribution area to the central cold (less than or equal to10degreesC) bottom water in the Yellow Sea, i.e. the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water, remaining in high abundance (345.7 ind m(-3)). In the northern East China Sea on a transect from the mouth of the Yangtze River to the Okinawa trench, only a few individuals appeared in the inner side and none had been found either in the upper layer or in the deep layer of the outer shelf area. The population of C. sinicus in YSCBW consisted of mainly adults (46.83%) and C5 (37.41%). C1-C4 only accounted for 15.76%. The low proportion of the earlier copepodite stages and the high female:male ratio (11.39) indicated that the reproduction of C. sinicus in YSCBW was at a very low level due to the low temperature and low food concentration. It is concluded that the dramatic decrease of C. sinicus population in the shelf area of China seas in summer is caused by the shrinkage of its distribution area and the YSCBW served as an oversummering site.
The abundance of anchovy Engraulis japonicus larvae, >20 mum ciliates, copepod eggs and nauplii, and microzooplankton herbivorous activity were studied in the Yellow Sea in June 2000. Anchovy juveniles and larvae were found in only 6 of the 19 stations sampled. The ciliate communities were dominated by 2 species: Laboea strobila and Strombidium compressum. In the surface waters, the abundance of L. strobila ranged between 0 and 560 ind. l(-1). S. compressum only appeared at Stns 15 to 18 (20 to 3300 ind. l(-1)). L. strobila was found mainly in the top 20 m. The abundance of L. strobila was less than 50 ind, l(-1) in waters deeper than 25 m. S, compressum showed subsurface abundance peaks at the salinity abnormality. Tintinnids occurred occasionally with abundance lower than 100 ind. l(-1), The total ciliate abundance fell in the range of 40 to 3420 ind. l(-1). The ciliate biomass in the surface water and the water column ranged between 0,15 and 6.76 mug C l(-1) and 0.4 and 134.4 mg C m(-2), respectively, In the surface waters, the abundance of copepod eggs and nauplii ranged from 0,3 to 3.1 and 1,1 to 15.6 ind, l(-1), respectively. The average abundance of copepod eggs and nauplii in 4 depth (0, 5, 10 and 20 m) fell in the range of 0.2 to 2.8 and 1.0 to 29.4 ind. l(-1), respectively. As a food item of the E. japonicus post-larvae, the abundance of copepod nauplii and eggs appeared to be low. The abundance peaks of ciliate and E, japonicus post-larvae coincided. Although not found in the gut of E, japonicus post-larvae, aloricate ciliates might be ingested by first-feeding anchovy larvae, preventing initial starvation and prolonging the time to irreversible starvation. On the basis of dilution experiments with positive microzooplankton grazing rates, microzooplankton grazed at rates of 0 to 0.61 d(-1). Grazing pressure of microzooplankton on chlorophyll a standing stock (P-i) and potential chlorophyll a primary production (P-p) were 17 to 46% and 35 to 109% d(-1), respectively.
The abundance and biomass of ciliated protozoa and copepod nauplii were investigated at 21 grid stations and two anchored stations in the Laizhou Bay, Bohai Sea, China in June 1998. Dilution incubations were carried out to investigate micro-zooplankton grazing pressure at the anchored stations during spring tide and neap tide. The dominant species were Tintinnopsis amoyensis, T. chinglanensis, T. pallida and aloricate ciliates. A total of 13 species of tintinnids were found. The total abundance of ciliates and nauplii ranged from 30 to 2390 ind l(-1) at grid stations. Tintinnopsis amoyensis was the only ciliate found at the anchored stations and in concentrations which varied from 0 to 6700 ind l(-1). The spatial distribution of ciliates was patchy. Tintinnopsis amoyensis and T. pallida were distributed in the Weihe River mouth and Xiaoqinghe River mouth respectively. The aloricate ciliates, T. chinglanensis and Codonellopsis ostenfeldi dominated offshore in sequence. The water mixing process may affect the spatial pattern of the dominant ciliate species. The abundance and biomass of copepod nauplii were in the range of 0-140 ind l(-1) and 0-7 mu g C l(-1) respectively, with the peak appearing at grid station 15. The total biomass of ciliates and copepod nauplii was in the range of 1(.)5-25 mu g C l(-1). Water column biomass of ciliates and nauplii varied from 2(.)37 to 52(.)3 mg C m(-2). At the anchored stations, the phytoplankton growth rates ranged from undetectable to 0 21 d(-1) and micro-zooplankton grazing rates from 0 13 to 0(.)57 d(-1). The grazing pressure of micro-zooplankton were 12 to 43% of the chlorophyll standing stock and 84 to 267% of the chlorophyll (C) 2000 Academic Press.
The Bohai Sea was the site of the Chinese national GLOBEC programme. During the June 1997 cruises of R/V Science No.1, observations and experiments on zooplankton feeding were conducted. At five 48 h time-series stations the following observations and measurements on zooplankton were carried out: (1) diurnal vertical migration, by collecting samples at different layers every 3 h with a closing net; (2) diurnal feeding rhythms, by gut pigment analysis; and (3) ingestion rate, by both gut pigment analysis and the dilution method. A classification by body size was used to deal with the diversity of species and developmental stages of zooplankton assemblages. Samples were separated into three size groups: small (200-500 mu m), medium (500-1000 mu m) and large (> 1000 mu m). The results showed that the copepods (Calanus sinicus, Paracalanus parvus, Acartia bifilosa and Centropages mcmurrichi) performed clear diurnal vertical migrations. However, their behaviour was different at different stations. The variation in gut pigment content over the 24 h cycle showed strong diurnal feeding rhythms, particularly for the large size group. Gut pigment contents reached their daily maximum during the time from dusk to midnight (18:00-24:00). The peak value was about 10 times the minimum observed in the daytime. The in situ daily grazing rate, based on gut pigment contents and evacuation experiments, was 4.00-12.65 ng chla ind(-1) day(-1) for the small size group, 5.99-66.58 ng chla ind(-1) day(-1) for the medium size group and 31.31-237.13 ng chla ind(-1) day(-1) for the large size group. The copepods consumed only a small part (2.90-13.52%) of the phytoplankton biomass hut about 77% of the daily production. The grazing mortality rate of phytoplankton by microzooplankton (<200 mu m) measured by the dilution method ranged from 0.43 to 0.69 day(-1) The calculated daily consumption of phytoplankton biomass was 35-50%, and 85-319% of the potential production.
The spatial distribution of some large tintinnid species (nominally>76 mu m) was investigated according to samples collected by vertical towing in cruises to the southern Yellow Sea in summer 2000-2002 and 2004. Eight species were identified: Codonellopsis mobilis, Leprotintinnus netritus, Tintinnopsis karajacensis, T. japonica, T. kiaochowensis, T. butschlii, T. radix, and Parafavella sp. With maximum abundance of 158.2 ind/L in June 2004, C mobilis was the dominant species, lasting from May to July 2004. Tintinnid communities were patchy and distributed mainly in shallow waters along the shore.
In laboratory conditions, effects of rearing temperature and stocking density were examined on hatching of fertilized egg and growth of auricularia larvae of Apostichopus japonicus respectively. Data series like larval length and density, metamorphic time, and survival rate of the larvae were recorded. Statistics showed that for A. japonicus, survival rate (from fertilized egg to late auricularia) decreased significantly with the increasing rearing temperature (P < 0.05). At different temperatures SGR was statistically significant as well (P < 0.05) from day 1, and maximal SGR was found on day 9 at 24A degrees C (159.26 +/- 3.28). This study clearly indicated that at low temperature (< 24A degrees C), metamorphic rate was remarkably higher than at higher temperature (> 26A degrees C). Hatching rate was significantly different between 0.2-5 ind./ml groups and 20-50 ind./ml groups. Rearing larvae at the higher density had the smaller maximal-length, whereas needed longer time to complete metamorphosis. This study suggested that 21A degrees C and 0.4 ind./ml can be used as the most suitable rearing temperature and stocking density for large -scale artificial breeding of A. japonicus's larvae.