165 resultados para Consistent Conditional Correlation


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Through 2-3-year (2003-2005) continuous eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes, we examined the seasonal, inter-annual, and inter-ecosystem variations in the ecosystem-level water use efficiency (WUE, defined as the ratio of gross primary production, GPP, to evapotranspiration, ET) at four Chinese grassland ecosystems in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and North China. Representing the most prevalent grassland types in China, the four ecosystems are an alpine swamp meadow ecosystem, an alpine shrub-meadow ecosystem, an alpine meadow-steppe ecosystem, and a temperate steppe ecosystem, which illustrate a water availability gradient and thus provide us an opportunity to quantify environmental and biological controls on ecosystem WUE at different spatiotemporal scales. Seasonally, WUE tracked closely with GPP at the four ecosystems, being low at the beginning and the end of the growing seasons and high during the active periods of plant growth. Such consistent correspondence between WUE and GPP suggested that photosynthetic processes were the dominant regulator of the seasonal variations in WUE. Further investigation indicated that the regulations were mainly due to the effect of leaf area index (LAI) on carbon assimilation and on the ratio of transpiration to ET (T/ET). Besides, except for the swamp meadow, LAI also controlled the year-to-year and site-to-site variations in WUE in the same way, resulting in the years or sites with high productivity being accompanied by high WUE. The general good correlation between LAI and ecosystem WUE indicates that it may be possible to predict grassland ecosystem WUE simply with LAI. Our results also imply that climate change-induced shifts in vegetation structure, and consequently LAI may have a significant impact on the relationship between ecosystem carbon and water cycles in grasslands.


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The magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling is mainly manifested by the trans- porting processes of energy into the ionosphere , the energy is carried by solar wind and firstly accumulate at the magnetosphere, and the coupling processes also significantly include the interaction between the magnetosphere and ionosphere for mass and energy. At the quiet condition, energy is delivered by the large-scale convection of the geomagnetic field; the huge energy from solar wind bulk will be injected into and consumed at the near magnetosphere and ionosphere by the geomagnetic storm and substorm activities. Aurorae and FACs (Field-aligned currents) are the important phenomena in the coupling processes. In the present work, firstly, we analyze the activity characteristics of auroral precipitating particle, secondly, we study the distribution characters of large-scale field aligned currents (LS FACs) at storm-time using the observations from different satellites at different altitudes. Finally, we investigate the evolution of the geomagnetic field configuration at the nightside sector on the onset of the expansion phase in a substorm event, the substorm event happened at 0430UT to 0630UT on 8th Nov. 2004. The main results as follows: At the first, the data of the estimated power input (EPI) of auroral particles from NOAA/POES (Polar orbiting environmental satellite) for some 30 years have been analyzed. The variation tendencies of the EPI generally coincide with aa, AE and Dst indices. The annual variation of EPI shows equinox peaks and an asymmetric-activity with a higher peak in the winter-hemisphere than in the summer-hemisphere. The diurnal UT variations are different from north and south hemisphere: for north hemisphere, the peak appears at 1200UT, and the relative deviation is 22% to the daily average of the north hemisphere. For south hemisphere, the maximal deviation is 22% at 2000UT. So the diurnal variation of EPI is more dominant than the annual variation which maximal deviation is 3% to 12% for different seasons. Studies on correlations of the hourly average of EPI, Pa, with AE and Dst indices show a correlation coefficient r=0.74 of Pa and AE, and r=-0.55 of Pa and Dst. The hourly EPIs for north and south polar regions, NPa and SPa, show a north-south asymmetry with a higher correlation of SPa and AE (or Dst). Time delays of EPI with respect to magnetic indices are examined, the maximum correlation coefficient of Pa with AE (r=0.78) occurs when the time delay =0, suggesting a synchronous activity of auroral electrojet and auroral precipitating particles, while =1-2h, the correlation coefficient of Pa with Dst is maximum (r=0.57), suggesting that the activity of auroral particle precipitating may influence the ring current on some extent. Sencondly, we use the high-resolution magnetic field vector data of the CHAMP satellite to investigate the distribution of large-scale FACs during the great magnetic storm on 7th to 8th Nov. 2004. The results show that, whether in the northern or southern hemisphere, the number and density of large-scale FACs during the main-phase are more and bigger than these during the recover-phase, and the number of large-scale FACs in morning sector obviously is more than that in afternoon sector. In terms of the magnetic indices, we find that large-scale FACs in morning sector significantly affected by the substorm activities, while in afternoon sector the large-scale FACs mainly indicate the fluctuations of the ring-current in storm time. Accordingly to the former studies, similarly, we find that in the morning sector, the scale of the large-scale FACs move to the high-latitude region, and in the afternoon sector, large-scale FACs distinctly expand to the low-latitude region. During the time periods that the NOAA/POES auroral precipitating particle power data temporally correspond to the large-scale FACs, the more the power of auroral particle is, the more and bigger the number and density of FACs are. At the same time, we use the magnetic field vector data of POLAR obtain a good form of region 1, region 2, and three pieces of cusp FACs during a single transit at 1930UT-2006UT on 07th. And the characteristics of simultaneous electric field and energy particles observations on Polar are coincide with the five FACs pieces. Finally, by means of the observation of Cluster 4 and Goes 10、 Goes 12, we analyze the evolution process of the change of the magnetic field configuration at night sector at the expansion phase of a substorm event which happened during 0430UT to 0630UT on 8th Nov. 2004, we find that the times of the beginning of the polarizations of magnetic field are observed from Goes 10 to Goes 12 then to Cluster 4. So, at the synchronous orbit ( 6.6 RE) to 10RE distance scale of the neutral sheet, the current disruption spread tailward. Simultaneously, the strengthen of the FACs deduced from these satellites’ magnetic field observations are almost consistent with the times of polarizations, as well as the high energy particles injection and the electric field dominant variation. The onset times determined by the magnetic field polarizations from these satellites are all ahead of the onset time that confirmed from the auroral electrojet indices. So, these characters of different observations can be used as the criterions to determine the onset time for the substorms of such type as we studied.


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Stable isotope compositions of land snail shells have a great potential as an indicator of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes. However, some key issues, such as the relationship of carbon isotope between snail food and local vegetation, and the uncertainty of the dominant factors about snail body fluid changes in oxygen isotope composition, remain less well known, strongly limiting shell isotopic application. In this study, we measure the stable isotope compositions on the shells of both live snails and fossils collected from the Chinese Loess Plateau and a loess sequence at Mangshan, Xingyang, respectively. Based on the analyses, the association of the stable isotope compositions of land snail shells with their growing seasons is investigated. In addition, the climatic and environmental significances of isotopic differences among several snail species are discussed. The main results and conclusions are presented as follows: 1. δ18O values for the shell lip samples of Bradybaena ravida redfieldi range from -6.79‰ to -1.92‰, and parallels to the monthly changes of local rain water δ18O, temperature and humidity. The compatibility of shell lip δ18O with monthly modeled shell δ18O indicates that the shell lip δ18O changes are mainly resulted from the 18O variations of rain-water. The shells of a land snail growing in spring could be enriched in 18O, and those growing in summer depleted in 18O. 2. Carbon isotope compositions of snail shells are controlled by their diet, which is affected by the relative proportion of C3 to C4. There are some differences in carbon isotopic compositions among different snail species, especially between P. orphana and V. tenera or P. aeoli. Shell δ13C for P. orphana is the most positive with an average of -5.88 ± 2.54 ‰. The C4 plant fraction of the food for “cold-aridiphilous” taxa, P. aeoli and V. tenera, is distinctly lower than that for “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa, P. orphana, indicating that summer is likely to be the main active season of P. orphana and spring of P. aeoli and V. tenera. Therefore, some discrepancy of carbon isotopic compositions among different species may be related to snail active season. 3. δ13C values among different species have a certain degree of positive correlation, which may be influenced by local vegetation ecosystem. δ13C value of the snail shells (especially P. orphana) shows an eastward increasing trend and consists with the variations of C4 plants biomass in Loess Plateau. The result shows that the carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is one of the main factors influencing δ13C values of snail food. Therefore, both carbon isotopes of local vegetation ecosystem and snail active season contribute to the carbon isotopic differences among different snail species and in different areas. 4. δ13C values of living snail shells and soil organic matter have a positive correlation with each other, which further supports the view that carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is one of the main factors influencing δ13C values of snail food. However, the range of δ13C values of snail food for various species in response to carbon isotope in local vegetation ecosystem is different. It is suggested that 13C enrichment of snail shells relative to local vegetation ecosystem has a potential to indicate snail active season and the degree of climate temperature and humidity. 5. There is a significant negative correlation between carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of living snail shells in Loess Plateau. This result further supports that snail active season can be inferred based on the shell carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions. Moreover, there are some positive correlations between mean annual temperature and differences of shell δ13C values ( 13CV. tenera-P. orphana) and that of δ18O values ( 18OV. tenera-P. orphana) for P. orphana, a typical “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa, and V. tenera, a typical “cold-aridiphilous” taxa, respectively. It shows that  13CV. tenera-P. orphana and  18OV. tenera-P. orphana may have a potential to indicate mean annual temperature or the length of biological growing season. 6. Stable isotopes of land snail shell in the Mangshan loess sequence show that the shell δ18O value of “cold-aridiphilous” taxa V. tenera is more positive than “thermo-humidiphilous” taxa P. orphana and δ13C value of the former is more negative than the latter. In addition, the shell δ18O value of V. tenera varies significantly in different period. During the last glacial maximum, its δ18O value with an average of -7.89 ‰ is more negative than that (-5.88 ‰) from the last deglaciation to the early Holocene. This phenomenon indicates that its growing season during different period is significantly different. It tends to grow in summer in last glacial maximum. With climate warming, it prefers growing in spring with relatively low temperature. While the shell δ18O value of P. orphana varies in a little range, which shows that its activity season is shorter and mainly in summer. These results further support that the change of the snail growing season is one of the main factors of differences of carbon isotopic compositions among different snail species and varies with time. Furthermore, it is consistent that changes in magnetic susceptibility and trend of differences of shell δ18O values and δ13C values respectively between the two snail fossils. It is further testified that 13CV. tenera-P. orphana and  18OV. tenera-P. orphana may have a potential to indicate mean annual temperature or the length of biological growing season.


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Duobuza copper deposit, newly discovered typical gold-rich porphyry copper deposit with superlarge potential, is located in the Tiegelong Mesozoic tectonic -magmatic arc of the southern edge of Qiangtang block and the northern margin of Bangonghu-Nujiang suture. Quartz diorite porphyrite and grandiorite porphyry, occurred in stock, are the main ore-bearing porphyries. As the emplacement of porphyry stock, a wide range of hydrothermal alteration has developed. Within the framework of the ore district, abundant hydrothermal magnetite developed, and the relationship between precipitation of copper and gold and hydrothermal magnetite seems much close. Correspondingly, a series of veinlets and network veinlets occurred in all alteration zones. Therefore, systematic research on such a superlarge high-grade Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit can fully revealed the metallogenic characteristics of gold-rich porphyry copper deposits in this region, establish metallogenetic model and prospecting criteria, and has important practical significance on the promotion of regional exploration. In addition, this research on it can enrich metallogenic theory of strong oxidation magma-fluid to gold-rich porphyry copper deposit, and will be helpful to understand the metallogenic characteristics in early of subduction of Gangdese arc stages and its entire evolution history of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the temporal and spatial distribution of ore deposits and their geodynamics settings. Northern ore body of Duobuza copper deposit have been controlled with width (north-south) about 100 ~ 400 m, length (east-west) about 1400 m, dip of 200 °, angle of dip 65 °~ 80 °. And controlled resource amount is of 2.7 million tons Cu with grade 0.94% and 13 tons Au with 0.21g/tAu. Overall features of ore body are large scale, higher grade copper, gold-rich. Ore occurred in the body of granodiotite porphyry and quartz diorite porphyrite and its contact zone with wall rock. Through the detailed mapping and field work studies, some typies of alteration are identificated as follows: albitization, biotititation, sericitization, silication, epidotization, chloritization, carbonatization, illitization, kaolinization and so on. The range of alteration is more than 10km2. Wall alteration zone can be divided into potassic alteration, moderate argillization alteration, argillization, illite-hydromuscovite or propylitization from ore-bearing porphyry center outwards, but phyllic alteration has not well developed and only sericite-quartz veins occurred in local area. Moreover, micro-fracture is development in ore district , and correspondingly a series of veinlets are development as follows: biotite vein (EB type), K-feldspar-biotite-chalcopyrite-quartz vein, magnetite-antinolite-K-feldspar vein, quartz-chalcopyrite-magnetite veins (A-type), quartz-magnetite-biotite-K-feldspar vein, chalcopyrite veinlets in potassic alteration zone; (2) chalcopyrite occurring in the center vein–quartz vein (B type), chalcopyrite veinlets, chalcopyrite-gypsum vein in intermediate argillization alteration; (3) chalcopyrite- pyrite-quartz vein, pyrite-quartz vein, chalcopyrite-gypsum veins, quartz-gypsum- molybdenite-chalcopyrite vein in argillization alteration; (4) gypsum veins, quartz-(molybdenite)-chalcopyrite vein, quartz-pyrite vein, gypsum- chalcopyrite vein, potassium feldspar veinlets, Carbonate veins, quartz-magnetite veins in the wall rock. In short, various veins are very abundant within the framework of the ore district. The results of electronic probe microscopy analysis (EMPA) indicate that Albite (Ab 91.5~99.7%) occurred along the rim of plagioclase phenocryst and fracture, and respresents the earliest stages of alteration. K-feldspar (Or 75.1~96.9%) altered plagioclase phenocryst and matrix or formed secondary potassium feldspar veinlets. Secondary biotite occurred mainly in phenocryst, matrix and veinlets, belong to magnesium-rich biotite formed under the conditions of high-oxidation magma- hydrothermal. Chloritization developed in all alteration zones and alterd iron- magnesium minerals such as biotite and hornblende and then formed chlorite veinlets. As the temperature rises, Si in the tetrahedral site of chlorite decreased, and chlorite component evolved from diabantite to ripiolite. The consistent 280℃~360℃ of formation temperature hinted that chlorite formed on the same temperature range in all alteration zones. However, formation temperature range of chlorite from the gypsum-carbonate-chlorite vein was 190℃~220℃, and it may be the product of the latest stage of hydrothermal activity. The closely relationship between biotite and rutile indicate that most of rutiles are precipitated in the process of biotite alteration and recrystallization. In addition, the V2O3 concentration of rutile from ore body in Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit is >0.4%, indicate that V concentration in rutile has important significance on marking main ore body of porphyry copper deposit. Apatites from Duobuza deposit all are F-rich. And apatite in the wall rock contained low MnO content and relatively high FeO content, which may due to the basaltic composition of the wall rocks. The MnO in apatite from altered porphyry show a strong positive correlation with FeO. In addition, Cl/F ratio of apatite from wall rock was highest, followed by the potassic alteration zone and potassic alteration zone overprinted by moderate argillization alteration was the lowest. SO2 in Apatite are in the scope of 0 to 0.66%, biotite in the apatite has the highest SO2, followed by the potassic alteration zone, potassic alteration zone overprinted by moderate argillization alteration, and the lowest in the surrounding rocks, which may be caused by the decrease of oxygen fugacity of hydrothermal fluid and S exhaust by sulfide precipitation in potassic alteration. Magnetite in the wall rock have higher Cr2O3 and lower Al2O3 features compared with altered porphyry, this may be due to basalt wall rock generally has high Cr content. And magnetites have higher TiO2 content in potassic alteration than moderate argillization alteration overprinted by potassic alteration, argillization and wall rock, suggested that its formation temperature in potassic alteration was the highest among them. The ore minerals mainly are chalcopyrite and bornite, and Au contents of chalcopyrite, bornite, and pyrite are similar with chalcopyrite slightly higher. The Eu* negative anomaly of disseminated chalcopyrite was relatively lower than chalcopyrite in veinlets. Within a drill hole, the Eu* negative anomaly of disseminated chalcopyrite was gradually larger from bottom to top. Magnetite has the same distribution model, with obvious negative Eu* abnormal, and ΣREE in great changes. The gypsum has the highest ΣREE content and the obvious negative anomaly, and biotite obviously has the Eu* abnormal. Based on the petrographic and geochemical characteristics, five series of magmatic rocks can be broadly classified; they are volcanic rocks of the normal island arc, high-Nb basaltic rocks, adakites, altered porphyry and diorite. The Sr, Nd, Hf isotopes and geochemistry of various series of magmatic rock show that they may be the result of mixing between basic magma and various degrees of acid magma coming from lower crust melted by high temperature basic underplating from partial melting of the subduction sediment melt metasomatic mantle wedge. Furthermore S isotope and Pb isotope of the sulfide, ore-bearing porphyries and volcanic rocks indicated ore-forming source is the mantle wedge metasomatied by subduction sediment melt. Oxygen fugacity of magma estimated by Fe2O3/FeO of whole rock and zircon Ce4+/Ce3+ indicated that the oxidation of basalt-andesitic rocks is higher than ore-forming porphyry, and might imply high-oxidation characteristics of underplated basic magma. Its high oxidative mechanism is likely mantle sources metasomatied by subduction sediment magma, including water and Fe3+. And such high oxidation of basaltic magma is conducive to the mantle of sulfides in the effective access to melt. And the An component of dark part within plagioclase phenocryst zoning belong to bytownite (An 74%), and its may be a result of magma composition changes refreshment by basaltic magma injection. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronology study showed that the intrusions and volcanic rocks from Duobuza porphyry copper deposit belong to early Cretaceous magma series (126~105Ma). The magma evolution series are as follows: the earliest diorite and diorite porphyrite → ore-bearing porphyry and barren grandiorite porphyry →basaltic andesite → diorite porphyrite → andesite → basaltic andesite, and magma component shows a evolution trend from intermediate to intermediate-acid to basic. Based on the field evidences, the formation age of high-Nb basalt may be the latest. The Ar-Ar geochronology of altered secondary biotite, K-feldspar and sericite shows that the main mineralization lasting a interval of about 4 Ma, the duration limit of whole magma-hydrothermal evolution of about 6 Ma, and possibly such a long duration limit may result in the formation of Duobuza super-large copper deposit. Moreover, tectonic diagram and trace element geochemistry of volcanic rocks and diorite from Duobuza porphyry copper deposit confirm that it formed in a continental margin arc environment. Zircon U-Pb age of volcanic rocks and porphyry fall in the range of 105~121Ma, and Duobuza porphyry copper deposit locating in the north of the Bangonghu- Nujiang suture zone, suggested that Neo-Tethys ocean still subducted northward at least early Cretaceous, and its closure time should be later than 105 Ma. Three major inclusion types and ten subtypes are distinguished from quartz phenocrysts and various quartz veins. Vapor generally coexisting with brine inclusions, suggest that fluid boiling may be the main ore-forming mechanism. Raman spectrums of fluid inclusions display that the content of vapor and liquid inclusion mainly contain water, and vapor occasionally contain a little CO2. In addition, the component of liquid inclusions mainly include Cl-, SO42-, Na+, K+, a small amount of Ca2+, F-; and Cl- and Na+ show good correlation. Vapor mainly contains water, a small amount of CO2, CH4 and C2H6 and so on. The daughter minerals identified by Laman spectroscopy and SEM include gypsum, chalcopyrite, halite, sylvite, rutile, potassium feldspar, Fe-Mn-chloride and other minerals, and ore-forming fluid belong to a complex hydrothermal system containing H2O-NaCl-KClFeCl2CaCl2. H and O isotopic analysis of quartz phenocryst, vein quartz, magnetite, chlorite and gypsum from all alteration zones show that the ore-forming fluid of Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit consisted mainly of magmatic water, without addition of meteric water. Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit formed by the primary magmatic fluid (600-950C), which has high oxidation, ultra-high salinity and metallogenic element-rich, exsolution direct from the magma, and it is representative of the typical orthomagmatic end member of the porphyry continuum. Moreover, the fluid evolution model of Duobuza gold-rich porphyry copper deposit has been established. Furthermore, two key factors for formation of large Au-rich porphyry copper deposit have been summed up, which are ore-forming fluids earlier separated from magma and high oxidation magma-mineralization fluid system.


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Atmospheric dust as an important factor for climate feedbacks is mainly derived from and drove by the aeolian activities of the semi-arid regions in Asia. Therefore, reconstructing the history of aeolian activities in this region has a great significance in understanding the dynamics of past and future climate changes. This paper made a systematical sedimentology, geochemisty and high-resolution chronology analysis on the sediments from the Xiarinao Lake, which located in Hunshandake Desert, Inner Mongolia, and compared with the meteorological records for identifying the indicator of aeolian activities and climate changes. Based on above work, the evolution history of the aeolian activities and climate changes since 11,000 a BP was reconstructed and the dynamics of the aeolian activities and climate changes in the Hunshandake Desert was discussed. The indicator of aeolian activities was established through the comparison of the clastic and chemical records with the meteorological registers in recent 50 years: 1. The sediments of Xiarinao Lake are mainly derived from eaolian clastic materials and composed of two major components: one is the sand fraction (<4 ) similar to the composition of sand dunes, the other is the silt fraction (>4 ) similar to the atmospheric dust. The sand content and the median grain size, particularly the sand content, show a close association with the intensity of wind, indicating that the particle-size composition of the sediments reflect the variations of the aeolian activities. 2. The proportion of soluble salts relative to the total carbonates in the sediments was correlated to the arid degree registered in meteorological records, suggesting that arid degree might be associated with changes of wind speed and the relative proportion of soluble salts to the total carbonate could be used as the indicator of aridity. 3. The δ18O of authigenic calcite in the Xiarinao Lake show a well correlation with both the atmosphere precipitation and variation of the moisture indicated by the concentrations of soluble salts, suggesting that δ18O of anthigenic calcite is a reliable indicator of humidity. Based on above studies, the evolution history of the aeolian activities and climate changes since 11,000 a BP was reconstructed. At the same time, their association and underlying dynamics was discussed: 1. The evolution history of the eaolian activity was reconstructed by the sand content and median grain size. The result showed that aeolian activities had experienced several different climate periods in the Holocene: the aeolian activities fluctuated with a 500-year cycles during the interval from 10,900 to 8200 a BP; no significant aeolian activities had been developed from 8200 to 6300 a BP; during the interval of 6300 to 2600 a BP, sand content and media grain size had increased gradually, the sand content increased from about 5% to 25%, indicating the intensity of aeolian activity increased in the Hunshandake Desert; since 2600 a BP, intensity of aeolian activity has become stronger and activated the sand dunes. 2. The relative arid degree indicated by the proportion of soluble salts relative to the total carbonate show that both the wind speed and dry degree had being increased since 11,000 a BP. During the interval of 10900 to 6300 a BP, no detectable soluble salt was found in the sediments, indicating the humidity condition; the proportion increased to 20% from 6300 to 4200 a BP, showing the climate became drier; the little change of proportion (20%) suggest that the climate was relative stable during the interval of 4200 to 2600 a BP; after 2600 a BP, the proportion increased, showing the climate became further dry. 3. The δ18O evolution of the lake water was established through analysis of authigenetic calcite δ18O for revealing the variations of relative effective humidity in the Hunshandake Desert. δ18O maintained around -6 ‰ during the interval of 10900 to 8200 a BP, showing the climate was a little dry relative to that of the whole Holocnene; in the period of 8200 to 6300 a BP, δ18O had the most negative values, indicating that it was the most humid interval in Holocene; from 6300 to 4200 a BP, δ18O increased from about -7.5 ‰ to about -3 ‰ gradually, suggesting increased aridity; since 4200 a BP, the climate has become stable and dry. On the whole, the records in this study show that the variation of the relative humidity and aridity is consistent with that of summer monsoon in the Hunshandake Desert. The relationships among the grain size, soluble salts relative content, and the authigenic calcite δ18O indicate aeolian activities is controlled by the aridity in the studied area, and the increased aeolian activities is closely associated with the temperature changes under the relative dry condition. The high wind speed under the low temperature leads to the increased aeolian activity, and the temperature change associated with the aeolian activities might be related with the perturbations of the Siberian High Pressure.


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The discovery of the highly productive Renqiu buried hill reservoir in Bohai Bay Basin in 1975 started the high tide of finding buried hill reservoirs in China and their research. As the advance of E&P technologies, the study of buried hill reservoir in China had a qualitative leap. The reservoir description and some other aspects of development have reached or approached to the international leading level. However, some core techniques for reservoir study such as structure & faulting system study, formation prediction and connection study and heterogeneous model's construction could not completely carry out the quantitative or accurate reservoir description, e. g. the areal distribution of porosity, permeability and oil saturation. Especially, the modeling for reservoir simulation is still wandering in the stage of simplicity. The inaccurate understanding of geology could not derive 3D heterogeneous geological model that can reveal the actual underground situation thus could not design practical and feasible oilfield development plan. Therefore, the problems of low oil recovery rate, low recovery factor and poor development effectiveness have not been solved. The poor connection of the reservoir determined that waterflooding could not get good development effect and the production had to depend on the reservoir elastic energy, and this will bring big difficulty for development modification and improvement of oil recovery. This study formed a series of techniques for heterogeneous model research that can be used to construct heterogeneous model consistent with the reservoir geology. Thus the development effectiveness, success ratio of drilling and percent of producing reserves can be enhanced. This study can make the development of buried hill reservoir be of high recovery rate and high effect. The achievements of this study are as follows: 1. Evaluated the resources, summarized the geological characteristics and carried out the reservoir classification of the buried hill reservoirs in Shengli petroliferous area; 2. Established the markers for stratigraphical correlation and formed the correlation method for complex buried hill reservoirs; 3. Analyzed the structural features of the buried hill reservoirs, finished the structure interpretation and study of faulting system using synthetic seismograms, horizontal slices and coherent analysis, and clarified structural development history of the buried hill reservoirs in Shengli petroliferous area; 4. Determined the 3 classes and 7 types of pore space and the main pore space type, the logging response characteristics and the FMI logging identified difference between artificial and natural fractures by the comprehensive usage of core analysis, other lab analyses, conventional logging, FMI logging and CMR logging; 5. Determined the factors controlled the growth of the fractures, vugs and cavities, proposed the main formation prediction method for buried hill reservoir and analyzed their technical principium and applicability, and formed the seismic method and process for buried hill reservoir description; 6. Established the reserve calculation method for buried hill reservoirs, i. e. the reserves of fractures and matrix are calculated separately; the recoverable reserves are calculated by decline method and are classified by the SPE criteria; 7. Studied restraining barriers and the sealing of the faults thus clarified the oil-bearing formations of the buried hill reservoirs, and verified the multiple reservoir forming theory; 8. Formed reasonable procedure of buried hill reservoir study; 9. Formed the 3 D modeling technology for buried hill reservoirs; 10. Studied a number of buried hill blocks on the aspects of reservoir description, reservoir engineering and development plan optimization based on the above research and the profit and social effect are remarkable.


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A continuous long (224m) and high-resolution core TY2 was recovered from paleo-maar-lake Tianyang, tropical South China. Based on the diatom records of the upper 130-m core, this paper focuses on exploring climate change and the lake evolution history in tropical South China during the past 240ka. The most typical and unique characteristics of the diatom assemblages is that, Aulacoseira granulata was dominant or absolutely dominant species (80-90%) during most parts of the 130-m core, while Cyclotella stelligera var. tenuis and Fragilaria construens var. venter were subdominant species in only limited parts of the lower and upper core, respectively. Time scale is always the biggest problem for the study of TY2 core, so although diatom is seldom used for establishing time scale, here we attempt this by correlating the diatom-reconstructed temperature sequence with the time scale of ODP core 806B from Equatorial Western Pacific. Verified by the few most reliable ages from TY2 core and the parallel core TYl, a rather reasonable and reliable time scale was established. 01S 7/6 falls at the depth of 100m (ca. 194kaBP), OIS 6/5 at 75m (ca. 132kaBP), OIS 5/4 at 46m (ca. 75kaBP), OIS 4-3 at 35m (ca. 60kaBP). Qualitative and quantitative environmental reconstructions are made on the basis of diatom assemblage ecotype and EDDI dataset. Correlation of diatom-reconstructed temperature and moisture changes of Core TY2 with pollen-reconstructed temperature and rainfall sequence of Core TYl proves that the results are quite consistent in most periods. Thus the reconstruction results from diatom are quite reliable, and probably have a much higher resolution than pollen results. Combined with lithological and magnetic susceptibility variations, the diatom analysis reveals that, the general climate in tropical South China during the past 240ka was warm and wet. On the time scale of glacial-interglacial, warm and wet, cool and dry are not always synchronous. It was relatively warm-wet during the penultimate interglacial, cool-dry during the penultimate glacial, warm-dry during the last interglacial, and cooler-drier during the last glacial. In contrast, on the time scale of subglacial-subinterglacial scales, warm and dry, cool and wet corresponds very obviously, showing very clear 21-23 ka precession cycle. Analysis also shows that, the water of Tianyang paleo-maar-lake was generally warm, turbulent, turbid, meso-trophic, slightly alkaline, low conductivity and fresh during the past 240 kaBP, with small variations in some parts. Tianyang paleolake experienced shallow to semi-deep lake in OIS7d, open shallow lake in OIS7c-OIS5b, shallow coastal lake in OIS5a-OIS4c, swamp in OIS4b, and then completely dried up in OIS3c. The lake evolution was mainly controlled by temperature and precipitation changes in tropical China. While temperature and precipitation changes were probably controlled by the migrations of monsoon rainband and the evaporation rate, which was in turn controlled by the evolution of East Asian monsoon. Therefore, when the summer monsoon was strongest the climate was warm-dry, when stronger the climate was warm-wet; when the winter monsoon was strongest the climate was cool-dry, stronger cool-wet. This mechanism caused the warm-dry sub interglacial and cool-wet subglacial climate in the tropical South China.


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Because of the complexity and particularity, especially the result is more depend on the expert' s experience, the calculate method which is based on the simplicity mathematical model can hardly have any effective role in the oilfield .The coalescent method of artificial intelligence and signal manage in the correlation of reservoir use log curve has been put forward.in this paper. Following the principle of "controlled by classification and correlation by deposit gyration ". The system of correlation has been setup, which can identify "standard layer" first by the improved method of gray connection system, and then on the basis of identified "standard layer", interpret the fault, and last identify the layer in the reservoir. A effective method of "the consistent character of a reservoir "has been adopt to solved the puzzle of interpret the fault. On the basis of sedimentary theory and the quantity analysis of log curve shape of different type microfacies, a serial of different type micofacies' s models has been build that use eight optimized parameters, five of eight rationed parameters being used to describe microfacies with log curve, the distribution area of every parameters for the microfacies has been give. Because the classical math can only be used in the areas that principles are very clearly, not be fit for the description of geology character, so The fuzzy math integrate judgment has been adopt in the using log curve to determine microfacies; the accordance ration is 85 percent. A set of software has been programmed which is on the system of Windows. the software has the integration function of data process, auto-contrast reservoir layer, determination of microfacies using log curve, character the connectivity of sandstones and plotting of geology map. Through the application, this system has high precision and has become a useful tool in the study of geology.


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With the development of petroleum exploration, subtle reservoir has become the main exploration object in Dongying Depression, which requires some new technologies and methods to further reveal the geological characteristics in step with the mature exploration stage. In this paper, on the references to the studies of petroleum system and multiple oil-gas accumulation belt with flexible maneuverability, and the application of systematic theory, the concept of reservoir assemblage is initially defined as "the association of active source rock(s) and hydrocarbon reservoir(s) that are genetically related, with the bridge of pathway system in an oil and gas bearing basin". Compared with the theories of petroleum system and multiple oil-gas accumulation belts, it emphasizes on the processes of petroleum migration and accumulation and the correlation among active source rock, trapped hydrocarbon and migration pathway, and has been confirmed to be more suitably applied to high maturely explored basin. In the first study of this paper, sequence stratigraphy and subtle analytical technology of source rock have been employed to find that two categories of source rock with their characteristic types of organic matter and substantial states occurred in Dongying Depression. The first category, consisting of the oil shales within the third-order sequences of lacustrine expanding system tracts in the upper interval of the fourth Member of Shahejie Formation and both in the middle and lower intervals of the third Member of Shahejie Formation, is featured with the highest abundance of total organic matter (TOC) and the strongest abilities of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, which is classified into the standard of good hydrocarbon source rock. Exploration assessment confirmed that about 70-80% of hydrocarbon in Dongying Depression came from this set of source rock for which the low sedimentary rate and strong oxygen-free environment would play the key role during its generation. The second category, composed of organic matter of dark mudstone in high stand system tracts in the upper and middle intervals of the third Member of Shahejie Formation, has been characterized by low content of total organic matter which mostly dispersedly distributes, and formed in the pre-delta to delta front environments. In classification, it belongs to the ordinary standard of source rocks. In the second research part, through the studies of high frequency sequence stratigraphy, fault geometry and active history combining with geochemistry of fluid inclusion and nitrogen compound and simulation test of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, the faults have been thought to be the principal conduits, and the sandy bodies and unconformities might played the complementary pathways for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Dongying Depression of the continental faulted basin. Therefore, the fault activities may mainly constrain on the development of hydrocarbon pathways in space and time. Even more, using homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusion in digenetic minerals, three critical moments for hydrocarbon accumulation have been determined as well in Dongying Depression, which happened during the late stage of Dongying Formation (Ed), the early stage of Guantao Formation (Nig) and the early stage of Minghuazhen Formation (Nim), respectively. Comparatively, the last stage is looked as the main forming-reservoir period, which has also been supported by the results of geochemical analysis and simulation experiments of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion. Clearly, the times of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are consistent with those of the fault activities in Dongying Depression, which indicate that tectonic activities would control the forming-reservoir. A conceptual model of faulting-episodic expulsion coupled with episodic forming-reservoir has then been established in this study. In the third part of this paper, some focusing areas were selected for the fine descriptions of pathway distribution and forming-reservoir, which has given four types of reservoir assemblage in terms of the main pathway and its correlation with the reservoir and trap: (1) mainly consisted of sandy bodies; (2) mainly consisted of faults; (3) mainly consisted of unconformities; and (4) their complex with two or three types of pathways. This classified criteria has also been applied to access the risk of some prospected traps in Dongying Depression. Finally, through the application of reservoir assemblage integrated with pathway distribution to all the prospective targets in Dongying Depression, the new favorably hydrocarbon accumulated belts have been figured out, and more subtle reservoirs have also been found. For examples, during 2000 and 2002, in the mature exploration areas, such as Liangjialou and Shengtuo structural closures etc., newly proved reserves were 2274 * 104t, and forecasted oil reserves 5660-5860xl04t; and in the predicted favorable areas, newly additional controlled oil reserves was 3355xl04t. Besides those, many other favorable exploration areas need to be further appraised.


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In Asia continent, several significant environmental events happened during the Cenozoic era, such as uplift of the Tibet Plateau, formation of the Asian Monsoon system, aridification of the temperate inland region in Central Asia. To investigate the history of long-term palaeoclimate evolution during the late Cenozoic, a lacustrine sequence located at Sikouzi, Guyuan county, Ningxia-Hui Autonomous Region, was studied. The Sikouzi section is about 2880 m in thickness and has a general continuous nature according to field observation. Thus this thick lacustrine record is an important archive to further understand those environmental events. In this study, detailed field measurement, layer-after-layer description and sampling, and magnetostratigraphy and palynoflora investigations are conducted at the Sikouzi section and some preliminary results have been achieved as follows. Based on Hipparion fauna, pollen data and long distinctive patterns of the local magnetozones, the confident correlation of the Sikouzi magnetostratigraphic polarity to the GPTS (CK95) is best established, indicating that the top boundary of the Sikouzi formation is dated back to -19.8 Ma B.P. and consequently no Oligocene sediments deposited locally. On the other hand, both the field observation and the correlation to GPTS indicate a nearly continuous nature for the whole sequence. The palynological results show that the grassland has been a dominant vegetation in the Sikouzi area since ~19.8 Ma B.P, although some trees/shrubs were present sparsely during the intervals of relatively warm and wet climatic conditions. This implies that the onset of the aridification in northwestern China is dated back to at least 19.8 Ma B.P. ago. The Neogene Global Climatic Optimum (-16.0 Ma B.P.) occurring between the late Early Miocene and the early Middle Miocene is well documented in the Shanwang formation, Shandong Province. However, such event was not found in the Sikouzi record, and neither in the Guide and the Hualong basins, Qinghai province. This may lead us to the conclusion that the East-Asian Summer Monsoon system remained weak during the period of the Miocene Climatic Optimum although the onset of it was traced back to the Early Oligocene. In the Sikouzi area, it was warm between the latest Miocene and the early Pliocene and then became cool in the late Pliocene. This pattern is consistent with the palaeoclimate record of the Pliocene from other areas in the world.


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In this paper, We analyzed the geological and geographical settings of dinosaurs extinction at the end of Cretaceous, especially the effect of the change of the elements contents on dinosaurs extinction. We studied basis on the two typical sections-Cretaceous-Paleocene boundary (Baishantou section (in Jiayin, Heilongjiang province of China) and Arkhara-Boguchan Coal Mine section (in Far East of Russian)) and Longgushan section (in Jiayin, Heilongjiang province of China) mainly. This work provided some evidences for forecasting the effects of global environmental change on bio-circle. The followings are the primary gains: According to the paleo-climate indexes (CaO/MgO,Sr/Ba) and the results of Factor Analysis, we found that there were similar climate in Baishantou section and Arkhara-Boguchan Coal Mine section near the K/E boundary, and both of them took on the trend of temperature declining and precipitation heightening after transitory high-temperature and drought. There are similar change and evlution rule of the elements contents near the boundary in the both sections (Baishantou section and Arkhara-Boguchan Coal Mine section). Both iron group elements and chalcophile elements appeared obvious abnormity. There are not visible correlation between the change of elements contents and climate indexes. This shows that the elements abnormity maybe came from the factors excluding climate or the factors were too many to conceal the influence of climate. --The result of cluster analysis showed that the boundary between BST3-8 and BST3-9 may be the K/E boundary of Baishantou section, and the top of twofold coal were the K/E boundary of Arkhara-Boguchan Coal Mine section which was consistent with accepted conclusion formerly. By contrast of elements contents in dinosaur bones and general organism, in surrounding rock and general sand stone, the regulation of the change of elements contents in dinosaur bones and surrounding rock, we confirmed that dinosaur extinction in Jiayin were relative with the high abnormities of Sr, Ba, Pb, Cr and the low abnormity of Zn, at least, it was them which speeded up dinosaurs extinction. After a series of analysis, we concluded that dinosaurs extinction of this areas tied up with the relative high background values of geo-chemical elements , paleo-climate and disaster incidents. First of all, high background values provided the necessary condition for the accumulation of the elements. Secondly, the drought climate adverse to the survival of dinosaurs, and led them to extinct gradually. finally, disaster incidents, the eruption of volcano or the collision of aerolites, made them exit this planet.


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The main reservoir type in the south of Dagang Oilfield is alluvial reservoir. In this paper, the reservoir structure model and the distribution of connected body and flow barrier were built on base of the study of high-resolution sequential stratigraphic skeleton and fine sedimentary microfacies on level of single sandbody. Utilizing the static and dynamic data synthetically and carrying out the comparision of the classification method for reservoir flow unit in different reservoir, the criterion, which can be used to classify the flow unit in first section of Kongdian formation of Kongnan area, was defined. The qualitative method of well-to-well correlation and the quantitative method of conditional simulation using multiple data are adopted to disclose the oil and water moving regulation in different flow unit and the distribution rule of remaining oil by physical simulation measure. A set of flow unit study method was formed that is suit for the Dagang Oilfield on account of the remaining oil production according to the flow unit. Several outstanding progresses was obtained in the following aspects:It is considered that the reservoir structure of Zao V iow oil group- Zao Vup4 layerand are jigsaw-puzzled reservoir, while ZaoVup3-ZaoVupi layers are labyrinth reservoir,which are studied on base of high-resolution sequential stratigraphic skeleton on the levelof single sandbody in first section of Kongdian formation of Kongnan area and accordingto the study of fine sedimentary microfacies and fault sealeing.When classifying the flow unit, only permeability is the basic parameter using thestatic and dynamic data and, and also different parameters should be chose or deleted, suchas porosity, effective thickness, fluid viscosity and so on, because of the weak or stronginterlayer heterogeneous and the difference of interlayer crude oil character.The method of building predicting-model of flow unit was proposed. This methodis according to the theories of reservoir sedimentology and high-resolution sequencestratigraphic and adopts the quantitative method of well-to well correlation and the quantitative method of stochastic simulation using integrateddense well data. Finally the 3-D predicting-model of flow unit and the interlay er distribution model in flow unit were built which are for alluvial fan and fan delta fades in first section of Kongdian formation of Kongnan area, and nine genetic model of flow unit of alluvial environment that spread in the space were proposed.(4) Difference of reservoir microscopic pore configuration in various flow units and difference of flow capability and oil displacement effect were demonstrated through the physical experiments such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), constant rate mercury penetration, flow simulation and so on. The distribution of remaining oil in this area was predicted combining the dynamic data and numerical modeling based on the flow unit. Remaining oil production measure was brought up by the clue of flow unit during the medium and late course of the oilfield development.


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Surface pollen assemblages and their relationhips with the modern vegetation and climate provide a foundation for investigating palaeo-environment conditions by fossil pollen analysis. A promising trend of palynology is to link pollen data more closely with ecology. In this study, I summarized the characteristics of surface pollen assemblages and their quantitative relation with the vegetation and climate of the typical ecological regions in northern China, based on surface pollen analysis of 205 sites and investigating of modern vegetation and climate. The primary conclusions are as follows:The differences in surface pollen assemblages for different vegetation regions are obvious. In the forest communities, the arboreal pollen percentages are more than 30%, herbs less than 50% and shrubs less than 10%; total pollen concentrations are more than 106 grains/g. In the steppe communities, arboreal pollen percentages are generally less than 5%; herb pollen percentages are more than 90%, and Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae are dominant in the pollen assemblages; total pollen concentrations range from 103 to 106 grains/g. In the desert communities, arboreal pollen percentages are less than 5%. Although Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia still dominate the pollen assemblages, Ephedra, Tamaricaceae and Nitraria are also significant important in the pollen assemblages; total pollen concentrations are mostly less than 104grains/g. In the sub-alpine or high and cold meadow communities, arboreal pollen percentages are less than 30%. and Cyperaceae is one of the most significant-taxa in the pollen assemblages. In the shrub communities, the pollen assemblages are consistent with the zonal vegetation; shrub pollen percentages are mostly less than 20%, except for Artemisia and Hippophae rhamnoides communities.There are obvious trends for the pollen percentage ratios of Artemisia to Chenopodiaceae (A/C), Pinus to Artemisia (P/A) and arbor to non-arbor (AP/NAP) in the different ecological regions. In the temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest region, the P/A ratios are generally higher than 0.1, the A/C ratios higher than 2 and the AP/NAP ratios higher than 0.3. In the temperate steppe regions, the P/A ratios are generally less than 0.1, the A/C ratios higher than 1 and the AP/NAP ratios less than 0.1. In the temperate desert regions, the P/A ratios are generally less than 0.1, the A/C ratios less than 1, and the AP/NAP ratios less than 0.1.The study on the representation and indication of pollen to vegetation shows that Pinus, Artemisia, Betula, Chenopodiaceae, Ephedra, Selaginella sinensis etc. are over-representative in the pollen assemblages and can only indicate the regional vegetation. Some pollen types, such as Quercus, Carpinus, Picea, Abies, Elaeagus, Larix, Salix, Pterocelis, Juglans, Ulmus, Gleditsia, Cotinus, Oleaceae, Spiraea, Corylus, Ostryopsis, Vites, Tetraena, Caragana, Tamaricaceae, Zygophyllum, Nitraria, Cyperaceae, Sanguisorba etc. are under-representative in the pollen assemblages, and can indicate the plant communities well. Populus, Rosaceae, Saxifranaceae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, Compositae, Caprifoliaceae etc. can not be used as significant indicators to the plants.The study on the relation of pollen percentages with plant covers shows that Pinus pollen percentages are more than 30% where pine trees exist in the surrounding region. The Picea+Abies pollen percentages are higher than 20% where the Picea+Abies trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 5% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Larix pollen percentages vary from 5% to 20% where the Larix trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 5% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Betula pollen percentages are higher than 40% where the Betula trees are dominant in the communities" but less than 5% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Quercus pollen percentages are higher than 10% where the Quercus trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 1% where the parent plants sparse or absent. Carpinus pollen percentages vary from 5% to 15% where the Carpinus trees are dominant in the communities, but less than 1% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Populus pollen percentages are about 0-5% at pure Populus communities, but cannot be recorded easily where the Populus plants mixed with other trees in the communities. Juglans pollen accounts for 25% to 35% in the forest of Juglans mandshurica, but less than 1% where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Pterocelis pollen percentages are less than 15% where the Pterocelis trees are dominant in the communities, but cannot be recorded easily where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Ulmus pollen percentages are more than 8% at Ulmus communities, but less than 1% where the Ulmus plants mixed with other trees in the communities. Vitex pollen percentages increase along with increasing of parent plant covers, but the maximum values are less than 10 %. Caragana pollen percentages are less than 20 % where the Caragana plant are dominant in the communities, and cannot be recorded easily where the parent plants are sparse or absent. Spiraea pollen percentages are less than 16 % where the Spiraea plant are dominant in the communities, and cannot be recorded easily where the parent plants are sparse or absent.The study on the relation of surface pollen assemblages with the modern climate shows that, in the axis 1 of DCA, surface samples scores have significant correlation with the average annual precipitations, and the highest determination coefficient (R2) is 0.8 for the fitting result of the third degree polynomial functions. In the axis 2 of DCA, the samples scores have significant correlation with the average annual temperatures, average July temperatures and average January temperatures, and the determination coefficient falls in 0.13-0.29 for the fitting result of the third degree polynomial functions with the highest determination coefficient for the average July temperature.The sensitivity of the different pollen taxa to climate change shows that some pollen taxa such as Pinus, Quercus, Carpinus, Juglans, Spiraea, Oleaceae, Gramineae, Tamariaceae and Ephedra are only sensitive to the change in precipitation.


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The transportation and deposition of eolian materials of Chinese loess is correlated and effected by the monsoon from the mid-high latitude. Therefore study of the winter monsoon evolution can help us to understand the dynamic mechanism to climate changes in the east-Asian areas. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements have been carried out on the samples from the last 250ka wind -blown loess-paleosol sequences at Baicaoyuan and Luochuan. And the main conclusions are following:The magnetic foliation is almost horizontal of the two sections. AMS canthus be represented by an oblate ellipsoid with average K3 perpendicular to thebedding plane and Ki within the bedding plane. It has also shown that the ^-factor isless than 0.5 of the majority of samples. So the two sections are normal magneticfabric for sediments.The degree of anisotropy always shows a strong correlation with the foliationrather than with lineation, therefore the anisotropy is controlled by the foliation.Furthermore the foliation is nearly less than 1.02 and shows the typical wind-blownsediments anisotropy.The intensity of winter monsoon, grain size of the eolian inputs, the foliationand the degree of anisotropy are somewhat inter-related. Generally, the higherintensity of the winter monsoon will carry coarser-grained eolian material, therebyresulting in a larger foliation during deposition. Also the post-depositional compactioncontributes to the anisotropy.The AMS features between loess and paleosol are somewhat different. Wefound that the F, P values of paleosol are lower than that of its parent loess respectively. Moreover, the difference does also exists between the two sections. The anisotropy of Baicaoyuan is more significant than Luochuan section, which maybe related with the location and the intensity of the post-deposition reworks.5. We note that the declination of the long axis is NWW in Baicaoyuan section and the observed NWW direction of the winter monsoon winds based on AMS is consistent with the view that the winter monsoons prevail along the NW-SE direction. But at the Luochuan section, because of the strong affection of the post-deposition reworks, the direction of the long axis is nearly random in the foliation and hardly recognizes the paleowind direction since the last two interglacials.Correlation between the two loess-paleosol sequences implies that it is available in arid or semi-arid areas to take AMS to recognize the paleowind directions on the Loess Plateau.